  • Report:  #251586

Complaint Review: Jahniah Dryden - Stone Mountain Georgia

Reported By:
- Chicago, Illinois,

Jahniah Dryden
650 Abberley Way, Suite #8 Stone Mountain, 30083 Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Always remember the name Jahniah Dryden. He has several different internet businesses.

I spent 3 to 4 hours finding and uploading data into a traffic exchange program I purchased from him for $40. About 3/4th the way through, his system announced that it was complete and deleted all the info I had entered.

I called him. We had a brief conversation wherein I explained what had happened. This malicious individual, who appreared to be helpful at the time, promised to repair the error in his program and would upload the data for me "shortly", and said whenever I have a problem to call him.

I sent him an email the next day, greeting him by his name, and asked him, "How is it going? I was looking forward to the good news today." I also thanked him and signed it. That was the entire email.

His next response was to send me the most unprofessional email I've ever received from a vendor. It was unbelievably rude. Meanwhile in the same email, he said I needed to send him one more url.

I did that, while not responding to the vitriol in his email.

After not hearing from him for about 36 hours, tried to send him another email.

But he had blocked my email address.

So I went to check the private email he has on his website. There were two emails. I had previously opened other emails there with no problem. When I tried to open either one, my browser came up with an error message for an .exe file.

I clicked ok, which was the only option, which instantly closed down my browser, closing all windows, and took me back to my desktop. I did this twice using different emails he had written, both with the same result - my browser shut down along with any open windows.

In addition, when I visited the online instruction manual (I had made it a favorites page, so he hadn't closed access to that - yet) he had removed the addresses that are required to complete the tasks.

By the time I found this out it was too late to call him on the East Coast. You are invited to call him to let him know you won't be doing business with him.

He has walked away with my money with a screw you attitude. He really needs to be punished in the pocket book.


Chicago, Illinois


23 Updates & Rebuttals


Jahniah Dryden has made NO promises with his program!

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, August 20, 2007

I don't know what knothole this Chris character popped out of, but he's way off base here. Attention Chris!! We were not PAID, coerced or otherwise bribed to come to his defense or make any comments whatsoever. What the heck would be the darned difference anyway if Jahniah IS running this business from his kitchen table? Are you jealous or something? Do you think that if he is doing his business from his home, that he's the only one that is operating a business that way? Anyone with any kind of common sense would know that it's the SERVER that makes the difference in running a business.......not where it's run from. I'm sure you have heard of Oracle. Lots of their companies have had ads out for people TO OPERATE THE SYSTEM FROM HOME. Now. Getting back to the comment about false promises. All a person has to do is read all the information on 10K Hits and Opt-in Cash Leads and there is never any mention whatsoever of PROMISING anything. 10 K Hits is attainable, but you DO have to work for it. Lynda Leesburg, Fla


Panama City,
Whoops and a hand shake.

#3Author of original report

Sat, August 18, 2007

Whoops! When I happened to reread my last entry, there was a terrible omission on my part. In the PS portion of my comment it should have read: I only wish Jahniah and I hadn't got off to such a bad start. I wouldn't mention it except that there is a big difference between what originally appeared and what was intended. Jahniah's offer to work with me in the future is a magnanimous one. Thanks, Jahniah.


