  • Report:  #503149

Complaint Review: Lornik - Lorraine NICKEL - Oakville Ontario

Reported By:
hairdresser - mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Lornik - Lorraine NICKEL
5500 North Shore Road Oakville, Ontario, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Lorraine Nickel is the owner of Lornik Productions.  I have been trying to find out information about her, She has lied and cheated hundreds of hard working people.  She promised me that I wuld get my photos in a few weeks, when I called and called and called and called she never called me back - then when I did speak to her I was subjected to her screaming and yelling about how my child would not get work.

Why would she ask for my child to be on her roster if she never intended for her to get work, I think she has a scam going on selling pictures for inflated prices.  I have never seen her work anywhere, her web page is now down for non-payment!!  This woman can run but she can't hide - many people are furious with her and I will let people know. 

I intend on going to places she frequents and telling them about her and what she does!!!  I have had enough.  Now I know her "real" name LORRAINE NICKEL you can't hide anymore!!

5 Updates & Rebuttals



#2UPDATE Employee

Sun, May 15, 2011

Hello Alen,

I would like to say that we have been around for OVER 15 years and the fact that you are 'angry' as you claim, is unfortunate.  However, here is the truth....your father paid for you to have photos taken along with a workshop! It is that plain and simple!!  This "helps" one in the industry....!!  This does NOT guarantee anyone anything!!  We are NOT a genie performing magic, as being an agent and running a business is very difficult, cut- throat and really, something you have no clue of either, as you're far too young!  There are companies charging $1500 - $6000! 

Do you think when we provide a service it should be free????  WHERE ARE YOU PEOPLE getting this absolute ridiculous information from???  REALLY???  THE PERSON THAT IS TELLING YOU THIS IS PROBABLY ONE THAT DOES NOT RUN A BUSINESS AND HAS NO CLUE AS TO THE EXPENSES ONE INCURS!!   

You think you are in the position of judging someone's credentials....??  You think you are in the position of entitlement!  Really??  If life were only that simple!!  Firstly, the woman, that actually died of Cancer last year....had over 40 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE in this industry!!!  Who the heck are you Alen Audish, that YOU think you are going to tell someone when they should quite working, when they are capable of doing their job?!!  In fact, that lady, Jane Christensen was a lovely lady with great insight and YOU are a rude young man!!! 

No one lied to you!  Understand something......I DO NOT NOR DO WE AT THE AGENCY DECIDE WHAT YOU WILL DO IF INDEED YOU WILL DO ANYTHING!!!  THAT IS THE NATURE OF THIS INDUSTRY!!!  I am NOT THE LIAR, but it is YOU that enjoys fabricating or lashing out, as you have not been accepted by anyone!  THAT SEEMS TO BE DIFFICULT FOR YOU TO ABSORB, as you probably feel as though you have been rejected!!  You paid for a service and that service was provided!!  Simple!! 

At least you added your name to your e-mail and you were not a coward in that aspect; however, calling me a liar is pretty pathetic!  Now, the fact that you did in fact add your name to this....should you continue on with any more of your slanderous e-mails, along with anyone else....you will join the others in a 'defamation' lawsuit.....as you can hide behind your e-mails....but, you cannot run...!!  We have placed NUMEROUS PEOPLE ON MOVIE SETS, Billboards, Music Videos, etc....  AND if you are upset that someone didn't choose you......GET OVER IT!!!!  Really, contrary to what you believe, we DO want to find our people work!!!   THIS IS WHAT YOU FAIL TO REALIZE....as you are selfish and are only thinking of yourself of course!  

We are not politicians and are not trying to win everyone's vote here .....  anyone that has something negative to say.....  say it....  if it eases your conscience....  We have done nothing wrong, nor have we lied!  NO ONE is under a contract....!!  One can be represented by anyone....!!  Writing nonsense on the internet is really for people that need to hide and are cowards!!!!   Perhaps, there is a reason why no one wanted to work with you Alen....you have shown this by your stance 3 yrs later.  

I hope that you have gotten the response that satisfies you.....  I have taken the liberty of responding to you and the other people that have posted nonsense....!  I am truly sorry that a company has not chosen you .....  What will you do when you go out in the real world and get rejected by a company, a person, etc....????  Go on-line and post your frustration????   Imagine if you lived in America and auditioned for American Idol.....AND .....got rejected?????  THINK ABOUT IT!!!! 

Please cease and desist from making any further derogatory remarks or we may seek further action toward you.

I trust you will find this in order.

Lorraine and Team 

Alen Audisho

Lorainne "Nickel" is a LIAR!!!! Lorainne, I PERSONALLY promiise you this; you will suffer for all of the money you have stolen from HARD-WORKING PEOPLE!

