  • Report:  #839351

Complaint Review: Karen Foley Dublin Ireland - Dublin, Internet

Reported By:
Mad Emz - Bridge City, Oregon, United States of America

Karen Foley Dublin Ireland
Dublin,, Internet, Ireland
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
I met Karen Foley on a popular chat room site --  NOT a dating or personals site.  I was living in London at the time but was planning to move to Dublin, Ireland where she was from. We started  chatting on MSN regularly and she very quickly pretended to fall in love with me (yes, I am a l*****n get over it.) I chatted with her every night for almost a year online, but she was never able to talk on the phone for various stupid reasons. Finally, when it came time for me to move to Dublin she disappeared quickly and without a trace.

She uses the name kazfoley for a lot of things, so the other day I did a google search for that name and found she had posted all sorts of crazy romantic Youtube videos trying to get other girls to fall in love with her. No coincidence the most recent girl also seems to live thousands of miles away from her--- so she will have a harder time figuring what a fake kazfoley really is.

I was not looking to meet anyone,  so I was very naive and accept the blame for being so stupid.  What I will not tolerate however, is seeing that she is still going around lying to other people and possibly hurting them or destroying their lives. I do know that she was fired from her job last year for posting horrible things about some guy she worked with on Twitter, so she obviously has other mental problems too.  To anyone who runs across a Karen Foley or "kazfoley" from Ireland, I urge you to either confront her or run away immediately.

46 Updates & Rebuttals


My apologies from Stevie's mom

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, April 26, 2014

Stevie died last week from an overdose.  He suffered from mental illness and drugs all his life.  I found this website in his email.  I hope to God it was his dealer/evil man lover who posted these things.  I don't want to believe he was so horrible to people he didn't even know for no reason but he was often that bad when he couldnt get high

Im so sorry if he did this

Laffing Emz

United States of America
So over it

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, June 15, 2012

Who cares Jess, the troll likes watching drugged-out pornstars eating each other's poo.  He had zero credibility-- which makes him a perfect match for a total fake like Kazfoley.

Moral of this story--  never trust anyone who refuses to go on webcam and prove she is who she claims to be.


New York,
United States of America
no great loss

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, June 13, 2012

looks like that stalker guy really did jerk himself to death.  maybe kaz foley sent him too many dirty fake pics hahaha


United States of America
Actually for once, I might believe you

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, April 04, 2012

After seeing the "Two Girls One Cup" reference then Googling it, I can see how far gone you are.  Something like "LizzietheLez" would be a pre-kindergarten remark in your perv school.


lol, for the record that was NOT me :)

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, April 04, 2012

I know I said I would not revisit this thread, but I just want to establish that I am not "Lizzie The Lez". Definitely the kind of thing I would write, though :)


United States of America
Not very original are you?

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, April 04, 2012

Oh God how stupid, couldnt come up with a less predictable name than LizzietheLez??   Kaz you
already have more pics than I ever should have given youwe both know Im the hottie and thus why you just wouldnt quit.  Or, if its stalker Steve, well Im obviously not giving you any beat-off material.

Now really, just give up your fictional existence. 


United States of America
Need a date gawjus?

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, April 03, 2012

Somebody sounds jealous.  Kaz is probs a hottie who didnt want you.  How bout some pics to prove who you are?


United States of America
Wow- looks like I missed the most absurd post of all

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, April 03, 2012

Well Kaz, you read that I had stopped reading most of these crazy posts and you sure snuck a big one in there.  More and more psychotic lies as always.  Post #24, I never bothered to read it until now.

1.  You never wanted me?? Hahahahahaha!!!  So why did it take me THREE years to get rid of you? 
Changing emails, blocking you, and even having my brother tell you I was dead so you would stay the hell away from me!!!   But you kept bothering him so he finally made me tell you I wasnt dead . then YOU immediately started up with the I love you soooo much.  I need to be with you sooooo bad crap all over again.

2.  Fake Identities!   LMFAO you admitted and cried and apologized so many times for not telling me sooner that you were just a lonely fake old fatty,  then STILL you kept trying to get me to keep chatting with you.