Chris does not belong here

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, August 18, 2007

First of all, each person besides Chris who placed a comment above in this thread has done business with me. So he really has no right to comment on this issue because he never had any contact with me. I never made any promises to anyone ever regarding guaranteed sales. I never made any promises or claims to anyone regarding 10k hits to their site. If this Chris person did his research he would've known that the 10k hits information is FREE to everyone. A person has the option to setup the system by themself for free (instructions provided) or they could join my membership which includes setup and support. Also, so far no one who has made a comment in this thread is bogus accept for Chris (who know's this person). I have real testimonials (with text & audio) on my sites. Anyone can read or listen to what my satisfied customers have to say about me. Anyone can call me, my phone number is provided in this thread. All persons in this thread can be verified via email or telephone (oh yeah accept Chris). Obviously this Chris person does not know anything about traffic exchanges, which makes it real easy to get hits to any of your web sites. Furthermore, Kelley the person who started this report never said that I promised him anything. In fact he said, (regarding my service) "I hope it's not canceled now because I've paid for it and may use it still". Which means that I have a good service. This thread is basically about customer service and consumer actions. I was going to make a comment about Kelley's last thread but decided not to because I realized that if I do, this thread will never end. He felt that I have done him wrong at a point but I disagree. It's in the past and none of us could erase the issue. The bottom line is that our communication was way off. I don't know what happened on Kelley's end of his computer. But I do know that I did not try to prevent him from anything. Also, I'm still open to do business with Kelley, he can contact me anytime. The both of us was just trying to get our version of the truth to be heard. He disagrees with my version and I disagree with his. That's life. I have moved on and I'm pretty sure Kelley has. If you notice this thread was started by Kelley June 1 of this year, but I did not submit a rebuttal until a few days ago (middle of August). I never knew about this report until a few days ago. I only found out about it because I went to Google and did a search. Something negative was written about me so I did what any person would do, I responded and expressed the facts known by me. For the record Chris, I work at a desk in a room, which is inside of my home. I think that's why they call it a home based business. Oh yeah, a few of my clients have visited me at my home including someone who made a comment in this thread. I wish much success to ALL including Chris.


Panama City,
I take exception to Chris' characterization

#5Author of original report

Fri, August 17, 2007

As the original complaintant, Chris has gone a bridge or two too far. I think Jahniah's only error was to do something he shouldn't have done in a fit of pique. The program itself look legitimate to me. And he did resolve the problem, so I want to give him full credit for that. After it was set up correctly, it was clear to me that it would work as promised if followed. The only reason I haven't used it is that I came across something that allows me to help others in my particular area of expertise...something that provides me with the satisfaction of helping those who have various health problems while making sales. Otherwise, I would be using Jahniah's program. I might still use it in the future. Kelley PS. The huge flashing FREE ad he uses is pure genius. I only wish Jahniah hadn't got off to such a bad start.


Dryden's Scam is as Old as the Web

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, August 17, 2007

Have been a programmer 20+ years and always closely follow what happens on the web abd RipoffReports... No one can promise you 10k hits on your site and be honest - only if he has a 'bot' that makes phony hits. Increasing hits means you pay BIG-TIME for advertising that still doesn't guarantee sales. It's desperate people that have sunk Big Bucks into failed internet ventures who fall for this... Dryden is preying on the low-side of the "business opportunities" scams you see all over. When anyone asks me if they can make money using the web, I say yeah, put the money in a managed mutual fund and use their web access to watch it grow over the years. Those letters of support he appears to have coming in from all over the world are phoney baloney. The types of pages and functionality he is selling are Very Small potatoes to a good programmer, not worth a whole lot... I live in Columbus, GA; maybe next time I am in ATL Dryden will let me and a colleague stop in and see his operation, which is his kitchen table...


Jahniah doesn't deserve this mention

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, August 17, 2007

I first "met" Jahniah almost a year ago. I purchased one of his programs. As with most things, setting everything up didn't go the way it was supposed to and at times I was emailing Jahniah so often it was embarrassing. I did get it set up, eventually. Now, understand properly. I have been ripped off so many times that my honest opinion is that the internet is a dirty world if you are trying to make money. I've been taken for everything from $5 to $10,000USD. Jahniah is the only person, I'll repeat that, Jahniah is the only person who has ever done exactly what he said he would do. He never promised anything beyond what the program was designed to do and I did start to make money. I have had extensive experience in retail and I know that that there are always one or two customers that no matter how you try, things just don't go right for them. For no particular reason. I also know that to every story there are three sides. Yours, Theirs and the Truth. I also know that Jahniah is THE ONLY person on the internet that I would trust and I have never spoken to nor met the man. The way he helped me, his patience, his generosity, his philosophy. I don't know what else to say. If things didn't go right, I know it wasn't because of Jahniah. I would be happy to go as a character reference for the man any time.


