  • Report:  #171912

Complaint Review: Merchant's Credit Guide Co. Merchants Credit Guide Co. Merchants' Credit Guide Co - Chicago Illinois

Reported By:
- Marblehead, Massachusetts,

Merchant's Credit Guide Co. Merchants Credit Guide Co. Merchants' Credit Guide Co
223 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, 60606 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have beaten Merchants' Credit Guide Co., again!

When I was first assaulted by a demand letter from MCGC dated June 10, 2005 for a debt I didn't owe and never incurred, knowing this had to be some sort of scam I searched the Internet and found this site. I couldn't believe the extent of this outrage so put on my battle armor, picked up my lance, and charged full tilt.

I fired off a letter to "Ken Hughes" telling him to tuck his collection, that I was not paying, was not a sucker, and was coming after him. I copied that letter to the attorneys general of Illinois, where MCGC is headquartered, Massachusetts where I reside, and two copies to the New York AG, both his office in Albany and in Hauppauge where MCGC has an operation.

Next I created a website to document this fraud and my efforts both present and to come:


And finally, I sent a check for $50 to the owner of Ripoffreport.com, because without this website I would never have realized the extent and reach of this scam! (If you appreciate reading this, remember, it takes a lot of someone's time and money to make and keep this site available as a critical resource to us: as the owner and administrator of two websites of my own and a discussion group, believe me I know!)

Do not be intimidated by Ken Hughes and his cabal -- you too can beat them!

Don't let them get away with this any longer -- NO MORE VICTIMS!

On Aug. 15th I received a response from the Illinois AG's office, informing me that my "complaint has been settled to your satisfaction." Attached to the AG's letter was MCGC's response to the AG signed by "Scott A. Ross" stating: "Seeing that Mr. Ford is disputing this debt we contacted our client requesting validation of this account. When our client was unable to provide documents, we closed our file. Mr. Ford will not hear from Merchants' again in reference to this debt."

Then he went on to expound on what a wonderfully legitimate business MCGC runs and that my charges to the contrary notwithstanding, "strongly dispute any claims that we are engaged in any illegal activity." He no doubt intentionally noted a website which I'd never cited [RipOff.Com -- !] in a blatant attempt at misdirection. (MCGC wouldn't want any AG visiting this website -- which in fact I cited -- would they.)

The Illinois AG's office requested that I return a form indicating that I was satisfied with this "resolution." Instead, I wrote back informing them that I wouldn't be satisfied until this scam was terminated and that I would pursue it until that termination was accomplished.


On Jan. 4, 2006 I finally received a response from the New York attorney general's Bureau of Consumer Frauds and Protection -- again informing me of a "resolution" of my complaint. Attached was the response from MCGC, again signed by "Scott A. Ross" -- a reproduction -- word for word -- of his response to Illinois AG Lisa Madigan's Consumer Protection Division -- right down to again referencing the website I never cited! I have responded to the NY AG's office this morning requesting that a greater investigation be launched.

All documentation of my efforts is available on my website in PDF format.

I have also contacted many in the media and am beginning to find a spark of interest. My girlfriend, a syndicated columnist in Massachusetts, wrote a column, "Consumer warning: Beware bogus collection notices," which appeared in newspapers around the state last mid-August (available on my website).

Don't let Merchants' Credit Guide Co. intimidate you -- fight back! You can beat this scam too!

And send a check, whatever you feel it's worth and can afford, to help maintain this website. (I have no connection to it but our mutual correspondence here.) I'd have been lost for a starting point had Ripoffreport.com not been here when I first went looking for information, when I needed it. I'm sure you must feel the same. I hope it's still here if I'm ever assaulted again by a suspected criminal enterprise.

Fight back! You can win!


Marblehead, Massachusetts

37 Updates & Rebuttals



#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, June 09, 2007

Don't Pay them a dime. They are a debt buyer, they buy time barred debt that is no longer relevant to your credit. If the debt is out of the statue of limitations don't pay it or you're a fool. I am an ex employee, not bitter but wanting to let you in on secrets. i will continue later.


Ex-Employee inside scoop! VERY, VERY Useful!!

