  • Report:  #10020

Complaint Review: Mark A. Ware - Colorado Springs Colorado

Reported By:

Mark A. Ware
Colorado Springs, Colorado, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Do not get involved with Mark Adolf Ware, who currently resides in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He is a dangerous person.

He has a felony conviction of Child Abuse in the State of Colorado. He abused his infant son (premature, about 3 months old) by shaking and inflicted the following injuries: retinal bleeding, subdural hematomas, injured wrist (unconfirmed if it was fractured) and 12 broken ribs. He also abused his older son, a toddler in the following manners: pinching (especially the genitalia), punching (in the chest), slapping, hitting, and choking.

Ware has a history of deceptive practices and behavior and is a "cool" liar. During legal proceedings, he often misrepresented facts regarding his history and conduct, and he was untruthful to doctors and to the court. He often presents himself as "happy-go-lucky" and the "life of the party," and is usually the first to crack a joke or to laugh. It is a front. In reality he is a cold, calculating individual with a "distorted view of reality," according to doctor's reports.

Stay clear of Mark A. Ware, especially if you have children. He is currently on probation with the State of Colorado and is not allowed to have any unsupervised contacts with his children.

17 Updates & Rebuttals


Brigham City,
No more second chances

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, August 18, 2006

I don't care how much these people have supposedly turned their lives around, once is enough. Look at all the innocent children being raped and murdered by convicted child molesters that supposedly were reformed? I agree with Melissa, there should never be a second chance. No one can accuse me of being angry and vengeful because it has never happened to me. I am just tired of hearing about these poor women and children that have been hurt, etc by some psycho that is such a poor excuse as a man that he has to take it out on someone he feels he can easily over power. They don't change, they are inherently evil. I say to hell with the criminals rights, it's time to give the rights back to the victims. Vicki



#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, March 16, 2006

Thank You, Melissa, Norma, Brenda, Amber, Jim, and Kristiana. Are these people real? An abuser that deserves a second chance, PLEASE! You saw what happen to the little sister and brother in the mid-west(i don't wanna use their names). That PERVERTED MONSTER JOSEPH DUNCAN, he was a repeat offender. It's a shame, the courts obviously feel the same as you do. They allow these freaks a second chance and these monsters get out to inflict pain amongst our innocent kids. I don't think so! Let these monsters fry! Sexual offenders should get just as much time as a murderer, with no parole. And let them explain to the devil about why they need a second chance. Keep up the good work. Like the old saying "It takes a village to raise a child."


Tell the whole world

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, January 30, 2006

Leopards don't change their spots. It is a known fact child molesters/abusers never stop. There is no cure, and they should never get a second chance. Anyone who lets a man back into the family after he has abused his children should herself have her children removed from her care, as it is obvious she places their welfare below her relationship with the abuser.


I say forgive, but don't forget

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, January 29, 2006

I think a person needs to forgive their abuser in order to move on and heal. But you owe it to your kids to keep them OUT of harms way and not put them in a position where the abuser may or may not abuse again. It's just plain stupid to take that kind of a risk with children. "We have become a society that condemns even though we preach forgiveness. I have read studies that show people who have committed crimes MAY commit them again but not because it's their desire but because society is unwilling to give them a chance to prove themselves. The first time a person commits a crime, it's their fault. If they commit again, it's a "high probability" that it is the community's fault." -Jolene Are you on crack? Every person has CHOICES. I'm sure the community isn't physically forcing the abusers to abuse again, so it's not the community's fault. The fisrt time a person commits a crime, it's their fault, if they commit again, it's still their fault. By the way, I'm not an angry abuse victim. I've never been abused. I am just someone who is sick and tired of seeing abuse vitcims make stupid choices(such as letting an abuser back into their lives) that their kids have payed dearly for. When you have kids, their well being should be your top priority, and therefore you should do every and anything you can to keep them out of harms way. I support the person who wrote the message in the first place. Being a mother I too would want to know which neighbors to watch out for. It's not like I'd treat the person like a criminal, I just wouldn't leave my child unattended with them.


