  • Report:  #66439


Reported By:

514 Lakewood Troy, Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Good or bad builder? You decide. Come see our house and I'll go over the list of uncompleted items, the work done badly, and all the other problems and misrepresentations made. Contact our attorney by using the rebuttal box and inquire about the Lanahan lawsuit and how to contact the owners of the home. Otherwise, you can read on.

Lanahan signed a contract which states that 10% of the total cost of the house would be withheld until the house is COMPLETED and same contract stated that he would build according to the plans/blueprints. Lanahan has neither completed the house nor built it according to those plans.

We have:

(1) rooms that are not as large as they should be;

(2) walls put in wrong places;

(3)windows and doors that don't work properly / not installed right;

(4) mold throughout our 2,300s.f. basement wood & drywall;

(5)a hallway wall that was never built;

(6)a kitchen nook bench never built;

(7)kitchen cabinets that are ruined for failing to adjust them at installation and have rubbed against molding & countertop;

(8)stone pillars twice the size they're supposed to be leaving no patio room;

(9)bathroom ceiling drywalled instead of drop ceiling; (10)walls with no electrical plugs anywhere & missed electrical plugs where indicated by plans;

(11)leaky windows and toilet;

(12)knocking pipes;

(13)faucets that are backwards;

(14)holes left in drywall;

(15)garage that floods when it rains;

(16) leaky roof;

(17)grout cracks in fireplace ceramic & scab wood installed for trimming fireplace;

(18)no finish skins on some of the kitchen cabinets (but some do have skins);

(19)an air duct partially installed under kitchen cabinet;

(20)no housewrap though required by plans;

(21)siding fall down;

(22)window well too small by 8";

(23)scab pieces everywhere on exterior finish work;

(24)a bedroom closet never finished;

(25)ejector pit pump incorrectly installed caused basement flooding after occupancy;

(26)electrical problems everywhere in house;

(27)installed aeration run-off to encroach on neighbor's property;

(28)dishwasher never anchored/ruined cabinet;

(29)overcharged on extra work orders and undercredited or not credited at all for things not done or work we had to do instead, and the list goes on.

When we demanded he fix these problems and that we would not pay his remainder on the contract until then, he filed a mechanic's lien and then sued us in court. We have over $50,000 worth of repairs on this house per another contractor's repair bid. Lanahan is owed a balance of less than $5,000 and refuses to make any good on ANY of the problems. He also would not give us a builder warranty, though he promised one before signing the contract.

We have spent over $10,000 now in attorney's fees, and Lanahan's attorney does nothing but stall and continue the discovery phase. This lawsuit has been going on for 3 years now and his attorney has yet to ask for any discovery.

If anyone can offer any advice or consumer advocacy that can help, we would be forever grateful. This man is the biggest scam artist I have ever run across. We have been living a nightmare for 3 years, and see no end in sight.

PLEASE HELP by using the rebutattal box if you have a solution (I have been blessed by a wonderful spouse, children, and friends. My e-mail reflects my positive outlook on life before this tragedy with Lanahan.)

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Edwardsville, Illinois

5 Updates & Rebuttals

Lbc Inc


#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 19, 2008

The judgement in the Circuit Court Third Judicial Circuit Madison County, Illinois found, "The Lanahan Brothers has met its burden of establishing that the Buengers breached the contract by failing to pay Lanahan Brothers for work performed to the original contract as well as the changes that were requested by the Buengers.


In California it's called a "SLAPP" suit

#3Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 04, 2003

SLAPP suit stands for Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, and such suits are designed to intimidate you into dropping your complaint. It's becoming all too common among builders who have ripped customers off and don't like it when the customer rightfully complains. I am a volunteer for Homeowners Against Deficient Dwellings, www.hadd.com and I see this dozens of times a day; we have volunteers with HADD that have been thru this very thing.


In California it's called a "SLAPP" suit

#4Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 04, 2003

SLAPP suit stands for Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, and such suits are designed to intimidate you into dropping your complaint. It's becoming all too common among builders who have ripped customers off and don't like it when the customer rightfully complains. I am a volunteer for Homeowners Against Deficient Dwellings, www.hadd.com and I see this dozens of times a day; we have volunteers with HADD that have been thru this very thing.


In California it's called a "SLAPP" suit

#5Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 04, 2003

SLAPP suit stands for Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, and such suits are designed to intimidate you into dropping your complaint. It's becoming all too common among builders who have ripped customers off and don't like it when the customer rightfully complains. I am a volunteer for Homeowners Against Deficient Dwellings, www.hadd.com and I see this dozens of times a day; we have volunteers with HADD that have been thru this very thing.


In California it's called a "SLAPP" suit

#6Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 04, 2003

SLAPP suit stands for Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, and such suits are designed to intimidate you into dropping your complaint. It's becoming all too common among builders who have ripped customers off and don't like it when the customer rightfully complains. I am a volunteer for Homeowners Against Deficient Dwellings, www.hadd.com and I see this dozens of times a day; we have volunteers with HADD that have been thru this very thing.

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