  • Report:  #461112

Complaint Review: Medra - Malibu California

Reported By:
- Parkville, Maryland,

22619 Pacific Coast Hwy Malibu, 90265 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am writing make the world aware of the criminal activities that center around Medra Inc which provides Fetal Stem Cell Therapy in the Dominican Republic and now expanded to Tijuana.

The sales people for this company are liars and when confronted resort to threats.

In 2008, a friend posted on a public forum a request to talk tosomeone that had fetal stem cell therapy by Dr. Rader. She was immediately seized upon bu Lisa Brower. Lisa talked for 4 hours, sharing her miraculous fraudulent story with my friend. They established a common bond mother's have when having a disabled son. Lisa is the mother of Jake AKA Brian's miracle on teh Medra website. After talking to the liar William C Rader I WILL NOT USE THE WORD DOCTOR IN FRONT OF THIS SNAKE'S NAME. She booked to go. The entire trip was a hoax. No doctor, no clinic, no pre-examination, no follow-up, no release procedure or paperwork of any kind.

I started to watch the public forum that my friend had met Lisa Brower on and it became obvious that the majority of people on there were working for Medra.

Then I read an article that clearly showed Lisa Brower surfing thenet lookifor her next potential victim.


Late one night after reading a rude post by Lisa Brower insulting another member I posted that I believed they were sales reps and then linked the above article.

All hell broke out. The next morning my friend was contacted by the Browers wanting to know if she knew who I was. They traced me to my friend by my ISP address. She was taken aback, having no idea why they would want to know. They said I was endangering others with my misinformation. My friend called me and said they wanted my phone number. I said ok. Next came the onslaught of raving phone calls form John Brower. " This is life or death you are playing with, we have the means to take you down, we are going to sue you for the money you cost us." They repeated my namem address and husband's name into the phone. Being that John Brower is or was a NYPD cop at the time, it was quite intimidating. He called several more times telling me to recant my post or have a resolution.

This is when I noticed that other people on the forum retracted when they said something negative about Rader. They were contacted bby testimonial people who guilted them by saying" Dr Rader helped my child and could help others" etc.

A brilliantly ran scam of suppression of truth. Who is going to argue with someone with a sick child. Rader's psychiatric skills obviously came in handy for the emotional manipulation.

I waited the six month waiting period that after receiving your $30,000 so called stem cells. My friend's son saw no improvement nor did any of the other ten patients he met down there. Every one felt scammed.

We started to research Medra but more importantly we looked closer at the miracle patients. They are what sells the false hope that makes you believe a psychiatrist has found a cure for mankinds most devastating diseases.

The below documentation irrefutably proves that, William C Rader of Medra, Inc, Medra affiliates, John and Lisa Brower and Ricci Kilgore are among the most despicable frauds.

It seems the quote "The bigger the lie the more they believe" is Medra's creed.


The archived newsletter with "The Resurrection of Jake Brower," proves that the Brower's took their son, Jake aka Brian, to a Mexican clinic where he received numerous umbilical cord blood treatments from Dr. Ramirez, an affiliate of Dr. Steenblock, prior to ever receiving stems cells from Dr. Rader. All of Jake's aka Brian's improvements occurred before they saw Rader in 2006. In the article, John Brower confirms that Jakes so called miraculous improvements were due to the cord blood therapy in Mexico (NOT Rader's stem cells), which blatantly contradicts what he says on the Medra infomercial. Just as insidious, is that Lisa Brower told me and other patients that this Mexican clinic was a scam-an entirely different story from her husband's. I am in no way saying this Steenblock/Rameriz group healed Jake but the timing of his recovery was right after the injury, not after three years in a persisted vegetated state, as Medra claims. (The Brower's claim to have changed their son's name for privacy sake, but the reason is most likely to erase the connection between Medra and the Mexican clinic. Like Rader, who leaves no paper trail to avoid paying taxes, the Brower's have learned from their master)

There can be only one conclusion for the contradictory stories. The Brower's must have sold their false miracle story to Medra, and Rader claimed it as his own. Whether they were paid in free stem cells or monetarily is irrelevant. At this point, this makes one wonder if the cord blood story is just another fabrication. Jake aka Brian might have never received any treatment, whether it be from Mexico or Medra. The Brower's could just be in the business of selling their lie to highest bidder. Furthermore, since Steenblock has had shady connections with Rader, it may be very possible that they are cohorts in sharing their patients stories. Since the Brower's have changed their son's name as well as going under different aliases themselves, Jake could be passed around to different clinics like a hot commodity.

This type of hocus pocus is evident if you read the posts on the Fetal stem cell Topix board. The Brower's have posted using various aliases, such as Wildhorses, When the Children Cry, Martin from New Hampshire, Michael, Greatful Patient (sic) etc.

In one such alias post, Lisa Brower claims to have a disabled daughter, who received Rader's stem cell treatment. In addition, John Brower claims that he has had Rader's stem cell treatment for a respiratory disease from 911 but his story changes, depending on who is talking to. The Brower's will stoop to anything to recruit patients in order to make a buck. They have used their religion, their trip to Lourdes, Jakes last rite photos ( pay close attention to the staged row of religious statues in the background of the Jake photo in the Resurrection article) to make themselves look sanctimonious, as John's cop status has been used to make them look more legit.. This is part of their scam to recruit patients.

As for Ricci Kilgore, the articles prove that her SCI injury was no big deal in relation to the real trauma of SCI's. Her injury was a T-12 L-1 SCI, one of the lowest SCI injuries. Many SCI patients walk with much more severe injuries than Ricci. After her operation, Ricci had feeling all the way down to her toes. The doctor's prognosis was that she would walk again and the Doctors were right! She was walking, skiing, and horseback riding before she supposedly got Rader's stem cell injections. However, on the Medra infomercial and when she appeared at the Texas state Congress, she lied and said that the doctors had given her no hope of ever walking. Furthermore, her connections to Rader were shady way before she sold her soul to the devil.



The entire Medra Infomercial is a hoax and the cast of characters are under investigation. It is doubtful that any of these Medra actors ever received the stem cells. If they did, it is definitely not the stem cells that are responsible for their improvements. All have undergone extensive medical therapies prior to receiving the so called stem cells. There is absolutely nothing miraculous about their improvements.

