  • Report:  #331520

Complaint Review: Kid To Kid Of Cary - Fish Ventures - Cary North Carolina

Reported By:
- Raleigh, North Carolina,

Kid To Kid Of Cary - Fish Ventures
430 Crossroad Blvd Cary, 27511 North Carolina, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I worked for this company for a long time and up until the new owners it was a great place to work. But I should have known the new owners were theives when they told us they needed to hold us a week in the hole. Michelle is a lying, caniving trashy person that stands behind her employees instead of facing her unhappy customers. I seen her personally steal from a lot of customers and I know them by name and the merchandise they were not paid for. I am going to contact them asap and have them call the franchise to let them know what has really been going on.

She has paid employees under the table and I know it is in the thousands and If she does not know there is always a paper trail left behind. I stopped working at Kid to Kid and I was expecting to receive what they promised us at the employees first staff meeting. Michelle said "Oh just consider it as a extra paycheck when you quit." She is such a liar I was even curdious enough to put in a lengthy notice. Her so manish husband said "oh you were given it back when you called out or something like that. Full of it we don't even have benefits, so when does a company start paying a employee back for calling in and they don't even offer vacation.

So me being the person that I am me and a hand full of employees called the Labor Board and I think he just sits behind a desk because all he had to ask for was the timesheets we wrote in ourselves. If he would have compared them to my paycheck he would have seen where over 2 pay periods there was 20 hours taken out of each. But people are so lazy. I have contacted the local news and I hope they look into it. Hopefully they will be getting a audit soon to look at their books hopefully. And I am going to post those customers she stole from. I should have let them know when I seen her do it but now that I am not there any more I am going to let the cat out of the bag. All I wanted was my money, now all the employees that have seen her steal are going to report her. I don't want to bash KId to Kid but no one deserves to be stolen from.

All she had to do was be honest, But if you give a person that has never had anything something they misuse it. But that is why employees that have witnessed criminal activities come forward and let the general public or customers know that the owners of a store is getting over on them, they can shop somewhere else. SO if the owners read this I am not just going to run away none of us are going to we are going to EXPOSE you theives.

A witness

Raleigh, North Carolina


9 Updates & Rebuttals

A Witness

North Carolina,
How Can the I.R.S Let This go on YOU DIRTY WHITE WH*^)

#2Author of original report

Fri, June 27, 2008

I am a former employee and I just got off the phone with another former employee and they told me that you and your husband said that you two will never be caught or in you two words "they have to prove it" I worked for your company for 4 months and I seen how you do business and I I am white and I see how you treated your AA worker and I hope she left your company by now. THESE ARE THE DATES I HAVEfor your manager she WORKED M-F 10-8 AND i KNOW FOR SURE SHE GOT PAID BY COMPANY CHECKS FOR THE WEEKENDS 10-8 SAT. AND SUNDAY 1-6 AND I BELEIVE FOR THE OVER TIME TOO. HOW CAN THE I.R.S OVER LOOK THAT UNLESS ANY WORKER CAN WORK UNDER THE TABLE WITHOUT TAXES BEING TAKEN OUT. IF THE I.R.S DON'T CARE I DO I AM GOING TO WRITE SOMEONE THAT CARES IF TAXES SHOULD BE TAKEN OUT. miss smart a*s you and you funny looking kids. You can tell that grown little girl of yours has not been raised right. And that fat ugly little boy you have too is going to be nothing because I will write who I need to to make sure that ther truth be told I am glad you let me go. Ding bell She worked those times from Sep to Dec 07 and I hope you get caught THEIF BI&^