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, May 23, 2007

I worked for Merchant's Credit Guide Co, Inc. for a year, so I'll give you the dish and any answers you're looking for. Unfortunatley, they aren't doing anything illegal. They are just very, very sneaky!! They follow the laws very closely but when I worked there, they told us: "Here is the line [between legal and illegal]. We want you ON that line. Don't cross it, but but get as close as possible" They play dirty and know all the loop holes. They are a third party collection agency, which means that they will "work" for a debt purchasing company and get a percentage of the profits. So, for example, A Large Bank will sell a CC debt to Joe Shmoe Agency. After a while Joe Shmoe hasn't had any success, so they send it to MCG. If MCG collects the debt, they get a percentage. MCG primarily focuses on "out of stat" debt, which means that it is 7 years or older, and therefore can not be put on your credit nor can any legal action be taken against you. However, they feel that although you are no longer "legally" obligated to pay, you are still "moraly" obligated (haha) to pay. Now, it IS illegal to threaten to sue or report to the credit bureaus if A) debt is 7 years or older and B) the company has no intention doing so They are only legally allowed to call between the hours of 8am and 9pm Also! Harrassment is defined as, Anything the consumer feels is harrassing or inappropriate. Harrassment is illegal. So, write down everything when speaking with a rep. **In my opinion from my experience** Yes, you can send a letter asking to verify the debt. And by law their client (like Joe Shmoe Agency) has 30 days to validate. If not, the debt should be dismissed and no longer collectable. But here's what they'll do. Within that 30 day period, they'll just sell it to another debt buyer! Who will just send it to another third party. It's a disgusting, low tactic and they'll just keep doing it. Ask any agent who works/has worked there. We've seen it hundreds of times. Oh, and "Ken Hughes" is a legal alabi. (The real person behind the name is a total jerk!) Side Note: MCG will claim CFB is their client, which I believe is partially true because from what I heard while working there, some of the upper management own CFB!! Now, for that, I'm not quite sure what is/is not allowed. I think b/c MCG doesn't own it, it's allowed? Maybe someone should look into it? Hopefully this gave you a little insight! I am not an attorney, nor do I practice any legal services. All of this information is coming from my experience as a collector and my experiences working.


Santa Monica,
Dear P in Dallas

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, February 10, 2007

Thanks :) I laugh, at the same time I hold my head -- how can anyone with a conscience rationalize being a junk debt collector? (K, I'm thinking fondly of you, my dear). It's humanity at its most petty. As a greater community, we should not stand for any claim of legitimacy for the likes of MGC and that corrosive faux-libertarian morality behind it all. I wrote the Illinois Attorney General about the repeated harassments (MGC doesn't have any interest in me -- they got the wrong person of course -- but they sure like my phone number and keep coming back to it a few months after each certified letter). Her office replied that it would forward my complaint and otherwise not interfere. Come on. I wish the AG would at least keep a record of complaints, so that she has a way to *detect* the amalgam of unhappiness out there about this particular ship of fools nearly randomly phoning hundreds of thousands of individuals across the United States, day after day after day. Come on, government, do your thang.


Hy - Santa Monica, California - I GOT IT AND I'M STILL CRYING WITH LAUGHTER ....

#5Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 30, 2007

We need more posts like this one .....


Hy - Santa Monica, California - I GOT IT AND I'M STILL CRYING WITH LAUGHTER ....

#6Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 30, 2007

We need more posts like this one .....


Hy - Santa Monica, California - I GOT IT AND I'M STILL CRYING WITH LAUGHTER ....

#7Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 30, 2007

We need more posts like this one .....


Hy - Santa Monica, California - I GOT IT AND I'M STILL CRYING WITH LAUGHTER ....

#8Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 30, 2007

We need more posts like this one .....

Steve [Not A Lawyer]

Kathleen, It's called a DEBT VALIDATION letter

#9Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 30, 2007

Kathleen, You DO contact them. Just NOT on the phone. You send a DEBT VALIDATION letter as per your rights under the FDCPA. Do NOT sign it, just print. In this letter clearly dispute the debt and DEMAND to see the original SIGNED contract that created the "debt", as well as a FULL account history from day 1 to charge off,and a full itemization of charges. Be sure to put the certified# on the letter itself, and keep a copy for your records. Send this by certified mail, return reciept requested. Now, until the validation is provided, all collections attempts must cease.



