  • Report:  #925196

Complaint Review: Kabam Inc - Internet

Reported By:
Countess Dom - Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Kabam Inc
Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This company tells you that you cannot use any kind of 3rd party program/script to help you obtain blood but it does allow players to use a duplicating script to make more troops so you can attack everyone illegally. When a person uses the farm bot they are threatened with being banned yet when you send screen shots of players bragging they use the duplicating script and how Kabam allowed them to stay on and how they passed the script to more players. This is unreal!

When a player spends money for protection items and they do not work Kabam ignores it. When a person purchases a name change to get away from the bullies Kabam doesnt tell you that the name change is only if youre bored with your name and want to change it but everyone that added you to the contact list will see the new name hence defeating the purchase of buying the name change.

These are jusy a few of the many shady acts this company has done. The only way to stop this is to join together in a class action suit against Kabam to get all money paid in refunded.

9 Updates & Rebuttals


miami beach,
What a Schill

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, September 24, 2013

So, "nothing illegal"?  Are you sure?

I m no lawyer, not even a 'shithouse lawyer". But I am going to play one just this once.

Kabaam, in multiple games they host on facebook and their own site has "games of chance"..(Gambling) its real money being put in, and no tangible assets come back out, they offer multiple games of chance, mystery boxes, etc, that all cost money, wiht the promise of a "valuable item" but they post no odds of winning that item.

I would not be so c****ure that these scumbags at Kabaam are not doing anything illegal. The fact that their games are unethical in this regard is already established fact.  Now the legality of the scams they are pulling will eventually be called into question in a court of law. Of this I am certain.  There is no way you can rip off hundreds of thousands of people and not have a few actual lawyers in the mix who get pissed off and start investigating.


British Columbia,
I too am a vicitm of Kabam's scams

#3General Comment

Sat, April 06, 2013

I  have been playing Edgeworld for about a year now.
Kabam has ripped me off and members of our alliance on several occasions as follows:

They have people who play in the sectors who suck people into spending their money.
I was the highest level in the sector...11,000 levels higher than any other player. It was only possible for me to go up 500 levels a day playing 10 hours a day then one day during a tournament their planted player went up a whopping 15,000 levels in 12 hours and then another 5000 levels the next 5 hours for a total of 20,000 levels in one day which is impossible unless you spend about 3000 dollars or more. Everyone complained many times and they did nothing even though I have photographic evidence of this player admitting he did not work for those levels.
This same player holds no bases and his avatar shows him to be online 24/7 for 5 months straight.. they did nothing.
This same player is not in our alliance but is able to read what we say in our alliance chat.
This same player always knows when we are approaching the next tier and always holes us to prevent our whole alliance from winning better daily prizes.
This same player steals all the best prizes in the tournaments and prevents anyone from winning anything..even if you spend 1000 dollars  a week in the tournaments you will not win 1st prize because he will beat you.
This same player wipes out bases that he can not possibly wipe out and attacks you every 5 minutes when you are online but his shield stays on when he attacks you so you can't attack back which is also impossible because your shield comes down when you attack someone.
This same player has engineering parts that nobody can buy or win unless they spend  thousands of dollars.
This player does not play on the map and is only there to prevent people from winning anything. He does not hold any bases therefore he does not get any daily rewards yet he wins all the best prizes in every tournament preventing the honest players from winning anything.
This same player is only there to bait you into spending your money.
In one tournament I spent 150 dollars and they froze my force points deliberately to prevent me from winning the tournament.. no matter  how much I spent it did not give me the force points to pass 3rd place into second place.
In another tournament they froze my force points for a whole day.
I got robbed out of winning first place in at least 4 tournaments by their planted players who steal all the top spots and by manipulating the force points on my score.
They have banned many honest players form the game and accused them of cheating.. this is how they get rid of players who don't spend money. This has happened to many people I know.
I have complained at least 30 times and they have done nothing. Many players in our alliance have also complained many times about this same player and nothing is done.
I have been abused in the chat with absolute hatred and lies about me forcing me to block the chat so i do not see what these players say anymore. I have 100's of photos of abusive bullying towards me in the chat that I have sent them and they have done nothing. Some of the chat towards me amounts to hate crimes.
This game is rigged by their planted players to make you spend your money. It's a scam and everyone in our alliance knows it.
What kabam does amounts to fraud and deceptive practices to prevent you from winning anything which in turn forces you to spend more money to try to win,,, the more you spend the more they mess with you so you spend more. I have been sucked out of over 1000 dollars before I realized they were scamming me. This still goes on daily and players get sucked in and like some of us it takes a year before we catch on... by then your out over 1000 dollars.
This company is crooked. Some of the games like the wheel game in it amounts to illegal gambling as well as some of the prize boxes.... you spend and you spend but you never win the prizes that cannot be bought and can only be won... but you never win them.
Everyone in our alliance knows we are being scammed. If there is a class action suit going on I want in. I have lots of photographic evidence that I have collected. This company is not honest.
Pure scam.


