  • Report:  #211869

Complaint Review: John Beck Free & Clear Infomercial - Van Nuys California

Reported By:
- Glendale, Arizona,

John Beck Free & Clear Infomercial
7030 Hayvenhurst Ave., Van Nuys, 91406 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This company only exists in T.V. land and on your credit card statement. Once you give your credit card info. for a free trial investigation, They bill you without your permission, regularly after that and they don't stop. They have done this to me and my credit card. I became worried when they repeatedly called me, trying to sell me other programs "for only 39.95", when I declined, 39.95 was charged to my credit card. There is no one at their web site nor at the listed address given in california. I am not alone and we need legal assistance!:

John Beck Free and Clear Complaints

Total Complaints: 200

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9/19/2006 - Janetta writes:

Product does not include what is promised in the Infomercial. When you call to try to get what you ordered, you get nowhere. Then once they have your credit card, they bill you for additional services you did not authorize. When you call the phone number on the VISA statement, you cannot get through, then after numberous attempts you are put on hold for 15 minutes while YOU are paying the long distance charge. My advice is to stear clear of John Beck.

9/18/2006 - Linda writes:

I have tried to get ahold of them several times. they gave me a e-mail address to cancel my order but to no aveil it doesn't work I have cancelled my order twice on my credit card.. If youread this please stop all orders and stop charging my credit card or i will report you to better business burear..

9/18/2006 - Lola writes:

We, my husband and I received this box of tapes in the mail that neither of us ordered. He sent the product back. Then we received a green card saying the free trial period was almost up and if we wanted to cancel, please call the number and it had a website address to cancel. My husband tried calling several times and tried signing on the website and there was no such site. We have tried to notify this company to tell them we did not order the product and have not even been in town. My husband is working out of town and we only come home every now and then for a day. Can't contact them and they have taken money out of our account. I do not know how the got our information to our bank account. This withdrawal caused a check to bounce because we were not aware the amount had been withdrawn. I am going to try and contact the bank and see if I can stop this. If anyone fiqures out how to contact them please let me know or post it on this site. Thank you, Lola

9/17/2006 - Sandy writes:

I ordered the John Beck program for my daughter and son-in-law. They became very frustrated with it. I authorized no further charges or services. Yet on my last credit card statement, there was a $39.95 charge for John Beck Program. I have tried to call repeatedly, but only get recordings...no matter what day or time. I tried going to the website suggested and it doesn't exist. How do I get the addituional charge off and keep other charges from being added? Help!

9/13/2006 - Augustine writes:

I ordered the free and clear program rush deliviery and still have not recieved it! and I found out they chared my credit account twice for $61.44 I say lets do something about these people HELP!contact me []

9/13/2006 - Veronica writes:

Well hello everyone I would just like to thanks this sight because I had ordered this stupid program wishing it would work and I could own my own properties but as i kept reading I realized I had been scammed so the first thing I did was call my credit card and report the issue my first bill came and the program that I had ordered in August never arrived and it was suppose to get here fast but it didn't and they charged me 81.00 but no program. Called customer service and they stated that it was recieved but I did not recieve nothing so I started getting suspecious and I found this sight and before they charge me anymore I decided to cancel my credit card because I do not want to get scammed anymore.

Also a man by the name of MARCUS MACOY called me yesterday telling me all the fabulous things that I can get with this program and that they wanted to know if I could do some credit crap and also to get started with a coach to get 2,000-5,000 to the coach he also stated that he wanted me to talk to his manager. I am so glad I found this website he supposely will be calling me to talk about the program but I know his scam now thanks so much for haveing this sight. I was looking foward to it but forget that. They did not get to scam me quite well but they where close to getting me into giving them that kind of money and the program the US postal service said they could not track it without a tracking number a tracking number I never recieved. SO I Know it a SCAM DO not trust it I have to pay my credit card 81.00 dollares but I am sure it is that and not 2,000.

9/12/2006 - Janie writes:

I purchased the John Beck Property Vault and was disapointed. On the informercial it shows a man and woman in their ketchen on the computer clicking on the state of Navada and a vedio listing of the properties available in that state. When all they really show you is a Spreadsheet format of properties you have to download to your computer. I've tried without success to find anyone who can tell me why I can't access this video format of the properties and I keep getting shifted from one place to another. Has anyone else seen this informercial.,and have the same concerns?