Two Cents

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, January 27, 2006

I am a victim of child abuse and I would have to agree with Melissa and Kristiana that child abusers should lose all rights when convicted. There is no way a victim could ever retrieve what was lost, so the perpetrator should experience what would be the most similar. Murderers' victims are released from any suffering, while abuse victims have to live with what happened for the rest of their lives. It amazes me that these offenders are let back into society so quickly. It seems like our judicial system could use a little "revamping."


W. Springfield,
It's okay until it happens to you

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, July 06, 2002

Let everyone know who the sick people are. Please do. I don't care if you're a survivor or not. Everyone has the right to know what type of people are around their children. I am so sick and tired of offenders being forgiven. People say that they made a mistake and they should be forgiven. People act like the victims are the offenders when the victims hold hostility and resentment towards any one who is an offender. Everyone acts like offenders have it so hard. They paid their debt to society. Bullcrap! Offenders are given a sentence of a certain period of time and then they are forgiven. victims aren't given a sentence in which they can heal. Some victims suffer the rest of their lives. I believe everyone has the right to know who is around their children and I think it should be a law if it isn't. Please post anything you can about an offender. You're not being angry or resentful. You're being a protector of the innocent. You're a hero. If the offender didn't want anyone to know, they shouldn't have done what they did.


North Carolina,

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, April 15, 2002

I disagree on the fact that we should give child molestors/abusers a second change. I am a child abuse survivor. I was molested my entire childhood and abused. I gave these people a change back into my life and guess what happened??? They turned in an abused my child when she was very young. You say people need theraphy to go on with their lives and put it behind them? Well, 10 years of theraphy for myself and my child and it will never be behind us. She has lived with it for 9 years and still suffers from it. She is now mentally/emotionally handicapped from what she went through, so this still causes us both a great deal of pain. I have ran into several more abusers and they are almost all the same. They keep following a pattern and that pattern doesn't seem to change. I asked one of them why he did what he did. He said he couldn't help himself, he just liked children and that would never change for him. So how do you take that out of a persons head? They are not a computer and can NOT be reprogrammed. As long as they live they have to fight that earge within themselves. I do believe that we all should know who are around us and our kids, esp. That is our right to know. That way we can protect our own children. That is the reasoning behind most child abuse cases to this day. We in the past have all kept our mouths shut about this and what happens and who did it. Then those people just kept getting more and more victums. Then some of the victums because abusers too and the cycle keeps turning like a huge ball. Yes it's enough to make people angry. They have a right to. Don't be like the people in our past and keep making excuses for these people. They did the crime and they should face the reality and the shame. It shouldn't be carried only by the child that they attack. But most of all....... DON'T tell everyone how to react to what has happened to them. You don't have that right !! I'm far from angry, I'm very concerned and I speak out on this every chance I get when I don't agree. Since I have seen both sides of it. Thank you and God bless you all !!


North Carolina,

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, April 15, 2002

I disagree on the fact that we should give child molestors/abusers a second change. I am a child abuse survivor. I was molested my entire childhood and abused. I gave these people a change back into my life and guess what happened??? They turned in an abused my child when she was very young. You say people need theraphy to go on with their lives and put it behind them? Well, 10 years of theraphy for myself and my child and it will never be behind us. She has lived with it for 9 years and still suffers from it. She is now mentally/emotionally handicapped from what she went through, so this still causes us both a great deal of pain. I have ran into several more abusers and they are almost all the same. They keep following a pattern and that pattern doesn't seem to change. I asked one of them why he did what he did. He said he couldn't help himself, he just liked children and that would never change for him. So how do you take that out of a persons head? They are not a computer and can NOT be reprogrammed. As long as they live they have to fight that earge within themselves. I do believe that we all should know who are around us and our kids, esp. That is our right to know. That way we can protect our own children. That is the reasoning behind most child abuse cases to this day. We in the past have all kept our mouths shut about this and what happens and who did it. Then those people just kept getting more and more victums. Then some of the victums because abusers too and the cycle keeps turning like a huge ball. Yes it's enough to make people angry. They have a right to. Don't be like the people in our past and keep making dam excuses for these people. They did the crime and they should face the reality and the shame. It shouldn't be carried only by the child that they attack. But most of all....... DON'T tell everyone how to react to what has happened to them. You don't have that right !! I'm far from angry, I'm very concerned and I speak out on this every chance I get when I don't agree. Since I have seen both sides of it. Thank you and God bless you all !!