The web of interconnected fraud that has been uncovered is beyond belief. Dr Rader probably found Ricci through her so called uncle Dr James Forsythe, a homeopathic aka oncologist , who works with her mother Valerie Kilgore at the century Wellness Clinic in Reno Nevada. Dr Forsythe worked with Dr. Albert Scheller, Rader's chief scientist.

This is how I believe Medra found the perfect spinal cord patient that miraculously walked. Dr. Steenblock and Forsythe are frauds as indicated in the site below.


The Brower's prostituted their son for a quick buck and Ricci prostituted herself for fame and fortune.(John Brower, an ex NY city cop has been documented in soliciting an undercover prostitute, while off duty, so it should not come as a surprise)

Unfortunately for Ricci's narcissistic personality, she is unknown outside the realm of Para Olympics, so will never be famous. She uses her injury to draw attention to herself and defraud SCI patients. Now that she is exposed for the fraud that she is, hopefully, she will be de-medaled and banned from competing in the Para Olympics, as well as shunned by the American disabilities Assoc.

Adding to the scam, Rader's first so called miracle on the Medra infomercial was Clayton Fatherlee, the seizing child with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Clayton's parents are Azita Karimkhany Fatheree and George C Fatheree. In this article Azita talks of how she stored her son's cord blood. Why would they get Rader's injections for their son, instead of using his own cord blood. Both are pluripotent and scientifically have the same results, if the cord blood is from the host and administered properly. The whole thing is a scam. I actually thought that these people wrongly believed Rader helped their kids but they are simply frauds.


Furthermore, The BBC just exposed Rader but it drew little attention here in the states. It appears, in these slow economic times, that Dr Rader has resorted to asking patients to bring traveler's checks and make up your mind when you get there. Build trust and avoid the IRS.



To all of you Pet Lovers

Rader recently purchased petstem.org, which will enable him to scam pet owners. Pets will draw a bigger market than people


Another tidbit of information is that on Rader's Medra FAQ sheet, he claims that he developed the principles of the treatment program used at the Betty Ford Clinic. However, The Betty Ford Foundation denies that Rader was ever involved with their Foundation. Call their toll free number and ask. They will tell you without hesitation that William C Rader has no affiliation with Betty Ford. He is being investigated by them, as well as being investigated by the FBI and the IRS.

Rader's web of fraud is about to crash down upon him. He will most likely flee the country and start a new business, as he has done several times in the past, since changing tactics, names and locations of his clinics is his modus operandi. Although he is 70 years old and time is not on his side, his greed for power, wealth and ego will keep him motivated. However, before his infamous career in fraud has ended, he will be destroyed in one way or another.

Medra's layer's of fraud is like an onion. Under each layer is something more acidic that will make you wince. To get to the core might take years but we will not rest until we peel away each layer.

If, any of the above sites are erased off the internet, be assured that Medra has taken them down. They have a reputation of suppressing the truth and will change information to fit their scam. However, we have everything copied, saved and filed

If you have or know of anyone who may have information on Dr William C Rader and Medra please share your information

Our goal is to save others from being scammed.


Parkville, Maryland


5 Updates & Rebuttals


Lying and twisting the truth is what Medra specializes in as does their miracle patients.