North Miami Beach,
Rebuttal for Jahniah Dryden

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, August 17, 2007

Hello, I read with interest about the alledged ripoff by Jahniah Dryden. I did exceedingly well with the Lead Generation Program that was referenced in the complaint, and find this accusation to be totally out of character for this aspiring Internet Business Consultant and Webmaster. I have been using Jahniah's Internet services for the past year, and have found him to be an outstanding professional. He has consistently responded promptly to my requests, and his website designs and customer service are the best! Sincerely, Vivian


Sao Paulo,
South America,
Jahniah Has Been Good to Me

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, August 17, 2007

Hi, My name is Boris and I have been using Jahniah Dryden's services since September 12, 2006. I'm still a member. Whenever I request his help, he provides it. Instructions that he has provided to me were easy to follow. Because of the system that he setup for me I receive my own opt-in leads, hits to my web sites and extra money from his affiliate program. In regards to Jahniah's services he's a generous and helpful aid.


Panama City,
Setting the record straight

#10Author of original report

Thu, August 16, 2007

There were two types of links that were removed. In one case, Jahniah removed what he said he did. But there were other links he also removed that he hasn't fessed up to. When one buys the program, there are instructions. Within those instructions are a variety of links needed to set up the program. Jahniah removed those links. I looked for the links several times, but they were indeed gone. This happened simultaneously with his email address not working and the browser shut downs. And it was after a rudely unprofessional email, so it was clear he was mad about something. Maybe he was offended by my 20-30 second phone call when I asked him how he was coming along with fixing the original problem. Then after we spoke the last time on the phone and he promised to get it working again, those links magically reappeared. So he kept his word. You see, I'm telling the truth both when there was a problem and when he fixed what he'd done wrong. If he hadn't gone out of his way to cut off communication and to turn off my ability to run the program I'd bought, this report would have been necessary. He apparently has a fine business that people like and is not a thief. But I didn't know that after he had precipitously made it impossible to use what I had purchased. So he earned the original report. Later on he came to his senses and fixed it, so he earned my follow-up report where I said it was resolved. Let this be a lesson to him. Don't be arrogant with your customer, even if it's only one customer. And don't treat your customer like dirt. I'm glad to hear that he has satisfied customers. That is a good thing. Yes, this report is a hard-earned lesson on his part, but what he did to me was very upsetting to me as well. Thank goodness he later rectified his earlier behavior, or I wouldn't be able to compliment him on doing so. I'm sorry he lost his temper and apparently did what he did in a fit of pique. About a week later he regained his composure and made up for it. In between those two times, his utter mistreatment towards me earned my original report. In sum, Jahniah isn't a rip off artist, but a successful business man who lost his temper and took it out on me. He has since made good on his offer. If he'd merely written that he had since satisified my complaint and everything was working fine now, he wouldn't have this long demonstration going on now. I hope he can move on and learn from this and do well in the future.


Jahniah Dryden, 10K Hits, Opt-in Cash Leads and Get Money Program.

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, August 16, 2007

Jahniah Dryden and his Get Money Program, which includes 10 K Hits and Opt-in Cash leads, is, in my estimation, is one of the 5% to 10% of the business building systems on the Internet today that is NOT a scam or rip-off. I joined Jahniah Dryden's opportunity back in February, I think. Close enough. Right from the start I had some problems in getting Jahniah's program set up properly in the beginning, but that was from not understanding what I was suppose to do. Naturally, I sent out a cry for help from Jahniah. I received thorough responses, normally within 24 hours, that explained in detail, the items that were giving me trouble. Some things, like setting up the autoresponders, which I knew nothing about, he was kind enough to set up for me and then sent me a pdf file to further my autoresponder education. There are parts to this program that require quite a bit of work and understanding on your own part, to get it set up right. There are videos and other help available to show you how to set them up properly. If a person does NOT follow the directions exactly, this program will not work for them. This is a very professionally done program and over the past months there have been many improvements to the web site itself, and major improvements to the Back Office. A tremendous amount of information is easily accessible and easy to follow. New additions even include your stats for various portions of the program. I have not seen a Back Office like this in all the years I've spent on the Internet. Jahniah has done an amazing job. One thing I really don't understand in Kelly's statements is how is it possible for Jahniah Dryden, or ANYONE, to shut DOWN this person's computer. That's rediculous. I've been dealing with computers since the mid 80's and have never known of, nor heard of, any way that someone through the Internet can shut down your computer. There are a few things that CAN shut your computer down unexpectedly, but it's within your OWN computer. Namely, lack of clearing temp files, caches, defrag your files, memory problems and many more. Viruses is a given, depending on what they are. Corrupt files can also shut you down. I learned that from experience. Computers also get bogged down with tiny little files that just keep building. You have to keep your computer cleaned out. Religiously. It's a machine, and machines need servicing. It's like changing the oil in your car,a tune-up, having the radiator flushed, or the engine and transmission, to keep it running smoothly and efficiently. Sincerely Lynda


