  • Report:  #66562

Complaint Review: JD Marvel - Champlain New York

Reported By:
- Willingboro, New Jersey,

JD Marvel
jdmarvelproducts.com Champlain, New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I ordered two pairs of moccasins on 10/19/2002. JDMarvel cashed my check on 10/25/02. I have emailed, called and faxed letters this company on multiple times, only to get excuses for not receiving my order. I have requested a refund since January 3,2003 and finally obtained a PARTIAL refund on 9/3/03 - almost a year from my original order. I have spent more money on faxes and phone calls than on my original order, however I have only received a partial refund. This company has more excuses for not sending out pre-paid orders or refunding money from, "we have just updated our computers" to "the holidays have been stressfull".


Willingboro, New Jersey

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