  • Report:  #591268

Complaint Review: Menu Master - Cynthia Sweeley - Spring Mills Pennsylvania

Reported By:
Debbie - Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA

Menu Master - Cynthia Sweeley
332 Harter Road Spring Mills, 16875 Pennsylvania, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Ordinarily I wouldnt use a complaint website but I was so outraged by the swindleous Cynthia Sweeley and Menu Master that I had to speak up.  In the summer of 2009, Menu Master ripped off a lot of people with their bankruptcy con.  I, unfortunately, was a victim of this con.

Last year, I purchased an ad for my salon on some placemats.  First they were late.  Next they tried to give me the old switcheroo.  Instead of giving me what I wanted, they tried to put me on menus for a stupid lemonade stand four towns over.  That is not what I paid money for.  I wanted the ad I paid for.  It dragged on for several months, this back and forth.  Then they quit taking my calls.  I didnt know what the heck was going on! I got a letter in the mail last summer saying that they were going out of business and werent able to run my ad!  Some sad sob story about the recession hitting them so hard and needing to close Menu Master.  What about my money?  I didnt cause the recession.  I worked hard for the $244.00 I paid them for advertising.  When I started leaving messages about giving me my money back I got another letter.  This one said that they didnt have to return my money and that I should talk to a lawyer!  Unbelievable!

So I was forced to file a civil suit against her to get my money back.  I had to drive all the way to Centre County to file, taking time out of my busy day.  But what else could I do?  The hearing was scheduled in September 2009 and I had to take another day off work and drive 106 miles from Indiana to Centre Hall again.  She never even bothered to show up.  After all the bull crap, she didnt even have the balls to show up in court.  She probably knew what she was trying to pull was illegal as heck.  The judge entered a judgment in my favor and I got my $244.00 back with a little extra for my troubles.  Then, as crazy as it sounds, a month or so back, I got a call from some girl calling for Proof of Life Advertising (which I found out was Menu Masters new alias) and wanted to sell me an ad on the very same place mats they couldnt print up last year!  UN-BE-LIEVABLE!!!

9 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
falsse felony conviction

#2General Comment

Sun, September 30, 2012

my name is roger Percival and i had some fool write about me a slanderous  posting , i have been through hell and learned the hard way what a dirty country america is i  was destroyed on false  abuse  charge that prosecutor and attorney knew was not real  , but being the hero i am i kept letting lisa crazy hanson come back to me as she is very mentally retarded and i was not leaving her on the street instead of a badge of honor i got what most hero's get in this dirty country  i got no contact felonies i am ashamed of  america and unless you are brain dead you already know the judicial system is a joke and no one that has been in it is laughing.


Cynthia is a liar and a fraud!

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, October 22, 2010

Sorry Cynthia...anyone who is knowledgeable knows about this site and all savvy business owners and consumers monitor it. Shame on you for scamming people in the name of our Lord. If you truly know Him, you know what the penalty is for misleading others about His nature. He hates sin, and lying and cheating others is a sin. So is adultery. Everything you have posted has exposed you for the foolish woman you are. Hopefully people who read your rantings do not make the choice of rejecting God because of you. Your posts are a bad reflection on you and expose your arrogance. You are a bad example of Christianity and unless you repent and apologize to those you have wronged, you don't stand a chance of succeeding at anything but hanging yourself and being a bad witness for Christ. As long as you remain too arrogant and self righteous to admit your wrongdoing, you will not be right with God and your words will mean nothing to anyone who reads or hears them. Your deeds will catch up with you and continue to trip you. I spent a lot of money with your company but when you scammed me and refused to make it right, you showed your true colors. Therefore, my company and all my associates, who were also your customers, will no longer do business with you.... and thanks to this site, we all know who you really are...


Roger W. Percival Convicted Felon

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, August 30, 2010

Roger Percival was arrested for and convicted of 4th degree assault and public disorder. He is physically, verbally and emotionally abusive.  Ms Cynthia has been corresponding with Roger W. Percival, a convicted criminal of Okanogan County Jail in Washington.   Not only is she still pursuing a relationship with this dangerous man but shes striking up a partnership with him in her business:  Proof of Life Productions.  What kind of business is this if the owner is trying to recruit people from jail?  Roger W. Percival is a convicted felon and if you see him coming down the street, cross to the other side! 


