  • Report:  #69103

Complaint Review: Merrick Bank - Old Bethpage New York

Reported By:
- Chula Vista, California,

Merrick Bank
P.O. Box 9201 Old Bethpage, 11804 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I sent Merrick Bank a payment of $400 and they only credited my account $40. I have yet to see the other $360.

They said I have to be credited by the company I purchased the money order from. But that company says different.

Looks like Merrick Bank doesn't want to help or DO their job!

disgruntled consumer

Chula Vista, California

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Suggestion, they should credit your account

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 16, 2003

Contact the company that sold you the money order and ask that it be "traced." You will get one of two results: The money order was cashed for only 40.00;at that point, you should be issued $360.00 from the money order supplier. OR the money order was cashed for the full $400.00; at that point you need a copy of it which the company should provide, fax it to your bank and they should credit your account. GOOD LUCK!!!

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