#2Author of original report

Tue, June 30, 2009

Five minutes and 14 seconds inot the medra infomercial Ricci Kilgore says, " I wasn't offered alot of umm therapy because they didn't have alot of hope." THAT IS CLEARLY A LIE NO MATTER WHAT THE INJURY STATUS. http://www.medra.com/video/medra2.html Ricci Kilgore endorses Medra Inc, a fraudulent company that rips people off of 30,000 dollars for so called stem cells, by appearing on their website. Dr William C Rader is a California psychiatrist that has been treating peolpe with SUPPOSED fetal stem cells since 1997. Countless numbers of SCI patients that NEVER would have believed Rader but were swayed by Ricci Kilgore's testimony. They threw 30,000 dollars into the pockets of William C Rader the stem cell fraud. As late as a month ago, William C Rader was telling a complete quad that all his SCI patients had improved. A LIE. When a disgruntled SCI patient with the initials RD posted on a topix board what a scam Medra was. He was contacted by Dr Rader, John Brower and then Ricci Kilgore. This tells me Ricci is connected to MEDRA Inc. The disgrunted customer was given free stem cells and an all expense paid vacation to Tijuana, where he received his stem cells in a strip mall. Of course the customer had to retract his negative post which he did. As for Albert Scheller, uncle Forsythe used his cancer protocols, so I am sure they knew each other. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0ISW/is_277-278/ai_n16702337/ In the US, Dr. James Forsythe, MD, at the Cancer Screening & Treatment Center in Reno, Nevada, is following many of the cancer treatment protocols of Dr. Scheller. Scheller worked with Rader until his death in a Las Vegas hotel room. So this is how they found Ricci Kilgore the PERFECT Stem Cell Miracle patient. _______________________________________________________________ The original articles are from the Idaho State journal archives. The first year of her injury in 2000, there are 4 articles. Then in 2005, Ricci re-appears saying the doctors told her she would never walk and talking about stem cells. These articles speak for themselves. Bengal track athletes injured in accident By Journal Staff POCATELLO, Idaho (AP) Three Idaho State University freshmen track and field athletes were injured last weekend in a one-car accident while driving back to the school from Reno, Nev. Ricci Kilgore, Paul Litchfield and Nick Herald were driving in a van that hit a patch of black ice and skidded, overturned, then rolled on Sunday. Litchfield, who was driving, and Herald both were shaken but did not require medical attention. Kilgore was thrown from the vehicle and landed nearly 30 feet away. She suffered a broken back and was taken by Life Flight to Washoe Medical Center in Reno. Kilgore remained in stable condition Monday night and reported feeling nothing from her knees down. That was an improvement from 12 hours previously, when Kilgore had no feeling from the waist down. She was scheduled for surgery on Tuesday. Kilgore was a pole vaulter who competed late in the year for the Bengals. Herald and Litchfield were multi-event specialists Publication:Idaho State; Date:Mar 22, 2000; Section:Undefined; Page Number:1 ISU pole vaulters surgery successful By The Journal Staff RENO, Nev. Ricci Kilgore, the Idaho State University freshman pole vaulter who was injured in a car accident on Sunday as she and two other freshman athletes returned home from a trip to Reno, Nev., underwent surgery Tuesday morning to relieve pressure on the injured part of her broken back. The surgery was termed a success by hospital medical staff. Feeling was restored throughout her legs and the medical team that performed the operation said she should regain full use of her legs. Kilgore, who attended Reno High School, was driving back to Pocatello with Nick Herald and Paul Litchfield, when their van encountered black ice about a mile east of the I-84/I-86 junction and flipped. Kilgore, who was sent out of the back window of the van, was thrown 30 feet and broke her back upon impact. The affected vertebrae is located in the lumbar region, almost straight back from the belly button. Herald, who was driving, and Litchfield did not require medical attention. Kilgore was taken to Cassia Hospital in Burley, Idaho, then Life-Flighted to Washoe Medical Center in Reno. Her surgery began at 11 a.m. local time and entailed cleaning out the bone fragments from the ruptured vertebrae, straightening out the two vertebrae above the injured one to relieve pressure, and grafting bone from her hip to reconstruct the damaged segment. Paul Heglar, her high school track coach, said that everything could not have gone better, regarding the surgery Tuesday. Date:Mar 23, 2000; Section:Undefined; Page Number:1 Injured Bengal pole vaulter regains feeling By The Journal Staff RENO, Nev. Following successful surgery Tuesday on Ricci Kilgores broken back, feeling has been restored throughout her legs and into her toes, and physical therapy could begin as early as the end of the week. Kilgore, a freshman pole vaulter from Idaho State, was injured as she and two others freshman track athletes returned home from a trip to Reno, Nev. A 6-8 hour surgery was performed Tuesday at Renos Washoe Medical Center to repair and relieve pressure on a ruptured vertebrae in her broken back. Contacted in Intensive Care Wednesday morning at Washoe, Kilgore said she has regained feeling to her toes and said she may begin physical therapy at the end of the week to begin the recovery process. Publication:Idaho State; Date:May 27, 2000; Section:Undefined; Page Number:1 Injured ISU athlete on way back home By The Journal Staff RENO, Nev. Idaho State freshman Ricci Kilgore has progressed to outpatient status, two months after suffering a broken back in a traffic accident here. Kilgore, a pole vaulter for the Idaho State track and field team last fall, was thrown from a van on the way back to Pocatello from Reno, Nev., on March 19. During the initial hours following the accident, Kilgore had no feeling in her legs or toes. Surgery was performed after the accident to repair the injured vertebrae and the long road of recovery started with physical therapy sessions to strengthen the area around the injury. Kilgore does about 90 minutes of work with her physical therapist each day, then does an additional three hours of work on her own. Because of her hard work, Kilgore can now recover in the comfort of her own home. Paul Heglar, her track coach at Reno High School who has been with Kilgore throughout the ordeal, said the physical therapy is currently focused on strengthening her legs, specifically the hamstrings. Kilgore lost a lot of weight initially after the accident, but has put back on nine pounds in the past few weeks. They are working with her everyday in the walker and working on her holding her own weight, Heglar said. They are trying to regain muscle. Kilgores goal is to pole vault again, but for the immediate future her focus is on therapy, in the hopes of re-enrolling in college next fall or the following spring. _____________________________________________ Maybe her belief in the stem cells prompted her to get a personal trainer and in her own words "But through absolute determination, she pushes herself to the limit every day, physically, to make the cells work for her." But her Medra video is manipulative and what is left out is as bad as lying. My only motive has been to make it easier for people to find out the truth about Medra and the way they manipulate their miracle cases. If Ricci's tale was the only Medra testimony of twisted truth, I would not have been so fast to use the word fraud. Manipulating the truth about injuries and illnesses, is a pattern that has made Medra a very successful offshore stem cell provider. John Brower is Rader's right hand man, self described as the patients relation man .His child is Brian's miracle from the Medra website. His son's real name is Jake. This is the Medra website claiming Brian aka Jake, was semi-vegetative for three years until the saw Rader, somewhere in 2006. http://www.medra.com/brian.html Here is the same child using some of the same pictures being uses in a 2006 Steenblock newsletter ,claiming the same improvements form umbilical cord stem cells. http://web.archive.org/web/20061111063401/http://www.strokedoctor.com/newsletters/SEP-OCT-2006.pdf The weird thing is Dr Steenblock, Dr Forsythe, Ricci's uncle and Valerie Kilgore, Ricci's mom are all part of Nevada's homeopathic medical community. Most of the miracle stories on the Medra site are incomplete. Hannah is the new star. Her video claims that the Dr Rader healed her brain and her EEG is returning to normal. http://www.medra.com/video/medra4.html On her blog, Hannah's mother tells another story: Our neurologist came in on Thursday afternoon and broke the news to us that we were already expecting. Hannah's EEG is much worse (although she is sick). She is having very frequent absence, atypical absence and complex partial seizures that are very difficult to detect with the naked eye. These are often called, subclinical. http://www.hopeforhannah.ca/journal_may_09.html I will never understand the motivation behind allowing your own or your child's story to be used in such a heartbreakingly false way. __________________________________________________ The hundreds of people that gave $30,000 dollars to con man Rader could be put to such better use. Equipment, therapies but now it is in the hands of William C Rader. Who in his own words said. "Now either I am psychotic, a compulsive liar, or I'm telling the truth." http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2007/05/doctor_claims_s/ http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news/local&id=5283114 Dr. William Rader, Medra, Inc.: "There's no one else in the world who knows what I know ... I'm the only one doing this. One mind." Dr. William Rader: "I'm not telling a cell where to go, because I have no clue where it should go. This is nature, God's work. whatever you want to call it." It's criticism that doesn't phase Dr. Rader. Dr. William Rader: "I know who I am, I'm a good boy. I'm little Billy Rader. I am a good boy Frauds like William C Rader give stem cells a bad name. When I think of all the research that could have been funded by the $30,000 he scams out of desperate people it make me ill. Thankfully, with President Obama, we will soon have clinical trials and hopefully the frauds will fade away!


