  • Report:  #68670

Complaint Review: Lakeshore Chevolet - Cleveland Ohio

Reported By:
- oberlin, Ohio,

Lakeshore Chevolet
185th And Lakeshore Blvd. Cleveland, 44114 Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
lakeshore chevy has hired an idiot with no people skills at all and he must be working on commission because every time i take a vehicle in warranty to them he wants to give me a hard time and always lets me know that its probably something i did to car and wont be covered.

a call to his boss, i guess its his boss says everything will be corrected and it wont happen again but it did so now i will take my business elsewhere, i own two new chevys but since i didnt buy them from him im less then human. had a starting problem once and he said bolt on starter was loose, and the dealer i bought it from should have fixed it when he performed dealer prep, yeah right a*****e thats why it worked for seven months ok.


oberlin, Ohio

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