Your not helping

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, August 30, 2010


    I am not really sure what you are trying to accomplish? Not one word of that statement is of any language known to man. You misspelled every other word and you make no sense. Why would anyone want to invest in or support a business owned or supported by someone with such an obvious lack of education? Your not helping her your making it worse. Anyone reading your report will be moved to hysterical laughter and not for one moment take you seriously. Reading your previous report under another listing was just as embarrassing. Another person responded saying your a convicted felon. If true then I would just worry about getting dance lessons from your inmate friend Bubba and stay out of business matters. You did not help her gain customers you simply helped the pending ones make the decision to take their business elsewhere.

Roger Percival

United States of America
Cynthia not a swindler

#6General Comment

Sun, August 29, 2010

to all cusstomers hurt by closer of menu master please send email to (((ROR redacted))) I will send you a aif fare and hotel paid for vacation pack to be booked  out 3 months and a 300 dollar restaurant gift card .. you pay the set up 35 and get 25 certificate every month emailed to you for a year


we are here to help companies restore faith


Menu Master/ Proof of Life is a


Great Company


CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Coral from Mercer

United States of America
Tight fisted Brow Bashing is not the way to run a business

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, May 30, 2010

I dont have anything in on this but to express my opinion about this situation.  It seems to me that your (Menu Master) legally binding contract wasnt so legally binding because a judge saw fit to overturn it.  I dont know where you come up with you were being gracious about returning her money.  If you were being gracious, she wouldnt have had to drag you to court and you wouldnt be acting like a spoiled child here on this website. 

Apparently the other 5 restaurants you tried to transfer her to, did not please her.  In this case a refund is most definitely warranted.  It would be like ordering a new washer from Sears and instead of getting a washer, they send you a fridge.  Is that what you ordered?  I would never pay for a fridge when what I wanted was a washer.  It seems like youre trying to tell her this is what you have to take, so pick one and be happy!  Thats not very good customer service if you ask me and if thats how you run your business then maybe you shouldnt be in business.  You should remember that your customers are the backbone of your business and you need to do everything within your power to satisfy them, even if that means refunding their money.  Perhaps if you had without all this nonsense you put her through, she might still be your customer.  And ridiculing her and your other customers here on this website doesnt help your business either.  You sound as if youre angry and indignant when you really have no reason to be either.  All you come off as is bitter and insulting.  I sincerely doubt you have thousands of happy advertisers if this is how you conduct business.

I know I am not privy to all the facts, but this one is a duck.  Debbie: RIGHT, Menu Master: WRONG!  Havent you ever heard the old adage, the customer is always right?  And remember, its not your advertisers that have the privilege of giving you their money but rather YOU have the privilege of serving them.  

Cynthia Sweeley and PROUD OF IT!

Spring Mills,
United States of America

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, April 22, 2010

My, my, my - this website is just chock-full of 'outraged' liars who just can't say enough bad things about their victimizing experiences.  I am having a wonderful time exposing each one of you, one by one, for the LIES that you are trying to make people believe.

Fact #1)    The INVOICES used by both Menu Master and Proof Of  Life are legally-drawn CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS.  There is a paragraph written in 12 point font that clearly states in words that a 5 year old would understand "Advertiser understands that this contract cannot be cancelled for ANY REASON.  Menu Master is not responsible for the closing of a restaurant or any restaurant who chooses NOT to use the free products provided by our company.  However company will TRANSFER the ad to another restaurant of greater value should the above occur to compensate advertiser for their advertising dollars". 

Fact #2)     The restaurant you chose to advertise at CANCELLED their products because they were closing down.  Based on your legally-binding CONTRACT (invoice) you were transferred to PROTECT your advertising dollars , so that you would receive advertising of even greater value, you IDIOT!  We transferred you to a project that put you on placemats at FIVE restaurants instead of one, not that you deserved the privilege.  

Fact #3)   NOT ONE of the 5 restaurants we transferred you to was a 'lemonade stand' but equally-popular restaurants serving no less than a THOUSAND PEOPLE A WEEK!  What do you do?  Sit around all day and make stuff up to bash people about because you have no freaking LIFE?  

Fact #4)     Based on the above,  we would not have had to refund your money if I had chosen to fight you in court; according to our company attorney, you would not have had a leg to stand on!  I graciously chose to refund your money as a little thing called 'CUSTOMER SERVICE' to demonstrate goodwill, even though you SIGNED the agreement stating that you understood that there were NO REFUNDS WHATSOEVER.  It is clearly stated that you cannot get a refund but would receive a transfer .  What part of this do you not understand even now?  

     You are one of those people that no matter what our company does to please, you refuse to be happy.  Frankly we have thousands of happy customers and don't need to waste time on trouble-making deceivers like you.  GOOD RIDDANCE!


What does any of this have to do with MY report?

