  • Report:  #67641

Complaint Review: Medicor - Van Nuys California

Reported By:
- Middlefield, Connecticut,

Van Nuys, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I wanted to say, that I recently learned about the scam Medicor, created back in 1999; when they lied, cheated and stole from innocent Americans looking to earn a living. In our society of dual income families, this method of employment for many mothers wanting to add to the family income but to be able to stay home and take care of her children is an ideal relationship.

The owners of this company knew that when they chose to advertise in town papers. They knew women, young struggling college students, retirees and the disabled would jump on this opportunity to earn a decent living in the comfort of their own home, be their own boss and make their own hours.

They maniplated and robbed people of their money and dignity, but more importantly their ability to trust themselves to believe in people again.


Middlefield, Connecticut

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Do not EVER pay to work!

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, September 27, 2003

It is commonly known that one should never pay anyone to work for them. It is usualy a scam 99% of the time. Sorry...I hope you get your $ back, but you will probably have to chalk it up as a learning experience. Honest work from home jobs are rare.

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