Kelley has serious issues he needs to work within himself

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, August 16, 2007

I did not block his email. As I stated before, I deleted his links (not the system) because "He" put the wrong links into the form. I don't know how to make a browser shut down. So if this indeed did happen he needs to check his computer settings. If he read all the information that I provided in this thread, he would've realized that I did not block his email. Read the information regarding AOL and mail forwards. If all what you said is true regarding me being responsible for your computer problems, why you are the Only one who has experienced this? No one else accept for you have these outrageous claims. How come you are the only one with this false camplaint? Just as long as you keep adding to this thread, I will do the same.


Panama City,
I've already explained what happened

#13Author of original report

Thu, August 16, 2007

"I added his 20 traffic exchange links for him which was his responsibility." The original problem arose when HIS program erased my efforts 3/4ths the way through. It was after those three wasted hours that he put them in for me. So I guess we could say it was HIS responsibility to have a program that didn't wipe out what I had entered. As Jahniah admitted, that wipe out had happened before on occasion. "I'm still confused on what William's real issues are." Isn't it ironic that Jahniah has faulted me for not understanding his instructions, yet he is still pretending not to understand that his program wiped out 3 hours of my work, after he told me that had happened before. As for my real issues, that is quite clear, too. (1) Jahniah blocked my email, and (2) removed the required links from my copy of his program, and (3) caused my browser to shut down EACH time I attempted to open his email instructions located on his website. So I was left with a program I'd paid for, that wasn't working, and no way to get it to work! If he hadn't done those three passive-aggressive acts, my first complaint here would not have happened. But he did do that! Now he's unhappy that he has this report to contend with. Maybe with this report, he might think twice about pulling those stunts with someone else. I think he has learned his lesson. "Things would be so much easier for everyone if people would be honest and don't try to hide behind false names or fabricate situations to make their arguments valid." Apparently, Jahniah thinks his actions were 'honest.' With his ability to shut down my browser without my permission, I was highly concerned that he might attempt to attack my computer as well. Thus, I used a name to protect my computer from someone who is willing to shut down my browser. When I called Jahniah after all this happened, he made various claims regarding what happened. I didn't argue with him, even though his excuses didn't ring true or pass the smell test, because I wanted his program...so I let it pass. Maybe he ought to do much the same, and give this a rest. Kelley

Andrew Urso Solo Ads Marketing

Forked River,
New Jersey,
I have nothing but good to say about Jahniah Dryden & all he's done to help my Biz

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, August 16, 2007

I've been using the services of Jahniah Dryden for about 6 months & never once has he turned his back on me. He seems to keep his services one step ahead of everyone else on the net. My sales have been dramatically increased while using his many many services for on line business. Here's just one example of the incredible help he gave recently. He set up a site for me to run emails to my prospects. Un-be knowns to me, my server wasn't up to the standards of hosting such a powerful mailer. He (on his own) located the problem & set me up with a new mailer & server to log into so I can keep going. Not long before that I had a hugh list to upload into my mailer, He did it for me. There really are as we all know, very few people we can trust out there. I trust Jahniah Dryden. Respectfully, Andrew


Did not block access...

#15REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, August 16, 2007

I'm satisfied with Kelley's last thread except for the statement he made saying that I blocked access to the purchased program. I did not block access to anything. I wish Kelley and whoever reads this much success! Jahniah Dryden


This will clear up everything...