#10Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 30, 2007

I know you asked Steve for advice, I'm sure steve will know other ways, but put all 3 of your credit reports. If have any old copies, compare them to the new


Fort Lauderdale,
me too

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, January 29, 2007

I also got a letter from this company saying that I owed a debt they are trying to collect. I was a victim of stolen credit identity and it took me years to get all the records back to normal. I am afraid that someone who stole my identity sold my information to this company and now they are trying to collect a debt that has nothing to do with me. Maybe they really thought this was a Legitimate company but based from the complaints I see here I have my doubts. And if I ignore it, they can actually report it to the credit bureau and it will ruin my credit score again. I did what I am supposed to do. I wrote a letter (via DHL so I have a confirm receipt) stating that I am disputing this charge by writing the letter within 30 days. If they are crooks it will go away, otherwise I'll file complaints to the attorney general as well.


Help Steve!

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, January 28, 2007

How do I find out the date/year of the supposed debt without contacting MCG? I noticed that many people called and got this information but I am reading your comments that say not to call them at all. Kathleen Hawaii


Coconut Creek,
J - Lakewood

#13Consumer Suggestion

Mon, January 22, 2007

No. In fact I have a Household Bank credit card now that I have never been late and have never gone over limit in the 3 years I have had the card. HHPRIM looks like it should be a household account though, but I can't think of any other ones I may have had. Thanks for trying! Anyway, does anyone know if I should send a validation letter just because I received a bill?



#14Consumer Suggestion

Sun, January 21, 2007

have you ever had any dealings with HouseHold bank?


Coconut Creek,
Should I send validation letter?

#15Consumer Suggestion

Sat, January 20, 2007

I too received a bill from Merchant's in October. It even had an account number that looked like a credit card, but when I went through all my paperwork back to 2000, I never had even close to that credit card number. I keep pretty meticulous records and have no knowledge of this account or the money owed. They also stated original creditor as HHPRIM. Has anyone ever heard of HHPRIM? Should I send a validation letter? I haven't heard from them since their letter in October. Or is that just opening up a can of worms? Should I just wait to see if it goes on the credit report?


Fraud Now In Hawaii!

#16Consumer Comment

Sat, January 20, 2007

Guys, I just got a letter from this company saying that I owed money. Never had this account so had a feeling it was fraud as soon as I received it. After researching the company, I found this site and it confirmed what I thought. Since you all are dealing with it, what do I do now? Should I just ignore it? I checked my credit report and saw that they had done an inquiry via Trans Union. Any advice would be appreciated. Should I send a cease comunication letter? Does the SOL apply to me? Unbelievable! Thanks a bunch! Kathleen


Phone Calls in California

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, December 07, 2006

Over a year ago my husband received a letter from this fraud company after checking the internet I ignored the letter and never heard anything again. Today my uncle-in-law (who lives with us) received a phone call from the same company concerning a debt. I remembered the name and we plan to ignore it. Why can't anyone shut them down?


Cottage Grove,
Robert: Congratuations, but you didn't win anything.

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, December 03, 2006

Hello everyone, I see MCG is at it again with their junk-debt extravaganza. This bunch of crackpots just needs to go out of business. Robert, you did the exact thing you're supposed to do. You fired off a letter to MCG and told them to stop bugging you. The supplemental letters to the AGs were nice touches as well. I just have some food for thought. Despite all your armor-clad, lance-bearing, war-like efforts, I don't think you won anything. The laws are already written so that writing a cease communication request will (should) stop a collector from hounding you. You wrote letters, the AGs wrote letters and all you got back was a copy of a form letter...the same one that gets sent to a couple thousand people each day. You got nobody's attention and the Attorney General will let MCG do business this way because MCG is doing nothing illegal (well, at least not in YOUR case). You can at least be happy knowing that MCG won't be bothering you again. This is a happy ending in the sense that they stopped bugging you once you wrote them. It seems they're not always so polite to others. I think the real win will come when the laws change and junk debt collection will be a thing of the past. I've said it a million times. Write your Attorney General to enforce the laws. But also, remember to write your CONGRESSPEOPLE to change them. Good Luck, Kevin (former collector, not for MCG)


Santa Monica,
Steve, please look up the word satire in the dictionary

#19Consumer Comment

Sat, December 02, 2006

...relax, drink some tea, then read the post again. To sound discerning, you need to be discerning. Less anger, maybe, and more or your just plain good work.


you are truly uninformed!

