  • Report:  #66558

Complaint Review: Judge Jonh Hargrove - attorney Bruce Fetttrustee Thomas H.billingslea Jr. - San Diego California

Reported By:
- San Diego, Ca.,

Judge Jonh Hargrove - attorney Bruce Fetttrustee Thomas H.billingslea Jr.
530 B Street STE 1500 - San Diego Ca 92101 San Diego, 92101 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

bruce fett dirty-son-of-a-b**** stated in a letter dated june 11,2002 that he would no longer act as my attorney in my chapter 13 case the sob did not state a reason,as of june 11,2002,as required by law. he didnot have leave of court prior to withdrawing june 11,2002 as required by law. supreme court rule (scr)13 (c) (2) states: an attorney may not withdraw his appearance for a party without leave of court. and notice to all parties of record ,scr is legally binding upon everyone, judge,lawyers,or litigants. bruce fett had the authority to stop this crime, and failed to do so,failue to stop such crime, bruce fett a dirty son-of a b**** committed fraud upon the court. bruce fett in concert with trustee thomas h.bilingslea jr. a dirty son of a b**** in a letter dated april 21,2001 ordered debtor to increase the monthly payments of a confirmed plan by $42 a month. once a chapter 13 plan is confirmed it bind all parties: the creditors must except the payments provided: the debtors payments over the life of the plan are fixed. 18 usc 2(b) whoever willfully causes an act to be done which if directly performed by him or another would be an offense against the united states is punishable as a principal trustee thomas h billingslea jr. had the authority to stop this crime,and failed to do so failure to stop such crime,he committed fraud upon the court. judge john hargrove a dirty son of a b**** approved all of the above illegal action. judge hargrove had the authrrity to stop this crime and failed to do so failure to stop said crime judge hargrove committed fraud upon the court. judge hargrove conduct is malicious,fraudulent,and oppressive. I submit that some or all of the above defendants have committed fraud upon the court. I submit that some or all of the above defendants have acted in violation of 18 usc 1341: I submit that some or all of the above defendants are involved in a scheme to defraud. badbusinessbureau.com please dont let the dirty son of b****** get away with it. Samuel San Diego, California



3 Updates & Rebuttals

Bruce Fett

San Diego,
Response to defamation

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, July 15, 2009

Everything done in "Samuel"'s case was done legally. A court motion to withdraw as attorney was filed only because Samuel filed a motion against me alleging fraud. The court did not find any evidence of fraud whatsover and granted the motion to withdraw. That's why Samuel is angry at the judge, too. This man brought another complaint against me before another bankruptcy judge. That judge again denied the complaint and told him not to come back into Court unless he had a lawyer. That was several years ago and nothing has happened since, except for these postings to the internet. Judge Hargrove, the judge referred to in the post, retired, and there was a "roast" held in his honor in January 2008. I did not attend. But I understand that one of the speakers at the event brought this post by "Samuel" to light as a joke. I understand there was a good laugh by all in attendance simply because of the utter ridiculousness of the comments made. Unfortunately, however, the effect of making a public reference to it in a room full of people, may have had the unintended consequence of driving traffic to the site. In any event, I never felt the necessity to file a rebuttal because I thought the ridiculousness of the post was obvious, until recently I was confronted by someone who actually believed there was something factual to Samuel's post. That person indicated they had been referred to this site by an attorney. I suppose it is time to do something about the defamatory claims being made. The allegations made by "Samuel" are unfounded. You would think "Rip-Off Report" would understand that and remove the item, not only because I wrote and advised them the post was defamatory and asked them to remove it, but also because the defamation is obvious from the post because "Samuel" himself says right in the post that he went to Court and his claims were denied entirely. If you were referred to this site by someone, I would be very interested in knowing the identity of whomever referred you here. Please feel welcome to contact me at (619) 517-4124. Bruce Fett


El Cajon,
It doesn't sound like the attonrey did anything wrong or illegal

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, September 20, 2004

Your report does not contain any information that would indicate that the attorney did anything wrong. First of all, the attorney's work is done when when bankruptcy court confirms the plan in most Chapter 13 cases. The scope of work is define in the fee agreement. In the plan was confirmed, then he attorney's work was complete. Second, I can find no such Supreme Court Rule on the in federal or California law. Third, Chapter 13 plans are not set in stone. If you get a raise, the trustee can bring a motion to amend the plan be requiring an increase in the plan payments. Fourth and finally, you have cited no facts in your Rip-off Report, only complaints. There are no facts listed that support your conclusion that you were ripped off by anybody.


San Diego,
Don't let them get away with it!

#4Consumer Suggestion

Sun, November 30, 2003

allegations in this rip-off report are facs beyound dispute with documents to support. if bad business buerau maintain volunteer lawyers in the san diego area who will counsel for BBB in behalf of a victim of predatory lending pro bono. the outrageous conduct committed by judge john hargrove,lawyer bruce fett,trustee thomas h billingslea. justifies an award of punitive damags based upn the facts of this case. the victim of this crime is unable to afford an attorney due to the chapter 13 bankruptcy,would donate 1/2 of the punitive damages from this case to BBB rip-off report. Don't let them get away with it!

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