  • Report:  #441796

Complaint Review: Melaleuca - Idaho Falls Idaho

Reported By:
- Aurora, Colorado,

3910 S. Yellowstone Hwy Idaho Falls, 83402 Idaho, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have been a member with Melaleuca since January. A friend of mine is a sales/referral representative and asked me to sign up. I agreed to sign up and bought products for the last couple of months. I have actually found that I like some of them, others do not. The products are not my issue, I will leave it up to an individual to decide if they like them. My issue with this company is their billing practices. This last month I was out of town and could not order my products and so a back up order was sent. I understood that one would be sent and was fine with this, however the company charged me twice for the order. This charge was showing pending on my acct (bank) on Thursday and I waited to call. I figured perhaps something had happened with the company and the pending charge would drop off. That does happen from time to time if any company keys the number in wrong or for some reason charges it. Usually the company who does this will correct the error before it goes to my bank and he pending charge will drop off and it will never be taken out.

Anyway, on Sunday night both charges went through. One charge for 61.15 for my backup order and another identical charge of 61.15. I was livid about this obviously and called the following morning. Monday morning I spoke with a woman who was quite rude about the whole thing - repeatedly asking me if I was sure that the charge had gone through and stating to me that she couldn't see anything on her end. I told her that was fine and insisted on speaking with a manager. When the manager got on the phone she informed me that 1) the company was aware double charges had been made in error the following week and 2) The finance dept wasn't in until 8, however she would follow up on this for me and get it taken care of for me and would call me later in the day.

The fact that the company KNEW that there were going to be double charges and didn't contact me is simply unacceptable. The fact that that manager never called me back, never followed up or anything was also unacceptable. When I got home from work on Monday night, I checked my account and saw no refund and I had received no messages (and my husband hadn't gotten a call from Mela either) about the issue. I called back to the customer service number and got another person who asked me a couple of times if the charge went through. I asked if there was any notes and the rep informed me that there was a note stating that I had talked to a manager, but nothing more. I asked for a manager again. The next manager was a complete idiot. I know that's not nice, but the man they had me talk to kept telling me he understood in a condescending tone and stated he couldn't really do anything to help me. I explained I was upset and asked what he meant by not being able to do anything for me. He was no help. I told him he was making me mad and needlessly escalating the call and asked to speak to someone else.

The next manager I spoke with was Nick, and he was very helpful. One out of 5 - that's how many it took to get anyone within the company that knew what they were talking about! He informed me again the company knew about the issue and that I needed to now submit a copy of my bank statement - something I couldn't do at the time and then he informed me I could screenprint a copy of my bank statement and email it to him directly (why they didn't tell me that earlier I don't know!). I emailed the statement to him and he stated he would have it taken care of.

Unfortunately when I called today I couldn't get a straight answer from Mela when the request was finalized on their end and I am still waiting to get my money back. In the mean time, that 60.00 was about all I had to last me for the week.... sad but true. I just started a new job and haven't gotten paid yet - and am completely broke until they fix this. While I do have confidence this will be resolved I am still going to be cancelling my account with them.... in writing! *The only way you can cancel with them*

This is a company that knowingly took money from my account that was not theirs and then have been nothing but a pain in the a*s about getting it back (except Nick, he seemed competent).


Aurora, Colorado


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Virgin Islands (U.S.)
Melaleuca is the Best COmpany Out there

#2Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 05, 2009

Melaleuca is the Best Company Out there that I know I am sorry that you experienced such encounter I do apologize but I came on board with Melaleuca in 2002 it ias the best thing i know out there It is NOT a perfect company like all else they make mistakes but i know for sure that have very professionals working with them I have met Frank and Belinda personally and they are some of the nicest people out there and as for the workers if you let Nick know I know something will be done about it and for further reference please before you start get the name or some other info on the one how you about to converse with so if a case like this happens you know who to complain. But Yes Melaleuca is the best I have seen Avon, Mary Kay, 4Life, Amway,Nulife and others but MELALEUCA INC. stands out and don't talk about the products they off the wall. In short I am apologizing for what occurred and sure it will be resolved.



#3Consumer Comment

Sat, May 02, 2009

You said "its a classic pyramid scheme -because they require you buy the product in order to sell it." No true. You can become a Melaleuca ME and be a "Direct Customer" meaning you can sell the products and NOT purchase the products yourself. You can even defer paying the $29 kit fee. In terms of "pyramid scheme" what is a pyramid scheme to you? maybe you mean something like Social Security. Where you pay in and they'll pay you later as new people enter the system is that what you mean? Oh. Warren Buffet second wealthiest man in America owns "The Pampered Chef" a MLM company. Have you ever purchased from AVON, Fuller Brush, Mary Kay or bought any Coke a Cola products? As they own MLM's. Pyramid schemes are illegal. Melaleuca is a $800 Million company and is 24 years old. Every single customer receives a written contract they SHOULD read! I guess there is a reason many people are poor and a $60 or $70 charge is hurting them in the pocket book. That's not the MLM's fault. That's the consumers fault for not educating themselves and taking advantage of all America has to offer them. Bottom line read the contracts and when having problems with double charges expect courtesy and you'll receive it.


