  • Report:  #66910

Complaint Review: Long Beach Acceptance Corporation - Orange California

Reported By:
- Mesa, Arizona,

Long Beach Acceptance Corporation
500 N. College State Blvd., Ste. 200 Orange, 92868 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I received a call from LBAC saying that I had a NSF check returned and I needed to send certified funds, The reason for the NSF was because another company accidentally sent my credit card through twice, which caused this. I went and got a cashiers check and called Joe with the tracking number. He called back and said I he needed the company that I used for the overnight I sent, I told me he didn't ask me for the information only the tracking number, and this was the 5th call I received, three of which I was trying to drive and I explained this to him.

He also told me he was going to reposse my vehicle and call the dealership I was trying to trade it in at. Later that evening I received a call from a so called repo company which I believe was LBAC employees trying to scare me, telling me I provided a wrong tracking number and that I lied about sending the funds and they were coming to get my vehicle. Finally, after a three way call with UPS the so called repo company was told that my tracking number was valid and that I did send out something UPS. I have worked with very nice people at LBAC but not this jackass Joe, he is a jerk and a trys to belittle you.


Mesa, Arizona

1 Updates & Rebuttals

President's Office

LBAC Will Conduct a Full Investigation

#2UPDATE Employee

Fri, September 19, 2003

Long Beach Acceptance Corp. does not approve of or tolerate the types of conversations described in your complaint, and we apologize if you were treated in that manner. We want to investigate your complaint further. However, we are not able to identify your account with the information provided. Please contact us at [email protected] and provide your full name, account numnber and the date on which the conversations took place. Upon our receipt of the information we will thoroughly investigate your complaint and respond to you in more detail.

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