  • Report:  #68523

Complaint Review: International Paper Supplies - AKA International Publishing Services - Champlain New York

Reported By:
- San Diego, California,

International Paper Supplies - AKA International Publishing Services
55 Elm Street Champlain, 12919 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
International Paper Supplies AKA International Publishing Services called our coffee shop asking our staff to "only confirm" the address of our business. Next thing we know, we received a delivery of paper products (paper for a cah register) for the amount of about $200. Never did myself (manager of the coffee shop) or the owner ordered this product so we returned it asap. Furthermore, the product sent was not compatible with our cash register!! They took the products back but charged us a 20% restocking fee, about $ 50.00, that we ended up paying, being tired of their endless phone calls, faxes and letters. I also called them asking to be removed for their calling list asap.

But a few months later, we received another invoice for $ 189.95 with no product this time??!! After several phone calls, I found out that the business had been added to "a listing" and that amount was a 2-year fee to appear on this "listing" but everybody was always really vague on what king of listing this was and who could access it!! I asked that this was immediately canceled, it was refused and I finally managed to have this fee reduced to $ 99.00 for one year. Since then (end of last year), they have been harassing us.


San Diego, California

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