Kudos ..We have become a society that condemns even though we preach forgiveness

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, March 30, 2002

Kudos to Terri!! She appears to have a very healthy attitude and level of forgiveness that I wish could infect the population. I'm a LCSW who has dealt with men who have committed violent crimes and, through treatment, have overcome whatever caused them to act the way they did. Now, I'm not saying that all of them reacted positively to treatment, but the one's that did deserve a chance to show the community they are not the same person that committed the acts of their past. We have become a society that condemns even though we preach forgiveness. I have read studies that show people who have committed crimes MAY commit them again but not because it's their desire but because society is unwilling to give them a chance to prove themselves. The first time a person commits a crime, it's their fault. If they commit again, it's a "high probability" that it is the community's fault.


New Mexico,
To each their own..

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, March 29, 2002

I'm not here to start a mud-slinging campaign. I'm proud of you, Melissa, for taking an active role in what you believe in. I work with Catholic Services myself to reach out to those who have suffered from similar, if not identical, circumstances as me. It pains me to hear the hurt and anger you have, and if there was anything I could to to help you I would. We have our different opinions and that's what makes this country wonderful-the freedom to express them. Y ou mentioned the person that hurt you and your family had priors, but you saw past that and gave him a chance in your life anyway. I'm doing the same and hoping for better results. You also mentioned "high probability". I take that as NOT 100%. So there IS a chance this may not happen again, right? I believe in turning the other cheek and taking that chance FOR my kids sake. I'm sure you'll have comments for what I've said here, but as for me, I've spoken my peace and don't intend to revisit this posting. I wish you all the love Father God can give and I will light a candle for you.


saint louis,
You are in denial sister!

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, March 28, 2002

You got issues if you let an abuser back in your life again. Someone that harms you doesn't respect you. And, space cadet, people that victimize others have a very high probability (proven by statistics) that they will victimize again. If you cannot stand on your own two feet without the abuser, then you need to get additional help. Let's see, if someone murdered your sister and tried to kill her minor children, an idiot like you would probably forgive him and let him hang around your kids. I however, was a survivor of that sort of attack and I don't think that he should be allowed anywhere near the general population again. I say alert the media. Pass out flyers. You may not care that the abuser/killer/rapist is out again, but other people care. I have lived my life as an orphan. I chose to rise above these circumstances to get an education and have a good rewarding career in spite of having nothing to go on. I'm not an angry person, but I am a victim's advocate. I do see something seriously wrong with a world where the perp's rights are more important than the victim's rights. If that makes you see me as angry, then that's your problem. Your opinion is not important to me What's important to me is that you are going right back into the cycle. Anybody can act good and behave, but after a while, that charade falls apart. Next time, you may end up dead. I go to church, I pray, people say I'm one of the nicest people they know and that I have a great personality. But I'm not a doormat and I don't think I should sacrifice myself for anyone unless they've given me a reason to trust them. I don't trust people who sexually abuse children and I don't trust people who rape and kill. I don't trust anyone to take my life under their control again. God is the only one I answer to and he is the only one that has control. I feel my calling in life is to speak up for people that don't feel empowered to speak for themselves. I use my pain to help others. What do you do with yours? Without people like me, child molestation and rape would be okay. If someone didn't speak up and recognize the wrongs in society, these things would be quite legal and accepted as they are in other countries. I've given myself things I was never given by the adults in my life. They were trusted to care for me and they did not. If I did not have my faith I would not be here. I give my daughter a sense of love, self-confidence self-respect and self worth. I do not date because I don't want her to feel a woman's only use is to be here for men's reasons only. She knows plenty of positive male role models and plenty of female role models, including myself. I've taught her that sometimes you have to stand up for yourself. She also knows that she doesn't have to tolerate bad treatment from anyone. I'm teaching my child things I wasn't taught. Kids have rights. You victimize kids, you lose your rights. The man that victimized me and my mother and my sister had priors for murder and for assault. I'm sure the people that let him out for good behavior the first time thought along the same lines you do. Maybe you want a killer living next door to your kids and maybe you wouldn't mind a child molester babysitting your children. You got help? I think not. I have had counseling and I volunteer for CASA (court appointed special advocates). I also spend time working with my local advocacy office to make sure he doesn't get out again. I have a petetion on petition's online. I also reach out to those I know who have been victimized. I am no longer a victim. I am a survivor.