3. Threatening you?   The only threat I ever made was that I would post your name all over the internet if I found out that you were lying to me.   And here it is.  So it wasnt really a threat, more of a prophecy.

4. Crazy b***h ?  Yes, you are.  Not one word or thought from your head has ever been close to truthful.   As for me, Im not going to let these people make huge assumptions about things they know NOTHING about.  Sure, they can say what they want.  But that doesnt mean I  have to react the way YOU would like me to.

5.  Let it go? I did let it go, 2 years ago.  But YOU could not stop using your fake identity to lie to more girls and start falling in fake psychotic love with themjust like you TRIED to  do with me! 
I did see all of the INSANE videos on Youtube before you finally took them down.

6. The real Karen Foley.  I know who she is.  I have addresses, phone numbers, family names, employers, etc.   I also know you are probably not her.   You are most likely one of her brothers,  nephews, cousins, male friends, something like that.   I have not yet posted her information.  If I do, she will figure out who you are, and your life will become hell.  You deserve that!  SO much, you deserve that!   But she doesnt deserve the humiliation you will have caused her.

Ive said it several times before but none of you bored trolls give a crap about the simple uninteresting truth--   I only posted this to get you to stop using the fake Kazfoley identity.  Then  Im done.  So you can accept that or you can keep going.  But if you, or your alter ego stalker Steve, or any of your other fake identities start things up again, Im posting ALL of the real Karen Foley information.   Then your problems will really begin.


United States of America
You are probably right Jess

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, April 03, 2012

I sort of wondered about that all along.  He is either kazfoley or someone she knows online -- since she has no real friends.  That doesnt make him any less of a lowlife stalker though. 


New york,
United States of America
omg stalker steve is still at it?

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, April 02, 2012

sure very classy fake post oversized load. he is  kazfoley.  look at how he keeps calling her karen instead of kaz?  why else would he be so obsessed with this?  no one could be that nuts about it for no reason.  steve will be dead whacking it with a plastic bag over his head any second now lol and kazfoley will disappear like magic

oversized load

United States of America
shut up and jump on it

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, April 02, 2012

I got the cure for u carpet munchers   30 minutes on this big ol bad one and u  stop ur bitchin  maybe u just 2 fugly to find a man put it up or giv it up hoes


Tell you what Emz, I'll show you how it's done

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, April 02, 2012

First off, you not even particularly good at this; some guy is not going to read this thread and keep regurgitating the same old insults over and over; that is your domain.

Anyway, I have suggested that you actually keep your word and leave the thread alone and move on, so I will set an example for you and leave it at this. You can make all of the p***s jokes you want!

At the end of the day, people Googling Karen's name and see this thread will be able to judge for themselves if she is inexplicably just pretending to be in love with people on the Internet, or if you are simply another crazy. I don't think it will be a hard call for them to make.

Stay classy,



United States of America
Shall I direct you to Sylvan Learning Centers?

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, April 02, 2012

I said she was using A REAL name not HER REAL name!  That is what this scam is all about!!   There are hundreds of Karen Foleys in Ireland.  THIS particular person was either some fat old lonely cow using fake pics or a creepy perverted man like you!  (Now that I think about it Steve very well could be Kazfoley!)   She or he uses the name Kazfoley for all of the fake things she does.  This post is about the fake Kazfoley not one of the many other real Karen Foleys in Ireland!

Got it??  The end.  Now go back to eating your own poop retard.

(PS-  You've never had a gf in your life you lying minger pervert! LMAO)


Santa Rosa,
United States of America
Still no real name huh p*ssy?

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, April 02, 2012

everyone can tell by now you are the only one using fake names.  You know d**n well I'm not her.  You can't have her so you're just gonna stalk the poor girl til you die from too much masturbation.  I read the  posts about how you love lesbians and how you wanted photos of her.  She just kept ignoring you then all of a sudden you went apesh*t.  You must be the most cowardly little p*ssy excuse for a man on the face of the earth.  Emz was wrong about one thing, that other girl might be a real mess but you are the true psycho on here.  Just keep typing and proving it


Ah, see, you *did* trot out the "mommy's basement" thing!