#16REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, August 16, 2007

Because Kelley's last name was the only thing listed in this thread I could not verify exactly who he was. I did further research using the last name Kelley instead of Kelly. I had a member who's last name was Kelly and he did cancel so I assumed that it was the person who created this thread but I was wrong. This Kelley who created this thread is listed in my system as William Eidem. So with him using the name Kelley I was thrown off. He is correct he did not cancel. Regarding the thread I wrote above about him receiving viruses from surfing is not true. That person was someone else with the last name Kelly. However I did go above and beyond for William Eidem. I added his 20 traffic exchange links for him which was his responsibility. Also as stated before, he received the same instructions that every person receives which is real easy. I've been doing this for a year now and since I've been doing this I only had to assist about three people with the step that William had a problem with. Every one else had no problems following the directions. I'm always willing to reslove any and all issues. I'm still confused on what William's real issues are. Things would be so much easier for everyone if people would be honest and don't try to hide behind false names or fabricate situations to make their arguments valid. I'm always available.


Panama City,
That's not my email.

#17Author of original report

Thu, August 16, 2007

My name is William Kelley Eidem, not Robert Kelly. I have NOT canceled my purchase. Note the difference in spelling between "Kelly" and "Kelley." Should Jahniah check his records, he will see my name. Oftentimes, I don't use my first name, so it could be under Kelley Eidem. As I noted in my update and the follow-up, the issue was resolved. I hope Jahniah has learned how to treat customers from this experience. Unilaterally blocking access to the purchased program is not the way to do business. As far as I'm concerned, Jahniah has since rectified the problem. A win-win is the way to do business.


I satisfy all business professionals

#18REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, August 16, 2007

When I first started this program about a year ago, the price was a one-time fee of $20. About 4 months later I added a few more services and features then raised the price to a one-time fee of $40. Then in May, I added a lot more features and raised the price to $47.95 per month. All members who paid either $20 or $40 for my membership was not required to start paying $47.95 per month. For these members the monthly payment was optional. If they did not want to pay the monthly fee they still remained as a member minus a few new services. It really surprises me that Kelly is so negative and does not admit to his actions. People reading this, just think, if I was a scam artist or if my program was some sort of rippoff, why would I have my name, my picture, my home address (I work from home) and my telephone number (home and cellphone) online for the world to see? That makes no sense. I'm sorry that Kelly feels that he was ripped off. Unfortunately for him, that has nothing to do with me because as far as him paying for my services, I over-delivered as always (ask my customers and members). Some things that I write in this thread sometimes gets deleted because this site does not want certain information displayed. I have nothing to hide and want to share everything with all. Please contact me via telephone, email, mail or live chat. Go to any of my web sites (if you do not see the links - this system deleted them): getmoneyprogram.com optincashleads.com jahniah.com Thank you and much success to all. Jahniah Dryden 404-551-0005 404-551-4338


Copy of Kelly's email that he sent to me

#19REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, August 16, 2007

Below is the copy of the email that Kelly sent to me (hopefully it is not removed by this system like some of my last comments were): ----- Original Message ----- From: Robert Kelly To: 'Jahniah Dryden' Cc: (((ROR REDACTED))) Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 5:49 PM Subject: Close My Account Jah Jahniah: Thank you for your information, but I do not feel this is a way I can build my business. Please cancel my membership immediately. I wish you the best of success in your business. (((ROR REDACTED))) CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Panama City,
Not quite

#20Author of original report

Thu, August 16, 2007

Jahniah's description odes not match mine. I stand by my remarks. First, let me note that I never canceled his program. His statement that I did is news to me. Why would I cancel, when he had made it clear in the sales page that no refunds were available under any circumstances? The first problem that occurred was not my doing...his program quit on me after I was 3/4ths the way through setting up the laborious, time consuming program. At first he was polite. But he got pissed because I called him two days later in a 30 second phone call. After that is when he cut off every possible way for me to get in touch with him online. For the record, I have the paid version of AVG. I had no viruses affecting any other portion of my computer except for trying to log onto and use his web based email for his messages on how to set up the system. As for not reading his directions, I combed over them, rereading them many times trying to understand them. It can be quite difficult to write directions...I understand that. I'm not responsible if the publisher was unable to explain the directions in writing well enough...but that can be overcome with a courteous help desk. If there had been a virus on my computer, it would not have removed only the necessary links to set up his program. Later, I was able to contact him with the phone number I had previously. That time he was helpful and cooperative. That's why I wrote the revised report. He had previously been unprofessional and spiteful. But he came to his senses, which showed some maturity on his part. I can understand his desire to respond to my complaint. He would have been better off noting that he agreed that the two of us had resolved this issue amicably. It appears that he has decided instead to claim I canceled my purchase. I did not. I hope it's not canceled now because I've paid for it and may use it still. If he does cancel it without a refund, you can bet I will report it loud and clear! Jahniah mentioned that the price of his program was raised from a $40 one-time charge to a monthly fee of over $40 a month. This might have been his motivation for temporarily cutting off access...he didn't want to service the old accounts. I hope that Jahniah keeps a cool head in the future, and keeps his contacts with customers on a professional level. He earned the first complaint, and recovered after it was posted. I give him full credit for that. At the time of my original complaint, I used a different name because I feared that he was a really vindictive person. Most people will understand why under those circumstances, with my internet connection being shut down each time I tried to access his program, that I'd use a pseudonym. Thank you.