saint louis,
You are in denial sister!

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, March 28, 2002

You got issues if you let an abuser back in your life again. Someone that harms you doesn't respect you. And, space cadet, people that victimize others have a very high probability (proven by statistics) that they will victimize again. If you cannot stand on your own two feet without the abuser, then you need to get additional help. Let's see, if someone murdered your sister and tried to kill her minor children, an idiot like you would probably forgive him and let him hang around your kids. I however, was a survivor of that sort of attack and I don't think that he should be allowed anywhere near the general population again. I say alert the media. Pass out flyers. You may not care that the abuser/killer/rapist is out again, but other people care. I have lived my life as an orphan. I chose to rise above these circumstances to get an education and have a good rewarding career in spite of having nothing to go on. I'm not an angry person, but I am a victim's advocate. I do see something seriously wrong with a world where the perp's rights are more important than the victim's rights. If that makes you see me as angry, then that's your problem. Your opinion is not important to me What's important to me is that you are going right back into the cycle. Anybody can act good and behave, but after a while, that charade falls apart. Next time, you may end up dead. I go to church, I pray, people say I'm one of the nicest people they know and that I have a great personality. But I'm not a doormat and I don't think I should sacrifice myself for anyone unless they've given me a reason to trust them. I don't trust people who sexually abuse children and I don't trust people who rape and kill. I don't trust anyone to take my life under their control again. God is the only one I answer to and he is the only one that has control. I feel my calling in life is to speak up for people that don't feel empowered to speak for themselves. I use my pain to help others. What do you do with yours? Without people like me, child molestation and rape would be okay. If someone didn't speak up and recognize the wrongs in society, these things would be quite legal and accepted as they are in other countries. I've given myself things I was never given by the adults in my life. They were trusted to care for me and they did not. If I did not have my faith I would not be here. I give my daughter a sense of love, self-confidence self-respect and self worth. I do not date because I don't want her to feel a woman's only use is to be here for men's reasons only. She knows plenty of positive male role models and plenty of female role models, including myself. I've taught her that sometimes you have to stand up for yourself. She also knows that she doesn't have to tolerate bad treatment from anyone. I'm teaching my child things I wasn't taught. Kids have rights. You victimize kids, you lose your rights. The man that victimized me and my mother and my sister had priors for murder and for assault. I'm sure the people that let him out for good behavior the first time thought along the same lines you do. Maybe you want a killer living next door to your kids and maybe you wouldn't mind a child molester babysitting your children. You got help? I think not. I have had counseling and I volunteer for CASA (court appointed special advocates). I also spend time working with my local advocacy office to make sure he doesn't get out again. I have a petetion on petition's online. I also reach out to those I know who have been victimized. I am no longer a victim. I am a survivor.


saint louis,
You are in denial sister!