#20Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 02, 2006

"Hy", >>You wrote>> "Karen, I apologize for the people here who do not respect what MCG does. Service to humanity is often thankless"..... >> Service to humanity? Are you serious? These thugs provide no service to anyone but themselves. They are junk debt buyers who harass and threaten people over debts so old they are no longer legally collectable, and often they come after the wrong person! Furthermore, your religious jibberish would be considered offensive to most, as this is not the forum to be preaching your religious beliefs. Your religious beliefs are irrelvant here. We are not interested in your cult mentality. You really need a reality check and some education regarding debt collections. We are talking about JUNK DEBT BUYERS here. They are not creditors. They are not entitled to anything. These debt collectors are not providing a service to anyone but themselves, so how is that "god's work"? They are liars and theives. These things are proven to be true. Get a grip!


you are truly uninformed!

#21Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 02, 2006

"Hy", >>You wrote>> "Karen, I apologize for the people here who do not respect what MCG does. Service to humanity is often thankless"..... >> Service to humanity? Are you serious? These thugs provide no service to anyone but themselves. They are junk debt buyers who harass and threaten people over debts so old they are no longer legally collectable, and often they come after the wrong person! Furthermore, your religious jibberish would be considered offensive to most, as this is not the forum to be preaching your religious beliefs. Your religious beliefs are irrelvant here. We are not interested in your cult mentality. You really need a reality check and some education regarding debt collections. We are talking about JUNK DEBT BUYERS here. They are not creditors. They are not entitled to anything. These debt collectors are not providing a service to anyone but themselves, so how is that "god's work"? They are liars and theives. These things are proven to be true. Get a grip!


you are truly uninformed!

#22Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 02, 2006

"Hy", >>You wrote>> "Karen, I apologize for the people here who do not respect what MCG does. Service to humanity is often thankless"..... >> Service to humanity? Are you serious? These thugs provide no service to anyone but themselves. They are junk debt buyers who harass and threaten people over debts so old they are no longer legally collectable, and often they come after the wrong person! Furthermore, your religious jibberish would be considered offensive to most, as this is not the forum to be preaching your religious beliefs. Your religious beliefs are irrelvant here. We are not interested in your cult mentality. You really need a reality check and some education regarding debt collections. We are talking about JUNK DEBT BUYERS here. They are not creditors. They are not entitled to anything. These debt collectors are not providing a service to anyone but themselves, so how is that "god's work"? They are liars and theives. These things are proven to be true. Get a grip!


you are truly uninformed!

#23Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 02, 2006

"Hy", >>You wrote>> "Karen, I apologize for the people here who do not respect what MCG does. Service to humanity is often thankless"..... >> Service to humanity? Are you serious? These thugs provide no service to anyone but themselves. They are junk debt buyers who harass and threaten people over debts so old they are no longer legally collectable, and often they come after the wrong person! Furthermore, your religious jibberish would be considered offensive to most, as this is not the forum to be preaching your religious beliefs. Your religious beliefs are irrelvant here. We are not interested in your cult mentality. You really need a reality check and some education regarding debt collections. We are talking about JUNK DEBT BUYERS here. They are not creditors. They are not entitled to anything. These debt collectors are not providing a service to anyone but themselves, so how is that "god's work"? They are liars and theives. These things are proven to be true. Get a grip!


Santa Monica,
Fair is fair, MCG is an enterprise of hope and redemption

#24Consumer Comment

Fri, December 01, 2006

Karen, I apologize for the people here who do not respect what MCG does. Service to humanity is often thankless. I know many like you -- priests, teachers, aid workers, debt collectors -- for whom a higher calling, the ache to help others and make the world a better place, compels them into such profitless service. I know people in Rwanda, New Orleans, Iraq and Darfur, to name a few merciless pits, who've given up everything -- forsaken good ol' First World comfort, wealth, health, safety and family life -- to reach out to those in pain. It's tireless and even torturous. Yours is a special breed. That is why He empowers you with The Gift, each golden opportunity to acquire legal claim to a forgotten due at a tithe's price. It's small, I know. But you serve God in what you do. Yes, I'd hug you if I could! I love you, Karen. Excuse-makers are so full of bologna. They cry foul -- The Good Book exactly warns yours is a vocation of hubris. But I know in my heart that fallible humanity endlessly misinterprets the scriptures, and other doctrines of faith and philosophy too, be they Hebrew, Hindu, Buddist or Islamic: Though a debt may be forgiven or years expired technically, according to random law, God knows a soul is not clean as long as it harbors dues. The weak and sinful debtor has cheated another! Thus He rewards you, who fear Him, the Final Collector, with the fruits of heaven on earth. This is His thanks to you for so tirelessly pushing hard down upon possible forsakers, to truly make good to your pocket now. I indeed have expressed regret in a certified letter to MCG that it has erroneous information on me, starting with my name. But I am humble too, for I DO understand the reasons why you keep trying -- it is hard work and nobody's perfect. As long as there is a grain of possibility that one like me might actually be lying, or at least have an imperfect memory according to your exacting discernments, and the Government chooses not to clutter your path with truly bureaucratic technical sanctions, then you are ever one step closer to cleansing another fouled soul. Heaven's gates yawn wide for you in your service to humanity as a buyer of debts expired, disputed and otherwise. May sinners fill your cup; may they evermore be free of darkness therein. Karen, I know why you do what you do. It is an inspired hunger in you to help... morally, you really have no other choice. You are a good man -- an angel. God bless you.


