  • Report:  #230904

Complaint Review: LDG Financial Services - Atlanta Georgia

Reported By:
- Seymour, Connecticut,

LDG Financial Services
4553 Winters Chapel Rd., Ste.100 Atlanta, 30360 Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
These people, no matter how many times you tell them you dont owe AT&T Wireless/Cingular/THEM any money, they continue to call and harras you. They are very rude and crass. I tell them they arent getting a dime from me, and to takeme to court if they have the guts. They hang up on me all the time, and continue to call every day. Bunch of idiots.


Seymour, Connecticut

6 Updates & Rebuttals


Hey Joe, STFU

#2Author of original report

Wed, February 28, 2007

Look Joe...this isnt about me not paying my bill. This is about a FALSE bill by AT&T and Cingular, and the repeated attempts by your HARASSING collectors. I paid my cell phone bill. I paid it for over a year ON TIME. When I upgraded my phone, I still STAYED with Cingular. DO you understand?? I got a brand new phone with Cingular and a new service. My ONE year contract expired, and I was free to sign with whoever I wanted, and I signed on with AT&T/Cingular and now back to AT&T because UP UNTIL THEN, I never had a problem. Now Im getting billed because they say I didnt call them to end the last contract and go month to month, and basically, they automatically enrolled me in a new one year contract. Thats ILLEGAL. This isnt about personal responsibility, this is about FRAUDULENT practice by the schmucks at LDG Financial and AT&T/CINGULAR/AT&T Wireless. As for the collectors...dont hang up??? Are you kidding me?? I got hung up on MORE OFTEN than I could ever hang up on them. LDG called ME, and then would NOT say a word on the phone, and sit there while I could hear background noise. Thats MY fault now?? How about this?? STFU and get a clue.


Collector Joe from Florida

#3Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 27, 2007

If a person chooses not to respond for whatever reason to the 30 days given, in a collection letter. That does not make the debt legal. It only means, that the collection agency can assume the debt it valid. and post it on a credit report. Read your own notices you mail out Many courts and FTC opinion, if a person does not answer a collection notice, It not evidences, that the debt is legal. and can not be use against them Even when a person does dispute a debt and a agency, can't validate, they will only sell it to another collection agency later. If a collection agency tells a creditor to sue and if it turns out not to be a valid debt, wrong person, or many of the other reasons, the collection agency can be sued. You have a prinicpal-agent relationship between the collection agency and the creditor or when one collection agency has another collection agency collect for them. vicarious liability also a first party collection agency can be held liable for the action of a second party collection agecy, and the actions of a second-party attorney bill collector. Both of these have be upheld by Federal appellate courts. Its called vicarious liability. Some courts are even going as far as to hold a credtior liable for the actions of outside collection agency they contract with. Why do you collection agency agencies, waste time on the phone, send one notice, if they don,t answer, send a second with validation, wait the 30 days and sue. Is the reason you can't is because you count on people not knowing their rights and the law, and you need to use intimidation and fear to get someone to pay a debt, you can't validate or a debt that's not there's. communication fraud, is the most common type of fraud there is. the creditor should use more control and safe guards before giving out any credit. Its up to you the collection agency to prove the debt, not the person your contacting.


In response to the employee

#4Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 27, 2007

I have not recieved any information in the mail for anything that LDG says that I owe. I have spoken to representatives several times. The first time, the employee had NO idea who I was or why I had been called. The second time, the employee went to check on information because what the address the records show is not my current address and has never been my address. The third and fourth times, I was hung up on when I called back to discuss the situation with them. The fifth time, the employee spoke to my grandmother and said that I was a deadbeat and that they would take me to court. The sixth time, I refused to talk to them because the employee cussed me out. The seventh time, I told them I was contacting a lawyer. It's not a matter of thinking that bills will go away. However, when you call someone you should make sure you have the correct person! You should make sure that the person has ever done business with ANY of the companies that you are collecting for.



