  • Report:  #67813

Complaint Review: Long Beach Acceptance Corp. - Orange California

Reported By:
- Louisville, Colorado,

Long Beach Acceptance Corp.
500 N. College State Blvd. STE 200 Orange, 92868 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have now been with the wonderful and caring LBAC for 2 years. I have never been harassed and belittled by anyone as much as I have this company in all my life. I am almost willing to allow them to repo my car just to get away from these people. I receive daily phone calls to my work, home, cell, and to my family members and friends. Daily I am told that they are going to repo my car TODAY if I dont give them payment.

I recently went through a terrible divorce. I was a stay at home mom for 2 years and suddenly had to scramble to pay for my child, our home, and our possessions. I was constantly harassed by LBAC and told that I "better figure it out" or I am "going to be in the hole more than I already am". I have been cussed at, and continuously belittled on the phone by more than one agent. The supervisors are even worse! I was screamed at on the phone this morning by a supervisor who claims she is going to repo my car that is currently in the shop for an accident that almost totaled my vehicle!

I was in another car accident (both not my fault) and was told that I was "lying" and not in another car accident. This was also said to me by the same "supervisor". After calling me at work and threatening me to tears they then called back and said that my vehicle was not at the shop and needed to know where I put the car. It isnt driveable! It's at the shop!!! My entire rear suspension has to be replaced!!! Can anyone help with this terrible company? If I only knew then what I know now. Please email me with any helpful tips!!


Louisville, Colorado

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Thank You

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, September 30, 2003

Krista, Thank you for responding. I am less than 50 days overdue but there is no reasoning with this company. They are supposedly in the process of picking up my vehicle (which is not driveable) at the shop it is being fixed at. I have tried to refinance through Lending Tree only to find that noone will accept me. How refreshing it was to have someone take the time and try to give a little hope to my nightmare. I thank you again for your kind response!! If you have any more information it would be greatly appreciated!


Collections people can get a little aggressive ..Some suggestions

#3Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 29, 2003

I work for a vehicle finance company, not this one, but here's some suggestions You didn't mention how far behind you are, but if you are less than 50 days past due, usually you can talk to customer service and work out arrangements without going through collections. If you are over 50 days past due, I would suggest selling the vehicle or refinancing (banks will work with you if your credit was good before the divorce) To get collections to stop calling, write them a letter and tell them to stop calling. They will then only have to write you. Collections people can get a little aggressive and I have heard some horror stories, but hang in there. Hope something I said helps. GOOD LUCK!!!

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