  • Report:  #250290

Complaint Review: HSBC AUTO FINANCE - San Diego California

Reported By:
- Felton, Pennsylvania,

5855 Copley Dr San Diego, 92111 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I made a auto loan with HSBC back in 2003 a couple of months before my injury at work. Anyway my payment was $447.00 a month and everything was fine until I got hurt at work I fell and ruptured 2 discs had surgery that did not go well and now I am disabled and can not work. So after I got hurt I tried to contact HSBC to let them know what was going on and if there was any help they could give me so I would not lose my truck being my only transportation back and forth to the doctors. My wife drives the truck now as I can not drive because of now anixty, Depression, Panic attacks and pain and medication etc.

Anyways I had to call the Pa Attorney general because HSBC refused to help me in my situation all HSBC would do is keep adding late fees and so on. After I got the PA attorney general involved he got my Payment down to $223.00 a month and the interest rate from 17.9% down to 5%. So now everything again was going ok so lateness do to workers compensation checks from the insurance company coming late. If you been in this situation you know what I am talking about.

So 4/1/2007 workers compensation the insurance company for my company stopped my checks do to me reaching MMI (Maxim Medical Improvement) and did not even contact me about it. So here I am no money to pay bills all hell is coming down around me. So Being as helpful as HSBC is they repoed my truck on 4/18/2007 I think it was.

Anyways 5/1/2007 my lawyer got my checks started back up and I paid all the back payments and 1 month in advance as I had to too get the truck out of repo. Ok now I have paid everything and now there is a repo fee from HSBC for $400. ok so they said it will be put on the back of the loan. I said fine thats great. So I made my regular payments on time But now I keep getting this monthly statement in the mail for $768.16 witch is $287 my regular monthly payment $115.00 loan short amount $480 sum dollars for other fees.

So I am now dumb founded so I called HSBC to found out what is going on and why is it that I make my $287 monthly payment it goes to these other fees? The other fees are the repo fees that I have yet to receive anything from HSBC telling me what the fees are. So the lady on the phone not knowing a lick of English says your account is on time. I said how can that bee when I call and it says my account is in default because you are applying my monthly fee to this other fee (Repo fee) ok so I said I sent $304 dollars on 5/ 10/2007 and the rest on the 20th and my new statement still says $768.00. She said the statement is right the repo fee is not paid yet. So I said I paid the repo fee why is it still on there? She said it will be paid when the full amount is paid. I asked they said it was $400. She said you would have to contact the repo department. I did and they sent me back to her.

What the hell is going on here? I see whats going on they added interest rate to the repo fee and when I made my monthly payment not knowing about them applying it to the repo fee made my account late and then they added late fees to my monthly account. I am getting screwed big time here AGAIN. This company is as bad as it gets. So now I contacted the PA attorney general again because he said they should by law have sent me a statement about the repo fees.

So here I go again round 2 with HSBC. I wonder how many illegal immigrants' work for this company because none of them know how to speak a lick of English. Its really said that a company can operate above the radar and not a thing is done to them as they keep screwing people everyday and destroying people lives. This company should be put out of business as for all the class action law suits against them.

If you are being screwed by the Company please contact your state attorney general as they will help you. And the more complaints coming into the states attorney general will ring a bell and raise some flags as this company is a fraud. I really wished I would have did my homework on this company before I even got involved with them. But I can say one thing and that is never again will I ever do business with this company again no matter what.

People stand up for your rights and contact your attorney general they will let you know if you are in the right or in the wrong.


Felton, Pennsylvania


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