#5UPDATE Employee

Tue, February 27, 2007

Your quote: "These people, no matter how many times you tell them you dont owe AT&T Wireless/Cingular/THEM any money, they continue to call and harrass you. They are very rude and crass. I tell them they arent getting a dime from me, and to takeme to court if they have the guts. They hang up on me all the time, and continue to call every day. Bunch of idiots." The only idiot here is you b/c it clearly says in your letter that you have 30 days to respond otherwise the debt is legal. The problem is that debtors like you think LDG bought your debt. Nothing can be farther from the truth. We have clients like AT&T that hire US to collect your debt. Sadly many times a parent or a grandparent is to blame b/c they will take out a cellphone for an irresponsible family member and think that they are not liable for the debt. WAKE UP! If you voluntarily gave out your info to the cell provider (name, address, social) then YOU are responsible for paying it not the person you took out the phone for unless they are on the contract to, which most of the time they are not. Oh and before you think that you have to sign something for the cellphone to be legal, READ THE CONTRACT PEOPLE! If you verbally, electronically or attempt to use their equipment or services, you are in a legally binding contract. The phone and the bill is YOUR responsibility. STOP BEING IN DENIAL WHEN THE BILL COMES! Now I do understand that there are some renegade collectors out there and I don't condone what they do but YOU (the debtor) are many times to blame b/c you cuss us out and hang up without giving us a chance to speak. If I could play every recording of people (AND WE DO RECORD EVERYONE) who without just cause scream and yell obscenities even though initially I treated them with respect, you would see clearly why some people are to blame for their own stupidity. If you don't respond to us in 30 days the debt is legal. READ YOUR LETTERS PEOPLE! Also as far as legal action is concern, we CAN recommend it to our clients and its up to them to do so. Many of you give your tough talk over the phone about "let them take me to court" but you and I know very well that was the case you would be shaking in your boots in front of the judge b/c we would play every audio recording not to mention ALL the notes on the account showing you refused to work something out voluntarily. BIG ALERT PEOPLE! THE DEBT DOES NOT GO AWAY AS LONG AS YOU CONTINUE TO AVOID IT. I have seen people with 2,3 even $7000 cellphone bills and don't even bother to respond. If someone accused me of owing them that much I would immediately call the cellphone company and find out what the heck is going on. Then I would send the collection agency handling the debt a 'CEASE and DESIST' letter. This is your right not to have a third party involved in your debt. You can have your account returned to the original creditor. There is only two choices here. Either you respond in 30 days otherwise the debt is valid or PAY YOUR BILL. Period. If you choose to ignore the debt then don't be upset when we call you to settle the matter. GROW UP, STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR YOUR MISTAKES AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY WILL YOU!



#6UPDATE Employee

Tue, February 27, 2007

Your quote: "These people, no matter how many times you tell them you dont owe AT&T Wireless/Cingular/THEM any money, they continue to call and harrass you. They are very rude and crass. I tell them they arent getting a dime from me, and to takeme to court if they have the guts. They hang up on me all the time, and continue to call every day. Bunch of idiots." The only idiot here is you b/c it clearly says in your letter that you have 30 days to respond otherwise the debt is legal. The problem is that debtors like you think LDG bought your debt. Nothing can be farther from the truth. We have clients like AT&T that hire US to collect your debt. Sadly many times a parent or a grandparent is to blame b/c they will take out a cellphone for an irresponsible family member and think that they are not liable for the debt. WAKE UP! If you voluntarily gave out your info to the cell provider (name, address, social) then YOU are responsible for paying it not the person you took out the phone for unless they are on the contract to, which most of the time they are not. Oh and before you think that you have to sign something for the cellphone to be legal, READ THE CONTRACT PEOPLE! If you verbally, electronically or attempt to use their equipment or services, you are in a legally binding contract. The phone and the bill is YOUR responsibility. STOP BEING IN DENIAL WHEN THE BILL COMES! Now I do understand that there are some renegade collectors out there and I don't condone what they do but YOU (the debtor) are many times to blame b/c you cuss us out and hang up without giving us a chance to speak. If I could play every recording of people (AND WE DO RECORD EVERYONE) who without just cause scream and yell obscenities even though initially I treated them with respect, you would see clearly why some people are to blame for their own stupidity. If you don't respond to us in 30 days the debt is legal. READ YOUR LETTERS PEOPLE! Also as far as legal action is concern, we CAN recommend it to our clients and its up to them to do so. Many of you give your tough talk over the phone about "let them take me to court" but you and I know very well that was the case you would be shaking in your boots in front of the judge b/c we would play every audio recording not to mention ALL the notes on the account showing you refused to work something out voluntarily. BIG ALERT PEOPLE! THE DEBT DOES NOT GO AWAY AS LONG AS YOU CONTINUE TO AVOID IT. I have seen people with 2,3 even $7000 cellphone bills and don't even bother to respond. If someone accused me of owing them that much I would immediately call the cellphone company and find out what the heck is going on. Then I would send the collection agency handling the debt a 'CEASE and DESIST' letter. This is your right not to have a third party involved in your debt. You can have your account returned to the original creditor. There is only two choices here. Either you respond in 30 days otherwise the debt is valid or PAY YOUR BILL. Period. If you choose to ignore the debt then don't be upset when we call you to settle the matter. GROW UP, STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR YOUR MISTAKES AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY WILL YOU!



