  • Report:  #67636

Complaint Review: Lifekey Healthcare - Cincinnati, Ohio

Reported By:
- Colleyville, Texas,

Lifekey Healthcare
4914 Cooper Road Bldg 42635 Cincinnati, OH Cincinnati,, 45242 Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I received a card in the mail that I had returned product (which I had never received) so I called the 800-640-9715 number to see what was going on. To my suprise Lifekey Healthcare had sent me their product without my approval.

I had tried their product in April of 2003 was not satisfied and did not call back to repurchase. Sept. 2003 I received their letter saying I had returned the product arrived. When I called to find out what was going on the person (male) send I needed to read the fine print that was sent out, when I asked him to credit my credit card he said they would not because they donot do that and would not do that even though I did not have the product.

When I asked his name he refused to give it to me and also refuse to give me a supervisor saying he could the same as a supervisor. This is a very poor way to conduct business and this company should be shut down.


Colleyville, Texas

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Sioux Falls,
South Dakota,
without my consent thay took out $69.95 out of my bank accountOh

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, March 27, 2004

I received a bottle of this company free and pay for the shipping. Then without my consent thay took out $69.95 out of my bank account. I call the company (Lifekey, Inc at 1-866-985-9040. And told them that I did not wanted the product at all and the person took me off their manager lists. This was in february 26. Two days later I received the packaged from them and mail it back to the company and three week later I got a post card wondering why i send it back to call them. So I call the customer services and told them that I was not interesting in the product and the guy said that you are off the manager lists. I told Him how soon will the $69.95 return to me. He said after in two weeks. And I told him that I did not open the packages with the pill in it at all, I just send it back the same day I got it. He said if I don't get the money back in two week to call again. I never gave them permission that I was interesting in the product, I try it and I told them I don't need it. It never said that i would be on a auto delivery.

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