Lying and twisting the truth is what Medra specializes in as does their miracle patients.

#3Author of original report

Tue, June 30, 2009

Five minutes and 14 seconds inot the medra infomercial Ricci Kilgore says, " I wasn't offered alot of umm therapy because they didn't have alot of hope." THAT IS CLEARLY A LIE NO MATTER WHAT THE INJURY STATUS. http://www.medra.com/video/medra2.html Ricci Kilgore endorses Medra Inc, a fraudulent company that rips people off of 30,000 dollars for so called stem cells, by appearing on their website. Dr William C Rader is a California psychiatrist that has been treating peolpe with SUPPOSED fetal stem cells since 1997. Countless numbers of SCI patients that NEVER would have believed Rader but were swayed by Ricci Kilgore's testimony. They threw 30,000 dollars into the pockets of William C Rader the stem cell fraud. As late as a month ago, William C Rader was telling a complete quad that all his SCI patients had improved. A LIE. When a disgruntled SCI patient with the initials RD posted on a topix board what a scam Medra was. He was contacted by Dr Rader, John Brower and then Ricci Kilgore. This tells me Ricci is connected to MEDRA Inc. The disgrunted customer was given free stem cells and an all expense paid vacation to Tijuana, where he received his stem cells in a strip mall. Of course the customer had to retract his negative post which he did. As for Albert Scheller, uncle Forsythe used his cancer protocols, so I am sure they knew each other. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0ISW/is_277-278/ai_n16702337/ In the US, Dr. James Forsythe, MD, at the Cancer Screening & Treatment Center in Reno, Nevada, is following many of the cancer treatment protocols of Dr. Scheller. Scheller worked with Rader until his death in a Las Vegas hotel room. So this is how they found Ricci Kilgore the PERFECT Stem Cell Miracle patient. _______________________________________________________________ The original articles are from the Idaho State journal archives. The first year of her injury in 2000, there are 4 articles. Then in 2005, Ricci re-appears saying the doctors told her she would never walk and talking about stem cells. These articles speak for themselves. Bengal track athletes injured in accident By Journal Staff POCATELLO, Idaho (AP) Three Idaho State University freshmen track and field athletes were injured last weekend in a one-car accident while driving back to the school from Reno, Nev. Ricci Kilgore, Paul Litchfield and Nick Herald were driving in a van that hit a patch of black ice and skidded, overturned, then rolled on Sunday. Litchfield, who was driving, and Herald both were shaken but did not require medical attention. Kilgore was thrown from the vehicle and landed nearly 30 feet away. She suffered a broken back and was taken by Life Flight to Washoe Medical Center in Reno. Kilgore remained in stable condition Monday night and reported feeling nothing from her knees down. That was an improvement from 12 hours previously, when Kilgore had no feeling from the waist down. She was scheduled for surgery on Tuesday. Kilgore was a pole vaulter who competed late in the year for the Bengals. Herald and Litchfield were multi-event specialists Publication:Idaho State; Date:Mar 22, 2000; Section:Undefined; Page Number:1 ISU pole vaulters surgery successful By The Journal Staff RENO, Nev. Ricci Kilgore, the Idaho State University freshman pole vaulter who was injured in a car accident on Sunday as she and two other freshman athletes returned home from a trip to Reno, Nev., underwent surgery Tuesday morning to relieve pressure on the injured part of her broken back. The surgery was termed a success by hospital medical staff. Feeling was restored throughout her legs and the medical team that performed the operation said she should regain full use of her legs. Kilgore, who attended Reno High School, was driving back to Pocatello with Nick Herald and Paul Litchfield, when their van encountered black ice about a mile east of the I-84/I-86 junction and flipped. Kilgore, who was sent out of the back window of the van, was thrown 30 feet and broke her back upon impact. The affected vertebrae is located in the lumbar region, almost straight back from the belly button. Herald, who was driving, and Litchfield did not require medical attention. Kilgore was taken to Cassia Hospital in Burley, Idaho, then Life-Flighted to Washoe Medical Center in Reno. Her surgery began at 11 a.m. local time and entailed cleaning out the bone fragments from the ruptured vertebrae, straightening out the two vertebrae above the injured one to relieve pressure, and grafting bone from her hip to reconstruct the damaged segment. Paul Heglar, her high school track coach, said that everything could not have gone better, regarding the surgery Tuesday. Date:Mar 23, 2000; Section:Undefined; Page Number:1 Injured Bengal pole vaulter regains feeling By The Journal Staff RENO, Nev. Following successful surgery Tuesday on Ricci Kilgores broken back, feeling has been restored throughout her legs and into her toes, and physical therapy could begin as early as the end of the week. Kilgore, a freshman pole vaulter from Idaho State, was injured as she and two others freshman track athletes returned home from a trip to Reno, Nev. A 6-8 hour surgery was performed Tuesday at Renos Washoe Medical Center to repair and relieve pressure on a ruptured vertebrae in her broken back. Contacted in Intensive Care Wednesday morning at Washoe, Kilgore said she has regained feeling to her toes and said she may begin physical therapy at the end of the week to begin the recovery process. Publication:Idaho State; Date:May 27, 2000; Section:Undefined; Page Number:1 Injured ISU athlete on way back home By The Journal Staff RENO, Nev. Idaho State freshman Ricci Kilgore has progressed to outpatient status, two months after suffering a broken back in a traffic accident here. Kilgore, a pole vaulter for the Idaho State track and field team last fall, was thrown from a van on the way back to Pocatello from Reno, Nev., on March 19. During the initial hours following the accident, Kilgore had no feeling in her legs or toes. Surgery was performed after the accident to repair the injured vertebrae and the long road of recovery started with physical therapy sessions to strengthen the area around the injury. Kilgore does about 90 minutes of work with her physical therapist each day, then does an additional three hours of work on her own. Because of her hard work, Kilgore can now recover in the comfort of her own home. Paul Heglar, her track coach at Reno High School who has been with Kilgore throughout the ordeal, said the physical therapy is currently focused on strengthening her legs, specifically the hamstrings. Kilgore lost a lot of weight initially after the accident, but has put back on nine pounds in the past few weeks. They are working with her everyday in the walker and working on her holding her own weight, Heglar said. They are trying to regain muscle. Kilgores goal is to pole vault again, but for the immediate future her focus is on therapy, in the hopes of re-enrolling in college next fall or the following spring. _____________________________________________ Maybe her belief in the stem cells prompted her to get a personal trainer and in her own words "But through absolute determination, she pushes herself to the limit every day, physically, to make the cells work for her." But her Medra video is manipulative and what is left out is as bad as lying. My only motive has been to make it easier for people to find out the truth about Medra and the way they manipulate their miracle cases. If Ricci's tale was the only Medra testimony of twisted truth, I would not have been so fast to use the word fraud. Manipulating the truth about injuries and illnesses, is a pattern that has made Medra a very successful offshore stem cell provider. John Brower is Rader's right hand man, self described as the patients relation man .His child is Brian's miracle from the Medra website. His son's real name is Jake. This is the Medra website claiming Brian aka Jake, was semi-vegetative for three years until the saw Rader, somewhere in 2006. http://www.medra.com/brian.html Here is the same child using some of the same pictures being uses in a 2006 Steenblock newsletter ,claiming the same improvements form umbilical cord stem cells. http://web.archive.org/web/20061111063401/http://www.strokedoctor.com/newsletters/SEP-OCT-2006.pdf The weird thing is Dr Steenblock, Dr Forsythe, Ricci's uncle and Valerie Kilgore, Ricci's mom are all part of Nevada's homeopathic medical community. Most of the miracle stories on the Medra site are incomplete. Hannah is the new star. Her video claims that the Dr Rader healed her brain and her EEG is returning to normal. http://www.medra.com/video/medra4.html On her blog, Hannah's mother tells another story: Our neurologist came in on Thursday afternoon and broke the news to us that we were already expecting. Hannah's EEG is much worse (although she is sick). She is having very frequent absence, atypical absence and complex partial seizures that are very difficult to detect with the naked eye. These are often called, subclinical. http://www.hopeforhannah.ca/journal_may_09.html I will never understand the motivation behind allowing your own or your child's story to be used in such a heartbreakingly false way. __________________________________________________ The hundreds of people that gave $30,000 dollars to con man Rader could be put to such better use. Equipment, therapies but now it is in the hands of William C Rader. Who in his own words said. "Now either I am psychotic, a compulsive liar, or I'm telling the truth." http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2007/05/doctor_claims_s/ http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news/local&id=5283114 Dr. William Rader, Medra, Inc.: "There's no one else in the world who knows what I know ... I'm the only one doing this. One mind." Dr. William Rader: "I'm not telling a cell where to go, because I have no clue where it should go. This is nature, God's work. whatever you want to call it." It's criticism that doesn't phase Dr. Rader. Dr. William Rader: "I know who I am, I'm a good boy. I'm little Billy Rader. I am a good boy Frauds like William C Rader give stem cells a bad name. When I think of all the research that could have been funded by the $30,000 he scams out of desperate people it make me ill. Thankfully, with President Obama, we will soon have clinical trials and hopefully the frauds will fade away!