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, March 28, 2002

You got issues if you let an abuser back in your life again. Someone that harms you doesn't respect you. And, space cadet, people that victimize others have a very high probability (proven by statistics) that they will victimize again. If you cannot stand on your own two feet without the abuser, then you need to get additional help. Let's see, if someone murdered your sister and tried to kill her minor children, an idiot like you would probably forgive him and let him hang around your kids. I however, was a survivor of that sort of attack and I don't think that he should be allowed anywhere near the general population again. I say alert the media. Pass out flyers. You may not care that the abuser/killer/rapist is out again, but other people care. I have lived my life as an orphan. I chose to rise above these circumstances to get an education and have a good rewarding career in spite of having nothing to go on. I'm not an angry person, but I am a victim's advocate. I do see something seriously wrong with a world where the perp's rights are more important than the victim's rights. If that makes you see me as angry, then that's your problem. Your opinion is not important to me What's important to me is that you are going right back into the cycle. Anybody can act good and behave, but after a while, that charade falls apart. Next time, you may end up dead. I go to church, I pray, people say I'm one of the nicest people they know and that I have a great personality. But I'm not a doormat and I don't think I should sacrifice myself for anyone unless they've given me a reason to trust them. I don't trust people who sexually abuse children and I don't trust people who rape and kill. I don't trust anyone to take my life under their control again. God is the only one I answer to and he is the only one that has control. I feel my calling in life is to speak up for people that don't feel empowered to speak for themselves. I use my pain to help others. What do you do with yours? Without people like me, child molestation and rape would be okay. If someone didn't speak up and recognize the wrongs in society, these things would be quite legal and accepted as they are in other countries. I've given myself things I was never given by the adults in my life. They were trusted to care for me and they did not. If I did not have my faith I would not be here. I give my daughter a sense of love, self-confidence self-respect and self worth. I do not date because I don't want her to feel a woman's only use is to be here for men's reasons only. She knows plenty of positive male role models and plenty of female role models, including myself. I've taught her that sometimes you have to stand up for yourself. She also knows that she doesn't have to tolerate bad treatment from anyone. I'm teaching my child things I wasn't taught. Kids have rights. You victimize kids, you lose your rights. The man that victimized me and my mother and my sister had priors for murder and for assault. I'm sure the people that let him out for good behavior the first time thought along the same lines you do. Maybe you want a killer living next door to your kids and maybe you wouldn't mind a child molester babysitting your children. You got help? I think not. I have had counseling and I volunteer for CASA (court appointed special advocates). I also spend time working with my local advocacy office to make sure he doesn't get out again. I have a petetion on petition's online. I also reach out to those I know who have been victimized. I am no longer a victim. I am a survivor.


saint louis,
You are in denial sister!

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, March 28, 2002

You got issues if you let an abuser back in your life again. Someone that harms you doesn't respect you. And, space cadet, people that victimize others have a very high probability (proven by statistics) that they will victimize again. If you cannot stand on your own two feet without the abuser, then you need to get additional help. Let's see, if someone murdered your sister and tried to kill her minor children, an idiot like you would probably forgive him and let him hang around your kids. I however, was a survivor of that sort of attack and I don't think that he should be allowed anywhere near the general population again. I say alert the media. Pass out flyers. You may not care that the abuser/killer/rapist is out again, but other people care. I have lived my life as an orphan. I chose to rise above these circumstances to get an education and have a good rewarding career in spite of having nothing to go on. I'm not an angry person, but I am a victim's advocate. I do see something seriously wrong with a world where the perp's rights are more important than the victim's rights. If that makes you see me as angry, then that's your problem. Your opinion is not important to me What's important to me is that you are going right back into the cycle. Anybody can act good and behave, but after a while, that charade falls apart. Next time, you may end up dead. I go to church, I pray, people say I'm one of the nicest people they know and that I have a great personality. But I'm not a doormat and I don't think I should sacrifice myself for anyone unless they've given me a reason to trust them. I don't trust people who sexually abuse children and I don't trust people who rape and kill. I don't trust anyone to take my life under their control again. God is the only one I answer to and he is the only one that has control. I feel my calling in life is to speak up for people that don't feel empowered to speak for themselves. I use my pain to help others. What do you do with yours? Without people like me, child molestation and rape would be okay. If someone didn't speak up and recognize the wrongs in society, these things would be quite legal and accepted as they are in other countries. I've given myself things I was never given by the adults in my life. They were trusted to care for me and they did not. If I did not have my faith I would not be here. I give my daughter a sense of love, self-confidence self-respect and self worth. I do not date because I don't want her to feel a woman's only use is to be here for men's reasons only. She knows plenty of positive male role models and plenty of female role models, including myself. I've taught her that sometimes you have to stand up for yourself. She also knows that she doesn't have to tolerate bad treatment from anyone. I'm teaching my child things I wasn't taught. Kids have rights. You victimize kids, you lose your rights. The man that victimized me and my mother and my sister had priors for murder and for assault. I'm sure the people that let him out for good behavior the first time thought along the same lines you do. Maybe you want a killer living next door to your kids and maybe you wouldn't mind a child molester babysitting your children. You got help? I think not. I have had counseling and I volunteer for CASA (court appointed special advocates). I also spend time working with my local advocacy office to make sure he doesn't get out again. I have a petetion on petition's online. I also reach out to those I know who have been victimized. I am no longer a victim. I am a survivor.


