  • Report:  #87491

Complaint Review: Lollimops Cattery - Escondido California

Reported By:
- 92223, California,

Lollimops Cattery
942 Stanely Ave Escondido, 92026 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Melanie Lowry

Lollimop's Cattery [KITTEN Mill]

942 Stanley Avenue

Escondido, California 92026


Ramona, Ca.

760-500-4396 [AT & T prepaid wireless out of Vista, Ca]

760-294-4599 in Escondido, Ca

I make a living selling kittys!

Public Rating Code for this seller!

Lollimops admits she has sick kittys & shares this online.... [1]

Selling kittys from F.I.P. infected cattery.... [1]

2 F.I.P. infected kittys in less then 1 year [proof]...[1][2]

What Melanie Lowry's past buyer has to say...[1]

Melanie Lowry owes 2 past buyer's $2,681.00.00 [1]

Running A Kitten Mill for 15 years

Expert Charlatan

Expert Swindler

Expert Deceiver of the public

Guilty of turning a blind eye, while her [mentally ill, Melanie Lowry's words] best friend Debbie of Techno Cattery, cats where dieing, being neglected, sick and starving to death, just to protect her [income] kitten mill industry.

Melanie Lowry of Lollimop's Cattery best friend Debbie Mitchell of Techno Cattery, Escondido, Ca was arrested & convicited placed in jail for "Crimes Against Animals" animal cruelty, abuse, death & neglect in Escondido, Ca in 2002. [Read Here]

Statement of Facts

Lollimop's Cattery

best friend released from Jail!

Click on above.

Cattery Contract 100% in sellers favor~ 0% in buyers favor [to deceive buyers & public, against public policy] COPY of CONTRACT

Melanie Lowry proclaims to be an expert on F.I.P.!

Expert on defrauding [buyers] & public for 15 years

Read Complaint By Public!

Please read about the fraud this Melanie Lowry truly is: http://www.pedigree-cbs.org and http://www.pedigree-cbs.org/passml.html

Rose Marie

92223, California

5 Updates & Rebuttals

CFA Cattery Reviews

Image of Kelly at Melanie Lowrys home

#2General Comment

Mon, June 11, 2012

Kelly was holding her kitten inside Melanie Lowry's 1940's share croppers dwelling.