Your ignorance knows no limits

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, August 13, 2012

" "As addressed above, I'm not an employee. I'm just a frequent reader and poster on this site as Josey will attest to. I'm sorry, i misunderstood your rambling and incoherent post, i take back saying you used a farm bot."

Now who is spouting off rambling incoherent posts here? Let me end this Debacle with this...as a consumer who pays for a product being a tangible or not  they have the right to the product being in working order. "

And the game works just fine. You can play it all you want. You are unhappy with Kabam's enforcement of their rules, which by the way, they did not promise to enforce them. They can come out and say "Botting is cool" tommorrow and that's how it works. Unless you can demonstrate an inability to play the game, your argument is invalid. You also have no "right" to this product being in working order. Per their terms of service they make no promises or warranties about the game. They make no promise you will have continued access or the ability to play this game. You agreed to this when you signed up. If you don't like it, don't play.

 " When purchasing items from this site to use and they either do not work as they should and or are not fully explained so that money isn't wasted then such consumer has the God Given Right to complain. Now when no help is offered when complaints are given then the consumer (me) has the God Given Right to file complaints with the proper authorities and I have. "

Again, they make no promises about the items they sell. They don't promise you that they will work how you want them to work. Reread the terms of service, you've obviously never read it. Also, since when do we have a "God Given Right" to file complaints? Did I miss that part of the bible? Yuo do have freedom of speech in this country though, and the right to address your grievences with the government (which is different from whining about video games on the internet)

However, this is a private company with a set of rules that you agreed to abide by. If you don't like the rules, you leave and quit playing. The attorney general doesn't care, nothing illegal is going on here. The BBB? They are a worthless pay to play company, I'll be frankly surprised if Kabam even responds to their inquiry. They aren't a government agency and they can't actually do anything to force compliance with anything.

" Now when someone like you sprouts off terms of service and has never had the experience and displeasure of dealing with a particular company then you have no business commenting on what you do not know. Troll elsewhere and come back and respond when you have played and payed this company and got screwed till then post elsewhere as you are not contributing you are hindering what you have no clue about!"

I don't need to deal with this company to understand your issues. I've dealt with MANY online gaming companies over the last 20 years that I've been playing online games. They are all the same when it comes to their rules and how they deal with customers. This particular company's terms of service may as well be a carbon copy of dozens of others I've read. I don't need to play these games to have an opinion on this subject. What I do know, is that you are woefully ignorant of how the world works. You need to grab a copy of the terms of service and read them from start to finish. Find a friend to help you with the big words.


Response to ignorant one

#5Author of original report

Fri, August 10, 2012

"As addressed above, I'm not an employee. I'm just a frequent reader and poster on this site as Josey will attest to. I'm sorry, i misunderstood your rambling and incoherent post, i take back saying you used a farm bot."

Now who is spouting off rambling incoherent posts here? Let me end this Debacle with this...as a consumer who pays for a product being a tangible or not  they have the right to the product being in working order. When purchasing items from this site to use and they either do not work as they should and or are not fully explained so that money isn't wasted then such consumer has the God Given Right to complain. Now when no help is offered when complaints are given then the consumer (me) has the God Given Right to file complaints with the proper authorities and I have.

Now when someone like you sprouts off terms of service and has never had the experience and displeasure of dealing with a particular company then you have no business commenting on what you do not know. Troll elsewhere and come back and respond when you have played and payed this company and got screwed till then post elsewhere as you are not contributing you are hindering what you have no clue about!

The Outlaw Josey Wales

Golden Meadow,
United States of America
sounds like ash has a problem

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, August 10, 2012

 now we know why all the useless rebutts, I am Josey Wales  and I approve of this rebutt.

Report Attachments


No employee here

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, August 10, 2012

I am not employed by kabam. I do not know anyone that works at kabam. I don't even know what country they operate out of.

Now for the rest of your post:

" Hey I will tell you what employee of Kabam. I never said I used a farm bot tho I know of others that do so when you learn to read come back and talk. When you return be sure to be in your true skin the one that shows you work for and Are paid by kabam to troll the boards with the greatness of kabam."

As addressed above, I'm not an employee. I'm just a frequent reader and poster on this site as Josey will attest to. I'm sorry, i misunderstood your rambling and incoherent post, i take back saying you used a farm bot.

" Now lets get down to terms of service shall we oh dear employee of the month..it states no one shall "cheat and or bully" yet with the proof given to kabam that such exist is met with nothing being done about it. So as a consumer I have the RIGHT to join with others against the unfair practices of any company and should anyone want to join this with me against Kabam they are more then welcomed to. "

You don't actually have the right to do anything. Kabam owns the website. Kabam can chose to allow any content they see fit on the website. They can chose to ban people for breaking the rules as they see fit. The terms of service do not bind them in any way shape or form. You can join with others, but you need to PROVE they are violating the LAW in some way. Can you tell me where they violated their terms of service? Did they promise you that they would ban every person who broke the rules?

Let's examine their rules, shall we?

