  • Report:  #68178

Complaint Review: Microsoft Online Services - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Bradford, Vermont,

Microsoft Online Services
bill.ms.net Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I bought a new computer from Staples 3 years ago. When I purchased it, I signed a 3 year contract with MSN in order to receive a rebate. I have had nothing but problems with my internet service and have no way of contacting MSN since I was left with no phone number or address. All I have is what appears on my credit card statement as Microsoft Online Servi with BILL.MS.NET beside it. My 3 years was up as of 8/5/03. I can no longer connect to the internet using MSN but my credit card has still been charged!


Bradford, Vermont

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