#16Consumer Comment

Mon, April 02, 2012

You have certainly met expectations. And when did I ever kiss your a*s? I asked you what you meant when you said it was a "scam," and the only 2 things I could imagine were a)financial or b)a dude pretending to be a woman. I did not agree, nor disagree with you. And tell me this, my little bundle of crazy: what were my "advances" towards you that you rebuffed? I mean there was comment #2, that was addressed to both of you; why did I decide that you were the stalker? Take a look through the thread, and you will see that it was after you started posting as other people, in an attempt to somehow bolster your argument. 

Actually, given your original allegation that Karen was a psycho, it is not surprising at all that you now claim that *I* don't believe your BS because... you rebuffed my "advances". (I guess Karen rebuffed those same "advances," and somehow I was able to deal with it). I've had a couple girls that have gone psycho on me after we split, so I can spot the patterns. It would have been nice if they were in a totally different country when they flipped; Karen has it lucky. 

You have now stated many times that you are "done" with this thread, yet you keep coming back to it. And instead of adding any actual information, all you can do is spew random (and amazingly unoriginal) insults. Move on; Karen obviously has.

Report Attachments


Santa Rosa,
United States of America
we all know who you are generic loser forum guy

#17Consumer Comment

Mon, April 02, 2012

a thirty something pervert virgin living in mommy's basement.  Go look at your own posts.  You were kissing Emz a*s and trying to get her to talk to you.  You agreed with her and told her that the other girl was really a guy.  Only after she ignored your advances did you start attacking her and calling her the fraud.  So what is your real name p*y? The whole world is sick of pathetic morons like you.  Give us your real name and I will end you.   How brave are you now  chat room troll?   What a lonely p*y picking on girls who know what a loser you are.


That's all you got, Emz?

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, April 02, 2012

Sorry, but when it comes to being a "coward," you take the cake. I'm not the one that posted an innocent woman's name online while hiding my own. Then again, when a relationship of mine goes sour I don't rant about it online; I cry in my beer like a normal person. 

The person from Australia is not me, but If I were in your shoes I would probably accuse me of being him/her as well, so I can't really blame you especially since he/she used a phrase that I did as well ("comedy gold"). What I do blame you for is defaming someone online while remaining anonymous yourself. You can't remove your post here, but have a little class and at least remove them from the countless other boards you have complained on. 

Maybe you should get a job with Focus on the Family or something; I mean, you actually turned Karen straight! You could make some serious cash at one of those "pray the gay away" camps. 

Report Attachments


Santa Rosa,
United States of America
That Steve guy is even more pathetic than a troll

#19Consumer Comment

Mon, April 02, 2012

Look at how he is even making up fake fans for himself.  Yeah right someone just happened to randomly find Ripoff Report and became addicted to the most ignorant fool online.   Most of the others look like fakes he made up too.   He's the kind of coward who could never confront anyone in the real world so takes his self-hatred out on girls who would never give him the time of day. 
Just ignore the d-bag.  You can't make his s**t life any worse than it already is.

How Funny

Comedy Gold

#20General Comment

Mon, April 02, 2012

This was one of the funniest things i have read all morning! I was just surfing the net when i read about "ripoffreport" - logged on and just read the above comments! Absolute comedy GOLD!

Steve, you cracked me up!!! Will def visit this site again - maybe i can become addicted to it too :)


Nah, her handle (K@ZFOLEY) always brought up this page

#21Consumer Comment

Mon, April 02, 2012

Currently it is the last one on the first page. A few of the other boards where you whine come up as well, but they all have about the same credibility. 

You want to know what's really sad? Someone who poasts someone's real name on the Internet, but refuses to post her own. 

So what is your real name? And how long ago did you two "split" (since you never even talked, not sure if it is much of a split, but whatevs). 


