  • Report:  #374871

Complaint Review: Kevin Mills - Group Dynamics - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
- Oceanside, California,

Kevin Mills - Group Dynamics
www.groupdynamicsonline.com Los Angeles, 92056 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Kevin Mills is a complete fraud. If you would like to pay $10,000 to ride around in a minivan. Then you got the right guy!

God forbid you take his advise and buy property! He has left a trail of people holding properties that have forced them into foreclosure and bankrupcy. He professes to know and own properties where ever he takes you, but can never recall the address of HIS property. Hummmm, wonder why? Could it be that it is a complete sham.

I know of more than one person that has lost almost everything by following his advise and it has nothing to do with the current depressed Real Estate market. They were a bad investment even in the best of times!

The website says "Changing Lives"; he can certainly do that. Especially if you are interested in loosing all your money or going through bankrupcy.

What you have here is a common Con Artist, you'll have better luck at Vegas!


Oceanside, California


6 Updates & Rebuttals

Just Tell The Truth

Just Tell The Truth


Mon, August 31, 2009

I had someone contact me because they knew that I knew and consider Kevin Mills one of my greatest mentors.

I'm commenting on this because it seems that only the few disenchanted individuals are the ones who ever say anything.

You can take all of the classes in the world and read all of the books on any subject but if you do nothing about it you are a failure. If you go to college, pay for your education and then you can't find a job in your selected field, do you blame your college? Your instructors?

People need to start taking responsibility for their own actions. You can't blame someone else for your inadequacies.

I've seen these people in so many other classes also. They think they are going to take the class and somehow, magically, all of their lazy attributes are going to make them rich.

You have to follow what you are taught.

Let me just point the following out;

Kevin Mills has hundreds, if not thousands of past students who are successful as a result of what they learned and actually put into practice. Those who weren't lazy, weren't afraid to take the chance and didn't give up.

Kevin Mills does know of what he speaks, any idiot who speaks with him or listens to what he has to say can tell this. He is not a stupid person nor is he lacking in real estate investing knowledge.

Kevin Mills has a successful investing career and has a number of investments that are successful.

Kevin Mills has requests from, universities, professional investors, large companies and even other real estate gurus to speak or to help them out with various consultations, problems and more.

If Kevin were such the scoundrel, why would he be in such demand? Why out of the thousands of students that have been through his classes and courses are there only one or tow or even a few people who are unhappy?

I'll tell you. It's because these people think they should have things handed to them on a silver platter and cannot accept their own failures and have to blame it on someone else.

It seems to me that you'd have to be pretty stupid to blame someone who is successful at the same things you say they failed you on.

I've known Kevin Mills for years. He has been happy to help me out with more than he has needed to. He is very nice, friendly and personable. I've taken all of his different classes, I've been on many of his field trips.

I can personally attest to my own successes as a result of having been taught and motivated by Kevin Mills and can point you to many others who would say exactly the same thing.

I don't know the person on here whining but I can tell you that they obviously didn't try. Of all of the available trainings out there, the one from Kevin Mills and Group Dynamics was the most complete and offered strategies unlike any one elses and provided unbelievable resources.

Something else I would like to point out. The person who posted this is clearly just bitter. Kevin Mills has not taught courses through Group Dynamics or anyone else in years and ONLY gives lectures by request, mostly from Universities and Professional Organizations. I know this because if he did, I would gladly attend. I would also refer the many people who have seen my success and asked me how they could attend a class lead by Kevin Mills.

Kevin Mills has been focusing on his investing and doing well and as far as publicly speaking he has been focusing more on motivational events than on investing topics.

So in response to this persons post or anyone else who would like to hear the truth, I will gladly respond with my own success stories and will refer you to other successful students that I have met through Kevin Mills.

I'm setting up my own email, [email protected] and I will check it once a week or so and respond to any of your questions or comments.

You can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot please all of the people all of the time.
Abraham Lincoln

It's too bad that it only takes a few bitter people to pretend to speak as if they know what they are speaking of and sour someones image in the minds of those who might have benefited from their knowledge.

I'll gladly sign my name here and I'm sorry I wasn't the first person here to defend Kevin Mills.