Santa Monica,
Fair is fair, MCG is an enterprise of hope and redemption

#25Consumer Comment

Fri, December 01, 2006

Karen, I apologize for the people here who do not respect what MCG does. Service to humanity is often thankless. I know many like you -- priests, teachers, aid workers, debt collectors -- for whom a higher calling, the ache to help others and make the world a better place, compels them into such profitless service. I know people in Rwanda, New Orleans, Iraq and Darfur, to name a few merciless pits, who've given up everything -- forsaken good ol' First World comfort, wealth, health, safety and family life -- to reach out to those in pain. It's tireless and even torturous. Yours is a special breed. That is why He empowers you with The Gift, each golden opportunity to acquire legal claim to a forgotten due at a tithe's price. It's small, I know. But you serve God in what you do. Yes, I'd hug you if I could! I love you, Karen. Excuse-makers are so full of bologna. They cry foul -- The Good Book exactly warns yours is a vocation of hubris. But I know in my heart that fallible humanity endlessly misinterprets the scriptures, and other doctrines of faith and philosophy too, be they Hebrew, Hindu, Buddist or Islamic: Though a debt may be forgiven or years expired technically, according to random law, God knows a soul is not clean as long as it harbors dues. The weak and sinful debtor has cheated another! Thus He rewards you, who fear Him, the Final Collector, with the fruits of heaven on earth. This is His thanks to you for so tirelessly pushing hard down upon possible forsakers, to truly make good to your pocket now. I indeed have expressed regret in a certified letter to MCG that it has erroneous information on me, starting with my name. But I am humble too, for I DO understand the reasons why you keep trying -- it is hard work and nobody's perfect. As long as there is a grain of possibility that one like me might actually be lying, or at least have an imperfect memory according to your exacting discernments, and the Government chooses not to clutter your path with truly bureaucratic technical sanctions, then you are ever one step closer to cleansing another fouled soul. Heaven's gates yawn wide for you in your service to humanity as a buyer of debts expired, disputed and otherwise. May sinners fill your cup; may they evermore be free of darkness therein. Karen, I know why you do what you do. It is an inspired hunger in you to help... morally, you really have no other choice. You are a good man -- an angel. God bless you.


Santa Monica,
Fair is fair, MCG is an enterprise of hope and redemption

#26Consumer Comment

Fri, December 01, 2006

Karen, I apologize for the people here who do not respect what MCG does. Service to humanity is often thankless. I know many like you -- priests, teachers, aid workers, debt collectors -- for whom a higher calling, the ache to help others and make the world a better place, compels them into such profitless service. I know people in Rwanda, New Orleans, Iraq and Darfur, to name a few merciless pits, who've given up everything -- forsaken good ol' First World comfort, wealth, health, safety and family life -- to reach out to those in pain. It's tireless and even torturous. Yours is a special breed. That is why He empowers you with The Gift, each golden opportunity to acquire legal claim to a forgotten due at a tithe's price. It's small, I know. But you serve God in what you do. Yes, I'd hug you if I could! I love you, Karen. Excuse-makers are so full of bologna. They cry foul -- The Good Book exactly warns yours is a vocation of hubris. But I know in my heart that fallible humanity endlessly misinterprets the scriptures, and other doctrines of faith and philosophy too, be they Hebrew, Hindu, Buddist or Islamic: Though a debt may be forgiven or years expired technically, according to random law, God knows a soul is not clean as long as it harbors dues. The weak and sinful debtor has cheated another! Thus He rewards you, who fear Him, the Final Collector, with the fruits of heaven on earth. This is His thanks to you for so tirelessly pushing hard down upon possible forsakers, to truly make good to your pocket now. I indeed have expressed regret in a certified letter to MCG that it has erroneous information on me, starting with my name. But I am humble too, for I DO understand the reasons why you keep trying -- it is hard work and nobody's perfect. As long as there is a grain of possibility that one like me might actually be lying, or at least have an imperfect memory according to your exacting discernments, and the Government chooses not to clutter your path with truly bureaucratic technical sanctions, then you are ever one step closer to cleansing another fouled soul. Heaven's gates yawn wide for you in your service to humanity as a buyer of debts expired, disputed and otherwise. May sinners fill your cup; may they evermore be free of darkness therein. Karen, I know why you do what you do. It is an inspired hunger in you to help... morally, you really have no other choice. You are a good man -- an angel. God bless you.