#7Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 18, 2007

From the ATL BBB L D G Financial Services LLC 4553 Winters Chapel Road Suite 200 Atlanta, GA 30360 General Information Principal : Mr. Randy Carbo Managing, CEO Phone Number: (678) 225-1111 Fax Number: (678) 225-1144 BBB Membership: This company is not a member Type-of-Business Classification: Collection Agencies The information in this report has either been provided by the company, or has been compiled by the Bureau from other sources. Customer Experience Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to not resolving complaints within the Bureau's time frame. Additional Information Additional Doing-Business-As Names: L D G Financial Service, LLC L D G Financial Services L.D.G. Additional Addresses: 4553 Winters Chapel Road , Atlanta, GA 30360 Additional Phone Numbers: 877-290-9573 813-283-2000 866-281-7743 954-530-8456 Cut and paste from Buds site ... Bud Says... Owners: Marsha J. Carbo David Fletcher, VP of Operations For a small agency this mix of losers, misfits and illegal debt collectors generate a LOT of complaints. They range the gambit of FDCPA violations that include: Making calls to the place of employment AFTER being told not to. Threatening legal actions they cannot or do not take. Making the accounts know to third parties. Threatening wage garnishment. Using foul and obscene language. Unauthorized practice of law. Total lack of training in FDCPA. Suffering from severe stupidity, ignorance and a total lack of professionalism. This place sounds like the training grounds for illegal debt collectors. I wonder if Marsha Carbo is as UGLY as her name and reputation are. Owner Marsha J. Carbo must be a real jerk. She is making buckets of money by allowing this illegal collection activity that violates federal laws and consumer rights. Marsha Carbo and David Fletcher and their group of conmen and misfits need to be stopped. The easiest way is to STOP sending these low life's ANY money. You can fax them the FREE cease-comm letter to: LDG at: 678-225-1144 budhibbs.com FROM OTHER SITES - GENERAL INFO Tell them to provide the following: h What the money they say you owe is for; h Explain and show me how they calculated what they say you owe; h Provide copies of any papers that show you agreed to pay what they say you owe; h Provide a verification or copy of any judgment if applicable; h Identify the original creditor; h Prove the Statute of Limitations has not expired on this account h Show that they are licensed to collect in my state h Provide your license numbers and Registered Agent The agency has 30 days to provide the proper documentation as requested in the letter. STATUTES OF LIMITATIONS Collectors only have a certain amount of time to sue you for payments. The first thing you should do is determine if the statute of limitations for collecting a debt in your state have past. If the debt is older than the statute of limitations, tell the bill collectors they are wasting their time by harassing you for an uncollectable debt, as the original creditor or the assigned collection agency cannot take you to court to get a judgement. To see the time limitations on the different kinds of debt 1. NEVER talk to a collection agency on the phone. Period. Send the validation letter via registered mail return receipt requested. ***DO NOT SIGN THE LETTER *** Type your name. CAs have been known to forge signatures on documents to re-age the accounts. 2. If you feel you must negotiate with a collection agency K Get your terms in writing before you pay. DO NOT PAY ANY AMOUNT FROM YOUR PERSONAL/BUSINESS CHECKING ACCOUNT. OBTAIN A CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FROM A BANK WHERE YOU DO **NOT** DO BUSINESS. CAs have been known to try to attach more than you agreed to. Everything must be in writing and, even then, you will probably have to fight to make the creditor live up to his end of the bargain. 3. Keep good records. This can be the difference between a good and bad settlement. Don't expect them to remember you or what you agreed upon. 4. Send all correspondence via registered mail, receipt requested(about $3-$4 a letter). 5. Keep a copy of every letter you send. 6. Penalties and extra interest are typically fictious amounts of money added on by the collection agency to pad their profits. Sometimes as much as to 50% of the debt or more claimed to be owed by a collection agency consisting of interest and fees. 7. Time is on your side. As time passes, the creditors will likely stop calling and the debt will be filed away for future attention. The longer the debt remains uncollected, the better your chances will be of getting a good settlement. Eventually, the creditor will consider the bad debt a loss in order to receive a corporate tax write-off. This does not necessarily mean that they won't pursue you for the debt. The corporation may then collect on the debt themselves, sell or assign the debt to a collection agency, press for a judgment

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