  • Report:  #268065


Reported By:
- San Diego, California,

490 N MAGNOLIA AVENUE EL CAJON 92020 SAN DIEGO, 92020 California, U.S.A.
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I am a single hard working mother in the military. I began my home buying process with Jackie, a realtor mid May 2007. Jackie introduced me to Alicia, a loan broker she would be taking care of the loan portion in my home buying process. In the beginning I let Jackie know I will be deploying in late August 2007, the home would be occupied by my brother who is the caretaker for my son while I am deployed, and that maybe I should wait until I return to buy the home? Jackie assured me that we should be able to find a property and close on that property prior to me even deploying without any problems.

Prior to house hunting Alicia ran numbers and my credit and found out I was pre-approved for a Wachovia loan with a grant. So Jackie and myself began the home searching process. I found a property within the week and went into escrow on 13 June 2007 with a $1,000 good faith deposit with the intensions of closing on 13 July 2007.

The last week of June I asked Jackie if it would be wise to put in my 30 day's notice at my current residence. Jackie stated that it would be fine, closing escrow didn't look like a problem and that I should go ahead with the 30 days notice. As the 13 July 2007 was quickly approaching I wasn't hear much on the phone from Jackie and Alicia except for that we were waiting on an answer from the underwriter. As now I am getting worried with the close of escrow coming up soon and no word on the loan. Now 13 July 2007 is here and we have no loan, an extension was needed to wait on the loan to come through and we requested that from the seller.

However now I am also worried as I maybe homeless on 1 August 2007 I expressed to Jackie and Alicia as they both kept telling me "you know these things they just happen and "next week", "next week", "next week"! I requested an extension at my current apartment but I was told I can only stay until 5 August 2007. Well as "next week" came and "next week" came, 1 August 2007 was here. I am finally told that I was approved for a VA loan and that we need to meet conditions and paperwork for the loan. What I had not know, is that this loan was a lengthy process and that there were so many conditions that needed to be met, as I later learned this! But now I have 5 days left in my current apartment I need to close on this loan and move into my condo! Me an my family will be homeless.

All week I've worked hard on closing this loan, providing the needed paperwork and forms signing docs. I call Alicia everyday and she would take her time to return my calls. Now it is 6 August 2007 and the loan still has many things to go through the appraisal, so many more docs and I am told by my processor it may take well into another couple weeks or so maybe less - but no one has committed to a date. I then spoke with Jackie and Alicia that stated the loan should close by the end of the following week (13 July 2007). By now I have no where to go I am lucky a girl friend took me in for a week and my brother is living in a motel our belongings are in storage and we basically are waiting on "next week" "next week".

I am feed up now waiting on "next week" 6 August 2007 I notify Jackie and Alicia that if by 10 August I have not closed on this home and I do not have keys in my hand that I will be CANCELLING escrow they both said no it will close that's not going to be a worry.

Well guess what it's 10 August and now they want another week! Are you CRAZY I am going to be homeless I have put my family through an inconvenience moving around living with other people, I trusted them not only with my savings money but the livelihood and well being of me an my family. Well no more will I be strung along for another month. I have to deploy in a week I need to get a home for my family and get them settled prior to me departing.

Now that I am cancelling escrow Jackie and Alicia are basically throwing thier spare bedrooms at me, "come live with me, come live with me"! I stand my ground, file a statement to the escrow company and next thing I hear Jackie is almost threatening me on the phone with fees and me being sued and this and that from the seller. I call the seller once I get this message and find out from him I will get fees but he's unsure what she's talking about, but he does know that I need to get with Jackie to sign a cancellation addendum

I call Jackie about generating the cancellation docs she asks who I spoke to about this, I let her know the seller and she begins to yell at me on the phone I can barely understand but basically at the end of the phone conversation I had to hang up as Jackie is now trying to play this situation on me and I didn't have the patience. I am still trying to cancel my escrow I am faced with possibily losing my deposit.

If I can save anyone else from buying or selling a home with these people please do not. They strung me along and made empty promises I have invested over 2,000 in this transaction I lost and still I have no home and Jackie and Alicia are trying blame me for the chain of events that have gone on!

Let the world know!

San Diego, California


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