United States of America
Dear trolls, perverts, and other social misfits

#22Consumer Comment

Sun, April 01, 2012

Thank you for your help!  Before kazfoley tried to derail this post, her/his name was buried several pages deep on Google searches.   Now, thanks to all of the posting and attention you trolls have given this thread she has moved up to the 2nd or 3rd hit . yes in the entire Google universe!   I could now care less about any of your posts and rants.  I dont even bother to look at them anymore.  But, by all means, please keep wasting your sad little lives posting here!  Maybe you can put her at number one!!!

I only wanted my original post here to help people identify her/him and stay away from her wrath. 

Thanks to all of you, that has now been accomplished.


OK, "Jessica"

#23Consumer Comment

Sun, April 01, 2012

Wow, Emz, three separate posts addressed at me? Color me flattered. Anyway, let's take a look at your particular type of crazy, shall we?

"And Steve, WOW, you really put the paranoid in paranoid schizophrenic!" - Where did I exhibit even a hint of paranoia? Do you even know what the word means? 

"You are so obviously just furious that you couldnt get the attention of a l*****n to talk to you about your sad little perverted fantasies."  - It's true, I do love lesbians. And indeed they are never as good in real life as they are in porn. However, there are a lot of hot college girls that will make out when they are drunk, mostly to impress guys life myself. There is truly no love quite as pure as the one that occurs between two intoxicated coeds.

"misogynistic" - As with the word "paranoia", it would seem like you have a hard time with the definition of the word. A "misogynist" is someone who hates women. I simply hate idiots.

"You totally LIVE on here!!! You have NO life and NO friends." -I plead 100% guilty on the first point. I stumbled upon this site a couple months ago, and since then have been totally addicted to it. I really have no idea why. However, I do have plenty of friends (and how juvenile is the old "you have no friends" insult anyway?). Those friends, however, do laugh at how addicted I am to this site, and I can't blame them!

"I won't read or respond to anymore of your lies/delusions because I know that's what gets you off.... since you probably can't achieve an erection like normal men." - Since you posted two more times after claiming this, I'll assume you just changed your mind. And like the "no friends" thing, the "no erections" gratuitous insult is unoriginal and juvenile. I am surprised you haven't thrown out the old "you live in your mothers basement" one. 

"This site is pretty much useless then" - For consumer complaints, yes. But for reading claims by psychos like the you, it is comedy gold.

"stalker" - Let me tell you how this site works, Einstein. People post their complaints. Then others post comments on said complaints. When you do not like those responses, it does not make those responders "stalkers". Stalking is when you obsessively post about someone, email them incessantly with absurd accusations, etc., usually because there is a perceived or actual romantic involvement. I just wish I could think of a good example of this... maybe I'll search for a post on this site by a such a stalker. Can YOU think of one, Emz?

Anyway, all this l*****n talk has made me incredibly aroused. I think it is time for another viewing of "Two girls, one cup". 


Emz head was and still is messed up

#24REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, April 01, 2012

People have a right to their own opinion, and they way Emz reacted to others comments, proves she a crazy b*ch. Oh and just so u know, I never had and fake identies, you just can't handle the fact that I never wanted u, cause I lost count how many times u lost ur mind and went crazy, just like you proved you still are crazy by attacking people on here. And as for what u said about ur email address, LMFAO, yes it's true u blocked me for the 1st email address, but who kept making new email addresses to contact me, who even made up an email address pretending to be your brother and have me believe you died. Who ended everything the last time? All you Emz. Time to let go and move on, I have, it's been 5 years, I know we talked 3 years ago, but still move on.

You can tell all the lies u want about me, I don't care, I know the truth, I have every email u ever sent me, from the sane to the crazy emails, which I'm glad everyoe got a glimpse of the craziness I had to deal with from you. Your head must be so f*ked up, you make crazy sh*t up in ur head and believe it, just like the crazy sh*t u made up on here about these people who just have an opinion.