#9Author of original report

Tue, April 20, 2010

I thought when you filed a rebuttal it was supposed to address that specific report?  Then why did Mrs. Sweeley, or Amnell or whatever her name is, type all that stupidity under MY report?  None of that had anything to do with my case.  I'm the one who had to sue her for my money back, I even included a copy of the court transcript, so sorry!  You can't call me a liar!  As for all that other bullcrap, if you want to rebut MY report, take a crack at it!  But don't piggyback all your other inadequencies on MY report.

Cynthia Sweeley and PROUD OF IT!

Spring Mills,
United States of America
Cynthia Amnell and PROUD OF IT!

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, April 19, 2010

My name is Cynthia Amnell, also known as Cynthia Sweeley during my former marriage.  I am VERY proud to be the owner of Proof Of  Life, formerly known as Menu Master Incorporated.  This is the first  time I have ever filed a rebuttal on this website.  The reason?  Since 3 years ago when I was first called by a loyal advertiser telling me about Ripoff Report,  I have not found a SINGLE PERSON  who has ever heard of this website.  In fact as an experiment over the last 7 days I asked 10 people - one lawyer,  four (4) business owners and five (5) 'regular' working adults - 'Have you ever heard of the website, 'Rip Off Report?'.  Not ONE  had ever even heard of it!! Not even remotely!   So frankly I do not consider this website a threat to myself or my company.  And the fact that even as I write this letter Proof Of  Life is growing nationwide further confirms that the lies on this website are viewed as nothing more than vindictive gossip by the few people who read them.  

      But after 3 years of putting up with this annoying fly I've decided to finally  pull out the insecticide by posting the TRUTH.  God will reveal to those who have even half a conscience that what I'm writing is actually TRUE, compared to the hateful, made-up lies that have been written by these others.

     People FEAR what they don't understand and so they mock to cover up their fear.  All the childish name-calling on this website of  my being 'insane', 'crazy', or my personal favorite, a 'witch' - is nothing more than the ignorance of fearful people.  I have an unusually close relationship with God and for some reason that I find hysterically FUNNY,  that scares people who meet me!  That is, until something horrible happens to them and they suddenly need me to pray for them.  Take the examples of   Mary Emel of Spring Mills and Theresa Chamberlain of Centre Hall, Pa.  who applied  to work for me in 2005.  They were best friends and I hesitated to hire them together for fear they would goof off.  They begged, pleaded, bribed me to hire them together and swore up and down that they would be conscientious workers.  And sure enough, for two years they worked well until they were fired in their 3rd year for stealing cash funds, office supplies and faking their advertising sales.  But during their two good years  I told them that it was my goal to make this the best job they had ever had.  As a result they enjoyed full-time salaries plus cash bonuses that exceeded what either one had ever made at any job in their lifetimes.  We were a small office, like family, and I tried to bless them in ways they had never experienced.  We had weekly contests with cash prizes and Christmas savings plans.  I created "kiddies days' where I allowed them to actually bring their children to work for the day and we had potluck lunches like a church picnic.  The kids played with my children on my large trampoline and fed the horses in the pasture right outside our office doors.  I created employee appreciation days where I awarded the 'employee of the month' with expensive briefcases and luggage on top of their paid holidays and flex hour scheduling.  All of these bonuses paid off.  The 10 employees, along with Ms. Emel and Chamberlain confided to me that they had never LOVED A JOB LIKE THEY LOVED MENU MASTER!  One woman said, "I hate it when we 're closed because this is my escape from my kids!". 

        In addition to the 10 employees I hired 40 Independent Contracting salespeople who worked from the comforts of their homes all over Pennsylvania.  During my weekly phone conferences with these people they would almost always start unloading their personal problems on me.  Since I talked openly about God,  sooner or later each one of them would ask me for prayer.  I happen to believe that God speaks to EVERYONE but most people never learn to hear His voice.  Thru years of tremendous suffering I became one of the lucky ones who has learned to actually hear God's voice.  During prayer I would share with these hurting people what I  sensed God telling me and repeatedly, without fail, the words were absolutely CORRECT.   In fact I often received phone calls from strangers saying, "you gave a message from God to a friend of mine and it was right on.  I'm calling to ask you to get a message for me".  Mary Emel, Theresa Chamberlain the rest of the in-house salaried employees were no exception in asking me to pray for them.  Mary came running to me when she found her cat drowned in her swimming pool.  Theresa was nearly hysterical with fear when she discovered that there were what she called 'demonic manifestations' in her house.    How HYPOCRITICAL that one second they are calling me to pray for their families -  and the next they are writing evil LIES on the internet about the very person who they went running to when all hell broke loose?!  Very sad. 