Panama City,
Not quite

#21Author of original report

Thu, August 16, 2007

Jahniah's description odes not match mine. I stand by my remarks. First, let me note that I never canceled his program. His statement that I did is news to me. Why would I cancel, when he had made it clear in the sales page that no refunds were available under any circumstances? The first problem that occurred was not my doing...his program quit on me after I was 3/4ths the way through setting up the laborious, time consuming program. At first he was polite. But he got pissed because I called him two days later in a 30 second phone call. After that is when he cut off every possible way for me to get in touch with him online. For the record, I have the paid version of AVG. I had no viruses affecting any other portion of my computer except for trying to log onto and use his web based email for his messages on how to set up the system. As for not reading his directions, I combed over them, rereading them many times trying to understand them. It can be quite difficult to write directions...I understand that. I'm not responsible if the publisher was unable to explain the directions in writing well enough...but that can be overcome with a courteous help desk. If there had been a virus on my computer, it would not have removed only the necessary links to set up his program. Later, I was able to contact him with the phone number I had previously. That time he was helpful and cooperative. That's why I wrote the revised report. He had previously been unprofessional and spiteful. But he came to his senses, which showed some maturity on his part. I can understand his desire to respond to my complaint. He would have been better off noting that he agreed that the two of us had resolved this issue amicably. It appears that he has decided instead to claim I canceled my purchase. I did not. I hope it's not canceled now because I've paid for it and may use it still. If he does cancel it without a refund, you can bet I will report it loud and clear! Jahniah mentioned that the price of his program was raised from a $40 one-time charge to a monthly fee of over $40 a month. This might have been his motivation for temporarily cutting off access...he didn't want to service the old accounts. I hope that Jahniah keeps a cool head in the future, and keeps his contacts with customers on a professional level. He earned the first complaint, and recovered after it was posted. I give him full credit for that. At the time of my original complaint, I used a different name because I feared that he was a really vindictive person. Most people will understand why under those circumstances, with my internet connection being shut down each time I tried to access his program, that I'd use a pseudonym. Thank you.


Panama City,
Not quite

#22Author of original report

Thu, August 16, 2007

Jahniah's description odes not match mine. I stand by my remarks. First, let me note that I never canceled his program. His statement that I did is news to me. Why would I cancel, when he had made it clear in the sales page that no refunds were available under any circumstances? The first problem that occurred was not my doing...his program quit on me after I was 3/4ths the way through setting up the laborious, time consuming program. At first he was polite. But he got pissed because I called him two days later in a 30 second phone call. After that is when he cut off every possible way for me to get in touch with him online. For the record, I have the paid version of AVG. I had no viruses affecting any other portion of my computer except for trying to log onto and use his web based email for his messages on how to set up the system. As for not reading his directions, I combed over them, rereading them many times trying to understand them. It can be quite difficult to write directions...I understand that. I'm not responsible if the publisher was unable to explain the directions in writing well enough...but that can be overcome with a courteous help desk. If there had been a virus on my computer, it would not have removed only the necessary links to set up his program. Later, I was able to contact him with the phone number I had previously. That time he was helpful and cooperative. That's why I wrote the revised report. He had previously been unprofessional and spiteful. But he came to his senses, which showed some maturity on his part. I can understand his desire to respond to my complaint. He would have been better off noting that he agreed that the two of us had resolved this issue amicably. It appears that he has decided instead to claim I canceled my purchase. I did not. I hope it's not canceled now because I've paid for it and may use it still. If he does cancel it without a refund, you can bet I will report it loud and clear! Jahniah mentioned that the price of his program was raised from a $40 one-time charge to a monthly fee of over $40 a month. This might have been his motivation for temporarily cutting off access...he didn't want to service the old accounts. I hope that Jahniah keeps a cool head in the future, and keeps his contacts with customers on a professional level. He earned the first complaint, and recovered after it was posted. I give him full credit for that. At the time of my original complaint, I used a different name because I feared that he was a really vindictive person. Most people will understand why under those circumstances, with my internet connection being shut down each time I tried to access his program, that I'd use a pseudonym. Thank you.


