  • Report:  #303415

Complaint Review: Michelle Mellema - Encino California

Reported By:
- Reno, Nevada,

Michelle Mellema
17071 Countess Place Encino, 91436 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Vengeful divorcee out to slander ex husband, Family Court, attorneys, police departments, welfare department, CIA and anyone else she can think of in attempt to fulfill her "130 Million Dollar (lawsuit) Plan", get her daughter, and disappear.

Posts started appearing in December 2007 authored by a "ladybugtwice". Ladybug claims ex husband sold his daughter to CIA to gain a better position with CIA. Mr. Mellema has never been employed by or with the CIA.

In her unbelievable posts she claims she too has been "chipped" by the CIA who sends her mental death threats etc. (however she also claims she has no evidence). She claims Nevada Family Court, CIA, state welfare and others conspired against her, that her ex husband and his attorney have hacked her computer, that the authorities ignored evidence, and that she was denied due process and stripped of $$$ and custody of their daughter.

The truth Ladies and Gentlemen, is that Ms. Mellema tried to harass, threaten blackmail, and lie her way through the family court system in her attempts to defame the good name of Mr. Mellema.

Because of her actions (AND ONLY HER ACTIONS) a court ordered psychological evaluation was done on both parents. It was determined by the court appointed psychologist that she, in her current state, she was unable to co-parent with Mr. Mellema. Ms. Mellema coninued her extreme behavor throughout the custody/divorce proceedings that went on 2+ years. In the end the court was compelled to award Mr. Mellema full legal custody of their daughter.

Ms. Mellema WAS granted visitation initially which ended up being reduced to supervised visitation/telphonic contact with her daughter until such time that Ms. Mellema abide with the courts orders and seek treatment/therapy.

Since January 2007 Ms. Mellema has refused to make any contact with her daughter.

As an advocate for this child I want all to know of her claims. Ms. Mellema has sent letters, emails to thousands of people (according to her) and will stop at nothing to get her daughter back and sue all involved.

She has stated she is currently corresponding with Darren Mack - a man who hhas admitted to killing his ex wife and shooting the judge who prevailed in his divorce trial. (Incidentally it is the same Judge who was initially appointed to the Mellema divorce case and the same Family Court).

I want all to know because this woman is headed down a one way street. The state of Nevada has warrants for her arrest.

If you or anyone you know has information regarding an attempt to abduct this child you are asked to contact the Reno Police Department (emergency contact #775-334-2370) or your local authorities immediately. Thank you.


Reno, Nevada


13 Updates & Rebuttals


More info on this case

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, April 14, 2008

Mike Willden, orginal author-ANON1163, Greg Mellema, Shannon Bryant have done what they do to destroy my reprutation has well to keep the civil suits I filed in District court from concluding. These suits are worth millions. Any attorney interested please contact me. The suits are filed in District Court Los Angeles and can be searched under Michelle Kesling-Mellema. They are not denied and still open. Everything claimed here, they are actually guilty of doing themselves and I am embarrased and disgusted I was ever associated with any of them. Please look up the cases filed in District court. These 3 have used every method they have to discredit me but the fact remains that I am not guilty of anything they claim. The suits are also against many for professional mal practice and government agences they use to harass me. Deep pockets in most suits. The only one's with no money are Greg Mellema and Cheryl Richardson. I plan on just filing quit claims with the IRS on them after securing judgements. These two have harassed even media that has worked with me. I beleive that the only language those people involved in my case understand is money so I plan on hitting them all hard right where it hurts the most, maybe filing quit claim on all the indiviudal after all legal costs are paid. That so they all think twice before bothering me agian. My priority is not money it is long term peace for myself, my daughter with me, and all my friends and family that still suffer harassment at the hands of these childish men and women that refuse to accept the responsibility of the own actions that will furter destroy their careers, criminal records, and life's once prosecuted. This also means the Reno police Detective Bryant is using too. They are friends.


Mike Willden

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, March 15, 2008

Mike Willden is the present Director of Health and Human services for the state of Nevada and ANON 1163. I have plenty of evidence but he and Mr. Mellema have none. Why would a Director of Health and human Services put all this in print? Because he has put other VERY damaging things in print and constantly trying to get out of the responsibility for his own actions as well. No one has agreed that he do any of this. It will go to a federal court Mike, like it or not. Since Eagle obviously doesn't know all the facts and what you present is one sided psyco babble BS, I don't want to hear it anymore. I will also be saving all your Internet babble. This is all knee jerking and you are not above the law. Nor are any of your friends. See you in court too. You have enough to chase down.


Comments from Eagle

#4Author of original report

Fri, March 07, 2008

Eagle, Thank you for your concern of the child and your insight based on your own personal experience with a similar situation.


From personal experience!