       Now about the other postings on this site, I think it's time rip the cover off the cowards who are hiding behind fictious names and places.   I challenge EACH ONE OF YOU:  If you're telling the truth, why hide behind fake names and places? Well I'm going to expose each and every one of you right now:   Michael Trunko of Ohio purchased a franchise from me in 2006.  Michael suffered from having two children with relatively rare diseases and frequently called or emailed me with urgent requests to PRAY.  The medical bills overwhelmed Michael with depression and he finally quit his franchise because he simply could not work his franchise when depressed.  Yet somehow Michael decided that it was MY fault that he didn't get instantly rich from his franchise?!  He never even paid cash for his franchise but instead I allowed him to barter by writing publications on the internet.  Michael wrote over a dozen GLOWING REPORTS about Menu Master and published them on approximately 50 websites while he was working with us.

      Wade Glossner of Penny Press, a printing company in York.  Let's expose the truth about you, shall we?  Wade was one of a dozen head-hunter printing companies begging me to switch from my current printer to his 'mom and pop' company back in 2004.  Menu Master was doing a MILLION PLACEMATS A YEAR so everyone and their grandmother was after us for the big money.  After careful research I rewarded Wade with our account and guraranteed him $100,000.00 /year in income.  In our first year we gave him $100,000.00 in SIX MONTHS.  Wade told me I was his best account and we were ALWAYS paid up on our bills.  For FIVE YEARS Wade and his wife enjoyed a doubling of their income simply from gaining Menu Master's business.  But then in 2009 the recession forced us to close our business down completely.  We never declared bankruptcy and court records will prove this.  But since Menu Master was incorporated,  the only funds our debtors were entitled to were Menu Master office equipment.  Wade was owed $10,000.00 in printing bills, which was a normal month of printing bills.  But he somehow came up with the fabricated amount of $30,000.00 and sued us demanding a jury trial.  When I asked for PROOF of the invoices showing I owed this amount he wouldn't give them to me!  In fact I had to ask 5 times and even asked his attorney and they never provided me so much as one invoice.  Finally my lawyer told Wade's lawyer that they could help themselves to a huge supply of Menu Master-owned office equipment, including a full color Konica Minolta copier worth $10,000.00 - but they never came for it.

       Laura Bailey of Oklahoma.  Laura worked for us recently in 2010 for all of 3 months and unfortunately discovered that sales is just not for her.  No hard feelings so why the hateful comments just because you discovered that you are not cut out for this line of work?  Be professional and just say 'Thanks and Good-bye' and move along!

      The so-called Graphic Design Artist from Philadelphia:   I have never even hired a graphic artist from Philadelphia in all of the 16 years I've owned the company!  So whoever you are,  it's obvious you are typical of white trash that enjoys jumping on the name-slinging band wagon out of sheer spite.  No, you never even had the privilege of working for me so I'm afraid your comments don't even belong here.

        The anonymous franchise owners from Maryland and Colorado:  These two couples purchased franchises for $5,000.00 each complete with a 50 page franchise circular.  I actually flew to Colorado and spent the money on a hotel for a week at my own expense just to train Eric and Taffy Wagner.  But as soon as I returned to PA. I found an email informing me that Eric had decided to get a full-time job because they had a baby on the way.  He quit his franchise but - again - it was somehow MY fault....?  Take RESPONSIBILITY for your own actions like an ADULT!   And Julie and Brian Whitman couldn't afford the franchise they wanted so desperately for the state of Maryland.  So I allowed them to make payments over the course of 3 years.  But when they finally sold the ads for their first placemat they refused to abide by teh franchise rules and send in their royalty fees.  The Whitmans' stole the franchise and to this day are operating under the name Menu Master without apparently realizing that I have closed the company.

      The remaining comments from so-called salespeople:  There is no pleasing everyone and after reviewing these comments it is clear that these people are just like the franchise owners above - angry over their OWN FAILURE to succeed.  After all, it is so much easier to blame someone else for your failures than to take responsibility for the fact that you simply were not disciplined to work from home, isn't it?

       Well folks, that's it.  I won't be writing again as I am moving forward like a steam engine into a wonderful future!  If venting on this website makes you all feel better,  GO FOR IT!  But sooner or later you will have to move on with your lives.  Now that I've spoken the truth, you can choose to believe whatever you wish.  But no amount of calling me 'insane' will make me stop sharing God with every person I meet; if anything, you have spurred me ON to do more.   

Be healthy, Wealthy and Wise!   Cynthia Amnell 

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