  • Report:  #177190

Complaint Review: Joseph C Reisinger - Reisinger And Associates - San Rafael California

Reported By:
- Stockton, California,

Joseph C Reisinger - Reisinger And Associates
2 San Mateo Court San Rafael, 94903-2544 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Joseph C.Reisinger will do just about anything to win a legal battle.

In California it is against the law to represent a suspended California corporation in a court of law.

During a corporate suspension period in California a corporation is dead in a legal battle before the courts until its legal status is revived by the Franchise Tax Board. A opposing side can win by default. In California, the attorney representing the suspended corporation if required by law to inform the court and the opposition.

Jospeh Reisinger, did no such thing. This information was concealed in San Joaquin County Superior Court case number CV025162.

On February 1, 2005, Destiny Manufactured Homes Corporate status was suspended by the Franchise Tax Board.(See attachment sent by snail mail)

Destiny Manufactured Homes and it attorney, Joseph

C. Reisinger withheld this information from the San Joaquin County Superior Court and the plaintiff.

This writer, obtained the Certified Copy of the Suspension straight from the Department of Corporations.

Mr. Reisinger and Judge Carter P. Holly of San Joaquin Superior Court were both provided a certified copy of this information as well as the legal case information pertaining to California law, as if they did not know how to apply the law. (See attachments being sent by snail mail)

Mr. Reisinger continued to conduct Discovery and to send demand letters regarding Meeting and Confer. (See attachment, sent by snail mail)

Judge Carter P. Holly did nothing regarding the disrespect for the Judicial System and unfair advantage taken of this defrauded widow. This behavior did reveal the personality of this California corporation, it's attorney and the San Joaquin County Courty system as represented by Judge Carter P. Holly.

These judges are too close with the attorney's that ply their trade, eating, drinking, golfing, barbequeing and fishing with them, thus, making it difficult if not impossible for a Judge to discipline an attorney. Not to mention the behind the door closed to the public sessions and after hour closed door sessions in the Judges chambers.

The last attorney in California that represented a suspended corporation was sanctioned $22,000.00 another $14,000.00. Mr. Joseph Reisinger, not one dime by Judge Carter P. Holly.

On July 1, 2005, to add insult to injury Judge Carter P. Holly rewarded Joseph Reisinger, client Destiny Manufactured Homes $2,097.00 by sanctioning the defrauded widow, $2, 097.00 for not answering the questions of a Suspened California Corporation and a unlicensed contractor, Destiny Manufactured


Do these people honestly expect me to write a check out to Destiny Manufactured Homes after it took $80,000.00, in a cashiers check from this widow?

Mr. Reisinger,take it out of the money your client stole from me. According to the letter Mr. Sam Knapp wrote to me on September 12, 2003,I have a credit on file of at least $4,000.00.

In California, $1,000.00 or $8,000.00 should have been the required legal downpayment. Destiny Manufactured Homes spent $30,000.00, dug a foundation in the

wrong spot! Delivered the wrong home twice. Submitted plans for a mobile home foundation to the City of Stockton. (Submitted by snail mail) But took my money for a real and fixed foundation.

Can minorities, Pro Per's and Women get justice in San Joaquin County? My personal experience is a resounding, No.

We (minorities) can not even trust the Court Records. We can not trust the court reporters (In my case it was Cara Poe) to accurately report the events in court. Statements made by both Mr. Reisinger and Judge Carter P. Holly have been embellished and fortified. Some statements have this writer sounding like Ebonics is my native tongue. Or that this writer can not speak on topic!

San Joaquin Superior Court Case number: CV025162 was about a widow who was bilked out of $80,000,(my husbands life insurance policy money) by an unlicensed contractor, Mr. Reisinger stood in San Joaquin Superior Court and stated, "My client is licensed for everything it does."

This writer presented to the court a Certified Copy from the California State Contractors Board, that Joseph C. Reisinger, committed perjury. (Proof being sent by snail mail)

This writer, subpeanaed certified records directly from the State Contractors Board to be delivered unopened directly to Judge Carter P. Holly and still this judge did not rule in favor when this widow ask for decision to return my funds.

Alliance Title's representative, Terry Harwell of Modesto, California, stated, "Your funds will be eaten up by attorney's or What is left can be claimed by you in five years from the State of California.