New york,
United States of America
oh by the way stalker steve

#25Consumer Comment

Sun, April 01, 2012

i know emz from facebook and know all about that kaz fake who tried to mess up her head.  I was the one who suggested she post that here. so what makes you think people use fake second names on here?  maybe because you do it yourself all the time?  well not me and not emz.  (have them check the ip addresses idiot)  she is way too good a person  to put up with creepers like you and kaz.  so go find some other post to beat off to loser 


New york,
United States of America
don't waste anymore time on these idiots

#26Consumer Comment

Sun, April 01, 2012

so what you are saying steve is that they pretty much allow anyone to post anything they want on here?  and so that means this site is pretty much useless then?   so emz was right you must have one messed up life to always hang around here with nothing else to do then lol.  
you are so right emz  I  really am so sick of trolls like these everywhere on the web.  no matter how much BS you got from these weirdos you did get your message about that fake across.   but please dont come back now cos they just want to keep you here forever.  its what they live for


United States of America
Do they have a special computer that allows you to type with the straitjacket on Steve?

#27Consumer Comment

Sun, April 01, 2012

Holy crap, you people are freakin psychos!  This post never had anything to do with any of you in the first place!  If you dont like it, you do not have to read it!  You do have that option you know! 

Momager, if you are such a self-proclaimed learned scholar, then go spend your time on the many other productive things you should have to do. 

And Steve, WOW, you really put the paranoid in paranoid schizophrenic!  Thank God the internet exists so people like you arent out on the streets collecting womens severed heads.  You are so obviously just furious that you couldnt get the attention of a l*****n to talk to you about your sad little perverted fantasies.  As for fake posts, this is my only post since like Thursday!  I had no intention of posting again but the email notifications about new posts keep showing up.   Maybe people like Jessica and JeanP are just sick of misogynistic trolls like you?? The funniest part is that you keep saying things like well usually this or that happens or on here people do such and such etc  LMFAO you totally LIVE on here!!! You have NO life and NO friends and so questioning your creepy existence on here makes you psychotically defensive!  I won't read or respond to anymore of your lies/delusions because I know that's what gets you off.... since you probably can't achieve an erection like normal men.

I did what I had to do here.  If kazfoley goes back to using her/his fake identity, anyone who googles that name will see it here and at least know to question her/him about it.  Now keep posting to yourselves losers. Unlike you I have a life to get back to.

Pat R.

granada hills,
United States of America

#28General Comment

Sun, April 01, 2012

What a load of nonsense.


"JeanP" (i.e. Emz) obviously does not know how this site works.

#29Consumer Comment

Sat, March 31, 2012

Emz - you could post a ripoff report on God Himself and it would go through; the moderators are only here to strip out contact info, competitors names, etc. 

More importantly, the fact that you have now created TWO fake "supporters" (JeanP and Jessica) shows you must indeed be the nutjob here. Also, usually the one that is the original posters of these kinds of personal attacks is the one that is crazy (sane people just move on). And BTW, the comment stereotyping Americans was just plain odd. 


United States of America
Aren't Americans funny?

#30Consumer Comment

Sat, March 31, 2012

They believe a scam or a ripoff is only significant if it results in them losing their precious money.  Personally, I would much rather lose $1000 than be made a fool of by some loony internet fraud.  I believe Emz has done a good thing warning others who might come across such a person as the kazfoley.  That is exactly why this website does allow such posts. Each one of these posts is reviewed by the moderators of this site before being posted.  If this thread were not appropriate to this site, the management would decide that, not some other shallow arrogant American like Momager or others.


United States of America
dear emz

#31General Comment

Fri, March 30, 2012

If you will reread my posts you will notice that I did NOT criticize you personally, I gave you constructive criticism that could improve the efficacy of your posts.  Your reply was interesting in as much as I had no spelling errors in my posts while yours are replete with mistakes.  AH but,  it could be that you spell well but you cannot type!  So perhaps typing lessons or just more practice.

Your powers of projection are very interesting.  Two masters degrees, then you should know better than to randomly ascribe attributes to others while allowing yourself to be so entirely wrong.  Sorry,  no GED,  in fact I have lectured at the university level.  It wasn't in grammar or spelling, it was in Special Education issues.  I am also not overweight,  no bon-bons.  

I do realize you suffered a painful incident and I am sorry you did.  But "rip-off" has the implication of a loss as in a company that steals money from you. 