Lying and twisting the truth is what Medra specializes in as does their miracle patients.

#4Author of original report

Tue, June 30, 2009

Five minutes and 14 seconds inot the medra infomercial Ricci Kilgore says, " I wasn't offered alot of umm therapy because they didn't have alot of hope." THAT IS CLEARLY A LIE NO MATTER WHAT THE INJURY STATUS. http://www.medra.com/video/medra2.html Ricci Kilgore endorses Medra Inc, a fraudulent company that rips people off of 30,000 dollars for so called stem cells, by appearing on their website. Dr William C Rader is a California psychiatrist that has been treating peolpe with SUPPOSED fetal stem cells since 1997. Countless numbers of SCI patients that NEVER would have believed Rader but were swayed by Ricci Kilgore's testimony. They threw 30,000 dollars into the pockets of William C Rader the stem cell fraud. As late as a month ago, William C Rader was telling a complete quad that all his SCI patients had improved. A LIE. When a disgruntled SCI patient with the initials RD posted on a topix board what a scam Medra was. He was contacted by Dr Rader, John Brower and then Ricci Kilgore. This tells me Ricci is connected to MEDRA Inc. The disgrunted customer was given free stem cells and an all expense paid vacation to Tijuana, where he received his stem cells in a strip mall. Of course the customer had to retract his negative post which he did. As for Albert Scheller, uncle Forsythe used his cancer protocols, so I am sure they knew each other. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0ISW/is_277-278/ai_n16702337/ In the US, Dr. James Forsythe, MD, at the Cancer Screening & Treatment Center in Reno, Nevada, is following many of the cancer treatment protocols of Dr. Scheller. Scheller worked with Rader until his death in a Las Vegas hotel room. So this is how they found Ricci Kilgore the PERFECT Stem Cell Miracle patient. _______________________________________________________________ The original articles are from the Idaho State journal archives. The first year of her injury in 2000, there are 4 articles. Then in 2005, Ricci re-appears saying the doctors told her she would never walk and talking about stem cells. These articles speak for themselves. Bengal track athletes injured in accident By Journal Staff POCATELLO, Idaho (AP) Three Idaho State University freshmen track and field athletes were injured last weekend in a one-car accident while driving back to the school from Reno, Nev. Ricci Kilgore, Paul Litchfield and Nick Herald were driving in a van that hit a patch of black ice and skidded, overturned, then rolled on Sunday. Litchfield, who was driving, and Herald both were shaken but did not require medical attention. Kilgore was thrown from the vehicle and landed nearly 30 feet away. She suffered a broken back and was taken by Life Flight to Washoe Medical Center in Reno. Kilgore remained in stable condition Monday night and reported feeling nothing from her knees down. That was an improvement from 12 hours previously, when Kilgore had no feeling from the waist down. She was scheduled for surgery on Tuesday. Kilgore was a pole vaulter who competed late in the year for the Bengals. Herald and Litchfield were multi-event specialists Publication:Idaho State; Date:Mar 22, 2000; Section:Undefined; Page Number:1 ISU pole vaulters surgery successful By The Journal Staff RENO, Nev. Ricci Kilgore, the Idaho State University freshman pole vaulter who was injured in a car accident on Sunday as she and two other freshman athletes returned home from a trip to Reno, Nev., underwent surgery Tuesday morning to relieve pressure on the injured part of her broken back. The surgery was termed a success by hospital medical staff. Feeling was restored throughout her legs and the medical team that performed the operation said she should regain full use of her legs. Kilgore, who attended Reno High School, was driving back to Pocatello with Nick Herald and Paul Litchfield, when their van encountered black ice about a mile east of the I-84/I-86 junction and flipped. Kilgore, who was sent out of the back window of the van, was thrown 30 feet and broke her back upon impact. The affected vertebrae is located in the lumbar region, almost straight back from the belly button. Herald, who was driving, and Litchfield did not require medical attention. Kilgore was taken to Cassia Hospital in Burley, Idaho, then Life-Flighted to Washoe Medical Center in Reno. Her surgery began at 11 a.m. local time and entailed cleaning out the bone fragments from the ruptured vertebrae, straightening out the two vertebrae above the injured one to relieve pressure, and grafting bone from her hip to reconstruct the damaged segment. Paul Heglar, her high school track coach, said that everything could not have gone better, regarding the surgery Tuesday. Date:Mar 23, 2000; Section:Undefined; Page Number:1 Injured Bengal pole vaulter regains feeling By The Journal Staff RENO, Nev. Following successful surgery Tuesday on Ricci Kilgores broken back, feeling has been restored throughout her legs and into her toes, and physical therapy could begin as early as the end of the week. Kilgore, a freshman pole vaulter from Idaho State, was injured as she and two others freshman track athletes returned home from a trip to Reno, Nev. A 6-8 hour surgery was performed Tuesday at Renos Washoe Medical Center to repair and relieve pressure on a ruptured vertebrae in her broken back. Contacted in Intensive Care Wednesday morning at Washoe, Kilgore said she has regained feeling to her toes and said she may begin physical therapy at the end of the week to begin the recovery process. Publication:Idaho State; Date:May 27, 2000; Section:Undefined; Page Number:1 Injured ISU athlete on way back home By The Journal Staff RENO, Nev. Idaho State freshman Ricci Kilgore has progressed to outpatient status, two months after suffering a broken back in a traffic accident here. Kilgore, a pole vaulter for the Idaho State track and field team last fall, was thrown from a van on the way back to Pocatello from Reno, Nev., on March 19. During the initial hours following the accident, Kilgore had no feeling in her legs or toes. Surgery was performed after the accident to repair the injured vertebrae and the long road of recovery started with physical therapy sessions to strengthen the area around the injury. Kilgore does about 90 minutes of work with her physical therapist each day, then does an additional three hours of work on her own. Because of her hard work, Kilgore can now recover in the comfort of her own home. Paul Heglar, her track coach at Reno High School who has been with Kilgore throughout the ordeal, said the physical therapy is currently focused on strengthening her legs, specifically the hamstrings. Kilgore lost a lot of weight initially after the accident, but has put back on nine pounds in the past few weeks. They are working with her everyday in the walker and working on her holding her own weight, Heglar said. They are trying to regain muscle. Kilgores goal is to pole vault again, but for the immediate future her focus is on therapy, in the hopes of re-enrolling in college next fall or the following spring. _____________________________________________ Maybe her belief in the stem cells prompted her to get a personal trainer and in her own words "But through absolute determination, she pushes herself to the limit every day, physically, to make the cells work for her." But her Medra video is manipulative and what is left out is as bad as lying. My only motive has been to make it easier for people to find out the truth about Medra and the way they manipulate their miracle cases. If Ricci's tale was the only Medra testimony of twisted truth, I would not have been so fast to use the word fraud. Manipulating the truth about injuries and illnesses, is a pattern that has made Medra a very successful offshore stem cell provider. John Brower is Rader's right hand man, self described as the patients relation man .His child is Brian's miracle from the Medra website. His son's real name is Jake. This is the Medra website claiming Brian aka Jake, was semi-vegetative for three years until the saw Rader, somewhere in 2006. http://www.medra.com/brian.html Here is the same child using some of the same pictures being uses in a 2006 Steenblock newsletter ,claiming the same improvements form umbilical cord stem cells. http://web.archive.org/web/20061111063401/http://www.strokedoctor.com/newsletters/SEP-OCT-2006.pdf The weird thing is Dr Steenblock, Dr Forsythe, Ricci's uncle and Valerie Kilgore, Ricci's mom are all part of Nevada's homeopathic medical community. Most of the miracle stories on the Medra site are incomplete. Hannah is the new star. Her video claims that the Dr Rader healed her brain and her EEG is returning to normal. http://www.medra.com/video/medra4.html On her blog, Hannah's mother tells another story: Our neurologist came in on Thursday afternoon and broke the news to us that we were already expecting. Hannah's EEG is much worse (although she is sick). She is having very frequent absence, atypical absence and complex partial seizures that are very difficult to detect with the naked eye. These are often called, subclinical. http://www.hopeforhannah.ca/journal_may_09.html I will never understand the motivation behind allowing your own or your child's story to be used in such a heartbreakingly false way. __________________________________________________ The hundreds of people that gave $30,000 dollars to con man Rader could be put to such better use. Equipment, therapies but now it is in the hands of William C Rader. Who in his own words said. "Now either I am psychotic, a compulsive liar, or I'm telling the truth." http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2007/05/doctor_claims_s/ http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news/local&id=5283114 Dr. William Rader, Medra, Inc.: "There's no one else in the world who knows what I know ... I'm the only one doing this. One mind." Dr. William Rader: "I'm not telling a cell where to go, because I have no clue where it should go. This is nature, God's work. whatever you want to call it." It's criticism that doesn't phase Dr. Rader. Dr. William Rader: "I know who I am, I'm a good boy. I'm little Billy Rader. I am a good boy Frauds like William C Rader give stem cells a bad name. When I think of all the research that could have been funded by the $30,000 he scams out of desperate people it make me ill. Thankfully, with President Obama, we will soon have clinical trials and hopefully the frauds will fade away!


