  • Report:  #1054064

Complaint Review: Jewish Internet Defense Force - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
David - New York, New York,

Jewish Internet Defense Force
Dallas, 75240 Texas, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

If there was ever a case of computer hacking, libel, slander and cyber bullying this would qualify among the most transparent and destructive.

David Appletree aka David Brotsky created a so-called Jewish Internet Defense Force which attacks the Prime Minister of the State of Israel and dozens of Israeli, Jewish and Christian leaders and organizations. David Brotsky aka David Appletree who has been banned from Wikipedia and Facebook for creating false accounts, abusive personal attacks, has attacked and attempted to defame such respected Jewish and Christian organizations such as Nefesh B'Nefesh, The Jewish Agency, Jewish Federations of North America, ADL and Christians United for Israel.

David Brotsky uses his Facebook page to beg for donations to be used solely for his personal gain. He also promises to use the money to pay for a Proxy Server which would hide his identity and location on the Internet.

After Brotsky initiated an edit war on Wikipedia using dozens of false accounts (sockpuppets) Wikipedia admins finally dropped the banhammer on Brotsky. As he was complaining over being persecuted (with false accounts / usernames such as "WPYellowStars") on both Twitter and Wikipedia, the article was locked and David was banned. However, this didn't stop him from coming in at the last minute to admit guilt in a half-a**ed way while also claiming fursecution.

Appletree decided to piss off Wikipedos and was permabanned for his efforts. Even Jimbo Wales c*ckblocked his attempts to score e-sympathy, though he can still be seen bawwwwing all over Twitter and posting amusing intimations of lolsuits. Appletree aka Brotsky would later get associate KatWomanUSA to hack Weaponbb7's account and vandalize the JIDF page. Another JIDF sock Reported Weaponbb7 to the Administrators Board then sock controlled Weaponbb7 declared he hated Jews and they should burn. The real Weaponbb7 came crying to the board to complain someone had compromised his Amazon account too and had bought 300 dollars of Sextoys with it. The JIDF page on Wikipedia remains locked tight as a result of JIDF fake accounts.

Brotsky is a film production and location manager by day.  His credits include some of the better known movies and commercials made in the past decade or so.  Among his projects were Almost Famous, Sweet and Lowdown, Friday Night Lights, and The Cradle Will Rock. What’s interesting and strange about Brotsky is that while his professional career appears legitimate, almost nothing that he does in his shadowy borderline violent pro-Israel advocacy is.

Brotsky / Appletree / Jewish Internet Defense Force is one person who does not have the support of one Jewish or Israeli organization. In fact, Brotsky's views are so extreme and dangerous that he calls for the formation of Jewish armed militias in all of the world’s major cities and imposing vigilante justice on Israel’s enemies whoever and wherever they may be.

Here he links to a video clip of the target-practice scene from Taxi Driver, in which Robert DeNiro points an unloaded gun at the camera and fires in preparation for mounting a political assassination:

Some Jew haters need to be taught some lessons…. http://youtu.be/zKbgw2aK_eU #vigilante#justice#jews#torah#israel#tcot

Here he features a pistol with silencer with the caption: “Good day.”

The question arises whether Brotsky is merely a certifiable lunatic looking for attention by whatever means he can find it; or whether he represents a clear and present danger to his opponents including Jews and Israelis who have served in the Israel Defense Forces and work either for or with the Israeli government.  I’m writing this report because while it’s possible the former is the case, there’s too much of a possibility that the latter is too true to ignore him.

Appletree’s Facebook (personal) page was removed because he was not using his real name, a violation of the Facebook's rules (TOS).  Now, he’s created a Fan page for David Appletree, who is a figment of Brotsky’s imagination and a victim of his self-regard.

David Brotsky is currently under investigation by the FBI for computer hacking and criminal harassment. If you have been victimized by David Brotsky of Dallas, Texas, please contact your local police department and or the FBI.