It is my belief, that Joseph Reisinger also represents, Alliance Title. Why is Alliance Title doing businees and acting as a Depositor Only for an unlicensed contractor? Which means folks, your money will be

deposited with Alliance Title and immediately taken out of Alliance Title without any supervision or accountability.

All parties to this fraud has spent a fortune and damanged their reputations, in order to keep this defauded, widow from recovering the $80,000.00, taken from her.

One of Destiny Manufactured Homes parent companies, run by Sam Knapp,bought out one of the Contractor's who's license number was borrowed inorder to obtain the building permit from the city of Stockton. Sam Knapp and his wife Karen Knapp now hold a major position in this contracting company.

Judge Carter P. Holly's clerk and security guard both stated, "After your proof today,July 1, 2005, and how you quoted the law, we are assured that, the Judge Holly, will rule in your favor, he is a very honest judge." Bet they have a different opinion, of Judge Holly,now! These self same people could not

look me in the eye at the next court appearance.

This writer, found that Judge Holly,on July 1, 2005, the very day, this writer presented proof that Destiny Manufactured Homes did not have a contractors license. And additionally, subpoenaed,an Attorney, for the City of Stockton, who showed up to present paperwork, that showed that Destiny Manufactured Homes used another contractors license to obtain a city permit. The City Attorney left the paperwork that was casually passed around by the court and eventually left with me.

Destiny Manufactured Homes promised and wrote a contract

with this widow for a foundation, driveway, carport, electrical, tape and texture,gas lines, etc., and the set up of a manufactued home. All of the above require a Geneal Builder's license in California, of which they posses none.

Let's not overlook, that in California, you have to be a contractor to hire a contractor or a sub-contractor. Destiny Manufactured Homes is not even a sub-contractor! They lied.

The only licensed Destiny Manufactured Homes had at the time was for the sale of manufactured homes. Why could not the salesmanager been honest. The salesmanager,Mr.

Brittell put in writing, on a Worksheet and contract, work Destiny Manufactured Homes was not licensed to preformed. Contracting outside of their corporate license!

Can someone explain, why under the Disgorgement laws of

California I am not in possession of my money? It has been well over two years.

In California it against the law for a unlicensed

Contractor to prevail in California Courts! Yet, this corporation has in San Joaquin County Superior Court under Judge Carter P. Holly and attorney Joseph C. Reisinger.

Mr. Reisinger is great at legal intimidation and withholding information in a effort to gain a victory. Mr. Reisinger and San Joaquin County Superior Court are both great at pretending to notify this plaintiff of court dates or not posting required appearances or requiring last minute appearances.

Mr. Reisinger, you are guilty of withheld vital information (See the following Meet and Confer letter (sent by snail mail)during your clients, Destiny Manufactured Homes, corporate suspension period of February 1 through April 20, 2005, from

San Joaquin County Superior Court, apparently Judge Holly

does not mind. How are minorities to respect such a system?

Mr. Reisinger, you should have advised your client to give back the $80,000.00 fraudulently talken from this widow.

I am sure it cost more to hire you, buy a company that did not benefit Destiny Manufactured Homes, by way of it's contractors license. Hire people to attempt to intimate me through phone calls and events at my personal residence.

Let's not leave out move a branch of Alliance Tile to Manteca, California and train personnel in how this type of escrow should go! All of the above rather than issue an apology and return my money.

Hire a attorney that is also a Broker.(Mr. Reisinger) In order, to attempt to legalize this fraud, because in California a broker should have been used for this type of real estate transaction, according to the Department of Real Estate. Not to mention that Destiny Manufactures owner opened up a Mortgage Company!

Apparently, Jim Crow is alive. It is ok, in San Joaquin County to rob the poor, the widow and the minorities and wormen of their land, homes, money and use the San Joaquin County Superior Court system to bring a form of legalese, to this procedure.

Mr. Reisinger, please advise your clients, Alliance Title, together with their representatives, who played a

role in this mess: Paula Nickell,Terry Harwell,Warren Vaughn, and Sarah Weisman and Destiny Manufactured Homes, Lee Brittell and it's owner, Sam Knapp. I hope they will return my money to me in full plus interest and issue an apology.

I will not further embarrass them by publishing on this and other web sites all the Paperwork signed with Destiny Manufactured Homes as well as both copies of the

poorly and fraudulently written escrow instructions,together with both of the Mutual Cancellation Instructions, worksheets ect.

I hope your clients will issue a check for $80,000.00 plus interest in 10 business days.


Stockton, California

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