There ARE decent human beings online.  Not everyone is a liar and a user.  So better luck next time.  In the meantime you are wasting your time trying to take down this one individual.  I do fail to see how it is that one uses one's real name to set up a false idetnity {sic}  but nevertheless. 

There IS one other possibility for readers here - a few of the most interesting debates online turn out to be conducted by ONE individual  arguing passionately and insultingly with herself.  hmmm  No, I didn't think of it but I know a few folks who have done this particularly in chatrooms! Not to mention those who pretend to be of one ethnic or religious persuasion going into chatrooms to insult people.

You might reach a wider audience in another venue and thereby do more good in warning people about your nemesis.


Emz - There are people on here that are even *sadder* than "trolls"

#32Consumer Comment

Fri, March 30, 2012

This may be hard to believe, but there are actually people who will make additional accounts on this site and - get this - respond to their own threads as different people! I mean, is that not the most pitiful thing you have ever heard of? These losers will pose as someone who supports the OP's complaint in an embarrassing attempt to make others think the complaint has more merit. I know, I know, it would be funny if it were not so sad.

Oh well, there are losers everywhere I guess.


New york,
United States of America
Dont pay attention to these trolls Emz

#33Consumer Comment

Fri, March 30, 2012

I can understand why you feel you had to post that here Emz.   There are a ton of crazy people on the internet and when you get lied to like that its really horrible.  By posting that name she/he/it uses you might save somebody else from going through what you did.  Ive met some super crazy awful people who lie about who they are and wish I had thought to do the same thing.

And as for these other trolls on here they are only proving the point that you made.  The internet is full of losers with nothing else to do but try to make other people as miserable as them.  At least you did your part by exposing one of them.


United States of America
well actually emz,,,,

#34General Comment

Fri, March 30, 2012

I don't spend time living on this site per se.  I was checking out the latest on my own ripoff from when I naively got scammed out of over a hundred dollars when I ordered a one time report from "mylife.com." They have stolen thousands of dollars from people who never saw it coming.  It happens. and THOSE are the ripoffs this website exists to inform people about.  The social spectre belongs on Facebook, not here.


United States of America
Really "momager"?

#35Consumer Comment

Thu, March 29, 2012

I have two Master's degrees and spell much better than you and your 30 year old GED ever will.  You know why this belongs here along with all of the other internet identify fraud issues.  If you need   to feel better about yourself by butting in, admitting that you waste your time online here for no valid reason is the first step toward getting your own life.

Good luck with the gastric bypass surgery and pending meth rehab.


United States of America
and what does that say about you "voiceofreason" ...

#36Consumer Comment

Thu, March 29, 2012

... spending your entire life on here monitoring such lost causes that have nothing to do with you??   do have a job or a real friend?  perhaps we should introduce you to kazfoley ... seems like you'd have loads in common :)


United States of America
emz and "friend"

#37General Comment

Thu, March 29, 2012

I fail to see why this is playng out on this website!  There is no rip-off involved.  It belongs in a chatroom somewhere.  Really,  young ladies,  both of you need to take your computer time and go back to school!  Neither of you can spell well enough to articulate your complaints effectively.  The use of crude language demeans you more than the other person and indicates your lack of an education.  You CAN better yourselves if you quit wasting your time with this catfight.  At least please find a proper venue and leave this site for those with legitimate  ripoff problems. 


North Carolina,
United States of America
Throw this one into the nutjob files...

#38Consumer Comment

Thu, March 29, 2012

With the crazy butt sniffer, Doctor Rita, Robin Arnstein, the Mount Dora stalking "victim" and the loonies using psychics to get their lovers back.


United States of America
Just give it up, you're busted and you know it ....

#39Consumer Comment

Thu, March 29, 2012

Every word that you have ever written online, in chat, email, etc has been a total lie.  There is no way to argue with someone who lives in her (or maybe his) own crazy little sociopathic world.  I could not begin to give a d**n what you think or have to say.  You are only talking to yourself here ... something I'm sure you do often in your  lonely little world.

