  • Report:  #842939

Complaint Review: John Adams virtual school - Internet Internet

Reported By:
Rachel - Chicago, Illinois, United States of America

John Adams virtual school
8345 nw 66th st Miami Florida 33166 Internet, Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
I was a single mother working full time and I needed Fi find a way to get my high school diploma. U was quite naive st the time and didn't do the research when I stumbled across the online school John Adams, back in 2005. I passed the test, paid the money and I received my so called diploma. I read their policy which clearly states I would receive a refund if I was not 100% satisfied. It is now 2012 and I have not been able to get a hold of anyone who can help me understand why no college in Illinois will accept this bogus diploma! I don't know why they have not been investigated for not being honest and clear on their website explaining that this diploma will not be accepted anywhere. They are taking people's money and don't even have a real number where people like me can call to get answers. I am angry and unable Fi further my education, forcing me to go to an actual school and take night classes or just get my ged which I didn't wanna do... I wish there was a lawyer out there who would help people like myself who have been victimized by this scam.

11 Updates & Rebuttals

John adams virtual school

JAVS Offers a 100% Money Back Guarentee

#2UPDATE Employee

Wed, May 30, 2012

As noted on our FAQ page, each organization determines their own acceptance policies, so we strongly recommend that you first check with the organization of your choice regarding their policies for fast track high school diploma programs.


In most cases, you will have no trouble using a diploma from JAVS. We offer a 100% money back guarantee on all services. This alleged student could have simply email us with their order # [email protected] and we would have promptly provided a refund.

The alleged student is probably just a disgruntled competitor. We have an excellent service record

Support Team
John Adams High School


If you were indeed raped, I am very sorry for that tragedy...

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, March 16, 2012

..but you still should have gotten an abortion. You could have then taken care of your mother AND stayed in school. And the fact that your dad works for the military is irrelevant; if he chooses his job over being with his family, that is too bad, but oh well. Looks like bad decisions run in the family.

So, what is this "business" that you supposedly own? 

Jim S

United States of America
All Of Us Understand.....

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, March 16, 2012

We're just trying to figure out why anyone with half a brain would look at a HS diploma from a diploma mill like this place and not toss it in the garbage??  Don't even tell us about your struggles with kids and life and how getting your degree the traditional way was impossible.  It wasn't, and the story you tell that keeps changing...proves it.  People do it all of the time; you just thought a little money down would solve anything.  WRONG.  So now after all of this time, after you've now pointed this perceived wrong seven years after the fact, after you done something with yourself... you want a refund because of your relative dissatisfaction with the degree??  OK...Can you prove the school lacked accreditation at the time you graduated??  If you can do that....you have a chance.  My guess is they have accreditation from some obscure organization, and you're out of luck.  Your also fighting time...seven years is way past the time to argue the point, and even if you had a point legally, chances are you're outside the time to file anything, and the school is not obliged to do anything to rectify your perceived wrong.

For-profit schools have been around a long time; people graduate all of the time from schools like UOP, ITT Tech, etc.... and employers generally don't take them seriously either.  Sometimes, the best degree is the one you earn through the investment of your blood, sweat, and tears into....not money, and at the end of the day...you've discovered that.  Move forward, put this behind you, and chalk up this episode to your naivete.  You've left your report...and they have their black mark here.  Time to move on.....


the real liar

#5Author of original report

Fri, March 16, 2012

First off, to the loser who posted the brainless, idiotic nonsense: How do you know what my situation was when I had my kids??! Not that its any of your business, I was raped my senior year , didn't abort my twins but instead chose to get help for the trama I endured, without killing my beautiful babies or giving them up! I am adopted and have no family other than my parents ... my father is in the military serving YOUR country and has been gone most of my life and ny mother was in a car accident when I was pregnant that left her disabled! I could not leave her and my babies to go back to school because unlike you I have a heart! I don't have to prove what I've accomplished in my life to you ( a John Adams employee I'm sure) who thinks he's a smart person because of a couple of typos in my first post... you're probably pissed because you are still living in your mothers basement stuffing your morbidly obese gut with pizza and Doritos playing COD all day!! Find better things to do with your time Stupid Steve! The LIAR is the person/people stealing money from poor helpless people turning to John Adams for a diploma!!


Your big mistake...

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, March 12, 2012

Was having a child so young, without a father. Also, as has been pointed out, you are a liar, and not a very good one (did you really think the nursing/HS degree lie would fly given your original post)?


Based on your original post...

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, February 24, 2012

...your last "fyi" post is pure BS.

You originally stated...
is now 2013 and I have not been able to get a hold of anyone who can help me understand why no college in Illinois will accept this bogus diploma!