Report Attachments

Rose marie

Lollimops Cattery Melanie Lowry's 2nd Complaint from Kelly Fleming

#3Author of original report

Thu, April 15, 2004

Melanie Lowry's 2nd Complaint by buyer Kelly Fleming Verbatim What Melanie Lowry's kitten buyer had to say about her..... Hi - "I bought a kitten from Melanie in February 2003. Within in two months Divine Ray of Light (Ray for short) Ray's belly was swollen out. We took him & had him tested for worms. After several vets & a few tests totaling hundreds of dollars we found out Ray had FIP. I e-mailed Melanie throughout this process. She sent e-mails acting like she didn't know what could possibly be wrong with him. When we found out he had FIP she said, "that it must have come from our 18 year old Tabby (totally healthy always) Flash." She told us that "out of sympathy" Ray was to replace my Himmy that had died on Christmas day of Cystitis (he was 13) that she would give me a replacement kitten after Flash had passed on. We paid her $450.00 for pet quality lilac point Himmy. He was the sweetest little baby, and he cruelly died before our eyes in an agonizing several months. He was healthy only for a month before he started to manifest symptoms. Melanie did not profess to be an expert on FIP when she was dealing with us. She told us, "Why would I give you a replacement kitten if the FIP had come from my cattery." Every vet we have talked to has urged us not to deal with her again. It is a terrible thing to bring little innocent babies into the world to make them suffer. I am sad to tell you all this .." Kelly Fleming 1/18/04 "Hi -- She has not given me a replacement. I have all the documentation from the vet, including a letter from him saying Ray died of FIP. I did not save Melanie's e-mails, because she had SO CONVINCED me that she had no idea what Ray could possibly have, although the vet said the swollen abdomen was a classic sign of FIP. I do have the e-mail from her that says she would replace Ray. I think we should talk on the phone. Kelly" 1/18/04 1/18/04 Dear Rosemarie - I will talk to Candice & then let you know tomorrow what we have decided. I don't know if we want a replacement kitten from her. I don't want another sick kitten. I want her to give us our money back. Has any one else contacted you about Melanie selling kittens with FIP? Kelly Wow - Melanie had us pointing fingers at everybody but her. Although City Animal Hospital told us it had to have come from her. We said, "Why would she give us another kitten if her kittens had FIP." Kelly 1/19/04 Dear RoseMarie - Melanie has sent me an e-mail - here it is. She says, "She didn't know that I was upset." Gee ... I am not a breeder. I am a cat lover, I wanted a pet. I lost my beloved Himmy Worm- Bone on X-mas night. I got a kitten from Melanie because I was filled with grief. I cried everyday I missed Worm-Bone so much. Then I got Ray, what a little blessing he was. He filled us with so much joy & happiness. Then he got sick. We felt like we were being punished - we felt like it was our fault. Melanie BLAMED us, the vets BLAMED the cattery. We believed Melanie - until I saw your site. Now I know I have been conned. Kelly Fleming 1/19/04 Dear Rosemarie -- We don't want to take another kitten from her. We want her to give our money back & if she is doing this to other people I want her to stop. Kelly Fleming 1/19/04 We have had Flash tested, just two weeks ago. She is a totally healthy cat, we have the tests to prove it. City Animal Hospital said, "the kitten was born with FIP, the symptoms came on to fast & too strong." Little Ray's stomach was filled with fluid. The vet said that in the wet form on FIP when the male's testes drop the abdomen fills with the fluid. That he had it all along. Betty Sleep called Ray a chubby, healthy kitten. He was chubby because he had the wet form of FIP. 1/19/04 No, it was 2003 - February. She told us she and another woman had a persian cat rescue center. She said that she - Melanie - had been exposed to ringworm from taking care of a cat that morning & that she was going to dip Ray for ringworm. We waited for her in front of the little house. We had not given her an exact time of arrival, we told her we would arrived from LA early afternoon. We waited for at least 10 minutes - then she arrived, I think she walked up. Kelly 1/19/04 Dear RoseMarie -- I will send you the reply I received back from Betty. Boy, did she make me mad They don't have a leg to stand on. Go ahead & post my e-mails on your site & send me your address, I will send you the proof from the Vet that Ray had FIP. Melanie told me the day we picked up Ray - I just came from the Persian Rescue that I also run. I was exposed to a cat that had ringworm, so I am going to dip your cat before you take it home. She told us she ran the rescue center (the one you say is run by her retarded friend). I have two other witnesses, & we took pictures of the inside of her shack. Including we have pictures of the fake awards that she has up. I went over to them the day we picked up Ray & said, are these your awards? This one says its for Burmese Cats. Do you have Burmese too? She said those awards are not mine, they belong to another breeder that I trade stock with. I think they were FAKE! Selling & breeding kittens with FIP is a crime that should carry a prison sentence! Kelly Fleming 1/20/04 I got another nasty e-mail from Betty. I told her to tell Melanie to give me my money back. I told her I am going to file a claim on your site, contact the District Attorney in Escondido & send you all the documentation on Ray having FIP. I can't believe Melanie sent me an e-mail saying, "I didn't know you where upset." She sold me a dead cat - she put me through misery, pain & suffering. That was what really put the nail in the coffin for me - she is totally out of touch with reality. Any pet owner is upset when a pet dies I guess if you treat them like breeding cattle, you don't get upset when they die. Ray was like a little person - we loved him - we cried for months. We cried again when we saw your site. I cried last night after reading everyone's e-mails. I am crying now! I couldn't sleep last night. Kelly Fleming 1/21/04 Don't you think it is unethical of her to blame our 1 cat & say "she is a silent carrier"? We have had Flash tested TWICE - both vets have said, this is a perfectly healthy cat - you are wasting our money. We just had Flash tested again two weeks ago in Center Valley, he was the fifth vet to say, "the FIP came from the cattery." The new vet also urged us not to take another cat from Lollimops. I guess Melanie's response would be, "I am the expert on FIP - those 5 vets, who have studied & all gotten licenses - don't know what they are talking about." How can Melanie be an expert on FIP if she is claiming her cattery is FIP free? Where did she get this mysterious experience with FIP if none of her cats have it? Kelly Fleming What Melanie Lowry had to say.... below Original Message ----- From: Melanie Lowry Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 7:32 PM To: Kelly Fleming Subject: "Dear Kelly I just tried to call you about your complaint with Rosemarie Zizzo. I had no idea you were so upset with me. I dialed the number correctly but the lady that answered didn't want to talk to me, I hope that wasn't you. It is so hard to get people to understand about FIP, and if you want to talk about it I will explain all that I can, I have really studied this disease in order to try to prevent it ever happening with my babies. But please do not get involved with this person before you talk to me. She is mentally unstable, CFA knows about her and she has been banned from ever showing or registering with them. She has been stalking and harrassing me for many months now along with a few other breeders that she doesn't like. It has been a nightmare and I would like to talk to you about it. I know your kitty died and I am so sad for him and you, but I did the only thing Icould, I offered to replace him. You also have an older cat and that may have been where the kitten contacted the corona virus that can mutate into FIP, even tho I try very hard to raise my kittens not to pick up this virus from their moms this is no guarantee either that it won't happen from here......there is no way to know for sure where your kitten picked it up. But we have to stop pointing fingers about FIP...there is really no way to prevent it, no way to diagnose it and no way to treat it. I have been told repeatedly, that if you breed cats it is going to show up....and I know that it is not going to make you feel any better either. This person is not official, she has no authority and this is just her own vendetta site. My letter that you read was a response to a posting she did last Fri...she stated that I was in jail and that my cats had been confiscated. She made this up and when she couldn't provide the paper work to back it up she blamed a city official for mixing up my name with that of the person that was arrested last year. She has taken down that page now or rather unlinked it... As to your reference to the shelter I was helping with, it was the person that eventually did busted ....but I was the one that was trying to help the cats, I was down there cleaning and bathing and scooping ...on my own trying to help these cats...the living conditions were horrendous...and the only way I could explain it to you was that I was working at a shelter....I didn't know how else to talk about it.....all of my friends were so angry at me for getting involved with this person, but I couldn't just let those cats live like that....I was devastated about their living condition. I also wonder at your reference to my "cat shack"...I know that those are Rosemarie's words...I am embarrased that you thought that of me and my home. Kelly if you have a problem with me, why don't you take it up with me? I would never have knowingly send out a sick kitten, please know that... and I am still willing to replace him, but please discuss this with me and not her. She cannot resolve this, only you and I can. Thanks Melanie Himalayan & Persan Cats- Little people in kitty suits http://www.geocities.com/lollimops"