New Hampshire,
I was double charged as well but I am still with melaleuca

#4Consumer Suggestion

Sat, April 25, 2009

This situation happened to me one month, however I had none of the issues of the person who wrote this review. Since I have worked in retail I understand that with one wrong click you can make mistakes and charge people twice. This is not intentional and the "they knew they did it" part means once it happens there is no immediate solution for the company. This is because BANKS have rules that must be followed and you don't have the ability to credit a charge until you get a "receipt number" to put on the credit and the BANKS can take 3 days to give this to the company that processed the credit card. Even big companies like Melaleuca. That being said, when I called I explained that I got charged twice and needed to know what to do. I could not afford two charges in one month. They explained they would credit my account but it could take up to 14 days. Again this is not the company doing it, ITS all about the BANK rules.


New Hampshire,
I was double charged as well but I am still with melaleuca

#5Consumer Suggestion

Sat, April 25, 2009

This situation happened to me one month, however I had none of the issues of the person who wrote this review. Since I have worked in retail I understand that with one wrong click you can make mistakes and charge people twice. This is not intentional and the "they knew they did it" part means once it happens there is no immediate solution for the company. This is because BANKS have rules that must be followed and you don't have the ability to credit a charge until you get a "receipt number" to put on the credit and the BANKS can take 3 days to give this to the company that processed the credit card. Even big companies like Melaleuca. That being said, when I called I explained that I got charged twice and needed to know what to do. I could not afford two charges in one month. They explained they would credit my account but it could take up to 14 days. Again this is not the company doing it, ITS all about the BANK rules.


New Hampshire,
I was double charged as well but I am still with melaleuca

#6Consumer Suggestion

Sat, April 25, 2009

This situation happened to me one month, however I had none of the issues of the person who wrote this review. Since I have worked in retail I understand that with one wrong click you can make mistakes and charge people twice. This is not intentional and the "they knew they did it" part means once it happens there is no immediate solution for the company. This is because BANKS have rules that must be followed and you don't have the ability to credit a charge until you get a "receipt number" to put on the credit and the BANKS can take 3 days to give this to the company that processed the credit card. Even big companies like Melaleuca. That being said, when I called I explained that I got charged twice and needed to know what to do. I could not afford two charges in one month. They explained they would credit my account but it could take up to 14 days. Again this is not the company doing it, ITS all about the BANK rules.


New Hampshire,
I was double charged as well but I am still with melaleuca

#7Consumer Suggestion

Sat, April 25, 2009

This situation happened to me one month, however I had none of the issues of the person who wrote this review. Since I have worked in retail I understand that with one wrong click you can make mistakes and charge people twice. This is not intentional and the "they knew they did it" part means once it happens there is no immediate solution for the company. This is because BANKS have rules that must be followed and you don't have the ability to credit a charge until you get a "receipt number" to put on the credit and the BANKS can take 3 days to give this to the company that processed the credit card. Even big companies like Melaleuca. That being said, when I called I explained that I got charged twice and needed to know what to do. I could not afford two charges in one month. They explained they would credit my account but it could take up to 14 days. Again this is not the company doing it, ITS all about the BANK rules.


We are NOT Distributors...

#8UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 15, 2009

In reply to Laurie's comment "the only way they make money - from the other distributors they sign up"... we are not "distributors" and do not sign up other distributors. We provide word of mouth referrals and anyone who signs up is a customer, not a distributor. BTW, it shows me as an "employee"... I am not an employee, per say. The category choices were limited. I work as an independent marketing exec.


That sucks

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, April 10, 2009

But if they had a problem with double billing the week before (I placed an order last week and it went through fine, no double billing) chances are there are a few hundred, if not thousand people, who this ended up happening to. You called first thing Monday morning, so you didn't exactly give them an opportunity to call you. Everywhere double bills. It happens sometimes, often a computer glitch. It sucks, but it happens with every company everywhere at some time. I had a problem with my utilities when I first moved into where I lived where they would double charge me each month. It would take them 4-6 weeks to refund the money. It was frustrating, but I understand that it happens. I honestly think you're blowing things out of proportion a bit. I've been a customer with Melaleuca for a couple years now, and I treat it like most other companies. When you order something online, sometimes things get messed up. Sometimes when you go to the local grocery store they accidentally ring you up twice for something. Sometimes getting these problems taken care of takes a lot of effort, sometimes it's easy. But it's part of life. Oh, and report the employees and managers that you had problems with. When I lived by their call center they were REALLY REALLY strict about how you treated customers on the phone. If someone was rude or unkind you need to tell Nick, and ask him to forward it to the superiors of those you had a problem with. They'll reprimand and even fire employees for poor behavior on the phone.


i researched melaluca 6 years ago and knew it was a pyramid scheme

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, April 08, 2009

I was contacted by several people trying to add me to their downline, problem was you could hear the desperation in their voices. When I even mentioned it was a scam pyramid scheme - they all tried to convince me otherwise - but like I said they were desperate and it came through loud and clear. Your Friend (so-called I would say) needed you to sign up to increase her downline because that is the only way they make money - from the other distributors they sign up.. its hard to find anyone that willing to buy their products because they have grossly sold their distribution rights - way too many people sell it now. its a classic pyramid scheme -because they require you buy the product in order to sell it.

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