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, April 02, 2011

Hello Lorainne, how are you on this beautiful day? You may not remember me but my name is Alen Audisho, a 16 year old boy born in 1994.

In the summer of 2008, I recall flipping on an "AD" while reading the Hamilton spectator - (the JOBS page). I read "Lornik Modelling Agency : 19$-76$/hour for ages 7-19. I was not interested in that kind of money; all I wanted was a regular paying job, minimum wage would be fine.

My sister called your office and as she left a message on your answering machine about me, you called back and asked me to come for an interview. I accepted and decided to bring my dad along. 

The day I arrived, being very nervous as this was my VERY FIRST interview, I made my way up to your office, with my dad, up the elevator, in a nice building.

I recall wearing a nice blue dress shirt with dress pants and simply looking at you and smiling - "Hello, my name is Alen Audisho." :) 

I also remember you saying that you couldn't believe that I was so nicely dressed while you were a "mess". I however thought you were NOT a "mess" because I DO NOT judge others on their PHYSICAL appearance.

Anyways, I apologize for babbling on and on; let's get to the point. You invited me to your interview romm after I filled out a form that suggested if I was interested in modeling, commercial, or carpet walking(I can't fully remember).

Once I finished, my dad and I walked into your interview room. I remember you showing me your website, "Lornik Productions", as it contained several modelling pictures of individuals ranging from the age of 15-28.

We continued talking much about my interests, my hobbies, and my work ethic - which by the way is tremndously high. Then you told my dad and I that a course is NOT required, but optional, OPTIONAL, for you to get me a job quicker.

You told us it will cost 350$. I was so very nervous about the price range and asked you "Do I need to take the course?" Please, believe me when I tell you that as the honest person I am, I am not lying when I say that you IMMEDIATELY responded with a face that began turning red with a scary response : "Well let me ask you something. Does a lawyer need to go to law school? Does a doctor need to go to medical school? Does a teache rneed to go to teachers college?"

I was not, I repeat, NOT intending on becoming a MODEL as a career-choice; simply putting it in modern words, I'M NOT GAY!! However, I, being the MORON that I AM, responded "Umm....Ok. Ill take the couse." You then said it was a 6-week course: 1 Saturday a week. My dad then paid with his debit or credit card for the course and was handed the receipt. You told us that we should come back the following Saturday so I may begin the course. My dad and I thanked you on our way out.

Just for the record, YOU said 350$ while the receipt said 450$. But as my dad and I were walking down the hell towards the elevator, I urged my father "Who cares! Let's just go!"

Anyways, to put it simply, you said I would get a job, NOT as a MODEL, but a JOB nevertheless within about a month. You also said I could fulfill the 6-week course by coming every two weeks.

The course was a JOKE. The teachers I saw seemed as VOLUNTEERED MOMS (one seemed like a Yugoslavian immigrant and the other was LITERALLY a 65+ year old lady), there was no proper format in terms of learning, and no offense to the kids, but they were ALL unenthusiastic. I had no idea why I was there but decided to zip my thoughts along with my mouth and put in 110% effort into the "work" (I do not call that work).

After the 1st month, I had completed 2/6 Saturdays and Still didn't have a job. The frustration of my dad and I began rising exponentially. Following the 3rd course-day(6th week), I STILL didn't have a job!!!!! Finally, during the 4th course day (8th week), I was in my course while my dad was in your office. My sister had taken some pictures of me the week before, gave them to my dad in an envelope, and he gave them to you while he was in your office so you could post them on your website or find me a job or use your strategic intelligent methods of fulfilling your promise of providing me with ANY TYPE OF WORK.

However, you responded to my dad "He needs professional pictures, costing 1000$"

When I heard that, I must admit, I was EXTREMELY angry and disappointed, in that, somebody made me believe that paying 450$, attending the course, and putting 110% more effort than EVERYBODY involved in the course that I would AT LEAST get ANY type of job, even if it was 10$/hour. 

And now, HERE I AM. NO job, no calls form you, and I'm very very angry.

All I want is a response. That's LITERALLY all I want; please just a respond, ANY respond from you i would HIGHLY appreciate.

Why did you promise me a job and yet did not provide my with one? Why Lorraine, Why?

Unlike many others, I was very polite. Therefore, the LEAST you can do is at least READ this and RESPOND in any way you feel. 

