  • Report:  #302823

Complaint Review: Leroy Rogers - Internet

Reported By:
- arvada, Colorado,

Leroy Rogers
http://naesfreshstart.com/ Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
i called this number on january 23, 2008 at 7:07 pm, sprint time. this man says he has just come up with a created way of getting debt relief fast. i know the previous sentence doesnt make grammatical sense, but that is exactly how it is stated on the web page.

these gents obviously want to continue to rip people off.

since my last post, i spoke with the following, an attorney, mr paul cohen and a number of other who are victims as well. this fiasco, is never ending and those involved parties wish to perpetuate the lies.

i dont see it ending for them any other way than bad, on many levels, i wonder if there families are aware of what they are doing. it seems to be the main demographic of those individuals they are stealing from. and my old friend tracy webster, who i felt i was fair with in my first post, was i guess just perusing the sites on the internet and happened to stumble onto my post. two days, only two days after i posted he sent me a letter and asked how i could say those things. the answer was in the post tracy, did it go over your head. i felt cheated, i made it apparent and you did nothing to right that.

tracy also attached it to a previous email he sent me stating, that the individual i was asking them to give up, ken huthings lived next to a ski hill in a small town in ny. like by some small measure he had vindicated himself or the ccdn with that statement.

i mean, next to a ski hill in a small town, oh not a shoe box, or under a bridge, hey tracy how about an abandoned building or even a big castle with a moat around it. maybe he was raised by wolves and by the time he made it to civilization he was already a crook. i prefer the latter, it is just so much more fun.

sorry about the tangent but some one once told me you need to find the dark humor in this to make the days bearable, to be able to stomach all of this. it makes it easier to accept the fact that people like this still walk the face of the earth, and its even worse that as a society our laws allow for this to happen. and worst of all that when this problem was brought to their attention they still lied about it. i personally know this to be true, because as a direct result mr tracy webster of the ccdn stated that i have severed my relationship with the ccdn, obviously he cant read, otherwise he would know that i said if mr bob lock was going to make good on all this i would apologize and even advertise for them. that is what being a concerned client got me, a kick in the teeth after being mugged by them after i was already down.

it is important to those reading this that they understand these names represent a bad contiguous reputation that exists from coast to coast. its important to realize that they can not give one living breathing reference that can talk and prove what they say to different people through different marketers and websites is true. these people have not morals and in my experience you have to deal with people like that on a level that they can comprehend.


arvada, Colorado


1 Updates & Rebuttals


Rip Off Report.......CCDN, Tracey Webster, R & Marketing, Robert Lock, don't be a victim!

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sat, February 21, 2009

Oh Paul...........I understand exactly where you are coming from. Sadlly, most people do not write about it and let others know what's really happening-because they are similar to rape victims. CCDN & their marketing group will put you in a very bad position and then displace/hide/avoid/deny their wrong doing. Did you ask for it? Well that depends...are they doing what they say they are doing? Don't be a victim. Anyone reading this who has had or are having a bad experience, please let others know, so at best, others can avoid the nightmare that you have been living. I know it's horrible and extremely stressful, but people need to know what they are stepping into, R&G Marketing/CCDN and the whole group of them have a beautiful sales pitch, but not worthy of your money & life. I too heard from CCDN, the very next morning after my first report. I had been waiting to hear from them regarding my accounts in question. Didn't hear a thing for days/maybe weeks, so out of concern I wrote the report. They did however jump right on it when they read my report, it appears to intimidate me, for simply stating how I felt and how I was being handled as their client. They stated that this website was under federal investigation & do I want to be a part of that? That was somewhere around 10/2008. They haven't done is the work they sold me on. Just continued to make false statements. Tracey Webster & the whole CCDN team were given every opportunity to be up front and honest and have not been. Our relationship was not severed and Tracey continued to mislead me - he stated that they were almost done clearing my judgments. I asked specificly because I wanted a specific answer with no opportunity for mis interpretation, and his answer was ..."through the courts". Since they (CCDN) have power of attorney from when I entered into this program, and when you are told you do not have to appear in court in their sales pitch, and you are told they are handle things... when you are told that your judgments are being cleared through the courts, what question is left? Other than,,,,,,,what's the status of the account? Direct questions have always been difficult for CCDN. I won't bother going into detail because it's random rambling and tail chasing from their office. Either the office manager Linda Johnson has no idea what she's doing..........or they haven't done a thing. Or maybe Linda Johnson is doing exactly what she has been told to do & they haven't done a thing. Take your pick. By the way, my complaint outline for this account was forwarded to Robert Lock's office in 2007 & cc'd to me. That is one thing that they made "appear to have happened", but to my knowledge, as of this date, he hasn't done a thing. In addition, Linda Johnson's recent email to me was a request to fill out a complaint outline? Imagine that, coming full circle again. And the whole process in June of 2006 only takes 6-9 months, per Gregg Britt from R & G Marketing. 2006, 2007, 2008.....2009! Maybe he meant to say 6 years? Our relationship will not be severed until either CCDN does what they claim "they are doing" or they provide me with financial restitution via R&G Marketing.

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