The Enforcer

Michelle Fish is a Leach and Trailer Trash and Steals from her Customers

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, June 10, 2008

I know you will read this so I am going to express this to all your ex-consumers and ex-employees I have known you for a few brief months and I know that everyone you have ever come in contact with HATE YOU. How did you get your husband family to accept your trashy a@&. I only worked for you for a couple of months and I could see that from a mile away. You dress funny you have pimples all on your face and to top it off you steal from customers when you think your employees are not looking. I have never seen any of the rest of your gang steal but just you. That is odd You were the oldest and you still stood in my face and took maternity clothes out of a customer buy and did not pay her anything for it you are ruthless, cold hearted, fat, ugly and pathetic business owner. You make our race look very bad. You are the first trailer park B**ch I have ever encountered. I see why your husband left your sorry butt. How can you continue to run business and the franchise not see your track record. I hear now that you have stolen more vauleable things from customers and deny that is occurred why would anyone accuse you of something not true???? You do steal I seen you do it a few times. And I bet after you read this your bi-sexual husband will be there to wipe your tears. I wish you two never hired me I am ashamed to have ever worked for Kid to Kid of Cary. I am going to put as many blogs as I can you don't deserve to be in business at all. ATTENTION CUSTOMERS: DON'T SHOP AT THIS STORE THE OWNER STEALS AND DOES NOT PAY GOOD ENOUGH MONEY FOR YOUR VAULEABLE ITEMS. RUN DON'T WALK STAY AWAY!!


North Carolina,
Lying and Stealing is No way to run a buisness

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 29, 2008

I worked for Kid to Kid and I do know of the things that this person is speaking of the paying of someone under the table (has the IRS contacted you yet??) I have seen you take things from the store like a gameboy and bratz dolls and other things right out of a buy that someone was doing and then there was the horse that you gave the customer nothing for I over heard you say you did not give her anything for and then you put a $100 price tag on it I see it still has not sold so I guess it really does not pay to steal but hey its not my buisness that will go under it will be yours I do talk to alot of customers that used to sell and buy things from there (being friends with someone is not a breach of any contract) and these people had been coming there for years ( they no longer will even come in your store they have seen how you have spoken to your employees yelled sould I say but also the way you treat them they do not get what they used too from the other owner and they feel that they were beeing cheated so they go to Apex now) I mean the previous owner had been in buisness for 11 years lets see how close you come to that. I think that you will run out of people to work for you seeing as you have been through half of Cary already! I have never seen a turn over like yours and I have managed alot of different places since a young age and never have I seen so many people quit or be fired for nothing. But you will learn I really just wish that the others who back your store would not have to loose out because they are great people and I have alot of respect for them just not you I find it hard to believe that you are such a coward and your husband as well I mean if it were my buisness I think that I would be able to handle customer calls and not just pass them off to 16 year olds to let them deal with things that are your responsibility and lying to your employees really is a cowardly thing to do as well just say what you mean to them stop telling them one thing making promises that you have no intention of keeping. I really think that you need to try some small buisness classes and managemet classes so that you will know how to deal with your employees and upset customers instead of leaving that up to your hired help that is not their job.....

A Witness

North Carolina,
Sorry For What I witnessed

#5Author of original report

Sun, May 11, 2008

Sorry Michelle sue my mind as you say. I have a thing called memory. You stole from customers that shop at kid to Kid all the time. You should be ashamed of yourself. I am a women a women does not relay messages through their employees about broken items you bought from a customer and sold it to the general public.Do you remember the bike issue. Do what you like it will not solve the problem at hand. Let me make this statement very clearly If a former emloyee who is a friend was with me and wants to write they witnessed you pay someone under the table because you cut their hours take it how you want. I have nothing to do with that. That's you two problem not mines. Call me whatever you want but I am going to stand tall and be me. You have no character at all responding like a child. I am on your level a grown level. My comments were only ment for you not the hard working, honest family members that helped get the business you don't deserve. I am the one that is the least of your worries. Some have seen alot more than me that are going to cause you more problems. Disregard me I am nothing but a person that never benefited or promoted any merchandise you had in your store. I have moved on I am not stuck on nothing, it's you but that's Life have a good life and all that follows Michelle if a real woman wants to stop "false accusations" tell the real woman to relay her self to me and stop embarrasing herself.

