  • Report:  #3738

Complaint Review: JMC homes - Roseville California

Reported By:
- Tempe, Arizona,

JMC homes
1833 Vernon Street Roseville, 95678 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Our JMC home is built on stolen, contaminated government land. Our deeds are bogus and our inspections and permits are bogus. The Sacramento County building inspector who forged the documents is currently sitting in prison on a Murder for HIre conviction.

False advertisement is just one of the many things this builder does to dupe the public. This builder signed false certification with HUD and VA that he had met all FEDERAL requirements in order for his homes to be financed through Federal Loan Guarantee programs.

This builder violated 24 CFR part 811 and 18 US Code 1001 and 1010. This builder has a web site at www.jmc.com He falsely advertises there too!

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