  • Report:  #437716

Complaint Review: Hope Now Financial Services Corp - Cherry Hill Nationwide

Reported By:
- Arlington, Texas,

Hope Now Financial Services Corp
200 Lake Drive East, Suite 200 Cherry Hill, New Jersey Nationwide, U.S.A.
877-4673364ext 5706
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On March 6, 2009, I contacted this company. I saw a commercial on Tv, called Hope for Homeowners with Housing Rescue Bill. I called the number and did a search online. I found no bad information on this. I called and gave my infomation about my mortgage situation. Like most Americans now we were just trying to keep our home.

We were contacted by this Stacy Vetrone the Senior Modifications Consultant. She sent me an email with all the required documents needed. I was hesitant and had questions, because we were told the cost of $1895 had to be paid to retain the attorney to do the loan modification. We were told it would be held in an escrow account and if the loan modification was not successful, we would receive our money back. We decided to go ahead and try to get the lower interest rate of 4.5% to 5%. This would help us so much and have our taxes included.

Well we paid the money by March 13, 2009. I have been calling every since to find out status of the loan modification. When you call it says thank you for calling Hope Now Financial Services Corp. If you know your parties ext, press 1, if you need to speak to an attorney press 3 if you want the status of your loan modification, press 6, If you are lender and need assistance press 8, If you need directions press 9, If you need other assistance press 0 for the operator. Thank you for your business.

Problem #1- when you press 1 type in ext 5706 for Stacey Vetrone, goes straight to voicemail.

Problem #2- when you press 3 for an attorney, line rings, then you get a busy signal.

Problem #3- when you press 6 for status update on loan mod, line rings then you get a busy signal again.

Problem #4- when you press 8 for lender you get a voicemail with a mans voice telling you to leave your business name and phone number, he will call you back.

Problem #5- when you dial 9 you do get directions if you live in Cherry Hill, NJ you might know where they are talking about.

Problem #6- when you dial 0 for the operator, the recording says now transferring to an operator, then the line rings and you start all over again, no one ever answers any line or option.


have called 14 times in one day at all different times and never got an answer, not one time. I have left email and called and left messages. No one has ever called me back since March 13th. It has been two weeks now and my mortgage company is calling me about my payment. I sent my money to these crooks trying to keep from getting my home foreclosed on and now I am in worse shape than before. I am about to be two months behind on my mtg.

If I had just paid the payment to the mortgage company, I would only be one month behind, and I could have possibly caught up. I am a very hard working person, and I trusted these people to help us and I was taken for a very costly ride. It is not just the money, now I stand to lose much more than my home. I cannot pay car payments because I was trying to get a handle on my house payment. I may lose my marriage, cause my husband is so mad at me for this fiasco. It is not enough we have been ripped off for the last 4 years by so called politicians and our elected officials.

The people we put in Washington, have been stealing from us, gas companies are robbing us blind and now you have scum like these people praying on the select people who were caught up in the sub-prime mess, getting ripped off by the likes of these so called FHA- Mtg loan mod companies. I am so sick of the greed and crookedness in America it is not even funny. I am a God fearing christian women who believes in helping others. I cannot imagine anyone feeling good about what they have done to people who have already been hurt, buy stealing from them and lying and causing even more harm.

I strongly believe we can put these thieves behind bars where they belong. How does a country as great as America let this kind of stuff continue to happen. How come we can catch a low level drug dealer, but we can't catch the head ring leader. I am amazed at some of the stuff that we allow to continue for some people in this country, and can't seem to prosecute them. I have proof of every document received from this company, every fax or email sent. I have proof of payment. I have call records from my cell phone and home phone how many times I have called. I have a record of all information sent to this company. I fear now that if I have been scammed, they have all my information. I don't know what to do. We need someone to come to our aid and put an end to these kind of scam artists and not legal companies.

I need every penny of my money back. I am hoping the Attorney General can help us as taxpaying americans, hard working americans, legal americans, get our money back from these crooks, these are some really low life people to steal from someone who is about to lose their roof over their heads. That just really sinks low and it really sucks, to know you trusted them to help you and you got scammed yet again. I pray for their day in court, so I can look them in their face when they go to prison, and we will see who has the last laugh. I hope they get just what they deserve.

Can't believe it!

Arlington, Texas


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