Report Attachments

5 Updates & Rebuttals

Jewish Internet Defense Force

New York,
More lies and nonsense from Joel Leyden

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, May 29, 2013

this is a lie, the JIDF is alive and well on Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/thejidf - about 55,000 strong.


joel leyden claims we were banned, we were not. he also makes false claims about the people he falsely alleges to be involved with our organization, because he gets his false and highly flawed information from antisemitic, anti-Israel, Holocaust denial and 9/11 truther websites. the leaders behind the JIDF are anonymous, because of the many death threats we receive, as well as the harassment. joel leyden knows this, and he tries to endanger lives of Jews, Jewish families, and Jewish children. Many different people in Jewish/Israel advocacy have come forward to say the same thing.


Report Attachments


New York,
New York,
Facebook Suspends Jewish Internet Defense Force aka David Brotsky aka David Appletree

#3Author of original report

Tue, May 28, 2013

Facebook suspended the so called Jewish Internet Defense Force today for computer hacking, criminal harassment and personal attacks.

These personal attacks by the David Brotsky aka David Appletree aka David Pitch were not aimed at Hamas, Hezbollah or Islamic Jihad but rather respected members and organizations in the Jewish community.

We need to make this suspension permanent!

Thank Facebook for taking action against David Brotsky.

Write Facebook and demand that there is no place for cyber bullying, no place for defamation, no place for personal attacks and threats. 



Report Attachments

Jewish Internet Defense Force

New York,
Important Article released about Joel Leyden (who filed the original fraudulent report)

#4UPDATE Employee

Tue, May 28, 2013

Please see the Jewish Internet Defense Force's report on Joel Leyden, who filed the original defamatory post about the JIDF (and many others) on this site, here:

Joel Leyden's Harassment, Defamation, Cybersquatting, Fraud, and Abuse:  http://www.thejidf.org/2013/05/joel-leydens-harassment-defamation.html

The following information has been falsely reported on Facebook and thus, repeatedly censored, by Facebook. We've been, and will continue to be, posting about Facebook's harassment, censorship, and discrimination against Jews and Israel supporters, soon. In the meantime, please note that the following network of accounts are involved in spreading hatred and lies against Jews and Israel supporters. However, many of them appear to be Jewish and/or pro-Israel. There is a chance they have been hijacked and hacked our enemies. Some of them appear to be fake profiles. Others simply seem spammy, as they are spreading malicious links. Please help report the fake profiles or spammers, or if any of these accounts are actually real, and if you happen to know them, please make them aware that they might have been hacked, or ask why they are involved in a hateful spam campaign to spread lies against Jews and Israel supporters. Are they actually friends of Israel and the Jewish people? Or are they our enemies? Are their accounts hacked? We're not sure. However, If any of the folks listed below are indeed real, please have them contact us discuss:

(we believe this is a former business partner of Joel Leyden, and Joel is now stealing his identity to post defamatory spam in an effort to harass Jews and Israel supporters. This account is even linking to antisemitic Holocaust denial sites in their its effort to harass and attack Jews. We've researched the real Richard Maize and don't think this is anything he'd involve himself with, and it does appear that Joel Leyden has been criminally harassing him online as well. We hope to get to the bottom of it soon. We're uniting with many who have been victimized by Joel Leyden)