Lying and twisting the truth is what Medra specializes in as does their miracle patients.

#5Author of original report

Tue, June 30, 2009

Five minutes and 14 seconds inot the medra infomercial Ricci Kilgore says, " I wasn't offered alot of umm therapy because they didn't have alot of hope." THAT IS CLEARLY A LIE NO MATTER WHAT THE INJURY STATUS. http://www.medra.com/video/medra2.html Ricci Kilgore endorses Medra Inc, a fraudulent company that rips people off of 30,000 dollars for so called stem cells, by appearing on their website. Dr William C Rader is a California psychiatrist that has been treating peolpe with SUPPOSED fetal stem cells since 1997. Countless numbers of SCI patients that NEVER would have believed Rader but were swayed by Ricci Kilgore's testimony. They threw 30,000 dollars into the pockets of William C Rader the stem cell fraud. As late as a month ago, William C Rader was telling a complete quad that all his SCI patients had improved. A LIE. When a disgruntled SCI patient with the initials RD posted on a topix board what a scam Medra was. He was contacted by Dr Rader, John Brower and then Ricci Kilgore. This tells me Ricci is connected to MEDRA Inc. The disgrunted customer was given free stem cells and an all expense paid vacation to Tijuana, where he received his stem cells in a strip mall. Of course the customer had to retract his negative post which he did. As for Albert Scheller, uncle Forsythe used his cancer protocols, so I am sure they knew each other. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0ISW/is_277-278/ai_n16702337/ In the US, Dr. James Forsythe, MD, at the Cancer Screening & Treatment Center in Reno, Nevada, is following many of the cancer treatment protocols of Dr. Scheller. Scheller worked with Rader until his death in a Las Vegas hotel room. So this is how they found Ricci Kilgore the PERFECT Stem Cell Miracle patient. _______________________________________________________________ The original articles are from the Idaho State journal archives. The first year of her injury in 2000, there are 4 articles. Then in 2005, Ricci re-appears saying the doctors told her she would never walk and talking about stem cells. These articles speak for themselves. Bengal track athletes injured in accident By Journal Staff POCATELLO, Idaho (AP) Three Idaho State University freshmen track and field athletes were injured last weekend in a one-car accident while driving back to the school from Reno, Nev. Ricci Kilgore, Paul Litchfield and Nick Herald were driving in a van that hit a patch of black ice and skidded, overturned, then rolled on Sunday. Litchfield, who was driving, and Herald both were shaken but did not require medical attention. Kilgore was thrown from the vehicle and landed nearly 30 feet away. She suffered a broken back and was taken by Life Flight to Washoe Medical Center in Reno. Kilgore remained in stable condition Monday night and reported feeling nothing from her knees down. That was an improvement from 12 hours previously, when Kilgore had no feeling from the waist down. She was scheduled for surgery on Tuesday. Kilgore was a pole vaulter who competed late in the year for the Bengals. Herald and Litchfield were multi-event specialists Publication:Idaho State; Date:Mar 22, 2000; Section:Undefined; Page Number:1 ISU pole vaulters surgery successful By The Journal Staff RENO, Nev. Ricci Kilgore, the Idaho State University freshman pole vaulter who was injured in a car accident on Sunday as she and two other freshman athletes returned home from a trip to Reno, Nev., underwent surgery Tuesday morning to relieve pressure on the injured part of her broken back. The surgery was termed a success by hospital medical staff. Feeling was restored throughout her legs and the medical team that performed the operation said she should regain full use of her legs. Kilgore, who attended Reno High School, was driving back to Pocatello with Nick Herald and Paul Litchfield, when their van encountered black ice about a mile east of the I-84/I-86 junction and flipped. Kilgore, who was sent out of the back window of the van, was thrown 30 feet and broke her back upon impact. The affected vertebrae is located in the lumbar region, almost straight back from the belly button. Herald, who was driving, and Litchfield did not require medical attention. Kilgore was taken to Cassia Hospital in Burley, Idaho, then Life-Flighted to Washoe Medical Center in Reno. Her surgery began at 11 a.m. local time and entailed cleaning out the bone fragments from the ruptured vertebrae, straightening out the two vertebrae above the injured one to relieve pressure, and grafting bone from her hip to reconstruct the damaged segment. Paul Heglar, her high school track coach, said that everything could not have gone better, regarding the surgery Tuesday. Date:Mar 23, 2000; Section:Undefined; Page Number:1 Injured Bengal pole vaulter regains feeling By The Journal Staff RENO, Nev. Following successful surgery Tuesday on Ricci Kilgores broken back, feeling has been restored throughout her legs and into her toes, and physical therapy could begin as early as the end of the week. Kilgore, a freshman pole vaulter from Idaho State, was injured as she and two others freshman track athletes returned home from a trip to Reno, Nev. A 6-8 hour