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, March 07, 2008

To the mother of this poor child: from personal experience and from a brother who claimed basically some of the same things that you are accused of claiming, he was finally diagnosed as being schizo, bipolar and schizo-effective if I have that all right. What I find sad about this whole deal is, not so much the not paying child support)which regardless if it is court-ordered or not you should be helping support your daughter. Vistitation or lack or it: By the sounds of it, the daughter might be better off if the mother is in this type of mental state and not in counseling and/or on medication. Paternity: In several, if not most states, regardless if the daughter is biologically his, you were married and he is on the birth certificate therefore he is considered her legal father, no if and or buts. Besides, If you were married when this daughter was born and he isn't the father, then you are basically admitting to adultrey, SHAME ON YOU! Besides, I can just about guess, if you were in your right mind and you had custody and YOU wanted child support you wouldn't hesitate going after him for support and because you were married and he is on the birth certificate(regardless if he turned out not to be the father biologically_ he would STILL have to pay support in just about every state guidline. To the father of this child" IF what is being said about the mother is true about he mental state and outrageous accusations as far as the government, because most often mental disease is genetic there is a great possibility that your daughter may end up with the same disease. Not to mention, after all the stuff that this child apparently has had to go through not only what her mother (supposedly) has put her through but by the sounds of it, everyone else and her mother's dirty laundry being advertised on the internet, she needs to be in counseling immediately if she isn't already. Good luck to all involved in this mess and my prayers are with the child. P.S. IF I'm not mistaken, regardless if right were terminated voluntarily/involuntarily unless the child is legally adopted that is the only way support is terminated


Michelle Kesling

#6Author of original report

Mon, February 25, 2008

Now posting under her maiden name MICHELLE KESLING. No longer claiming CIA chipped, now claiming daughter is being emotionally and sexually abused by authorities who are not involved and have no access to minor child. This is one disturbed individual. * Still not employed * Still refusing contact with daughter after abandoning her in 2006. * Still no child support MICHELLE KESLING***DEADBEAT MOM***


OK, would you mind explaining the following for our viewers?

#7Author of original report

Tue, January 29, 2008

Why have you refused ALL visitation with you daughter for over a year? What kind of love is it when a mother CHOOSES to ignore her child for 12+ months? (including birthdays and holidays) Why is it you claim to have over 40,000 email contacts and have written letters and emails and made claims and phone calls but have made no attempt at contacting your daughter? In November 2006 you resigned your state job, stripped the marital residence, abandoned your daughters cat and dog inside the stripped residence, and fled town with two months mortgage payments and your retirement account.Can you explain why you did this? Can you explain why you ignored the financial restraining order that was imposed at your request? Better still, please explain to all of us your email to your daughters psychologist in which you laughed about having planned all along to: strip the marital residence, take of with the mortgage payments and your retirement account and I quote "DUMP KATIE ON GREG!" How about the contempt of court charges, 25 day jail sentance and fines you werre assessed for harassment and attempted extortion of the court appointed psychologist? The unescapable truth is YOU ARE A DEADBEAT MOM and your actions prove you to be a pretty slimy human being also. As for slander etc., I'd like to see you try with all of the printed posts and emails I have in my BS arsenal from you. Enough said, I have a life I should be getting back to.


Grow up

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, January 29, 2008

My answer is sure. I am happy to pay child support when a federal court Judge reviews all the orders, orders a paternity test, and a new un bias custody evaluation is done. No problem. Now as a matter of growing up. If the child support orders are legal, then send it ALL through the DA where I am. I am certain the DA and the federal government will love to see all the orders to pursue child support. I am also sure that most would order reunification. I just have to wonder and continually argue why the judge hasn't ordered any reunification measures or the orders to go to the local DA for child support. I believe that is because Judge Francis Dohery doesn't want any appeals here or anyone else looking at what she did. I believe Judge Francis Doherty would like Greg Mellema out of her life over this. It is because the child was abducted illegally, there is no legal child support when a parents rights are terminated involuntarlly without a reunification plan or even legal reason. Please write some more here. I want any attorney that reads this to contact me. Ask any questions you like and I will be honest. I also have in print with me that the warrants he speaks of can't be prosecuted and evidence of very sound mental health. Soon I will have all the evidence I need to file very lucrative civil actions. As far as Mike Willden and Greg Mellema here, I probably have another slander case. I sincerely hope, since you have given me this forum, that when Francis Doherty's name is searched this comes up and I am asked questions. She is running for re-election this year and the public should be made aware of all her decisions.