We feel all of this is being orchestrated by a notorious self-promotional spammer by the name of Joel Leyden, and that many of the aforementioned accounts are either fake or controlled by him in some capacity. Also note, that none of them are officially linked to the IDF in any way (despite the fact that some of them try to appear that way). Joel Leyden claims to have been an IDF soldier, and to have several university degrees (one from Columbia), but we can find no real evidence to verify those claims. He's been know to harass women, as well, filing fake reports, and publishing fake escort ads. Meanwhile, many actual police reports have been filed against Joel Leyden in the UK, Israel, and they soon will be filed in the USA, as well. Here's the story: we once went out of our way to help Joel Leyden to restore groups and pages he lost control of, because he does not know what he is doing online. He then wanted to work with us, but we were not interested, as his many backwards and hypocritical stands on Israel and other issues, as well as his general stupidity made us never want to work with him or trust him (and as you'll see, we were right, obviously). This insulted Joel Leyden so much that it seems he now he spends every waking hour of his existence to go to every corner of the internet, trying to harass, defame, and spam this Jewish and pro-Israel effort, which has been recognized by the Israeli Defense Forces and covered by many newsorganizations, and supported by many Jews, Israelis, IDF soldiers, and other Jewish and Israeli organizations (contrary to Leyden's lies), as well. We don't have to sell ourselves to you. People generally either love us, or hate us, but no one can deny that we go out of our way to help people, and we in fact repeatedly tried to make "peace" privately with Joel Leyden, but he thrives on negative energy and attacks and he simply would not cease and desist his public nonsense about us, and many others. So this public response was needed, even though we risk further harassment and defamation by going forward with it. Many of his victims are terrified of him, and will not come forward. For that reason alone, we must do the right thing to set the record straight.  When we looked into what was up with the trainwreck of a man that is Joel Leyden and why he's become so insanely hostile toward us, especially when we never did anything to him except try to help him, we found that he actually does this to many other people, not just us! The man is a serial cybercriminal! Among the many people he's harassing, cybersquatting, attacking, defaming, and flat-out trying to bully online are:

  • His own brother, "Brian Leyden" (see here and here)
  • His brother and deceased father's law fiim, "Herzfeld and Rubin" (see here and here)
  • "Moti Kahana"
  • "Michael Martinez"
  • "Richard Maize"
  • "Diane Leyden" (Joel's ex-wife)
  • "Julie Portner"
  • "Amanda Leyden"
  • "Rahel ("Rachel Maybri")
  • "Rikki DeWolff" (may be misspelled)
  • "Nayhum Hofri" (Mayor of Ra'Anana, Israel)
  • "Vorah Hoffman"
  • "David Brotsky"
  • "Wikipedia.com"
  • "David Appletree"
  • "Jewish Internet Defense Force"
  • "David Pitch"

As you can more read about them here, these are Joel Leyden's main targets. He seems to spend all of his time cybersquatting dozens domains in order to post defamatory and malicious lies about all the aforementioned parties, even trying to endanger Jews and Israel supporters in some cases. If you search for information about any of these folks, chances are you will find Joel Leyden's cybersquatted domains of their names, and bunch of false and defamatory information about all of them, some of which he is plagiarizing from antisemitic, and anti-Israel sites, including sites that deny the Holocaust, promote Islamic terrorism, claim "Jews did 9/11", and other hate speech and vitriol.   We are currently working with many of his victims to pursue Joel Leyden legally, as both a civil and criminal matter. We may perhaps be filing a class action suit. Please stay tuned on that front. If you would like to support us to that end, you can, here. Since this is Joel Leyden's MO, and what he's all about (attacking innocent Jews and Israel supporters who are doing great work) we are not the first to consider legal action against Leyden. Many have already done it  already, and all have succeeded. As we have reported:

Ripoffreport Report Image
Joel Leyden
Important information about Joel Leyden: PLEASE SHARE WIDELY! Please very careful with whom you associate. Not everyone who appears to be "pro-Israel" is a good person. If you or anyone else  you know have been harassed, defamed, impersonated, threatened and/or spammed by the Joel Leyden (as we, and many other friends, Jews, and Israel supporters have been), there is now a legal precedent which may help you:  http://is.gd/QJG9TX And here's the result/settlement of the complaint: http://is.gd/Vl58HK Since we went public with this, many of his victims have come forward. Lastly, please see this 65 page PDF:  http://is.gd/Joel_Leyden which documents his harassment of Jews and Israel supporters, even further. Please be aware of this jerk. Neither he nor any of his associates can be trusted. As documented in the aforementioned case, he attempts to cybersquat, defame, threaten, harass, and endanger various Jews and Israelis, as well as Jewish and pro-Israel organizations. We have also learned that Joel Leyden is now trying to defame Jews and Israel supporters, by plagiarizing articles from antisemitic sites and anti-Israel sites, including sites that deny the Holocaust, promote Islamic terrorism, claim "Jews did 9/11", and other hate speech and vitriol. This is how low Joel Leyden has sunk to attack Jews and Israel supporters with his defamatory spam. It's, by far, the worst case of online criminal defamation and harassment we've ever seen, (and we've seen a lot).