Santa Monica,
Fair is fair, MCG is an enterprise of hope and redemption

#27Consumer Comment

Fri, December 01, 2006

Karen, I apologize for the people here who do not respect what MCG does. Service to humanity is often thankless. I know many like you -- priests, teachers, aid workers, debt collectors -- for whom a higher calling, the ache to help others and make the world a better place, compels them into such profitless service. I know people in Rwanda, New Orleans, Iraq and Darfur, to name a few merciless pits, who've given up everything -- forsaken good ol' First World comfort, wealth, health, safety and family life -- to reach out to those in pain. It's tireless and even torturous. Yours is a special breed. That is why He empowers you with The Gift, each golden opportunity to acquire legal claim to a forgotten due at a tithe's price. It's small, I know. But you serve God in what you do. Yes, I'd hug you if I could! I love you, Karen. Excuse-makers are so full of bologna. They cry foul -- The Good Book exactly warns yours is a vocation of hubris. But I know in my heart that fallible humanity endlessly misinterprets the scriptures, and other doctrines of faith and philosophy too, be they Hebrew, Hindu, Buddist or Islamic: Though a debt may be forgiven or years expired technically, according to random law, God knows a soul is not clean as long as it harbors dues. The weak and sinful debtor has cheated another! Thus He rewards you, who fear Him, the Final Collector, with the fruits of heaven on earth. This is His thanks to you for so tirelessly pushing hard down upon possible forsakers, to truly make good to your pocket now. I indeed have expressed regret in a certified letter to MCG that it has erroneous information on me, starting with my name. But I am humble too, for I DO understand the reasons why you keep trying -- it is hard work and nobody's perfect. As long as there is a grain of possibility that one like me might actually be lying, or at least have an imperfect memory according to your exacting discernments, and the Government chooses not to clutter your path with truly bureaucratic technical sanctions, then you are ever one step closer to cleansing another fouled soul. Heaven's gates yawn wide for you in your service to humanity as a buyer of debts expired, disputed and otherwise. May sinners fill your cup; may they evermore be free of darkness therein. Karen, I know why you do what you do. It is an inspired hunger in you to help... morally, you really have no other choice. You are a good man -- an angel. God bless you.


Response to Karen and ONCE AGAIN you have no idea what your talking about!

#28Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 20, 2006

Karen, So now you are an expert on AZ law? I lived in AZ for 4.5 years and was in the mortgage business there. I think I know more about AZ aws than you do. And, I'm not the one who said MCG was paying you to post here. I probably know more about the company you work for than you do! AND, yes I am sooooo against collection agencies. I have made that perfectly clear. It is no secret. As soon as you have 3 weeks in the industry, you will see what I mean. Any collection agency who buys old debts for themselves should be avoided, because it is IMPOSSIBLE to collect on these debts without breaking the law.


Hi Guys.....

#29UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, September 20, 2006

I left MCG a long time ago. I'm not in collections right now. I BELIEVE IN HELPING PEOPLE. That is why I enjoy the profession. I'm not saying that all collection agencies are good, but they are not all bad either. Steve, you are sooooo against collection agencies. No they are not paying me at all, and I will continue to post from time to time. As long is there is debt, there will be collection agencies. And yes you guys will hear from me again. And Arizona is not relaxed on collectors.


Well Thanx Karen

#30Consumer Comment

Tue, September 19, 2006

Now I can alert the media that this scam company will be moving here shortly. I'd love to spread the word about MCG. Thanks for the heads up!


