  • Report:  #807716

Complaint Review: Kellie Callan - Clearwater Beach Florida

Reported By:
Shelly Paul - Clearwater Beach, Florida, United States of America

Kellie Callan
Cambria St, Clearwater Beach Fl Clearwater Beach, 33767 Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
CAREGIVER WARNING, THIS WOMAN IS VERY, VERY VERY DANGEROUS. SHE HAS BEEN LOCATED IN CLEARWATER BEACH SHE IS VERY ATTRACTIVE, FORMER MODEL. SHE  USES THIS TO HER ADVANTAGE HAS SEVERE DRINKING PROBLEM AND WORKS IN THE  HOME HEALTH CARE FIELD. Kellie Callan was a caregiver for my friend who suffers from cerebral palsy and is confined to a wheelchair. He has to  be hand fed and he can't wash, himself. Kellie in a alcoholic rage terrorized him. A company she found on craigslist, hired her because she lied about her background. Now that legitimate providers know about her, she has to offer services just as herself because none of the legitimate companies will hire her.
She has to sell herself hoping no one will do a background check and google her name to find out about her past.

Ms Callan is an out of control alcoholic and traumatized my friend so severely that even to this day (happened March 1st of 2011) he has nightmares about her. She knew what my friend had been put through in the group homes with all of
the abuse (both sexual and physical) he had to endure. With this knowledge she went out drinking and came back in a violent rage tearing apart my friends bedroom. She then hooked him up to his lift to try and put him to bed. He begged to just be left in his wheelchair. He was so afraid that he would fall from the lift and be killed that he defecated himself. He had to sleep with his feces in his pants. He was not able to move hanging 5 feet over a hard tile floor and Ms Callan
screaming and yelling at him when he started to cry.

Please, I cant emphasize this enough dont be fooled on how pretty she is. That is what she is counting on. She will give you the doe eyed crying routine. Those are crocodile tears. As soon as she turns her back the tears are gone. She uses her sexuality as a tool to manipulate people into hiring her and defending her. If my friend would not have been terrified of her he would have pressed charges and she would be in Jail She could have potentially killed my friend.
Putting her in the home of disabled people, who cant take care of or defend themselves, is like putting a child molester in with a room full of children to take care of them. They will say, It has been two months since I did any molesting so I am ok. Ms Callan will say, I  have not been out of control drunk in a month, so its ok, Im good. (I am in no way saying Ms Callan is a child molester, this is only an analogy.)The part she is leaving out is she has been an alcoholic that is out of
control for over 12 years. You dont just stop like that, and with my  friend it was the same pattern, about a month and a half into her job she lost it and my friend was the one to suffer. Knowing what you know now, if she were in charge of taking care of your loved ones that are disabled and could not defend themselves with regards to an attack like
the one that my friend faced, would you hire her? Would you be willing to let them be a lab rat to see if she can maintain her sobriety and her rage? We didnt see her coming. By me giving you this warning, you are being giving what we didnt havea heads up.

 Kellie has a terrible disease and she needs help, rehab help from professionals, and not help from roommates or neighbors or people that don't truly know what she is capable of. Please dont let this go unanswered and unchecked. I dont want my friends experience with her to be in vain. Please call her out; it is the right thing to do. If things start to get Strange, you have to call DCF or if she goes on a rampage in your neighborhood call  911. This is no vendetta this is a warning, something we didnt have the luxury of. You are her neighbors please dont let her get away with this. Please confront her. This is not the time to just say Not my problem, and stare down at your feet. Please tell me there is a part
of America that will stand up and do the right thing, please. I would not be taking the time to write if I didnt believe there was a legitimate threat to her clients.  Also, remember Kellie Callan has a disease and she needs help.  If you see her do not even think of hurting her. 

 This is not the point of why I am writing this.  What we should all be doing is praying for her, but if spotted she needs to be called out and the people in her care need to be warned.

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Sue Kellie Stopper

Kellie Callan Blackout violent alcoholic

#2General Comment

Sun, January 15, 2012

TO KELLIE CALLAN'S EMPLOYERS AND FRIENDS, if she tried to tell her version of what she did to our brother, I would love to hear it. She, is on the report as saying she is a blackout drunk and that she does not remember any of what happened that night she attacked our brother. If she told you "Her side, " about what she did that night to our brother, she lied to you, because SHE IS A BLACKOUT DRUNK, DUH. Wake up! Surprise surprise surprise, Kellie Callan lied. How many times do you think that may have happened?