While we hate to be against anyone who might appear to be Jewish and "pro-Israel," we must all be hypervigilant against those who are trying to bring harm to Jews and Israel advocates in any way. As you can see by reading through the aforementioned PDF's, Leyden is not the mensch he makes himself out to be by spamming the internet with crappy websites, presenting himself as such. Leyden does admin several Facebook pages, and operates many different sites. We don't wish to promote them here, but if you are a friend, please contact us and we will share them with you, so you may help to report their fraudulent and defamatory posts.    Also, you should note that Joel Leyden is involved with several other businesses, projects, websites, and online properties, such as:

  • "Leyden Digital"  (leydendigital.com)  
  • "Israel News Agency" (israelnewsagency.com) 
  • "Israel PR" (israelpr.com) 
  • "Jewish PR" (jewishpr.co)
  • "Israel SEO PR" (israelseopr.co)
  • "Reputation Management PR" (reputationmanagementpr.com)
  • "London SEO PR" (londonseopr.com)
  • "israel Public Relations Institute" (groups.yahoo.com/group/Israelpr) 
  •  "Internet Marketing SEO PR" (facebook.com/internetmarketingseopr)
  • "Joel Leyden New York" (facebook.com/pages/Joel-Leyden-New-York/365115303605452
  • "Joel Leyden SEO PR" (joelleydenseopr.com)
  • "Joel Leden" (joelleyden.net)
  • "Leyden Communications Internet Marketing, SEO, Digital PR" (facebook.com/LeydenDigitalPRSEO)
  • "Passover" (facebook.com/HappyPassover)
  • "Hatikvah" (facebook.com/Hatikvah1
  •  "Jerusalem - Capital of Israel" (facebook.com/jerusalemcapitalisrael)
  • "Israel Humanitarian Aid" (facebook.com/IsraelHumanitarianAid)
  • "Joel Leyden" (facebook.com/Joelonsrael)
  • "Jewish Business Networking" (facebook.com/JewishBusinessNetworking) 
  • "Jewish Fathers" (facebook.com/JewishFathers)
  • "Children 4 Israel (facebook.com/Children4Israel)
  • "Israel News Agency" (facebook.com/IsraelNewsAgency)
  • "I Support the Israel Defense Forces In Preventing Terror Attacks From Gaza" (facebook.com/groups/supportidfpreventterrorattacks)
  • "Online Reputation PR" (onlinereputationpr.com)
  • "Joel Leyden" (joel-leyden.com)
  • "Joel Leyden SEO" (seojoelleyden.com)
  • "Joel Leyden LInkedin" (linkedin.com/in/joelleydendigitalprsocialmedia)
  • "IsraelBeach YouTube" (youtube.com/user/Israelbeach) 
  • "Joel Leyden Slideshare" (slideshare.net/joelmleyden)
  • "Joel Leyden" (joelleyden.org)
  • "Joel Leyden" (blogger.com/profile/04624371724955110180) 
  • "Phillip Pasmanick's Israel & Stuff" (facebook.com/ISRAELandStuff)
  • "Fathers for Justice Israel" (groups.yahoo.com/group/fathers-4-justice-israel/
  • Joel Leyden Wikipedia (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Israelbeach) - where he was blocked/banned from the site. Not a big deal, we publicly talked about it happening to many Jews and Israel supporters that are friends of this effort, but he attacks others for being blocked from a site that he was banned from? Hypocrisy. 
  • Suspected Sockpuppets of Joel Leyden: (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Suspected_Wikipedia_sockpuppets_of_Israelbeach)
  • "Digital PR 4 Israel" (facebook.com/DigitalPR4Israel) 