Karen, no one believes you're a loyal ex-employee

#31Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 19, 2006

Karen....You're, OBVIOUSLY, being paid by MCG to answer all the complaints on this website. Cudos to Steve, for his postings here. Great information to fight back.


Karen....How many days have you been collecting for Merchant's Credit Guide Co?

#32Consumer Comment

Tue, September 19, 2006

Karen, I see that you have responded to nearly every thread on Merchant's Credit Guide Co here on Rip Off Report. Why is that? I just love when a new collector is all gung h*o for a few days or weeks and then we never hear from them again. Did you know that when you respond to an old post here on ROR, that it brings it to the top for all to see? Therefore, by posting to these old threads, you are actually hurting the company you work for by bringing all of the old negative posts on them to the top to be found in the most recent 30 day searches? Anyway, here is the info on MCG Co: Agency Details: Merchants Credit Guide Co. aka/CFB Financial III, LLC 223 W. Jackson Blvd., #900 Chicago, IL 60606 Phone: (312) 360-3000 888-249-4134- Fax: (312) 360-3024 Also: 1308 State Highway 37 West Frankfort, IL 62896 Phone: (618) 937-4665 Fax: (618) 932-6127 CFB Financial III, LLC Barry P. Siegal, Agent for Service 55 W. Monroe St. #500 Record Office: 223 W. Jackson Blvd., #900 Chicago, IL 60606 Web Address: merchantscreditguide.com >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> They are expanding to AZ only because it has gotten too hot for them in other locations, and AZ is very easy on debt collectors.


So Many Addresses,,,,

#33UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, September 19, 2006

They are expanding. They have been around since 1896. And the Arizona office will be open shortly.


check your credit report & relax

#34Consumer Comment

Mon, September 18, 2006

After stressing all day about this, I did 2 things. First I checked all 3 credit reports which are perfect. Second, I registerd with a credit watch that will notify me immediately of any changes or inquiries. Third I contacted my attorney, who told me to not speak with them, & not contact them. If I receive something in writing, we can then go after them. I feel so much better.


Another Location

#35Consumer Comment

Mon, September 18, 2006

They're setting up shop in Phoenix now. This week's paper had job postings for Merchant's Credit Guide. If you check the Better Business Bureau, they've also been in New York and Illinois. Makes you wonder why so many addresses?


another victim

#36Consumer Comment

Mon, September 18, 2006

Dear Robert, Looks like they have hit in Massachusetts. At this point I have only received phone calls and have NOT spoken to them.Is your advise to ignore them if I only get the calls.I am willing to add my complaint to your list for the media here in MA.


Is your freind christen from ch 4?

#37Consumer Comment

Tue, May 02, 2006

Robert you have gotten the privacy notice you know,the extent this company is wiiling to go to collect from the scared and frightened.I am in the midst of my own fight!Keep up the good work!Let the people know that this company is nothing more than a schoolyard bully.DO NOT PAY.DO NOT GIVE ANY INFORMATION!!If you owe them they should know your s.s.n.trust me they dont!


Selling Lists

#38Consumer Suggestion

Wed, April 26, 2006

Merchant's Credit Guide Co., Merchants Credit Guide Co., Merchants' Credit Guide Co 223 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicago Illinois 60606 Phone Number: 888-249-4134, 312-360-3000 CFB financial is owned by Merchants Credit guide CONTACTS 4/25/2006, 5:30PM Ken Hughes (888-249-4134) called stating he was calling from Chicago Illinois - Merchants Credit Guide (merchantscreditguide.com/index.htm). Ken said that a letter was mailed 4/22/2006 (I didn't get it yet). I explained the account was paid in full and closed by The Credit Store in the 90s. I also mentioned that a company by the name of CAMCO Capital Acquisitions & Mgmt Company also tried to collect an already paid debit in 2003. Ken stated that he did not know who CFB Financial Services is. I asked for them to go back to who they purchased the loan from and get back to me. In 2003 I added a rip off report to this site, emailed, called and wrote many gov agencies. Fourscore Resource Capitol was another company that tried to collect the debit and got shut down. Yes, I have been through this so many times that I know how to fight back. 4/25/2006, 6:30 I called to get a reference or account numbers and was told that Ken left and I was transferred to Randy Moore Ext 776. Randy I told him this debit was collected years ago and he said that someone from his company will look into this and provide me with more information. I think that CAMCO illegally sold my info to Merchant's. Thanks for your help! Gregg Hagerstown, MD

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