Don't buy kittens!

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, April 14, 2004

People who love cats and people who don't can agree on one thing: There are too many cats in the world. Intentional breeding of cats is obviously making the problem worse. Because there are people willing to pay hundreds of dollars for a kitten, this sick industry persists. It is better to approach this from the demand side. Do not buy kittens from ANY breeder, no matter how "reputable." Even those who are trying to breed healthy kittens are still hurting the overall feline condition. Do not reward them. Go to your local animal shelter and witness the problem for yourself. Millions of healthy, loving kittens and cats are put to death because there aren't enough homes for them. Please adopt your next pet from this desperate group rather than pay some profiteer to bring another one into existance. Of course, have all your pets spayed or neutered. Even if every cat you know never has any babies, there will still be too many cats in the world.


Don't buy kittens!

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, April 14, 2004

People who love cats and people who don't can agree on one thing: There are too many cats in the world. Intentional breeding of cats is obviously making the problem worse. Because there are people willing to pay hundreds of dollars for a kitten, this sick industry persists. It is better to approach this from the demand side. Do not buy kittens from ANY breeder, no matter how "reputable." Even those who are trying to breed healthy kittens are still hurting the overall feline condition. Do not reward them. Go to your local animal shelter and witness the problem for yourself. Millions of healthy, loving kittens and cats are put to death because there aren't enough homes for them. Please adopt your next pet from this desperate group rather than pay some profiteer to bring another one into existance. Of course, have all your pets spayed or neutered. Even if every cat you know never has any babies, there will still be too many cats in the world.


Don't buy kittens!

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, April 14, 2004

People who love cats and people who don't can agree on one thing: There are too many cats in the world. Intentional breeding of cats is obviously making the problem worse. Because there are people willing to pay hundreds of dollars for a kitten, this sick industry persists. It is better to approach this from the demand side. Do not buy kittens from ANY breeder, no matter how "reputable." Even those who are trying to breed healthy kittens are still hurting the overall feline condition. Do not reward them. Go to your local animal shelter and witness the problem for yourself. Millions of healthy, loving kittens and cats are put to death because there aren't enough homes for them. Please adopt your next pet from this desperate group rather than pay some profiteer to bring another one into existance. Of course, have all your pets spayed or neutered. Even if every cat you know never has any babies, there will still be too many cats in the world.

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