Thank you for reading this and I hope to hear from you soon. :)



United States of America

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, February 01, 2010

THIS IS RICH!!!  You people seem to want to jump on the bandwagon......MOST of you hide, as you cannot mention your names.... Othere like Josie Maljar-Hupel , Shelley Turner and her common-law husband (who got a full refund, as they were within the guidelines of obtaining a refund) and are STILL posting slander and Sherrie Orr leave your names, which is great for us, as there are SLANDER laws in Canada!!!!! Do you really think you can post slander and not be held responsible?  Really??   

NO ONE EVER ...... NOT ONCE ....EVER 'guaranteed' work to anyone, WHICH is why we have you sign an agreement, which clearly states this, or do you people have a problem understanding the English language...really???   

It's easy to point fingers!  Most of you women, do not work!  You want to cash in on making it big for your children, and are TOLD at the office, it's a very competitive business to be involved in!  Now, because there are some people who are upset ....more want to jump on the bandwagon!  You people are truly not victims BUT rather parasites!!!!

Do you 'really' have my 'real' name???  Really? Have you people all flipped on the life fantastic???  Actually, we have been doing our research as well and have notified people about this and your trash postings.  You should call up the guy that started this site!  Oh, that's right....he was a 'victim' at one point in time....so he claims....now, he's wanted by authorities.....DO YOUR RESEARCH PEOPLE!!!   

We HAVE PLACED people in quite a few assignments, so the fact that you're spitting out trash, shows the class and level you people are at.

You all look ridiculous, as ALL agencies....WORLDWIDE will charge monies for something.....  YOU people all want something for nothing!  You have no clue what it takes to make money - especially those at home just on their computers....having their husbands work.  Pooooooor Pooooooor Josie, only on one income she claims, well, she certainly has a big mouth and can yell and scream well, which is why she 'hides' behind her husband, and claims...."Strength is in numbers".  That's the "Italian way"...  Her hard working "German husband" has to work alone, as his wife sits behind the computer all day.  Josie, I hope that your house is spotless at least!!! You were yelling in the background one day, as I was speaking to your husband, saying that I am afraid to see you.....then called you ALL in to see me!!!  Josie, you do NOT scare me!  You may think you do...and can certainly try....but, really, we have done nothing wrong and that is WHY I do not fear you!!!  It seems that Josie cannot do anything on her own and has no leg to stand on either!  Scammed you???  How the heck do you figure???  You paid for a shoot - got it and the photos!!!  You paid for the workshop - got that BUT your kids wanted show whenever they wanted...at their own leisure....  Then, you wanted a refund!  YOU are ridiculous!!!!  Are you the type of person that purchases something, wears it and then returns it????  Really????  As this is what you wanted to do!!! If this is your logic, then you truly need to have your head examined!  Since you're a stay at home mom Josie, perhaps, your kids wouldn't need classes IF you did your job properly!!! 

DO you people KNOW the definition of a scammer???  That is someone who promises people things, which we ABSOLUTELY DO NOT!!!  THAT IS WHAT YOU EVEN SIGN FOR!!! 

One does this part time.... and we ARE NOT responsible for other companies that do not choose your kids!

Get your heads OUT OF THE CLOUDS!!!!!  START HAVING A REALISTIC OUTLOOK on life!  You're parents for Pete's sake.....GROW UP!!!

If you feel better about yourselves....going after me....then knock yourselves out!  But, I recommend you get yourselves a life!  You are all motivated by your own greed and want to blame someone .....  Pat yourselves on the back!! 



No Call back

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, January 20, 2010



I have been waiting for a call back for a month or so to pick up my daughters pictures and did not receive a call back. I spent almost $600 dollars so far. I even went to her office one day and there was nobody there. Did anyone get their money back or get in touch with them?


We Trusted Lorraine Nickel of INmodel Mgmt.

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, December 01, 2009

I could give you a few pages of what we've dealt with regarding Lorraine.  We had no last name until last night.  We were told by her "Go and make a career out of it" when we told her she would not get away with "scamming" us.  My husband and I refused to accept the fact that we literally flushed over $1200.00 down the toilet (we are a one income family and this was for our teens to earn some summer cash).  Our last meeting was heated and she behaved in a very unprofessional manner.  We want to sue her.  We tried sending an "Offer to Settle" registered but she would not pick it up at the post office.  So we're going to try some other way of getting our letter to her.  Yes, she does scream and yell and try to intimidate people, but my husband and are not easily intimidated.  We will stay the course and stop her and her mother from this evil that they are perpetuating - basically preying on people's innocence.  I have never met anyone who could so easily look you in the eye and lie.  Unbelievable.

So, we would love to picket in front of her office at 2368 Lakeshore Rd. W., Oakville, ON 905-465-9775.  Anyone else interested?  Gain strength in numbers.  I'd love to hear back from you.
Josie (and Michael)
Burlington, ON

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