  • Report:  #437766

Complaint Review: IMVUpay - Internet

Reported By:
- Surrey, British Columbia,

www.imvupay.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I had been a fairly frequent user of IMVUpay up until 2 years ago. Things always went fairly smoothly, I would sell my credits and within a couple of weeks I would have my money in my bank account. Then Sept 2008 I sold a number of credits on IMVUpay. I then requested the USD in my account be deposited into my bank account. The estimated process time was one week.

That week came and went without word from IMVUpay. I sent them an e-mail regarding my withdrawal but it went unanswered. Another week passed and I noted that the process date had been moved to two more weeks away. I send another email to them, this time recieving a form letter explaining that there had been some problems with paypal needing paperwork from them which had backed the payment system up, but that I would receive my money soon. The processing date came and went and I still had not received my money. The remaining emails went unanswered. Through this whole time there was no mention of fraud. Months into this I found out the truth of what had happened.

IMVUpay was unprofessional in dealing with the situation. Their TOS stated that they take preventive measures against fraud. And they failed to inform those of us that were directly affected by the situation that there had even been fraudulent activities. Mid December after several failed attempts to contact them I filed a complaint with the BBB. I received a response several days later claiming that I had never attemped to contact them and that the BBB were to instruct me to contact them myself. I send them a loud and clear response calling them out on their direct lie regarding my attempts to contact them.

This apparently got their attention, they responded with a form letter explaining the process they were developing for payment. That all vendors would receive their money within the following year...yes you read right, they owed some people thousands of dollars, and they are talking a year for payment, for a service which they had claimed would be fast. They owed me a small amount in the grand scheme of things but it was the principle of the matter that had got me on them about it.

A day later, in the IMVUpay group on IMVU, I found out that IMVUpay intented to take a fee from what they owed me. I sent them an email refusing to allow them to take the fee, as their justification is that Paypal would take a larger fee from me. Stating that it did not make sense, they would be taking 10% of what they owed me, to save me from paying 3% to paypal. (which with my account I would not have had to anyways). I stated that if they failed to deposit my full amount into my account that I would file another report with the BBB. The response I received made me feel like my head would explode

"We're charging fees incurred by us for using masspay.

You'll receive the full 20.27 in your paypal account, instead of getting 22.27 and then sending 3% to paypal."

Ok, so your math skills are questionable here...could this be why the company is failing,

I sent another response explaining that I would not let them take the 10% to prevent a 3% payment to paypal. This time they sent me a proper response and manually made the payment. December 29th. I requested my withdrawl sometime in the middle of September, a service they stated takes between 5-10 business days.

By now IMVUpay 2.0 was up and running (a site they made while they were ignoring our emails and phone calls). And a few months later I figure I'll give them another shot. I sell my credits, and find out that, oh right, of course the system isn't instant like the website claims. And of course no one is receiving their credits or their money.

They are now claiming they are selling the site, deleting posts in the IMVUpay group, while their pages and the website have no mention that there is anything wrong with the system, leading more people to get sucked into this crappy situation.

I have kept all of my emails to IMVU pay as well as all their responses in case it comes to legal action..

But until the sale goes through and these two no longer have any association with the company do NOT use IMVUpay!


Surrey, British Columbia


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