  • Report:  #67567

Complaint Review: Kia Motors - Crystal Lake Illinois

Reported By:
- Crystal Lake, Illinois,

Kia Motors
Route 31 Crystal Lake, Illinois, U.S.A.
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I purchased a 2001 Kia Optima in February 2003 with the thought I had the remainder of the warranty. It was never stated that the battery had a separate warranty. Imagine my surprise when Crystal Lake Kia charged me over $100 for what I thought was a covered repair.


Crystal Lake, Illinois

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Kia and Kia " Warreny" is a rip off, but your missing something!

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, September 29, 2003

Kia warrenty is a rip off because there is NO WAY any dealership can make an acceptable auto out of a Kia. After "living" at the dealership for a year or two some of us catch on to that! Simply, Kia gives us nothing to work with! It is all cheap junk! The little go cart engine might be more acceptable on a lawn mower, if you did not care how often you could mow your yard. The Kia self destructs while it sets in your driveway! The only solution is a completely different car - which is NOT - a Kia - not make in Korea. Kia is Korea's revenge on us for being over there in the first place! Those third world countries really do hate us - thus the Kia! I am sure you were lead to believe "The Warrenty Lie" by the Kia Dealership who will say or do just about anything to "hook" you with one of these death trap lemons. It is just an extension of Kia Motors untimate lie - the grandiose, expansive, and meaningless Kia Warrenty. What could be an adequate "Warrenty" on a complete hunk of junk? But you are missing THE really big point here! Has it hit you yet that Your Kia Dealership just charged you $100.00 FOR A BATTERY? This is an example of Kia Motors and Kia Dealerships dishonesty, lack of integrety, and dedication to consumer rip offs!


What you THINK isn't necessarily what IS

#3Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 25, 2003

Yes, I am sure you were *very* surprised when what you *thought* didn't turn out to be the case. This, however, is in no way a rip-off. It is simply a case of you not knowing the terms and conditions of your warranty, and trying to place the blame for your lack of knowledge on the dealership. Unless you are a certified psychic, just because you think something does not mean that whatever it is you're thinking about is true. FYI ... I have never heard of a warranty, on anything, that covers consumable items such as batteries. My advice to you is this: Next time, when purchasing an automobile or any other major item, ask questions and understand the product as well as the terms and conditions of the warranty. Further, get your warranty information in writing, so that you can refresh your memory later if need be.

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