If you know of any others, please let us know. We're not linking to any of them directly, as we don't want to give any of these spammy and scammy crap sites and pages any Google juice or real attention, but you do need to know about them. However, If you're really interested, you're free to check them out to see how duplicitous, crappy, spammy, and scammy they all are, just beneath the handful of legitimate news items they try to post. We believe the underlying goal of all these properties is to promote Joel Leyden, and most of them would be fine if he did not use them all to harass and defame other innocent Jews and Israel supporters who are just trying to do good work. Also note, that now Leyden is working with others, including a violent criminal with a serious criminal record, David Haivri. According to the NY Times, David Haivri "has had several run-ins with the authorities in Israel over the last two decades, including an arrest for celebrating the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in a television interview and a six-month jail term in connection with the desecration of a mosque."  While we are pro-settlement and anti-Islam, we do not support violence in any way. Violent criminals like David Haivri hurt the world's perception of Jews, Israel, and of settlements. Both Joel Leyden and David Haivri try to endanger Jews. Haivri even goes so far as to celebrate the death of any Jews whose views he does not like. This is sick. And terrible. These two, along with others, are helping to spread defamatory vitriol against Jews and Israel supporters and must be called out. On a final note, our website is http://www.thejidf.org - if you see any other links out there  claiming to be the Jewish Internet Defense Force, do not click them and do not trust the people posting them or the information contained therein. There's apparently cybersquatting campaigns created by Joel Leyden, antisemites, Israel haters, and Islamic terrorist supporters designed to harvest and spread false information about our effort, as well as other Jews and Israel supporters. Be careful! Our enemies are trying to step up their game in the efforts to attack us, but we will, with the help of G-d, always be victorious. Gen 12:3. 

Ripoffreport Report Image

Report Attachments


New York,
New York,
Jewish Internet Defense Force aka David Brotsky Hacks Computers

#5Author of original report

Mon, May 27, 2013

 David Appletree aka David Brotsky tracks IP addresses.

That means if you send him an email, he will know exactly where you and your computer is. In many cases (including mine) Brotsky transcends tracking your location and actually hacks into your computer. He will gain access to your email and go for your personal information including your credit card information. He can then takeover your computer to steal information, criminally harass others and then destroy your hard drive.

Hacking computers, entering someone's computer without their permission, is a Federal crime with punishment of up to 20 years in prison.

If David Brotsky (Jewish Internet Defense Force) has hacked your computer, please contact your local police and or the FBI.

Jewish Internet Defense Force

New York,
Joel Leyden (who filed the complaint) is a fraud.

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, May 27, 2013

Main points to know about Joel Leyden (the person who filed the main complaint) and his lies:

  • Read the recent legal complaint about Joel Leyden: http://is.gd/QJG9TX (where it gives a detailed background about him, and what he does to many different people)
  • Read the settlement of the complaint aginast Joel Leyden here: http://is.gd/Vl58HK (where he's legally forced to remove all his illegal cybersquatting, and defamatory spam)
  • Read the 66 page breakdown showing how he does this to many different people, here: http://is.gd/Joel_Leyden

In short, what Joel Leyden has posted above are lies. All of it. Most of this "complaint" by the way is plagiarized from the anti-Israel, antisemitic, Holocaust denying "Jews did 9/11" article about the JIDF in Encyclopedia Dramatica, and Richard Silverstein's plagiarism of that article as well. Good job, Joel! You know how to find and plagiarize attack pieces on Jews and Israel supporters on antisemitic and anti-Israel sites. Mazel tov. Who knew such a "hero" of the Jewish pro-Israel world could stoop so low? Turns out many do now. You have no shame.

Here's the story: we once went out of our way to help Joel Leyden to restore groups and pages he lost control of, because he does not know what he is doing online. He then wanted to work with us, but we were never interested, as his many backwards and hypocritical stands and flat-out stupidity online made us never want to work with him or trust him. And of course, as you can see here by Joel's nonsense against us and many others, we were right.

This insulted Joel Leyden so much that he now he spends every waking hour of his existence to go to every corner of the internet, trying to harass, defame, and spam this Jewish and pro-Israel effort, which has been recognized by the Israeli Defense Forces and many well-respected news media organizations, and other Jewish and Israeli organizations, contrary to Leyden's defamatory claims. But we don't have to sell ourselves to you. People either love us, or hate us, but no one can deny that we go out of our way to help Jews and Israel, and we in fact repeatedly tried to make "peace" privately with Joel Leyden many times, but he thrives on negative energy and attacks, and he thinks the "publicity" of attacking an organization that actually does something is good for him, or something.