Jahniah Dryden here to Serve and Assist ALL who request my help

#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, August 15, 2007

To all readers, First of all please forgive me for having such a long rebuttal. I don't like to leave anything out. Here is all the details regarding Kelly's false claims against me: I do not sell traffic exchanges. He did not purchase a traffic exchange from me. So he's starting out with a lie from the very beginning. He purchased a service from me for $40 in which I provided him with two web pages: One page was a lead capture page that enabled him to acquire his own opt-in email list and advertises the use of traffic exchanges, a free Rotator account (without any ads), Unlimited Auto Responders (hosted on my server without any ads), 12 follow-up letters written and uploaded into his auto responder by me for his lead capture page campaign (advertising his traffic exchanges and the benefits of using 20 at the same time), instructions for him (10k Hits System) to follow that would've enabled him to generate hits to his web sites on a daily basis, an online ebook embedded with his information that enables him to build a network of referrals for his campaign & help him earn money and also email and telephone support from me for whenever he needed help. The other page was an affiliate page advertising the same service that he purchased form me which would entitle him to 50% commission of the sales price plus another referral for his traffic exchanges to help him earn credits. All of this for ONLY $40. Also included with his purchase was other web pages meant for his eyes only in order for him to setup and maintain his 10k hits system (using traffic exchanges). These pages were hosted on a SSL 128 bit encrypted server. Regarding his statement, "...his system announced that it was complete...", my "System" does not announce anything at anytime regarding anything being complete and my "System" can not delete anything. Only a user (him) or myself could delete something. Actually what he's referring to is a web page setup for him that has 4 simple directions to setup his traffic exchange referral links into his online ebook (written by me for his use). Unfortunately for him, he did not follow the simple instructions. He was instructed to add his traffic exchange referral URL's but he did not. Instead he inserted his 10khits URL in all 20 boxes. With or without instructions, why would someone enter the same link over and over again? Realizing that he did not follow the directions, I deleted the link(s) that he entered because they were useless. I emailed him letting him know that he did not complete the form correctly. Below is an example of the web pages I had setup for him: Page with setup instructions (which he failed to follow): Example Lead capture page setup for him (his page had a shorter address): Example affiliate page setup for him (his page had a shorter address and did not have some newly added features) Regarding his statement, "...promised to repair the error in his program and would upload the data for me 'shortly'... Makes no sense for a few reasons: There never was any errors in "My Program", I told him that to make things easier for him that if he sent me his traffic exchange URL's via email, I would add the URL's into his form for him (this service was not included with the $40 that he paid). when I received his URL's via email, I added them to his form. I did him a favor because everyone else completes this step by themselves - I did not have to go that far, I could've just told him to re-read the directions and try again. Regarding his statement, "...unprofessional email I've ever received from a vendor. It was unbelievably rude." I'm always professional, his statement is untrue. I'm honest, direct and I don't sugar coat anything. If I realize that you did not read and/or follow directions, I'm going to tell you directly that you need to read and follow the directions. I still have all of the emails that he sent to me and all the emails that I sent to him. If anyone


Panama City,
Update Jahniah Dryden, possible resolution

#24Author of original report

Sat, June 02, 2007

I spoke with Jahniah by phone today. I told him that since were were both in business it would be best if we could come up with a win-win...that I was very much interested in implimenting the program he had to offer. He has told me that he'll get the email program fixed by 6 pm today. He also gave me instructions on how to complete the process. This is the type of response I was looking for. I'll be providing another update in a few days to let anyone know that is reading this whether the problem is completely resolved or not.

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