  • Report:  #66402

Complaint Review: Linda Hall - Highland New York

Reported By:
- Poughkeepsie, New York,

Linda Hall
20 Milton Ave. Highland, 12528 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
March of 2002. Agreed to rent a 2 Bedroom apt from Linda Hall.

Told us it took about $60 a month to heat the place. Two months later the heat shuts off. It just so happens the place is heated by oil. The tank is 275 gallons. 275 X $1.69 DOES NOT COME EVEN CLOSE TO $60. More like $350 - $425 .

So over the next 4 winter months we sent between $800- $1,000 heating the place. Not count the HEAP grant I had to go apply for. And my mother in-law filling it one month. Being a young couple trying to start out, With a new born in the apt. We struggled alot harder to get by then if. The Landlord was up front about the heat to begin with.

Upon moving from the apt Linda Hall tried to have us fill the oil tank , Claiming she filled it 3 times while we live there. It took us more then one day to move. The truck we rented was full. So I planned on picking the rest up the following day. Which I found the locks all changed and the rest of our belongings on the porch!


Poughkeepsie, New York

1 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
Linda Hall Liar, Cheat, Bad landlord

#2Author of original report

Tue, August 10, 2004

Linda Hall is now sueing my wife, For unpaid heat, unpaid rent, and cleaning cost. This is truly a very sad person. I did work monthly, for rent discount. The heat was paid by us, every when the lair told us it was $60 a month and it turned out to be $375. The residence we rented from her was under renovation. Cleaning? She changed all the locks and refuse to let us back in. Then had the hardwood floors done the next day. She's sueing trying to get us to pay for some of the renovations she had done to the house? Liar, Cheat, Bad landlord! LINDA HALL

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