I am angry and unable Fi further my education

- Well other than the fact it is 2012, someone who now has a "real" diploma, "earned" their Nursing degree, and has their own business is not going to give a second thought as to why no College will accept this "diploma" they got 7 years ago..because it does not matter anymore.   Not only that you said "I am" as in present tense..not past tense unable Fi(to?) further your education. 

Nice try though..I'll give you about a B+.



#8Author of original report

Fri, February 24, 2012

This was back in 2005 so since you both decided to put your two cents in thought you should know that I have since gotten my hs diploma, obtained my nursing degree and I own my own business ... all the while taking Care of my sick grandfather, two children and a home which I own... and I've never asked for public assistance, begged for money or lived on welfare..... so, your sarcasm and total disregard for the victims of this scam says a lot about your character and I would hope you or anyone you care about is never taken advantage of like we all were by this school ... so, sorry would love to chit chat some more but unlike you, I have a life and don't spend my time trolling around these sites looking for people to insult....



#9Consumer Comment

Thu, February 23, 2012

..is just a "Rational Lie".

I know single parents who are working a full time job, dealing with kids, AND going through an actual COLLEGE program working on their actual Degree.  So spare us the "Poor Me" routine.  Sorry if this is too rough for you, but thousands of people in your same situation find the time to get their diploma and degrees a legitimate way.

As much as you want to try and justify it, you did try to get a diploma without the work, hoping to skirt by.  You can say you didn't "know" or were "naive" but it is obvious you knew something had to be up just based on the requirements they had verses what you knew was required of other people. 

Believe it or not, I actually believe that the primary reason schools like this exists is for the purpose to attempt to fool people.  But they ONLY continue to exist because there are people out there willing to be scammed because they want to take the "easy" way out.    They would be out of business in a week if everyone was actually willing to do the work.

If I had, I definitely woulfd not be one of the many victims of this pathetic scam.

- Are you sure?  Because your main complaint at the end is that you actually have to work for your diploma now.  You may not have gone with them, but you would have eventually found a similar "school" and done the same thing.

By the way if you didn't even have the time to get a real High School Diploma just how exactly were you going to find the time to get a College Degree? Or should we expect a RipOff report in a few months after you find out that the Degree you bought is also worthless?


You get an "A" in rationalization.

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, February 23, 2012

   Make all the excuses you want.    I think you were well aware that getting a diploma for doing nothing was shady.

   As for online schools, the vast majority exist only to collect easily obtained loan money from the federal government.  Most provide worthless "degrees" that are not recognized by anyone.  The only reason they and schools like the one you're complaining about exist is because everyone wants to do things the easy way.    


surprise surprise....

#11Author of original report

Thu, February 23, 2012

Apparently, you must not be a parent to understand the meaning of hard work, sacrificing and juggling children and a million other things. Just like me, there are many single parents who as much as they would love to sit in s classroom every day, can't because they HAVE TO work to pay bills put food on the table and still find time to help nurture and spend quality time with their children. There are a variety of options available these days, to help people like myself better their education by allowing them to study online and actually get diplomas and other certifications I know people who have done this and were successful in getting into a college or university... Unfortunately for me , this happened long before I knew these people and my only mistake was that I didn't do more research six years ago . If I had, I definitely woulfd not be one of the many victims of this pathetic scam. You seem to be so adamant about trying to make me look like a lazy person who just chose to get a quickie diploma online. What I think is that you may be incognito, scrabbling around the internet looking for anyone filing legitimate complaints against a bunch of crooks, who are pissed that WE are exposing them for the evil scum that they are... and by the way, I don't recall asking for sympathy my dear...


You get what you work for.

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, February 22, 2012

"  I passed the test, paid the money and I received my so called diploma. "

   If passing a simple online test were enough to get a valid high school diploma, why would anyone waste 4 years actually earning one?

"  I have not been able to get a hold of anyone who can help me understand why no college in Illinois will accept this bogus diploma!  "

  Maybe I can help.  The colleges in IL are fully aware of how hard you worked to "earn" this diploma. 

"  forcing me to go to an actual school and take night classes or just get my ged which I didn't wanna do. "

   You mean you're actually being forced to learn the required material that is expected of a high school graduate?   Oh the humanity!

  Here's the bottom line.   By buying a diploma, your goal was to fool potential employers and colleges into thinking you had actually done the work that everyone else must do to earn a diploma.   You're now angry because you've found that these institutions are not dumb enough to fall for your phony diploma.   You tried to game the system and failed.   Hard to work up a lot of sympathy for that.

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