I did not make the original post here for you.  I made it to warn all of the other people you were trying to lure into your psychotic fake online existence.  And now that has been accomplished.  Kazfoley has been exposed.  Now just move on to creating your next fake identity, because I'm sure you have nothing else to do with your life.


Violins are playing

#40REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, March 28, 2012

Can u hear that? Thats the sound of violins playing for you.

Lmfao, that's all I can do is laugh at everything u said. Hahaha

Love your version, it's f***ing funny. Hahaha


United States of America
Yes CRAZY >>> Karen Foley

#41Consumer Comment

Wed, March 28, 2012

Oh my God, WHEN will you ever stop lying???  You never had any of intention of meeting ONLY because you are some lonely old fat cow who has to use fake pics to find people who will chat to her!!  And you know very well, I only became upset  AFTER you started making up excuses not to meet or talk on the phone.  And what about that-- not even talking on the phone??  Maybe you just didn't want me to hear your male voice???   But yet YOU still kept coming back to ME year after year.  I was the one who had to keep changing email addresses over and over again so YOU could not stay in touch with ME!!!  
And spare me the crap about meeting a man and having a baby.  I have seen the videos, (before you took them down) they were very clearly written for specific women-- some even mentioned by name.    You just don't want anyone to google your name and find out that you are a sicko deep in the closet l*****n who plays psycho games with WOMEN she meets online.
And as for being a scam??? Oh YES it is a huge scam!   Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines scam as "a fraudulent or deceptive act."   Tell me in what world that you live is all of this disgusting lying and manipulation of yours not a deceptive act??
Either admit it or go away "Kaz,"  I can keep coming back here as many times as you can ....


"after all these years"?

#42Consumer Comment

Wed, March 28, 2012

How long ago was this 'relationship' where you never talked on the phone? 



#43REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, March 27, 2012

You wanna know why we never met? u wanna finally know the truth? everytime we had a fight or you doubted who i was, you got crazy, and I don't just mean like a little crazy, you acted like a crazy b***h who should of been in a mental instution, you alway treatened me, ALWAYS. So honestly, i didn't trust you and you scared the hell outta me, thats why, so for once in your life, stop blaming others for your crazyness, and look in the mirror. Clearly you haven't found anyone else, and you have nothing going on in your life, cause after all these years, you have nothing better to do, then keep going on and on and on and on about this s**t in the past, time to let go don't you think.

Oh and for your information, I have not met anyone online since you, f**k you scared me away from that, and yes I am in a relationship with an amazing man, actually engaged, and I have a 8 month old baby. so please for once in your life, leave me the hell alone. Oh and a SCAM are you serious? did I ever ask you for money, and how do I scam people into falling in love with me? are you even crazier then I though, you cannot scam people into falling in love with you.

Anyway, I've wasted enough time on you, not gonna waste anymore.


So was this some kind of financial scam or what?

#44Consumer Comment

Tue, March 27, 2012

Otherwise, what would be the motivation? Maybe it was a guy pretending to be a l*****n? As you probably know, we LOVE lesbians (not sure why). 


United States of America
Oh please save it for the next sucker ....

#45Consumer Comment

Tue, March 27, 2012

Okay sureKaz,  you use stolen photos so you can go around pretending to be in love with random strangers online, but I am the crazy liar here?  And rejection??  LOL omg, how could anyone be rejected by someone who is not real and has no intention of really ever meeting?  Face it, you just cant handle the consequences of your own sick behavior. What goes around comes around, karma meet kazfoley!

And to Steve above, I do have loads of photos, but if you read the post again you will understand it would be very wise not to trust Kaz to provide any truthful images! 


Some pics would be nice..

#46Consumer Comment

Mon, March 19, 2012

Well, as long as you are "lipstick lesbians," and not the gross kind. 


are you kidding me with this Emz

#47REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, March 18, 2012

Emz, you are such a lier with your event of how things went.  and to do this, just shows how crazy you are, and don't take well to rejection and lastly, that is not even my pic, you are using 2 innocent girls pictures.

I'm not going to even lower myself to your level by saying any more then I have. I have no reason to belittle you.

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