  • Report:  #380358

Complaint Review: JK Computers & Cameras (Andy) - New York City New York

Reported By:
- Cape Town, Other,

JK Computers & Cameras (Andy)
830 7th Avenue NY 10019 New York City, 10019 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The person I had dealings with is called Andy

On 1st July myself, wife and 2 sons arrived in New York and went to the above-mentioned shop to purchase a adaptor in order for my sons to charge their mobile phones. Andy supplied me with an adaptor at about $21 (we discovered that the adaptor cost about $2 at other stores). When my sons discovered that their battery charger did not fit in the adaptor, we return the unit about a day later due to a busy site-seeing program. Andy made it very clear to me that he cannot refund me, but instead I should take something else in return. Myself and wife spent a little time in his store and with Andy's good, almost forceful salesmanship, he manage to talk us into buying the following (of course it was my prerogative to buy or not to buy, but I am a soft person):

A small lense (price= $ 299) that fit magnetically onto my Canon camera.

Another Canon 8 Meg pixel Camera. He told me it was a HD camera

Forcefully convinced me to buy and additional battery and said that this battery will give me 7 hours of life at a time as suppose to the original battery that will only give me 1 hour of life at a time

Ditto for a special SD Card, which he claimed worked best with the camera

Andy also assured me that the guarantee on the camera will be International.

This was important to me because of previous bad experiences I had when purchasing electronics in other countries. If the equipment is faulty, my country would refer me to take it back to the country of purchase.

When I open the box at the hotel where I stayed, I discovered that the guarantee only apply for the USA and Canada. I also notice that the battery was not a genuine Canon Battery. I was very upset and went back to the store the next day early in the morning and was told my the manager that there is nothing that he can do and that I must wait when Andy comes to the store at 5pm. I went to the store at about 7pm and I told Andy that I am very upset and I would rather let he credit my card because I cannot leave his store with the camera knowing that there in no international guarantee on the item. He, as well as his manager became very difficult and told me that they will never give me a refund and take the goods back. I was very upset, likewise, the manager became even more upset, almost wanting to hit me. My wife was present. The argument went on and on and eventually I told my wife to rather leave the store. It was clear that I was not going to win, so I ask Andy if I can swop for anything else. It was very difficult to make a quick decision because I have lots of electronic equipment at home. Andy, became very impatient with me. I told him that perhaps a small 12 screen laptop with a certain specification might be of use to me, because I often travel and my MacBook 13 is quite heavy. I told him that I am a civil engineer and when I analyse a tall building I need certain speed, at least 2gigherz and at least 2 gig RAM. He was trying to sell me outdated PC's and extremely slow PC's. He just did not have what I wanted and then he start accusing me of wasting his time. At that time he told me that he has a HP with 2GIG RAM with a built in camera. When I ask him to show me that it was really a camera, he could not claiming that he needs extra power. He was also battling to prove to me that it had 2 Gig Ram. I eventually discovered that it had 1 gig RAM only. By this time he already charged my credit card with the difference between the camera price and the laptop that he thought had the specification I wanted. I then ask him to refund this difference, which he quickly did. I then left the store leaving the camera with Andy.

I do intend informing my credit card division to investigate the matter and try to stop payment. I might be too late.

Just for interest-sake I wish to mention that at J & R Computers, the same camera and laptop was about halve Andy's price.

My concern for wanting a refund (besides all the other issues) was because of the fact that Andy could not let me leave his store without a worry and provide me with an International guarantee as he promised. I never received and invoice from him, though he claimed that he called me but I was already out of his store.

Sir, can you kindly investigate the matter? I am leaving New York on Saturday 5 July for Washington.

Yours faithfully

Ishaq xxxxxxxxxx

This letter was also emailed to: Better Business Bureau Serving Metropolitan New York

257 Park Avenue South

New York, NY 10010

BBB told me that they tried on numerous occasions to get hold of Andy or the manager but without any success.

Please give me advice as to what I can do even if i have to sue this store.


Cape Town

South Africa

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