David Geoff
[email protected]


Here is the real truth!

#3Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 03, 2009

OK, since Kevin chose to post these bogus rebuttals and accuse me of being a lair I am going to take myself out of the picture. Absolutly do not take my word for anything, because I'll give you proof instead. I've created an Email account [email protected]. Send your questions to that Email. I will check it once or twice a week. I WILL NOT RESPOND to the question. I will forward the question to people that have been taken advantage of by this guy. So your answer will NOT come from me it will come from people that have suffered REAL financial damages. So do not look for a response directly from the Email addresss that I have given to you.


Here is the real truth!

#4Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 03, 2009

OK, since Kevin chose to post these bogus rebuttals and accuse me of being a lair I am going to take myself out of the picture. Absolutly do not take my word for anything, because I'll give you proof instead. I've created an Email account [email protected]. Send your questions to that Email. I will check it once or twice a week. I WILL NOT RESPOND to the question. I will forward the question to people that have been taken advantage of by this guy. So your answer will NOT come from me it will come from people that have suffered REAL financial damages. So do not look for a response directly from the Email addresss that I have given to you.

Legal Department

Las Vegas,
Rollie Brubaker Is A Low Life Thief and Liar

#5UPDATE Employee

Tue, February 24, 2009

Rollie Brubaker is a low life thief, liar, con man and criminal. Rollie Brubaker is the individual who posted the initial report. He not only lied to the Group Dynamics staff and never paid his tuition to Group Dynamics, he defrauded others he met through Group Dynamics and duped even more into investing in his scams. This individual is a con man and thief to the greatest degree and a criminal that should be and probably will one day be locked up for his illegal activities. If you come across this individual, run, don't walk the opposite direction. You can tell Mr. Brubaker is lying because his lips will be moving. Mr. Brubaker STILL owes Group Dynamics for their services and still owes many others hundreds of thousands of dollars. I am an attorney for Group Dynamics legal staff and we have been dealing with the repercussions from this individual for more than two years now. Now Mr Brubaker can add slander to his long list of notorious achievements.

Property Manager

Studio City,
Kevin mills Group Dynamics IS Great Company. Oceanside investor unfair and lying.

#6UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 08, 2008

I am an administrator for the New Group Dynamics Int. I can tell you not only is Group dynamics and Mr. Mills a great company to work for, but the products and services we provide are unmatched by any other education company. It's not just me, Group Dynamics and Mr. Mills have recieved many awards, commendations and recognitions from educators, educational institutions, investors and more world wide. I know, I've seen them. If Mr. Mills and Group Dynamics is so bad, why after more than 10 years of teaching real estate investing strategies and thousands of students later are you the first to post a notice here? And if this program were so bad, why are most of our clients referrals? Furthermore, where did all these awards and comendations come from? You walk a thin line when you start spewing slander. This is illeagal. I am referring your comments to our legal department and I am going to do what I can to find your identity in hopes that they will sue you for slander. If you are willing to stand by your comments, post your name so you can have your say in court when we take you there for slander.

La Investor

Sherman Oaks,
Untrue and affair accusations about Kevin Mills and Group Dynamics

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, October 08, 2008

O-side investor, you'er full of crap and bitter grapes. I have participated in the Group Dynamics program when it was administered by Mr. Mills and I can tell you that I have had enormous success that I wouldn't have had if I hadn't been a part of this program. I personally know others who have also had great success and I've referred many people to this program and all have been happy. To be fair, I know there was a time when Mr. Mills passed on control of Group Dynamics to another education company that dropped the ball on a lot of the training issues, but Mr. Mills went back in and took control of the company even to the extent of shutting it down for the remainder of the other companies contract. Mr. Mills is still out helping investors nationwide and investing himself and doing well. I attend real estate clubs that have him in often as a guest speaker and I have heard the members comment on how great the information, strategies and advice he had given was. O-side investor, and anyone else who wants to blame your problems on someone else, look in the mirror fist. I went from a 30,000 dollar a year job as a school teacher to a net worth of millions in just years because of Mr. Mills and his programs. I know you didn't follow the strategies or do what was taught or you wouldn't be whining and crying right now. Get a spine and just admit that you screwed up.

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