  • Report:  #303700

Complaint Review: Kasamba Dr. Phil Div - Internet

Reported By:
- Pacheco, California,

Kasamba Dr. Phil Div
Kasamba.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I talked to this so called adviser twice. He was very nice. The first time he gave me a time frame of 40 to 45 days for something. So I rated him 4 stars intending to give the fifth one on prediction occurring. Second time I contacted him (before time frame was due) for an up date and he seemed to be a little less friendlier. I am thinking because of my 4 star rating, but gave him 5 stars anyway. Well the time frame passed ( like I figured it would) and I contacted him I told him I wanted him to know that his time frame came and went and asked him now what? He said Really, let me connect to you again. I said ok and waited and waited. Then we were cut off. Then he went off line. About 15 minutes later, I saw he was back on so I tried to contact him again twice. Both times he wouldn't answer. So I tried to email him and he blocked me. What a fake! He wasn't even man enough to make up another lie. Kasamba claims to screen these people. well someone was sleeping the day this phony came in.

April c.

Pacheco, California


16 Updates & Rebuttals


United Kingdom

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, March 06, 2008

I am finding these accusations of clients being readers on K very funny!! Talk about desperate! Whomever, if the best you can come up with is "expert" or "reader" to attempt to catch a client out for not being a client then it's not working.....really it's not. These obvious attempts to discredit clients who post here with views, experiences and probing questions shows one thing. The readers or experts (call them what you will) are running scared! You are also enlightening us to the type of characters that work on K. So thank you for that, I for one am finding this an education. Im just sorry that I didnt find this site before I had had lots of reads with lots of readers on Kasamba. It would of saved me a lot of money. But hopefully it will save other's money, and that makes me feel better. Augusta - any information on the workings of Kasamba, whether given to you or intelligently worked out is gratefully received!


piece of work

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, March 06, 2008

whomever - Since these reports are addressing the psychic reading section of K - I used reader - I did not know you meant an expert in another category. Nope I am not that either. I work in a real 3D job in a real building with real people, not online, not for Kas. Hope that helps you. How about you? Do you work for K? There are a lot of intelligent clients who can figure out how K works especially when they have used it for a while and are curious as to why for the most part their predictions did not pan out, when they read such fabulous feedback.


check again

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, March 06, 2008

uummm...did I say "reader?" Nope! Not once! The word I used was "expert."



#5Consumer Comment

Wed, March 05, 2008

Wahm is the forum I saw it discussed on how to block a client via email, and before letting a chat start. Also on some other methods they use to determine quickly whether to read for a client or not. They used to name some clients too, but all that has stopped since late last year. Anyway, no I am not a reader. I have a lot of respect for those who have taken the time to develop their talents and use them. It's just very hard to determine off the bat which reader to select on such a large site, and over time I realized the feedback didnt match my experience. If you read any of my posts I do not select readers to attack or anything like that - I try to read other clients experiences and comment if it has happened to me and so forth and to share any information that may be helpful to them. I also believe in fairness when paying for a service. If you choose to believe I am a reader as another poster is saying I am, that is your choice - but I am not a reader, but a client who has used K on/off for several years.


Augusta - question

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, March 05, 2008

In many posts, you seem to really know your way around kasamba pretty much the way an expert would. The fact that you describe here how a client can be blocked even by email gives this away. So are you an expert with kasamba or not? Yes, or no? Also, where is this "public reader forum" you are speaking of? I doubt if these such actions that experts can take at kasamba would be advertised publicly. So, where did you get this information...really?


Blocking clients

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, March 05, 2008

For everyone - when you send an email to a expert who chooses not to read for you - they can select decline to answer versus responding in addition to checking off "block this client"...this is from the email function. You can still send emails but will get the decline to answer and will be on their blocked list and cannot get a live chat. This comes from info on a public reader forum.



#8Consumer Comment

Wed, March 05, 2008

It is also hard to tell what is real and what is not when it comes to the ratings and comments also on Kas - hence the need to check in here.



#9Consumer Comment

Wed, March 05, 2008

Patti - I dont get your over concern with shooting down posters - first off she said she gave four stars the first time and five stars the second time - in fact there is a third five star (if you note, none of the five stars has a comment which is usually telling that it wasnt all that)....perhaps her second session was cut into two enabling her to leave two ratings for the second session (they are less than thirty days apart and the dates now reflect the actual day you rate). If she sensed he wasnt all that friendly I tend to believe her - it happened to me with a reader - who made me wait and then it conveniently disconnected yet she was on again in a few minutes but I was blocked. Unless you are a client - you do not know how that feels - and especially if you spent money on several reads prior. And this reader is a five star reader whom I would never recommend based on her unprofessionalism. If you do not believe posters on rip off why do you come here? It shouldnt matter to you. The readers dont care - its the clients who care about these reports. I am not saying Dr Phil is a fraud or anything like that - I am saying that April appears to have had a not so great experience and she is entitled to her opinion.


Los Angeles,
Dr Phil

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, March 04, 2008

It's hard to know what's real and what's not anymore after seeing many of the posts here. This is another example. Dr. Phil is professional and accurate. I doubt anything said here about him is true. There've been many false statements made about some of the better experts. It's not fair. You people need to focus on the real frauds and stop trying to discredit the ones that don't deserve it.