9/8/2006 - Diane writes:

I think this product is misrepresented from what i saw on tv commericial. information is very incomplete for what was promised on the commericial. i am upset that a scam such as this on can be advertised on tv. poor or not rich people try to get ahead and listen to a thief such as this is not an AMERICAN just a thief. i think charges should be filed on this guy. i would join any such procedings against him. diane, kansas

9/8/2006 - Kelly writes:

I like all the others watched the infomercial and thought what a great idea. I spent 6,000 that was suppose to be for my own assigned coach to help and teach me what to do. My coach ended up leaving the company and I was promised a new one. Never happened so here I am stuck not knowing the next step I was suppose to take and out alot of money. I have tried asking for my money back but like usual I get the run around. There has got to be something we can do?? Help

9/6/2006 - Samuel writes:

I have been duped by this kind of informacial before by a named Kevin with Natural cures out of the state of Illinois. He promised to send your money back as a guarantee. I have sent the book back for over six months and have not gotten my money back. All efforts to contact them have proven negative. He is a liar and cannot be trusted. As at this moment he has my book and my money. This is scum should be exterminated from the media and punished for fraud.

9/5/2006 - Doug writes:

I like everyone else watched this and thought, "Hey this might work" after talking it over with my wife we ordered it and like everyone else I got a call some 2 days after I got and they wanted to talk about us getting into the "program". Well ater talking with the guy for about 2 hours, we told him to give us 24 hours to decide, he called back ecactly 24 hours later, during that 24 hours I forund this site and my iwfe and I both said "No WAY IN HELL" and when I told "Randy" there was no way we were going to this, he of coursed asked 100 questions as to why, when I finally told him what I had read on a "few" websites (more like 30) that it was "not for us" before I hung while he was yelling at me he said "ENJOY YOUR POVERTY BUDDY!!!" at the top of his lungs think I pissed him off by not doing this SCAM???!!

9/2/2006 - Paul writes:

When I saw the JB free and clear system, it caught my attention. I ordered the dvd and books to see what it was about. When I played the dvd I knew right then and there I had wasted my $39.95 plus s&h. That guy couldn't make a simple explanation of just anything. After I watched the whole thing, I knew I was not going on with that. So, as most of the people, I got my call, from Madeline. Madeline greeted me pretty gladly and everything, then she wanted to make sure that Mr. Chad was available, that if I was lucky, I could speak with him that same night. 15 minutes later I got a call from Mr. Chad, who was about to leave, but didn't cause he wanted to give a warm welcome to the team.

Then mr. chad started asking me about financial info, like yearly income, what I did for a living, and how I could turn all that into finalcia freedom, then he started asking if I knew i could use my credit to make money. I agreed with everything he was saying, cause it all made sence, he was asking quiestions of "yes" and "no". The He asked me to write some things he was going to say down so I didnt forget, I thought he was gonna tell me some tips. Anyway to shorten the story up a little, after trying to make me believe I was lucky they were interested on helping me, and that I shouldn't waste a chance like that. He mentioned some features that were offered in the package. He asked my shipping address, and then he had the cojones to ask me for my credit card number, when I asked what for, he said to charge the $14,997.55 the coaching program and the whole package was gonna cost me.

I said I didn't have that money, and he started some bullcrap about investment and dividends, that he was going to turn that 15ks into 150 ks in 3 months, guaranteed. I don't know what they think, but the way this guy (the closer) handled everything made me suspicious. After I said I could afford that, he had the huge cojones again of telling me that he saw that I was not really serious into that. I told him, that what I was not really serious on, was getting scammed. He instantly hung up on me.

A week later he called me back offering an apology for his behavior, and tried to convince me of the same crap, and finally when he saw he couldn't get me, he got pissed off and hung up on me again!! I had another call, and just to be an a-hole I told the guy I had already become a millionair workinf the system by myself, and if we really wanted to make money, he should join my team, he got pissed off and hung up on me, too. I love these people!!

9/2/2006 - Laurie writes:

I have ordered the John Beck Free and Clear program. With the program was a notice that I would receive a program called the "vault" for a charge of $39.95 monthly, if I chose not to keep the program after a 30 day trial. First of all, I never agreed to this. I of course called the number given to me. After a very long wait period it hang up shortly before telling you to try you call again. If you choose the option to cancel it directs you to a number that is not valid. I took down the web site they gave. [email protected]. I cancelled the program on the site, so I though I did. That was in February. Here it is in Sept. And I am still being charged for this. My credit card company is going to dispute the last three months, so I am out quite a lot of money already.

