  • Report:  #136705

Complaint Review: Loteria Primitiva- Santa Lucia Security Company S.A - Madrid Other

Reported By:
- Perth, Australia,

Loteria Primitiva- Santa Lucia Security Company S.A
Plaza De Colon E-2883 Madrid, Other, Spain
011-34-656-342 550
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On March 23rd I received a letter which said I had won the lottery with the lump sum payout of $615,810.00 USD. I was stunned when I first read through it, but also in doubt because I never played such lotto game before. Attached with the letter was a processing form which asked me to fill in my bank details so they could transfer the money to me. I was all excited so I called the number in the letter, spoke to the man on the phone just to make sure it wasn't a joke. At that point i was hoping and half believing that it was for real, therefore I faxed my details to the number the agent gave me. On the phone, the man said he would get back to me on Tuesday because in Spain it was Easter holiday so they had a long weekend like Australia. Over the last 3 days i was living in my dream, thinking of how I could spend all that money ( which I worked out it would be about $700,000.00 AUD),waiting for Tuesday to come so I could hear some good news. Exactly at 4am when I was sleeping, there was a call from the man in Spain saying that I needed to fax him my driver licence, also I had to pay the fees for some kind of processing payment which is $1,378 EURO. Once i send them the money, they will transfer the fund into my account. After that call I could not sleep, kept thinking of what I should do because I found it hard to believe and it was rediculous.

This morning I woke up, I logged on net and started searching for this company and here I found this website. When I read through all the reports from people around the world, I couldn't believe in my eyes because they all had the same ref/batch number and the payout was exactly the same. I was so disappointed and kept swearing at those guys who made this scam. How could they do this to us? Luckily I haven't done anything stupid although I felt really sad because the money wasn't real :-)Well, I guess the man in Spain will call me again, in that case I prepare to give him lots of sh$$ and report it to Fraud department, let them warn people in Australia as well as in other countries to avoid causing anymore victims of this terrible scam. Thanks to this ripoff report website and those ones who posted these reports. Without finding this I would have lost my money to these scumbags. Hopefully they will get caught soon.



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