  • Report:  #1076708

Complaint Review: Kris Wetherholt - New York Nationwide

Reported By:
Trish -

Kris Wetherholt
New York, Nationwide, USA
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Regarding Kris Wehterholt: Read a couple of her defenders stating that complaints against Kris Wetherholt were "Troll" ish, implying that the complaints were uncouth, rude and unintelligent. See folks, Kris Wetherholt is about image and that image is one of "high society" "refinement" when yet - quite simply take a look at who her best friends are, observe her Facebook and you will discover that all complaints against Kris Wetherholt are deserving because it is exactly how she dishes it out. So, given that Kris Wetherholt dishes it out in a similar manner as the complaints against her - why are defend it? Check out one of MANY of her best friend, Melissa Ulto's "Troll" "uncouth" behavior - as they say - "Tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are.."  And there's much more where that came from. So please stop the hypocrisy, after all, Kris Wetherholt hocks a book about War yet in the same breath labels herself a human rights advocate. Receiving Blood money is not acting as an advocate for human rights. More hypocrisy.

Melissa Ulto Says:

  • Oh check this crazy hate filled rant: Melissa Ulto, don't you ever threaten me, I don't care about your gay and civil rights organizations, who the hell do you think that you are, huh?  When you missy bi-sexual needed help many years ago I helped you, and told your story.  How dare you think you got the b*lls to screw with me, if you want to be in the spotlight, I'll put you in the spotlight, bring it on!  I will expose you, I'll do a followup story about you, the poor battered woman.  You devious piece of garbage,  you sound like a real bully pig.  Don't you ever threaten me again, you got that? Remove yourself from my LinkedIn!  You better stop bullying people young lady... you tell your gay and civil rights organizations to give me a call because my publication or my readers, are not going to take your threats lying down. To think I helped you, you piece of garbage. BTW, I don't care if you eat p***y or suck d**ks, so don't try to shove your sexual preference down my throat because I don't! http://www.thewestchesternews.com/ENTERTAINMENT_INDUSTRY__Online_Filmmakers_Magazine.html

    On Mar 11, 2013, at 5:09 PM, Melissa Ulto via LinkedIn wrote:
  • Ulto has sent you a message. Date: 3/11/2013 Subject: RE: Bill Clinton admits he was wrong. as a bisexual woman and friend of many gay people, i find your message HIGHLY offensive. stop sending hate through linkedin. i will notify every gay organization and civil rights organization about your publication is that is your attitude toward your FELLOW AMERICANS.
Melissa Ulto Says Here's my response: Thank you for giving me copious ammunition, you hateful person. Battered? Lol, we corresponded about me being ripped off by an investor you f**kwit. Your special kind of hate will be forwarded to everyone I can think of, because people like you don't seem to get we all have civil and human rights. Not so long ago women and POC couldn't vote. Remember when Italians were called WOPS (without papers)? What you are saying about immigrants is all kinds of hateful when you clearly don't get we were all immigrants to this country in our familial history. You need to bone up on human rights - if you believe in your own, how can you say you're more human than others? You sound like a n**i, lady.
Melissa Ulto
    • even more, as i forward these to various organizations: bully? lady you are full on crazy - you send out hate mail to my inbox, i ask you to stop or i will notify civil and human rights groups and you say i'm bullying you. and then you proceed to call me all kinds of hateful things, most of which are incorrect. its sad and funny at the same time. your own words tell the story and no rationalization will make that go away. all of this is being posted and forwarded. keep emailing me - you are digging your own hole.

      the classier thing to do, if i may school you in basic manners and etiquette, is to apologize for sending offensive emails and being hateful/homophobic. but i see the concept of class is lost on you.

      oh its finished between us and its opened up now to a whole new audience. toodles, f**kwit.
    • On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 8:13 PM, Barbara Ricci <[email protected]> wrote:
      What the f**k are you talking about?  You're a f**king bully who shoves your sexual preferences down straight people's throats, you are a straight people hater, this is your problem, you are always on the defense when someone does not agree with you! Too f**king bad, this time.  I don't hate people,  I help a lot of people and I have thousands of readers and contacts, who are gay, lesbians, straight, bi-sexual, immigrants, black, white, hispanics, Indians, and asians.  I'm with Millions of Americans, who do not agree with gay marriage or who think illegal immigrants should not get a free ride through our borders.  It's called the freedom of speech, and not only gay people like you have an opinion, straight people have an opinion too! You are so far off from the truth about me and this article, and you will not achieve anything from being devious, I promise you that.   

      The only difference between gay people and straight people is sexual preference, gays have the same rights as straight people in the bedroom.  The U.S. Constitution refers to marriage being between a man and a woman, it has nothing to do with equality for gays and lesbians sexual preference.  I support equal rights for gays, but, marriage is off limits because marriage is between a man and a woman.  Gays and lesbians can not reproduce the population without straight sex, you need Adam and Eve to have a child.  Marriage is between a man and a woman, and that is what I believe, this is the Word of God!

      The message in the article I wrote is a metaphor, that just a selective few are being cared for in America, and all those people you mentioned are being squeezed into a corner and ignored.  We are all immigrants here, we all have family members that are gay and we love them, we all have neighbors, that are muslims, jews, italians, africans, latinos, asians etc. but, we cannot allow our own rights to be diminished for anything or anyone. The United States Constitution, these are the principles that this land was built on, these laws are what makes America free, and if we start touching those laws we will become like the rest of the world.  Do you want to live in a country like Egypt?  No, you do not!  That is why it is extremely important we uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.

      It's best you move on... Melissa Ulto... This conversation is finished.
    • Melissa Ultototal privilege speaking - hey, we white straight CITIZENS have our set of rights, you gays and immigrants, we love yah (not), but you get the rights we deem ok to give you. f**king b*tch - my rights are mine, not something someone bestows on me.
    Melissa Ultoi also sent the entire thread to linked in with this: is this mandate and position on gays and immigrants also the position of linkedin? allowing your service to be used for hate speech is implicit approval. please do something about this asap.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Same Troll. Again.

#2General Comment

Mon, January 20, 2014

I repeat myself: this report is crap. This is the same troll who has spewed venom at Kris, the MIPJ and the IIPFoundation and keeps using different names, different Twitter and FB handles. Kris has never been a drug addict, drunk, or had mental issues. This poster is the one who is obsessed enough to create BS multiple identities to keep posting the same libelous bilge. Venom like this from so many different identities from this person with this and all of the other reports (same person) is proof of a disturbed mind. Believe this report and buy into some delusional, obsessive, ill rambling by someone who needs serious help. This "reporter" is projecting his/her own character. Not saying anything close to reality.

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