surgery was performed Tuesday at Renos Washoe Medical Center to repair and relieve pressure on a ruptured vertebrae in her broken back. Contacted in Intensive Care Wednesday morning at Washoe, Kilgore said she has regained feeling to her toes and said she may begin physical therapy at the end of the week to begin the recovery process. Publication:Idaho State; Date:May 27, 2000; Section:Undefined; Page Number:1 Injured ISU athlete on way back home By The Journal Staff RENO, Nev. Idaho State freshman Ricci Kilgore has progressed to outpatient status, two months after suffering a broken back in a traffic accident here. Kilgore, a pole vaulter for the Idaho State track and field team last fall, was thrown from a van on the way back to Pocatello from Reno, Nev., on March 19. During the initial hours following the accident, Kilgore had no feeling in her legs or toes. Surgery was performed after the accident to repair the injured vertebrae and the long road of recovery started with physical therapy sessions to strengthen the area around the injury. Kilgore does about 90 minutes of work with her physical therapist each day, then does an additional three hours of work on her own. Because of her hard work, Kilgore can now recover in the comfort of her own home. Paul Heglar, her track coach at Reno High School who has been with Kilgore throughout the ordeal, said the physical therapy is currently focused on strengthening her legs, specifically the hamstrings. Kilgore lost a lot of weight initially after the accident, but has put back on nine pounds in the past few weeks. They are working with her everyday in the walker and working on her holding her own weight, Heglar said. They are trying to regain muscle. Kilgores goal is to pole vault again, but for the immediate future her focus is on therapy, in the hopes of re-enrolling in college next fall or the following spring. _____________________________________________ Maybe her belief in the stem cells prompted her to get a personal trainer and in her own words "But through absolute determination, she pushes herself to the limit every day, physically, to make the cells work for her." But her Medra video is manipulative and what is left out is as bad as lying. My only motive has been to make it easier for people to find out the truth about Medra and the way they manipulate their miracle cases. If Ricci's tale was the only Medra testimony of twisted truth, I would not have been so fast to use the word fraud. Manipulating the truth about injuries and illnesses, is a pattern that has made Medra a very successful offshore stem cell provider. John Brower is Rader's right hand man, self described as the patients relation man .His child is Brian's miracle from the Medra website. His son's real name is Jake. This is the Medra website claiming Brian aka Jake, was semi-vegetative for three years until the saw Rader, somewhere in 2006. http://www.medra.com/brian.html Here is the same child using some of the same pictures being uses in a 2006 Steenblock newsletter ,claiming the same improvements form umbilical cord stem cells. http://web.archive.org/web/20061111063401/http://www.strokedoctor.com/newsletters/SEP-OCT-2006.pdf The weird thing is Dr Steenblock, Dr Forsythe, Ricci's uncle and Valerie Kilgore, Ricci's mom are all part of Nevada's homeopathic medical community. Most of the miracle stories on the Medra site are incomplete. Hannah is the new star. Her video claims that the Dr Rader healed her brain and her EEG is returning to normal. http://www.medra.com/video/medra4.html On her blog, Hannah's mother tells another story: Our neurologist came in on Thursday afternoon and broke the news to us that we were already expecting. Hannah's EEG is much worse (although she is sick). She is having very frequent absence, atypical absence and complex partial seizures that are very difficult to detect with the naked eye. These are often called, subclinical. http://www.hopeforhannah.ca/journal_may_09.html I will never understand the motivation behind allowing your own or your child's story to be used in such a heartbreakingly false way. __________________________________________________ The hundreds of people that gave $30,000 dollars to con man Rader could be put to such better use. Equipment, therapies but now it is in the hands of William C Rader. Who in his own words said. "Now either I am psychotic, a compulsive liar, or I'm telling the truth." http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2007/05/doctor_claims_s/ http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news/local&id=5283114 Dr. William Rader, Medra, Inc.: "There's no one else in the world who knows what I know ... I'm the only one doing this. One mind." Dr. William Rader: "I'm not telling a cell where to go, because I have no clue where it should go. This is nature, God's work. whatever you want to call it." It's criticism that doesn't phase Dr. Rader. Dr. William Rader: "I know who I am, I'm a good boy. I'm little Billy Rader. I am a good boy Frauds like William C Rader give stem cells a bad name. When I think of all the research that could have been funded by the $30,000 he scams out of desperate people it make me ill. Thankfully, with President Obama, we will soon have clinical trials and hopefully the frauds will fade away!