A witness

North Carolina,
Sue My Mind

#6Author of original report

Sun, May 11, 2008

Sorry Michelle you will have to sue my mind for witnessing you not pay for that horse that now have reduced and sorry for the all toys me and my former collegues witnessed you steal. Maybe we were in Lollipop land. But to set the record straight you started this not me. And now all eight of use are going to let Kid to Kid know about your stealing spree. All of us are no longer there and that is that. But your customers do deserve the right to know what really goes on when they leave and return to get their returns. How do you think goverment officials get caught stealing after 10 years or better ? Some one gets the nerve up to tell what went down, and that will be all the employees you mistreated and seen you steal. And to set the record straight my side-kick put that IRS in progress not me. That is between you whoever and the 3 employees who know about it. But I hope you would not be that dumb because some people are a little pissed off about not getting any hours if you were paying someone under the table. But that's your problem not mines. But I will let you know this my accusations were for you mainly. No problem with hard working people that helped you get the business no disrespect there. How can I speak to you as a women if you would not get on the phone to talk to a customer about a broken bike you sold them. You are a coward you would not say anything to me as a women. But I can not expect too much out of you because if you lie you will steal and you have stolen MORE THAN 10 TIMES IN MY FACE. I will be checking for your response because it only gets better.


North Carolina,
Disgruntled Employee

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, May 10, 2008

Wow, Ardina where do I begin? I'm not sure why you didn't have the guts to leave your name. You made a lot of false accusations without facts to back them up. Some would call this defaming. Why not stand behind them. Let's start with stealing, I have no reason nor would it benefit me to steal from my customers and if this was true why would you wait so long to Let the cat out of the bag as you put it. I would call stealing coming to work an hour before the store opens and doing god knows what, Or sitting around waiting for your ride then clocking out. The truth is your own ignorance has made you angry. Because you think we have not paid you in full. In the job place employers do what's called paying in the arrears this is very common, you should ask someone to explain this to you at your level. We don't keep the money, you receive it after you quit. This is why you received a check after you stopped working. The labor board didn't agree with us because they are lazy they agreed because we did nothing wrong. And yes I do know there is always a paper trail. I used it to show the labor board the checks you cashed that you said you didn't receive. The fact that you called me and my family names shows an extreme lack of class and your true character. You may first want to take a look in the mirror and then step down from that pedestal you've put yourself on. You not once have mentioned any of these feelings to my face as a mature woman would. As far as being promised anything at the first meeting I can guarantee it was not an extra paycheck when you quit. That would be encouraging people to quit. I will also be having the statement that you have personal customer information investigated. You did state you would be contacting them. This goes against the contract you signed that all information is to stay with Kid to Kid upon your leaving. The other accusations of paying under the table would be a waste of time to dispute to you. You know nothing about running a business and have an obvious lack of job experience. I wish you the best and hopefully you can move on in a positive manner instead of stagnating about nothing.


North Carolina,
Disgruntled Employee

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, May 10, 2008

Wow, Ardina where do I begin? I'm not sure why you didn't have the guts to leave your name. You made a lot of false accusations without facts to back them up. Some would call this defaming. Why not stand behind them. Let's start with stealing, I have no reason nor would it benefit me to steal from my customers and if this was true why would you wait so long to Let the cat out of the bag as you put it. I would call stealing coming to work an hour before the store opens and doing god knows what, Or sitting around waiting for your ride then clocking out. The truth is your own ignorance has made you angry. Because you think we have not paid you in full. In the job place employers do what's called paying in the arrears this is very common, you should ask someone to explain this to you at your level. We don't keep the money, you receive it after you quit. This is why you received a check after you stopped working. The labor board didn't agree with us because they are lazy they agreed because we did nothing wrong. And yes I do know there is always a paper trail. I used it to show the labor board the checks you cashed that you said you didn't receive. The fact that you called me and my family names shows an extreme lack of class and your true character. You may first want to take a look in the mirror and then step down from that pedestal you've put yourself on. You not once have mentioned any of these feelings to my face as a mature woman would. As far as being promised anything at the first meeting I can guarantee it was not an extra paycheck when you quit. That would be encouraging people to quit. I will also be having the statement that you have personal customer information investigated. You did state you would be contacting them. This goes against the contract you signed that all information is to stay with Kid to Kid upon your leaving. The other accusations of paying under the table would be a waste of time to dispute to you. You know nothing about running a business and have an obvious lack of job experience. I wish you the best and hopefully you can move on in a positive manner instead of stagnating about nothing.


