  • Report:  #44774

Complaint Review: LifeSoundsHearing Centerr - Spring Hill,Ocala,Wildwood,Fla. Florida

Reported By:
- brooksville, Florida,

LifeSoundsHearing Centerr
Commercial Way,spring Hill,fla;college Park Road,ocala,fla;wildwood Shoping Center,wildwood,fla Spring Hill,Ocala,Wildwood,Fla., Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
LifeSoundsHearing Centers,Ocala Fla Hearing,Hearing Centers,WorldSoundsHearing Centers,SteveParent Connie ripoff ,no license ,takes advantage of elderly,takes flight after he gets your money ripoff business from hell cheated employees and screwed the customers even more victimized many consumers ripoff business from hell Spring Hill, Ocala, Wildwood, Fla. Florida .....

this company with all their aka's sells you a hearing aid with 30 day money back garantee ,then they take off with your money.Some may have never gotten money bac.They take advantage of the elderly with no remorse at all and then laugh aabout it.I know cause I was their bookkeeper!!!!!

I quit cause I couldn't stand the way they cheated and lied to people. They treated their employees just as badly. Our receptionist found out her sixteen yr.old daughter had been diagnosed with cancer and needed alittle time off and they told her they didn't need her anymore!!!!!

They are evil people with no feelings whatsoever!!To top it all off they test fit and sell hearing aids with NO LICENSE.This is also a marketing company known as NHADA,inc(national hearing aid dispensers association).


brooksville, Florida

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