" While using the Websites or Materials, you agree to comply with these and all Standards, as well as all applicable laws, rules and regulations, Kabam has the sole discretion to delete, suspend, terminate or close your user Account, with or without prior notification to you, for any violation of these Terms, including any of the STANDARDS."

You agreed that they have SOLE DISCRETION to enforce the rules. You agreed that they could apply the rules they laid out in any way they see fit. If you don't like these rules you should stop playing the games and discontinue services. Additionally:

" We have no obligation to monitor the Websites, Services, any Third Party Platform, or the Forums, or any Submissions or other materials that you or other third persons or parties transmit or post on the Websites, in the Services, on any Third Party Platform, or in the Forums. You acknowledge and agree that Kabam has the right (but not the obligation) to do any or all of the following, at its sole discretion: (i) alter, remove, or refuse to post or allow to be posted or stored any Submission or message; (ii) monitor and/or filter any of your communications through the Forums (including without limitation, by means of blocking or replacing expletives or other language that may be deemed harmful or offensive); and/or (iii) disclose any Submission or message or any communication through the Forums, and the circumstances surrounding the transmission thereof, to any third party in order to operate the Websites or any Services available thereon or through any Third Party Platform to (a) protect Kabam and its sponsors, employees, officers, directors, shareholders, agents, representatives and affiliates, and Kabams users and visitors; (b) to comply with legal obligations or governmental requests; and (c) to enforce these Terms; or for any other reason or purpose."

See what they did there? They reserve the RIGHT to enforce the rules, you agreed that they are under no OBLIGATION to enforce any of the rules. Meaning they can enforce the rules as they see fit or not enforce them at all. Again, YOU AGREED TO THESE TERMS when you signed up to play the games.

"Kabam may suspend, terminate, modify, or delete your Account or rights thereto with or without prior notice to you, at any time for any reason or for no reason, including without limitation, for any violation or suspected violation of the Terms or for any other reason that Kabam in its sole discretion determines is appropriate."

Meaning they don't even have to play fair. They can terminate your account for any reason at any time. Again, YOU AGREED TO GIVE THEM THIS POWER.

And finally under limitations of liability:

" A complaint with the BBB and both State Attorneys in our States will be filed by closing of today.
So again dear employee try to stop what many have been complaining about I dare you."

Go ahead and file. I don't work for kabam. I don't give a d**n if you take legal action against them. You do know the BBB can't actually make a company do anything right? as for your state attorney general, can you prove they are defrauding you? Let me know how much they didn't care either. You might want to actually read the terms of service you agreed to. You don't have a case to stand on.

" I dare Kabam to be rid of the people and alliances that have and used these scripts against honest players that pay money to this ripoff....go on meet my challenge."

Why would they want to? These players make the money hand over fist.


To the Employee of Kabam....

#8Author of original report

Fri, August 10, 2012

Hey I will tell you what employee of Kabam. I never said I used a farm bot tho I know of others that do so when you learn to read come back and talk. When you return be sure to be in your true skin the one that shows you work for and Are paid by kabam to troll the boards with the greatness of kabam.

Now lets get down to terms of service shall we oh dear employee of the month..it states no one shall "cheat and or bully" yet with the proof given to kabam that such exist is met with nothing being done about it. So as a consumer I have the RIGHT to join with others against the unfair practices of any company and should anyone want to join this with me against Kabam they are more then welcomed to.
A complaint with the BBB and both State Attorneys in our States will be filed by closing of today.
So again dear employee try to stop what many have been complaining about I dare you.

I dare Kabam to be rid of the people and alliances that have and used these scripts against honest players that pay money to this ripoff....go on meet my challenge.

The Outlaw Josey Wales

Golden Meadow,
United States of America
HA HA HA ash

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, August 10, 2012

 What are you talking about??????

Report Attachments


Class action lawsuit?

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, August 10, 2012

Can you tell me what laws they are breaking?

They can, at will, ignore the rules they laid down. Did you miss the part in the terms of service agreement that states they can change the rules as they see fit?

Either way. Its unimportant if other people are breaking the rules. Just because someone else breaks the rules and breags about it does not mean you can break the rules too. You broke the rules and you got caught. Its an open and shut case before any sort of judge. Are there people that get away with breaking the rules? Sure, every online game has people that manage to evade getting caught. That doesn't mean you can break the rules just because someone else is.

Tell you what, next time you see someone shoplift go ahead and shoplift too. When you get arrested, tell the cop that it was okay because you saw someone else shoplift first. Then file a class action lawsuit against the store because they aren't stopping all the shoplifters and let me know how far that lawsuit goes.

"When a player spends money for protection items and they do not work Kabam ignores it. When a person purchases a name change to get away from the bullies Kabam doesnt tell you that the name change is only if youre bored with your name and want to change it but everyone that added you to the contact list will see the new name hence defeating the purchase of buying the name change."

Every online game I play has this same rule. They don't want people scamming others then changing their names so they can scam again. This is to protect the other players, so that your reputation goes from name change to name change. No game company is going to let you name change and delete your name from other people. The purpose of a name change in ANY name is for cosmetic reasons.

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