#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 04, 2008

As this particular complaint was easy enough to check, I went into Dr Phil's feedback. Lo and behold there was AprilC on November 28th rating four stars. I checked further and saw that April C returned on December 5th and later January 2nd. AprilC left a five star rating on both dates. Now, either AprilC has some sort of memory problem, or someone didn't do enough research and picked the wrong client to impersonate. Considering the evidence, I'd say it was the latter. This effort to tear down a particular expert simply lends more support to the fact that no one here is really a client. They are either Experts with an agenda or ex-experts with an agenda.

Dr. Phil Div

No Where,
Dr. Phil D, Div is not a fake

#12UPDATE Employee

Sun, March 02, 2008

Hello to one and all and especially to you April. I must say that I am profoundly disturbed by what you wrote here, especially considering the circumstances. The facts do no support the claims that you have made. You came to me THREE times not twice You rated me four stars ONCE and I NEVER blocked you. The proceeding Five stars are proof of that. So I never blocked you because of a four star rating as some uninformed person here has stated. The ratings are proof of that. You NEVER wrote me an email. I checked our records. The only email exchanged was one where I wished you Happy Holidays and I withdrew it after not receiving a response from you after a week. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO BLOCK EMAILS. I can't block emails even if I wanted too. If you emailed me and received some kind of error message it had nothing to do with me wanting to take you as a client. It was simply one of the bugs manifesting itself due to the changes in the website design. I honestly don't remember you coming to me and getting disconnected. it's possible though. The website has gone through some major overhauls and a lot of things don't work sometimes. Case in point is customers not being able to contact their favorite experts, experts appearing online yet not getting calls, customer info not being retrievable..etc.. I wished you had simply tried writing me again instead of jumping to conclusions about my abilities and intentions. I even tried writing you directly from the website but you took that ability away from me. So this was the only avenue I had left of contacting you. I'm very sorry that it came to this. You were one of my very first clients and I had no intention of misleading you or cutting you off. At this point I am chalking this up to a terrible misunderstanding. I hope that all is going well with you and welcome you to come back at anytime for a follow up with me and to discuss this privately. Be blessed, Dr. Phil D, Div


Kasamba Dr. Phil is not the Tv Dr. Phi. I have a question

#13Consumer Comment

Sun, March 02, 2008



April c - I give you credit

#14Consumer Comment

Sat, February 09, 2008

I was curious about Dr Phil since your post and checked out his bio and feedback and you are very honest - I see your feedback there just as you said. Yes I agree you most likely were blocked because you left a 4 star rating pending prediction and because you were questioning if it was still going to happen. What I found interesting is how you said he handled it - he accepted the call, had you wait out of hire, then "coincidentally" you get disconnected. This same thing happened to me with another reader!! This allows the reader to take the call yet not let you hire, and then let it disconnect so they do not get penalized -that is why you saw him on so soon after. He made sure he blocked you first though. How utterly spiritual of him. This same thing happened to me with a reader who gave me a very strong prediction and when the reversed happened, she pulled the same thing. I have heard readers do this - accept the call ...then quit and block. It's very important not to let the reader know before hire that you are disappointed or questioning something if you truly want a chance to leave an updated feedback.


North Carolina,

#15Consumer Suggestion

Mon, January 28, 2008

It doesnt sound like kasamba will do much about this particular incident. Perhaps you could email them and make them aware of your experience and ask them if they are doing anything in regard to changing the rating system. In the future it will probably be best to have the reader tell you some concrete things about your situation before you hire them. Perhaps they can feel out the situation so you will be able to see if they are really tuned into you and your question. Remember not to feed them too much information. Do a onlnie search in regard to how to spoke psychic frauds. That should give you good tips. Another suggestion, look for ratings that say predictions came to pass. j Good Luck



#16Consumer Comment

Sun, January 27, 2008

April - I think you are right. I think you were blocked due to a 4 star rating which is unfair and helps to skew the rating system. If I were you I would contact Kas and ask why are clients being blocked due to a 4 star rating? Anyone rating three or above should not be blocked from further reads because as you said you did not know whether the read would pan out. Also some readers think that when a client says "I will come back and add another star if it happens" - that the client means they can upgrade THAT review. What the client means is they will come back for another reading and THEN rate the read 5 stars. But since the readers block you for 4 stars that rarely can happen. Also some readers google clients before they read them to see how they rated other people first so leaving a four star rating can get you blocked from a whole group of readers sadly. But then again, it is probably best to be blocked by them or any other reader who does not have the confidence and spiritual insights to truly do the right things in reads and give authentic information, and not dependent on how their ratings appear. Blocking should only be done to abusive, stalking, or ranting clients, not those who rate Good.


United Kingdom
Good post.........

#17Consumer Comment

Sun, January 27, 2008

This is the type of post that is good on here. Informative and descriptive of what actually happened. It gives people an informed choice. After all, if you went to Dr. Phil, and then were ripped off, you could hardly whine could you? No doubt there will be the usual, "this post is a disgruntled expert with a grudge" post, or those who will mock being ripped off in the first place at all, but it really doesnt matter. Genuine people who have been clients of Kasamba and have got ripped off will be able to see through that and make their choices accordingly. Thanks April, and sorry that you had this experience.

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