  • Report:  #494911

Complaint Review: Medra - Internet

Reported By:
Fraud buster - LINTHICUM, Maryland, USA

MEDRA.COM Internet, United States of America
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Hundreds of posts on the Fetal Stem Cell Topix board have been instantly removed by anyone who has a negative comment concerning Medra. This has been ongoing since the board's inception, which was conceived as a sales trap to recruit patients for Medra.  

The following  is a journal entry by Marcellas', Pray for Nathan website journal, whose son Nathan is a patient of Dr, Rader of Medra. This was previously posted on the Fetal Stem Cell Topix board but was suspiciously removed.


The original topic was whether she (Kirshner} thought Nathan would be a suitable candidate to receive stem cells in China. Her opinion was NO. She explained that for stem cells to work in the brain they have to cross the blood brain barrier. Once a child is 3 years old this barrier is thick and the stem cells may not make it through the barrier and into the brain. The way that Beike gets around this is by giving the kids a shot of stem cells through lumbar puncture this guarantees that the cells go right to the brain. Nathan, however, is not a candidate for a lumbar puncture because he has a shunt. There is a risk of infection if they do a lumbar puncture on kids with shunts as the infection could go right to their brains. She believed Nathan could have gains with just the IV injection of stem cells but she believed the gains would be minimal and there wouldnt be sufficient ROI. Now Kirshner is a HUGE proponent of stem cells so for her to say she doesnt recommend stem cells for Nathan is something to take notice.


Conspicuously, Marcella posts in her journal a few days later:

Since my post a few days ago about my conversation with Kirshner, much has happened. Ive had several conversations with many people about stem cells and I am finding some contradictions.

She told me that after 3, the blood brain barrier is too thick and that kids wont receive much benefit. But I remember having met and seen with my own eyes kids that did gain tremendous benefit from Dr. Raders stem cells, kids older than 3. And none of them had lumbar punctures. I personally have met kids who gained head control after a stem cell treatment, a child who stopped having seizures, and a few other kids who made gains in various areas. So I am not so sure how applicable this theory is. If I hadnt met and talked to these families, it would be one thing, but I did meet and see with my own eyes kids that improved with Dr. Raders stem cells.

As a result of my questioning I ended up speaking with Dr. Rader who answered a lot of my questions. And in the process I learned that he opened a new clinic in Tijuana. And coincidentally I learned that there is a treatment happening this weekend. So guess what?

Were going to Tijuana this weekend for Stem Cells! Wohoo! And while were down south, how can we skip SeaWorld?

I had a secret desire to do stem cells again before going to Chile for Medekhmmm..imagine those cells potentizing Ramons work! And its going to happen! WOHOOO!

Its utterly incredible that, within a couple of days, Marcella changes her belief and opinion, all of a sudden remembering,  having met and seen with my own eyes kids that did gain tremendous benefit from Dr. Raders stem cells, kids older than 3. And none of them had lumbar punctures. I personally have met kids who gained head control after a stem cell treatment, a child who stopped having seizures, and a few other kids who made gains in various areas. So I am not so sure how applicable this theory is. If I hadnt met and talked to these families, it would be one thing, but I did meet and see with my own eyes kids that improved with Dr. Raders stem cells. 

Needless to say,  this strongly indicates that Medra contacted Marcella manipulating her to remove the Topix board post to silence the truth, while asking her to change her opinion about stem cells in her blog ,using whatever fraudulent tactics that need be. It is most possible that free or a reduced cost in the stem cell procedure was used for motivation, as this has been offered to other patients to keep silent.

If anyone has the time or inclination to Read Marcellas Pray For Nathan website, take notice of how she flip flops back and forth in believing in various snake oil therapies and quacks. Her blog is filled with the quackiest therapies she uses on her son, who cannot protest to the constant invasions upon his life.

Marcella also contradicts how she feels about Nathans condition. One minute she is happy with her son just the way he is and the next, she is trying to change the reality of his condition. Lets hope that her pregnancy goes well. Maybe her new baby will divert her obsessive floonery off of Nathan and he will flourish in his own way. However, like many of these siblings of disabled children, they suffer emotionally, in being neglected due to their parent(s) obsession with fake therapies and false hope they pursue for themselves and their disabled child.

Marcella is not alone, and a consistent factor in these parents website blogs is a plea for donations which perpetuates the fraud. Marcella is more culpable than others, since she not only has the audacity to ask for monthly contributions, she and her husband are wealthy, frequently traveling and vacationing all over the world, to more countries than chickens have eggs. It is scandalous for Marcella to ask for money to perpetuate fraud, especially in this economy, when many do not have the money to pay for their mortgages, while she capriciously travels around the world searching for gurus and shamans to cure her incurable son.

It makes one question the possibility of Marcellas involvement in a scam also. It seems that Dr. Raders pyramid scheme has trickled down branching and twisting off in all directions or is it that Dr. Rader just attracts cons like himself?

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