  • Report:  #68794

Complaint Review: Household Bank - Wilmington Delaware

Reported By:
- league city, Texas,

Household Bank
Box 15521 Wilmington, 19850 Delaware, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I had made purchases at Best Buy, who uses Household Bank. My address had changed; I was using a Mail Boxes Etc. PO box. I had not used my Best Buy account in a year or so, so I never received any billings from them. I had not up-dated my address. 6 months after not paying on my purchases, they 'found' me.

No bill was ever sent to my current address; mail boxes etc. does not forward mail after the po box is closed. I was charged $375 for a $250 purchase. I requested a bill be sent to me at my curernt address, but they just wanted me to pay RIGHT NOW on the phone.

I received the bill, paid it, and the SOB's put it on my credit report. I wrote them explaining I never received a bill; it fell on deaf ears. I encourage everyone to stay away from Best Buy, and anyone else who uses Household. They are nasty people to do business with.


league city, Texas

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