  • Report:  #363384

Complaint Review: Hughie Tremblett - Alberta

Reported By:
- none, Other,

Hughie Tremblett
Alberta, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
i am 19 years old my mom got away from my "sperm doner" (he does not deserve the name father or dad) he has never paid child suport for me or my brother. he lives with his girlfriend they have been together for many years now, he clams he does not work , and no bills are in his name , everything is in her name , the house , car and i was told a boat. my mother never complains about the fact that he does not pay , she says she got us and we are safe so he can keep his money if it makes him feel like he has her beat.

hughie used to beat my mother, he keeped a gun and said he would kill us. 5 years ago my pop died and i wanted to go to his funneral but we where passed a message that if we should up we would be killed as he would strangle us .

hughie is not the only one like this in his family , he has 4 brothers and only one has rights to see his kids all the rest have restraning orders against them and do not pay child suport.

when i was young i would wake up in the night crying , i had a map over my head that should me where he was and where i was , to show me how far away he was and how he could not come and hurt me or my family. my brother and i had to go without things that other familys had , like summer camp, big feild trips with school .

recintly i have been talking to people and i have come to beleave that its not right , what has happened i want him to pay in some way for all the trama i have gone through. my brother does not remember him but i do. is it not his right to suport us ?

i was told that if i wanted i could go after him for emotional trama , but i now he would never show up in court and if he did, he will say he does not work and he has no job. i dont now how to go about getting things in order and what are my chances of getting anything from this , would it just be trubble for me , or would i get to face him and hear him say sorry.

i was told also that he was posted on deadbeat dad, but i cant find the site to check .

does anyone now anything about him , the site or what if it would be worth it for me emotionaly to go after him?

i have some information on him but it is little .




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