North Carolina,
Disgruntled Employee

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, May 10, 2008

Wow, Ardina where do I begin? I'm not sure why you didn't have the guts to leave your name. You made a lot of false accusations without facts to back them up. Some would call this defaming. Why not stand behind them. Let's start with stealing, I have no reason nor would it benefit me to steal from my customers and if this was true why would you wait so long to Let the cat out of the bag as you put it. I would call stealing coming to work an hour before the store opens and doing god knows what, Or sitting around waiting for your ride then clocking out. The truth is your own ignorance has made you angry. Because you think we have not paid you in full. In the job place employers do what's called paying in the arrears this is very common, you should ask someone to explain this to you at your level. We don't keep the money, you receive it after you quit. This is why you received a check after you stopped working. The labor board didn't agree with us because they are lazy they agreed because we did nothing wrong. And yes I do know there is always a paper trail. I used it to show the labor board the checks you cashed that you said you didn't receive. The fact that you called me and my family names shows an extreme lack of class and your true character. You may first want to take a look in the mirror and then step down from that pedestal you've put yourself on. You not once have mentioned any of these feelings to my face as a mature woman would. As far as being promised anything at the first meeting I can guarantee it was not an extra paycheck when you quit. That would be encouraging people to quit. I will also be having the statement that you have personal customer information investigated. You did state you would be contacting them. This goes against the contract you signed that all information is to stay with Kid to Kid upon your leaving. The other accusations of paying under the table would be a waste of time to dispute to you. You know nothing about running a business and have an obvious lack of job experience. I wish you the best and hopefully you can move on in a positive manner instead of stagnating about nothing.


North Carolina,
Disgruntled Employee

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, May 10, 2008

Wow, Ardina where do I begin? I'm not sure why you didn't have the guts to leave your name. You made a lot of false accusations without facts to back them up. Some would call this defaming. Why not stand behind them. Let's start with stealing, I have no reason nor would it benefit me to steal from my customers and if this was true why would you wait so long to Let the cat out of the bag as you put it. I would call stealing coming to work an hour before the store opens and doing god knows what, Or sitting around waiting for your ride then clocking out. The truth is your own ignorance has made you angry. Because you think we have not paid you in full. In the job place employers do what's called paying in the arrears this is very common, you should ask someone to explain this to you at your level. We don't keep the money, you receive it after you quit. This is why you received a check after you stopped working. The labor board didn't agree with us because they are lazy they agreed because we did nothing wrong. And yes I do know there is always a paper trail. I used it to show the labor board the checks you cashed that you said you didn't receive. The fact that you called me and my family names shows an extreme lack of class and your true character. You may first want to take a look in the mirror and then step down from that pedestal you've put yourself on. You not once have mentioned any of these feelings to my face as a mature woman would. As far as being promised anything at the first meeting I can guarantee it was not an extra paycheck when you quit. That would be encouraging people to quit. I will also be having the statement that you have personal customer information investigated. You did state you would be contacting them. This goes against the contract you signed that all information is to stay with Kid to Kid upon your leaving. The other accusations of paying under the table would be a waste of time to dispute to you. You know nothing about running a business and have an obvious lack of job experience. I wish you the best and hopefully you can move on in a positive manner instead of stagnating about nothing.

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