  • Report:  #359242

Complaint Review: Midara Inc. - Gahanna Ohio

Reported By:
- wouldn't you like to know, Ohio,

Midara Inc.
735 Taylor Rd., Suite 120 Gahanna, Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
First of all I am writting this report in hopes of if not bringing down, then at least stiffiling these greedy a*s hole private companies so they cannot con other hard working americans out of their money. It all starts w/ a phone call saying you have been selected for a "1st round interview". Yes well my guess is anyone that is young or nieve is slected, so don't feel special if they select you for one. Then if you are so called "lucky" enough to pass the the first interview, they invite you back for a 2nd round interview. In this an Employee takes you out in the "field". What they do not tell you until then is that it is door to door sales. also it is cold calling, despite what they tell you. These so called leads don't know you are coming in your nieghborhood.They tell you they are what are called 'hot leads". They considered hot leads, becuase these are existing customers or they happen to live where someone had AT&T. Stock brokers do the same thing with their leads, and yes its still considered cold calling. Also news flash everyone had AT&T at one time, they own the phone lines. You work 6 hours that are unpaid. they sit you down at lunch and discuss how the company works. That is the 4 levels to Management:

Entry Level: door to door sales (2-4weeks) you make aprox 200-500 (all comission) chances are you will never make more then 200 if that

Leadership: still door to door sales "same as above" Only now you take people out in your car and show them the "field"

Administrative: For this you stay in the office, take attendence..a typical administrative job.

Manger: This is where "you make it big". here you open and run your own company

Note to the reader: Quite honestly i do not care for those who want to argue that i did discuss all details in full. To me the whole system is ridiculous so i feel it is a waste or your time as well as mine.

Should you decide to take the job, you will start at 10:30 a.m.

Every day they have sales meetings (brain washing) for approx 2 hours. In these sales meetings they play games. games? are you kidding me. supposedly these games help in the field. Also they have announcements about who the top sellers are, this is pretty standard in sales though. By the way did i mention that these meetings are held while standing the whole time. There are an absence of chairs for some reason. They basically cram close to 60 people in one room. In the summer time it gets very hot. This is actually a technique the military uses to "break you"

Everything they teach you is by the book, because it is a proven method (so they say) Do not deviate from the rules either or you are considered to be "negative" They have all their own terminology, it has a very cult-like feel to it. Everyone is really friendly and is smiling. Everyone wants to be your friend too. The first time i saw one of these meetings i wanted to ask when the kool-aid was being served. Don't lt their kindness or over friendliness fool you. They intend to screw you over. They keep you in the dark and give you illusions of grangure.

You may think that they have your best interest, but what they want is you money. Actually they want you to earn them money; however they plan to give you little in return.

Any ways don't be fooled by these types of places. One thing i have found that these companies all have in common are low budget web-sites(some even have typos) Also stay away from places that you have never heard of ending in "Inc." (incorperated)

The product you are selling is AT&T U-Verse. I want warn consumers if people come to your house claiming they are there on behalf of AT&T "doing a quick customer service check" DO NOT BUY FROM THESE PEOPLE! All they want is your money, they will do what ever they have to to sign you up. They may even tell you they are reserving the service for you. Thats a lie. Also if they ask for your credit card or social security number DO NOT GIVE IT TO THEM! by any means. If you are interested in U-verse go to their web site www.at&t.com and click the U-verse link. Or consult your local AT&T retailer for information. AT&T is a great company, but unfortunately its name is being slandered by barely legitimate establishments such as this.

For future reference here are other companies to watch out for. Although they may not sell the same product as above, their goal is to take advantage of you and others being effected by the recession we are in. They all make false promise. These are some to watch out for and be warey:

DW Express Akron, OH

IMG International Inc Valley View, OH

Global Marketing Independence, OH

CSG Ashland, OH

As i said before watch out, do plenty of research. If you have never heard of a company or people you ask, there is a reason for that. Good luck out there as well with the job search in Ohio, the recession makes it very hard i know.


wouldn't you like to know, Ohio


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