Michelle Mellema - DEADBEAT MOM

#9Author of original report

Tue, January 29, 2008

What Michelle has done since January 2007 is intentionally alienate herself from Katie. She refused all contact. Michelle has made numerous claims...one of which is that Mr. Mellema is not their daughters biological father. The facts however are that she was indeed married to Mr. Mellema from 1986-2007, Mr. Mellema lived with and went through the entire pregnancy, was at the birth and was solely responsible for the first couple weeks of Katie's infancy because Michelle suffered complications and could not. Mr. Mellema is listed as the father on the birth certificate. He has been the only father in Katie's life and his bond with his daughter is very strong. This is why he fought the good fight in the family courts of Nevada and spent thousands of dollars to remain part of his daughters life. It was by her own actions of vengance mixed with a limited mental capacity for co-parenting for the benefit of the minor child that Ms. Mellema finds herself in such a predicament today. All of her claims of reporting to higher agencies have resulted in absolutely no evidence of wrong doing by her ex husband, his lawyers or the family court system. Not to mention every single firm she contacts refuses to have anything to do with her. She claims all involved will pay. She claims she will get Katie-change their names and relocate (disappear) thus thrusting Katie into a life without her father, grandparents and extended family. Ripping her out of the stable life she is now accustomed to and into a life in hiding and with no stability. Ms. Mellema your rebuttal is as shameful as you are. Do your daughter a favor and grow up and pay the court ordered child support.


Report on Michelle Mellema

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, January 28, 2008

I am Michelle Mellema. Anon1163 is Mike, HR director of HR State of Nevada and a friend of my Ex Greg Mellema. I have contacted over 3 dozen state of Nevada agencies and federal boards, commissions etc asking them to gather the facts in print and make a determination. Does this sound like a woman trying to abduct a child illegally? Rather then let all those investigations happen, Mike and Greg simply choose to harass me and try to politic their way out of the mess they created. Secret Service, CIA, FBI, Reno PD, etc have all been alerted and by giving them the print and letting them watch me, I have gained investigations. I also offer those angencies any help they need to get this situation under control and out of the hands of the guilty here. Please. I ask all here to simply contact me and ask me what the problem is. Better yet take this off the internet. I am working to remove my mistakes and ask all to help me here. These 2, to avoid federal prison for possibly themselves and those that backed them, are smearing not only my good name but Katie's too. She is my daughter and I will never give up on her. Please help me by helping me remove this crap from the public view for Katie. She is only 11. Unfortunitly I do plan to sue and invite any attorney that can help to contact me. Please help not only me but my daughter from being used by these incrediably incompetant and self center people. Please do internet searchs on these names and let me know who else I need to contact to file rebuttals and help get these clowns off the internet. They were told to stop and simply refuse. Well I am not going to stop either until my daughter has a voice and she and I are protected from these men. The warrants are run for harassment. I can't think of any concerned father or director of family services that would ask for all this from me then do everything to harass me that prevents me from doing it. If any here believe that I could possibly get any responsible job with what these 2 men are doing in public, please let me know. I am happy to do it. I don't believe smearing me is going to encourage any employer to hire me. With the bugus warrants that can't be prosecuted, I have that in print, I can't clear a background check. To date I believe that completely disableing them is the only answer. But I am willing to admit it if I am wrong. All I have asked of these 2 men is to get a paternity test to prove me wrong. Katie is not Greg Mellema's biological daughter and custody was gained illegally. Please contact me if you know of any attorney's that are interested in making a lot of money here.


Report on Michelle Mellema

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, January 28, 2008

I am Michelle Mellema. Anon1163 is Mike, HR director of HR State of Nevada and a friend of my Ex Greg Mellema. I have contacted over 3 dozen state of Nevada agencies and federal boards, commissions etc asking them to gather the facts in print and make a determination. Does this sound like a woman trying to abduct a child illegally? Rather then let all those investigations happen, Mike and Greg simply choose to harass me and try to politic their way out of the mess they created. Secret Service, CIA, FBI, Reno PD, etc have all been alerted and by giving them the print and letting them watch me, I have gained investigations. I also offer those angencies any help they need to get this situation under control and out of the hands of the guilty here. Please. I ask all here to simply contact me and ask me what the problem is. Better yet take this off the internet. I am working to remove my mistakes and ask all to help me here. These 2, to avoid federal prison for possibly themselves and those that backed them, are smearing not only my good name but Katie's too. She is my daughter and I will never give up on her. Please help me by helping me remove this crap from the public view for Katie. She is only 11. Unfortunitly I do plan to sue and invite any attorney that can help to contact me. Please help not only me but my daughter from being used by these incrediably incompetant and self center people. Please do internet searchs on these names and let me know who else I need to contact to file rebuttals and help get these clowns off the internet. They were told to stop and simply refuse. Well I am not going to stop either until my daughter has a voice and she and I are protected from these men. The warrants are run for harassment. I can't think of any concerned father or director of family services that would ask for all this from me then do everything to harass me that prevents me from doing it. If any here believe that I could possibly get any responsible job with what these 2 men are doing in public, please let me know. I am happy to do it. I don't believe smearing me is going to encourage any employer to hire me. With the bugus warrants that can't be prosecuted, I have that in print, I can't clear a background check. To date I believe that completely disableing them is the only answer. But I am willing to admit it if I am wrong. All I have asked of these 2 men is to get a paternity test to prove me wrong. Katie is not Greg Mellema's biological daughter and custody was gained illegally. Please contact me if you know of any attorney's that are interested in making a lot of money here.


