  • Report:  #25794

Complaint Review: HRSUSA - Wilmington, Delaware

Reported By:
- Houston,, TX,

PO Box 15521 Wi9lmington, DE 19850 Wilmington,, Delaware, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My account originally started with Computer City in Hawaii. About two years after I started the account, I was informed that HRS, USA would be taking over the account and Computer City would be merging with CompUSA. No problem...I was able to make my payments at the store since it was so close by.

A few months into this, I was informed that I would no longer be able to make payments in the store due to a revised company policy. My payments had always been on time up to this point. At this time I was stationed in Hawaii and did not calculate the extra days I may have needed to get my payment in on time. BAM!!! a 29.00 late fee and the payment made it there that day but did not post until three days later. One of the snotty and extremely unpleasant ccustomer services reps informed me of such and suggested that I make sure my payment got there at least 2-3 days prior to the due date.

I was under the impression that if it got there before the due date then no late fees would be charged. My payment got there on the 29th and it is due on the 30th.

What gives? I did not like that, so I asked if there was another way for me to get my payment in besides mailing it. Electronic payment, payment on line, etc. I was then informed that for a fee of $2.00, I could make my payment over the phone.

Now the account I have is under my brothers name and I make the payments. If I had the account number and the method of payment, on an account that I had been paying on for nearly 3 years, paid off and then upgraded to the latest computer, why should it matter what relation I am to him? And why should I need to get my brothers permission to make payments on this account?

I made 6 payments over the phone and the 7th time I was informed that it would no longer be a $2 fee but now a $10 fee.

It seems to me that HRS,USA realized that they had an abundant amount of payments being made over the phone and decided this would be anpother way to rip us off and raised their fee $8.

They need to get with the times and get on the internet.

Disgruntled customer? I think so and I will pay this off as soon as I can get around the ridiculous finance charge...(make a payment of $75 -$100 and they take $50-75 and apply the rest to my account. This account will no longer be used and I will be sure to inform all of those around me to steer clear of these rip off artists AKA HRS, USA.


Houston, Texas

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