I am having the credit card number changed but I'm told there is a way they can still bill my new account, not to mention all the hassle of changing my account. Has anyone thought of taken up a class action suit against the company. I am furious they are getting away with this kind of fraud. Laurie, Never again will I buy a product from TV.

9/2/2006 - Joe writes:

Tyler Truman from Mentoring of America has been responsible for cheating several people out of thousands, by promising they will make back an investment and large profits in the next 90 days, ect. He also told a woman he signed up for more than $14,000 cost, that he had a piece of property in her town that she would be able to sell for huge profits, once she finished her coaching calls. He told her that she would make her $14,000 plus investment back plus another $20K in the next 90 days. He failed to deliver. He is accused of lying.

He is responsible for a Florida woman being over 15K in credit card debt. She is about to have a baby and is struggling to pay the huge credit card bill Tyler Truman caused her. Truman is accused of coercing people without disclosure of a no refund policy into this mentoring program for both guru's Jeff Paul and John Beck. He determines the price based on people's available credit line, coerces people to put the price of the program on as many credit cards as it takes, and then refuses to give these same people refunds under any circumstances. You can reach him at []. It is because of people like him that Mentoring of America has been facing legal lawsuits since the last 5 months. One of his friends and former employees was jailed and charged for insurance fraud last year. He faked his own death and was tracked down to Australia by local authorities.

8/30/2006 - Steven writes:

I had the same experience that they started charging me $39.95 for something called the property vualt and would not stop charging me even after I attempted to tell them I did not want thier services.

8/30/2006 - Lois writes:

I also fell for the infomercial By John Beck and purchased the program. I began to get suspicious on my first class with the Mentor when he suggested i sign up with the Tax club to get my License and from there it was something else to purchase. I resd on the internet that this was a scam and requested my money back and cancelled all the services that i purchased by calling them and e-mailing also. I called my credit card company and cancelled the card so they could't take any more money out. I requested a refund on my card from them and still waiting to hear from them. I should have checked them out before , but this is now what can I do to get refunded?

8/28/2006 - Patricia writes:

I bought the cd's to buy homes for next to nothing. Than I found out that they are charging my credit card $39.95 a month, I didn't agree to that at all and want to stop the charge. But I can't speak to acustomer service rep. Should I call the credit card company to tell them I don't want this charge on my bill anymore?

8/24/2006 - Adrienne writes:

I purchased this product back in May and finally(just about 5 minutes ago) I have been able to get someonone on the phone to return this crap. They customer service reps are very rude and stick to "yes" or "no" responses when asked questions. This is ridiculous. I have found that they have been charging me $39.95 for something called property vault that I did not elect to have. This really ticks me off. Please, please, please, don't waist you time or money on this scam.

The properties and tax sales can be found by yourself without people calling you to invest thousands. There are so many rules to purchasing tax sale properties, that it is not worth the time or effort. Basically, the buyer (you/I) only get to put a lien on the property for a number of years and the owners still keep the properties. You never own them!! Be careful, best of luck to you all.

8/14/2006 - Venita writes:

I am really concerned about this product. I have been trying to reach someone at the telephone numbers given without success to advice them that I want the "passport to savings cancelled" and that I am returning the product "John Beck Free & Clear System". I have been trying for 10 days, without reaching anyone, and have found the e-mail address, [email protected] to lead me only to this website, full of complaints. I'll follow-up if I am able to get the desired results, namely, a refund and no further withdrawals from my account.

8/12/2006 - Uriel writes:

I too got coerced into John Beck's expensive bogus mentoring program done by Mentoring of America out of Utah, but I got all my money back. They call you after you buy the initial infomercial program. No mention of a coaching program is ever made. This is what they really want you to buy, and they base the price of the program on how much credit cards or line of credit you have available. The more you have, the higher they price it. That's why you see such a wide variation of price that people have paid for the same exact thing. It's fraud and a complete rip off. To get your money back, you need to file a consumer complaint form against John Beck's Mentoring of America with the Utah Divison of Consumer Protection. I got my $7,000 back from them as soon as I did this.

John Beck's Mentoring of America LLC was sued for the third time recently and has been on the news. The Utah Division of Consumer Protection is taking action against them for continuing to viloate consumer protection laws, and is doing an investiation on them. File your comsumer complaint agains them with the Utah Divison of Consumer Protection.

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Glendale, Arizona

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