When we looked into what was up with the trainwreck of a man that is Joel Leyden and why he's become so insanely hostile toward us when we never did anything to him publicly except try to help him, we found that he actually does this to many other people, not just us. Among the many people he's harassing, cybersquatting, attacking, defaming, and flat-out trying to bully online are:

  • His own brother, Brian Leyden
  • His brother and deceased father's law fiim, Herzfeld and Rubin
  • Moti Kahana
  • Michael Martinez
  • Richard Maize
  • Diane Leyden (Joel's ex-wife)
  • Julie Portner
  • Rahel (Rachel Maybri)
  • Rikki DeWolff (may be misspelled)
  • Nayhum Hofri (Mayor of Ra'Anana, Israel)
  • Vorah Hoffman
  • David Brotsky
  • Wikipedia.com
  • David Appletree
  • Jewish Internet Defense Force

These are Joel Leyden's main targets. He spends all of his time cybersquatting domains in order to post defamatory and malicious lies about all the aforementioned parties. If you search for information about any of these folks, chances are you will find Joel Leyden's cybersquatted domains of their names on crappy GoDaddy "Instapages." He spends quite a bit of money to register so many domains. Why he bothers to register them privately is beyond us, as his defamatory harassment and spam has such a Leydenesque (ie. crap) quality to it, it's obvious that it's him, every time! But anyway, if you search for info about any of the folks listed above, you will find a bunch of false and defamatory information them all that Joel has posted.

In fact, we are currently working with many of Joel Leyden's victims to pursue him legally, as both a civil and criminal matter. We may perhaps be filing a class action suit. Please stay tuned on that front.

Of course, since this is Joel Leyden's MO, and what he's all about (attacking innocent Jews and Israel supporters who are doing great work) we are not the first to consider legal action against Leyden. Many have already done it, and all have succeeded. As we have reported:

Please very careful with whom you associate. Not everyone who appears to be "pro-Israel" is a good person. If you or anyone else  you know have been harassed, defamed, impersonated, threatened and/or spammed by the Joel Leyden (as we, and many other friends, Jews, and Israel supporters have been), there is now a legal precedent which may help you:  http://is.gd/QJG9TX -

And here's the result of the complaint: http://is.gd/Vl58HK whereby Joel Leyden has been legally forced to remove all his defamatory spam against another entity, already.

Since we went public with this, many of his victims have come forward. Please see this 66 page PDF:  http://is.gd/Joel_Leyden which documents his harassment of Jews and Israel supporters, even further.Please be aware of this jerk. Neither he nor any of his associates can be trusted. As documented in the aforementioned case, he attempts to cybersquat, defame, threaten, harass, and endanger various Jews and Israelis, as well as Jewish and pro-Israel organizations.

As you can see, this complaint about the JIDF is simply another fraudulent post by Joel Leyden. It's fraudulent in every way, and it's a reflection of Joel Leyden's fraud, not ours. He tries to harass and endager people he falsely alleges to be behind the JIDF, because he learned that information on antisemitic, anti-Israel, "Jews did 9/11", Holocaust denial websites, and tries to use such defamatory nonsense against us. That is how low Joel Leyden will stoop. This is how he rolls.

Thus, our advice is to take him and his very bogus nonsense with a grain a salt. He's a joke that makes himself out to be some great hero, but as you can see from all the documentation above, he's overcompensating for some serious pyschological issues in our humble opinion. Again, we never did anything to the guy whatsoever.

Oh, and the "hacking" claims? Y'know why he thinks we hacked him? Cause someone forwarded an email to us that he spammed to many different people. We sent it back to him telling him how stupid it was. That made him insanely paranoid, and he started in with the false accusations that we must have hacked him. What a nutter. Just disregard him, and stay turned for much more successful legal action against him.

Main points to know about Joel Leyden and his lies:

Reports & Rebuttal
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