Report on Michelle Mellema

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, January 28, 2008

I am Michelle Mellema. Anon1163 is Mike, HR director of HR State of Nevada and a friend of my Ex Greg Mellema. I have contacted over 3 dozen state of Nevada agencies and federal boards, commissions etc asking them to gather the facts in print and make a determination. Does this sound like a woman trying to abduct a child illegally? Rather then let all those investigations happen, Mike and Greg simply choose to harass me and try to politic their way out of the mess they created. Secret Service, CIA, FBI, Reno PD, etc have all been alerted and by giving them the print and letting them watch me, I have gained investigations. I also offer those angencies any help they need to get this situation under control and out of the hands of the guilty here. Please. I ask all here to simply contact me and ask me what the problem is. Better yet take this off the internet. I am working to remove my mistakes and ask all to help me here. These 2, to avoid federal prison for possibly themselves and those that backed them, are smearing not only my good name but Katie's too. She is my daughter and I will never give up on her. Please help me by helping me remove this crap from the public view for Katie. She is only 11. Unfortunitly I do plan to sue and invite any attorney that can help to contact me. Please help not only me but my daughter from being used by these incrediably incompetant and self center people. Please do internet searchs on these names and let me know who else I need to contact to file rebuttals and help get these clowns off the internet. They were told to stop and simply refuse. Well I am not going to stop either until my daughter has a voice and she and I are protected from these men. The warrants are run for harassment. I can't think of any concerned father or director of family services that would ask for all this from me then do everything to harass me that prevents me from doing it. If any here believe that I could possibly get any responsible job with what these 2 men are doing in public, please let me know. I am happy to do it. I don't believe smearing me is going to encourage any employer to hire me. With the bugus warrants that can't be prosecuted, I have that in print, I can't clear a background check. To date I believe that completely disableing them is the only answer. But I am willing to admit it if I am wrong. All I have asked of these 2 men is to get a paternity test to prove me wrong. Katie is not Greg Mellema's biological daughter and custody was gained illegally. Please contact me if you know of any attorney's that are interested in making a lot of money here.


Report on Michelle Mellema

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, January 28, 2008

I am Michelle Mellema. Anon1163 is Mike, HR director of HR State of Nevada and a friend of my Ex Greg Mellema. I have contacted over 3 dozen state of Nevada agencies and federal boards, commissions etc asking them to gather the facts in print and make a determination. Does this sound like a woman trying to abduct a child illegally? Rather then let all those investigations happen, Mike and Greg simply choose to harass me and try to politic their way out of the mess they created. Secret Service, CIA, FBI, Reno PD, etc have all been alerted and by giving them the print and letting them watch me, I have gained investigations. I also offer those angencies any help they need to get this situation under control and out of the hands of the guilty here. Please. I ask all here to simply contact me and ask me what the problem is. Better yet take this off the internet. I am working to remove my mistakes and ask all to help me here. These 2, to avoid federal prison for possibly themselves and those that backed them, are smearing not only my good name but Katie's too. She is my daughter and I will never give up on her. Please help me by helping me remove this crap from the public view for Katie. She is only 11. Unfortunitly I do plan to sue and invite any attorney that can help to contact me. Please help not only me but my daughter from being used by these incrediably incompetant and self center people. Please do internet searchs on these names and let me know who else I need to contact to file rebuttals and help get these clowns off the internet. They were told to stop and simply refuse. Well I am not going to stop either until my daughter has a voice and she and I are protected from these men. The warrants are run for harassment. I can't think of any concerned father or director of family services that would ask for all this from me then do everything to harass me that prevents me from doing it. If any here believe that I could possibly get any responsible job with what these 2 men are doing in public, please let me know. I am happy to do it. I don't believe smearing me is going to encourage any employer to hire me. With the bugus warrants that can't be prosecuted, I have that in print, I can't clear a background check. To date I believe that completely disableing them is the only answer. But I am willing to admit it if I am wrong. All I have asked of these 2 men is to get a paternity test to prove me wrong. Katie is not Greg Mellema's biological daughter and custody was gained illegally. Please contact me if you know of any attorney's that are interested in making a lot of money here.


Michelle Mellema - DEAD BEAT MOM

#14Author of original report

Sat, January 26, 2008

Court ordered to pay child support...refuses to take responsibility!

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