I would love to hear her take on what she did to our brother. How could Kellie candy coat the fact that she terrorized our physically challenged brother then almost dropped him on his head from 5 feet ? Then the big question is, who would be stupid enough to believe her "Version"? Anyone who has known her any period of time has to realize she is a blackout drunk. To all the guys out there, it is because she is pretty? Be honest.

Welcome to Kellie Callan's land of make believe where if just being a pretty girl was enough then Kellie would be queen of the world. But back here in reality she is just a miserable drunk manipulating her way through life and now putting physically challenged people lives at risk.  Way to add that extra wrinkle Kellie you should be proud. I am sure your mom and grandparents are and that family we found up in Geneseo. I am sure they all wear t-shirts that say "Kellie Callan, the best psychotic alcoholic sister/daughter/niece/cousin/granddaughter a person could have. Saying we are proud is an understatement. " When will the
fan club be online?

TO KELLIE CALLAN'S EMPLOYER, you now know about Kellie's drinking problem and all the problems that come with it.

You now know what caused Kellie to attack our brother.


You have been warned numerous times about what Kellie Callan is capable of when she drinks.

So, if you choose to take her word as gospel you better have all your ducks in a row when she eventually slips and hurts your customers and her clients. Hopefully you have a good public relations staff.

You can't say you didn't know or you were never warned about her.

Having Kellie Callan on your pay roll has now potentially exposed put your company to the risk of being shut down and sued.

But, it would get even worse then just losing your business, much worse.

it is a fact you were warned numerous times about Kellie Callan's drinking problem and her propensity for extreme violence and being sadistic while intoxicated.

It is a fact, you were warned on what happened when Kellie Callan being a live in caregiver for our brother was mixed into the equation with her drinking problem.

Consequently, since you were warned so many times and did nothing because whatever reason she gave you, charges of criminal negligence would more then likely be dropped on your heads as well.

Is having her as an employ worth any of this? If it is, there must be a reason. By any chance is the owner a man?

I promise you that DCF will find their way to your clients door whose lives you put in Kellie Callan's hands.

For your companies sake you had better hope she can hold it together.

I hope she is worth the risk you are exposing your company and clients too.

Thankfully, my brother made it out of her care alive.

If she slips this time, your clients may not be so lucky. Good luck with that.

Shelly Paul

Clearwater Beach,
More Information on Kellie Callan

#3Author of original report

Sat, December 17, 2011

Full Name Kellie Elizabeth Callan
Born 3/23/81
Her Mug shot http://www.bustedmugshots.com/florida/tampa/kellie-callan/23118641

Her face book page

Pictures of her on


We also recently found out she appeared on an episode of Hogan Know Best.  This is the episode description


she is 5'6
111 pounds
brown hair sometimes black hair
green eyes
enhanced breasts
from Geneseo, NY, just out side of Rochester.

Report Attachments

Shelly Paul

Clearwater Beach,
Violent Alcoholic Live in Home Health on North Clearwater Beach, FL part 2

#4Author of original report

Sun, December 11, 2011

It was left out that Ms Callan is an unlicensed in home care giver, which means she is not insured or bonded.  She has a DWUI from NY State and can't drive.  For her to get anywhere she has to have friends, strangers to get her to places or she takes the bus.  If you know the home where she works, keep your eye on the situation.  Have neighbors take shifts and take notes.  If she is out with clients going for a walk with them in their wheel chairs make it a point to talk to her to gauge her sobriety.  Ask her specific questions then ask them again the next time you see her walking. Apparently, from what we have found out she is very good at concealing the effects of alcohol, but once she hits a certain limit she loses all control and becomes erratic, stand offish and in most cases if pushed or if overly intoxicated, extremely violent.  With this knowledge keep a watchful eye on her when she is with her clients.  If you feel she is acting erratically and is having a hard to walking very nonchalantly call the police and then ask her clients if this is normal behavior. Then stay with with her so when the police arrive you can tell them what you think is going on.  Again, she is very pretty and very convincing, she knows this and will play it to her full advantage.  Remember, just because she is pretty it does not make her trustworthy.  My friend, can vouch for this.  Alcoholics are very manipulative and Kellie is no different.  She will tell you what you want to hear or be who you want her to be.  Also she cloaks herself in religion and claims to be a Christian. I am sounding the horn here so no one gets blindsided like my friend (not going to say his name or his true relations for his protection) You now officially have a warning, and for those that are covering for her, if she slips and attacks her clients like she did my friend, then the blood is not just on her hands, but yours as well.

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