  • Report:  #67857

Complaint Review: Iwealthinc. Business Development Group - Internet

Reported By:
- Mpls, Minnesota,

Iwealthinc. Business Development Group
Iwealthinc. 8280 College Parkway Suite 103 Ft Meyers Fl 33919 Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I responded to an email promising big profits fast and mentoring etc., I talked to Jeff Gragg and he said he could get me 100,00 leads in one month so I was excited then I didn't hear from them for a while I kept calling to find out what was going on they acted like they were too busy then they called back and another guy talked to me he said we could put it on a credit card and bring the money to a 1,9%or lower rate so we did a money transfer for 5880 and at 1,9 % but what I didn't know is that when you do that you can not get your money back because it goes directly to their account. you lose anyway I am still trying to contact them about this and see if they will reconsider I sure don't have that kind of money to pay . I feel it was a rip off because in the beginning he told me 10 sessions on a weekly basis and then it went to 3 sessions every two weeks now what kind of scam is that. that really sucks So any advie would be appreciated thanks


Mpls, Minnesota

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