#6Consumer Comment

Fri, June 26, 2009

I don't know your real experience with Dr. Radar and I can't speak on his behalf, but I am married to Ricci and what you claim about her is ridiculous. What exactly was the rhetoric of the article, why don't you post that or quote it? She had some feeling in her quad, yes, she could stand using parallel bar (not walk) that is not denied. Your proof is insubstantial that Ricci's injury is no big deal. Who do you think you are to say that her breaking her back to a 90 degree angle is no big deal and recovery was expected? Whether or not you or anyone else goes to see Dr. Radar is not of our concern, she knows what she knows and has felt things that seem unreal. We have, in many forums encouraged people to continue going to other facilities they were researching to receive treatment; she just has experience with Medra so that is the place she speaks of. We also work to legalize the treatment in the US which would normalize the treatment (you read between the liners ruminate on that for a while) She went to the Dominican Republic for the treatment so she can't very well talk about other places with which she has no experience can she? One can only talk of their experiences. The doctors did give her no hope at all of walking. Three neurologist told her that after three years her recovery would plateau and not to get too excited about gaining anymore function back. Nine years later she is still gaining little by little. It hasn't been as big as the first two treatments but she is still experiencing things that she should not be. She too wired the large sum of money to the account but she started to feel things that really started to jump out at her. She is an incomplete and some incompletes do gain a lot back without the treatment, but she simply feels that she had a great reaction to the treatment she received. That was why she scheduled another one two years later when she raised enough money again. You maybe had a bad experience or you are part of a group trying to keep the treatment out of the US. If you had a bad experience I am sorry, our only desire is to help people but if you did have that experience tell people about it but don't attack my wife for sharing her experience. We work to get the treatment legalized and in common practice in the US so more people can get it and hopefully the price will decrease and or insurance will pay for it. Finally, your research obviously wasn't too good since you claim she was fully functional by saying she was skiing before the treatments. She was and still is skiing in a monoski that completes also ride. This fact does not prove her motor functions were fine before the treatment. She also did horse back riding as a form of treatment and rehab. One has to be proactive in their healing it isn't going to just happen because you took a pill or got an injection. If you had any idea the pain she went through to work her way up to being able to ride that horse you would not have said anything about that. If you are doing research and reading this to try and make a decision look at as many places as you can and of course be careful. Ricci happened to have success with Medra, her first treatment was facilitated with a Dr Schelling (I don't know exactly how to spell his name so I don't know if it is right) who did his research in Germany, he was the one who gave Ricci hope and he was the one who actually got Ricci committed to the treatment. Ricci does not know the Doctors who are currently doing the research in Europe her only contact is Radar. Take that info for what it is worth and get involved in the struggle to allow treatments in the US so the info can legally be displayed with no hazyness as to who is actually doing the writing and their agenda.

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