New Mexico,
Not all victims carry the same anger

#16Consumer Comment

Wed, March 20, 2002

As Melissa, I too am a woman who suffered attacks from a loved one as did my 3 children. But that's where the similarities end!! As a victim, I chose to seek professional help and obtain the same for my kids to help us heal and move on with our lives instead of letting the rage fester inside and continually affect our lives. The individual who harmed us has become a part of our lives again after two-and-a-half years of work, however we still have a ways to go. I must admit I get nervous leaving the kids with him, but I know it's something that must be done for progress to be made. I did think at one time that the public should be told of the monster I discovered, however, I now realize that action would have done nothing more than made me feel good at that time. The fact of the matter is that it would have done more harm than good in the long run for all involved. Melissa is right that this is a sad world, but it's people like her that keep it that way by not letting people who err make amends to those they affected.


saint louis,
I say,

#17Consumer Comment

Fri, March 15, 2002

As a woman who suffered a vicious knife attack as a child and was abused later by a family member, I care little for the perp's feelings. I say, "no hold's barred". I say, "tell the whole world what an animal he is." This may protect people from him in the future. What if it was your kids, nieces and nephews? When you harm a child you should lose all of your rights. I don't care if you've repayed your debt to society because you can never repay what that child has lost. You should be monitered and all of your neighbors should know that you are a perverted, sick bully who can only hurt kids because they can't take up for themselves. Then they can make the choice of keeping their kids away from you, instead of trusting you, who has proven they cannot be trusted anyway. There is no perfect platform for this information, but I agree with the person that wrote about ole creepy. Write about him everywhere, every opportunity, tell everyone. He lost his rights when he decided to shake an helpless infant and abuse the kids. What a loser. By the way, MY attacker has come up for parole. I myself not only raise hell in every arena (internet, petitions, talking to people in genera, speaking with police, etc) but I've also volunteered for CASA (court appointed special advocates). It's sad that people wanto blame the victim instead of force the abuser to be responsible for their behavior. What a sad sad world.


Put his past behind him

#18Consumer Comment

Wed, February 27, 2002

It seems Mark has made mistakes and will pay for them for the rest of his life. They say the first step in getting and receiving help is to admit there is a problem. This man has done just that, and has been actively involved in rehabilitation. He has also been building a relationship with his kids to the point where they recognize him as Daddy. The person who posted the original message may be better off getting "counseling" for their anger instead of venting their frustrations on the web. If you had any compassion for these children, you would prefer to keep their lives private instead of wasting your energy slandering this man all over the web. Maybe this is not a proper forum for this discussion. This is for consumers who paid for a service and got ripped off. Maybe you should be advocating for children in your state, try looking up a referral agency for such an organization.

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