  • Report:  #614973

Complaint Review: MO Customs Autosports Inc. - OCEANSIDE California

Reported By:
anonymous - OCEANSIDE, California, United States of America

MO Customs Autosports Inc.
3210 PRODUCTION AVE. OCEANSIDE, 92058 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My girlfriend got in a car accident in Oceanside. Immediately on the street she was approached by this guy who says he owns MO Custom Autosports which was right down the street from the accident. He went on and on about how he is such a good trustworthy person, said he was a family man after my girlfriend told him that she was a low income single mother of 2. 

She was in such shock after the accident that her mind was racing and couldn't think clearly. Anyways, he convinced her to drive her car into his shop, telling her she shouldn't drive it because the hood was bent, promising her NO STORAGE FEES - even if she decided to have her car serviced somewhere else. He said he just wanted to be a good samaritan and be of help to her. 

We called our insurance that same day and they sent out an adjuster the next day to make an estimate. This guy had already taken the hood off of my girlfriends car and took off the front headlights without any kind of permission from my girlfriend to do so. 

Anyways, the insurance company cut my girlfriend a check for the repairs, and the next day this guy was at my girlfriends work during lunch bugging her to give him all of the insurance money right then and there, saying that he had to order the parts that day or he wouldn't be able to order the parts for 3 weeks (BS!!!)

This guy was already sounding and acting shady by the lies coming out of his mouth and by showing up at her work to bug her for the money, so she told him thank you for letting it sit at his shop for a few days, but she was going to have it towed to her friends shop to have it repaired there. 

He instantly showed his true colors and was telling her that he was not going to release her vehicle until she paid him $500 for storage fees (that he promised her he would not charge her) and pay for the labor it cost him to take the hood and her headlights off (which he was NOT given permission to do in the first place).

My girlfriend told him she was calling the California Bureau of Auto Repair and report him, and he told her "Fine. It's not the first time I've dealt with them and I won't be releasing your vehicle and I'll see you in court."

The Bureau of Auto Repair went out to his business immediately and told him he was committing fraud and needed to release her vehicle. He tried lying to them saying my girlfriend signed something giving him permission (LIE!) but they saw right through his lies. Apparently they have had to deal with this guy multiple times. 

Anyways, he drove my gf's car and parked it on the street and threw her hood next to it, left all the hardware scattered all over her floorboard and walked away.

DO NOT do business with this company. They are very shady and they prey upon the good hard working honest people so they can leach hard earned money from them. This guy is a CON ARTIST, and has ZERO business ethics. I don't know the man's name but he is the owner.  

6 Updates & Rebuttals


Owes me money

#2General Comment

Thu, May 12, 2016

 What's his name again? He owes me money also. I don't know what steps to take to get my 2k back.


United States of America
Mo Customs Autosports is a con artist

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, March 07, 2013

The Owner Is Cristo Molina And His Business Is No Good. He Owes Money To Me As Well As The Owners Of The Buildings He Rents. I Took Him To Small Claims Court And Won, He Still Owes. He Had A Stack Of Other Court Cases Where He Owed Money Also. 


United States of America

#4Author of original report

Thu, June 24, 2010

This report is not false.  how the hell do you know what transpired to say it's false? Just because you have had a good relationship with the owner doesn't mean that this is a false accusation, and you have no right to say it's false when you have no clue what happened.  Were you there during all of this? No. You weren't. I have a lot better things to do with my time than write false bullshit online about somebody. What I write is true and actually happened. I would have never gotten on here if he didn't try to strongarm my girlfriend and start work on her vehicle without her permission and then demand money for it. 

She specifically told this guy not to do ANYTHING to her vehicle until she was able to go over there and take pictures of her car.  When she got over there he had already disassembled her car without her permission and held her car and tried to charge her for it. We have proof of that with the Bureau of Automotive Repair. So with the proof from a government agency how is it again that i am lying?

Sue for slander? This guy stated that my girlfriend signed a work order, even told the BAR that he had her signature on a work order when the BAR was at his shop, and when they asked him for it he said "I'm not sure where I put it." He couldn't produce any signed documentation because he didn't have any BECAUSE SHE NEVER SIGNED ANYTHING! Not that he gave it to her. Why the f**k would anyone give away their signed copy of a work order for work they did that totaled over $500? That makes no sense. If he actually had a signed work order then he wouldn't have had to release her vehicle by any means until the fee's were paid. So take me to court for slander and produce a document with her signature on a work order. If any document comes to exist it is a FORGERY. And also we have the BAR on our side on this one too buddy.

Only one copy of the estimate? Aren't estimates done and printed out and saved on a computer? We have the estimate from MO Customs and it sure isn't hand written or typed out on a typewriter. Insurance companies usually give both their customer and the repair shop each copies of the estimate that they do as well. 

Also, my girlfriend did send a tow truck to this guys shop to get her car, and the owner refused to let the tow truck driver take her car, saying that no one would take it unless she paid him fees. it was only after the BAR went to his shop and told him what he was doing was fraud that he released the vehicle.

He lies about the 5 minute bullshit. That is a total lie. And by the way, we called the insurance company and voided the check and had it made out to someone else. Also, this guy says he called the BAR and they said he could charge her for 2 days storage and disassembly fees? that is bullshit. My girlfriend called the BAR and someone from the BAR drove all the way from San Diego to his shop to personally tell him to release her vehicle because he was committing fraud.

I am sure this guy operates in good taste with some folks, but let me tell you that wasn't the case in this situation. He also has a great way of twisting his words around and manipulating the truth. I understand that everyone is entitled to their opinion. You have yours. I have mine. If you are going to treat a lot of people decent and then some people terribly, then don't expect the people who were treated unfairly to just keep their mouths shut and take the abuse. A jealous boyfriend? Jealous of what exactly? That comment you made just sounds retarded and makes no sense at all.

This is a website for consumers to freely and openly talk about their experiences with businesses. And that is exactly what I have done, same as you. I have got on here and told the truth on what happened to her. Yes, it's up to people to figure it out for themselves, but at least people who feel like they were taken advantage of can speak their mind and warn people. I don't care if you or nobody else believes me, I just write what our experience was with this guy.

This can keep going back and forth, so continue to write whatever you want, but I am done with this.

DO NOT DO WORK ON SOMEBODY'S VEHICLE WHEN SPECIFICALLY TOLD TO WAIT AND THEN EXPECT TO MAKE THE CUSTOMER PAY FOR IT. I don't care what the situation is, you can't force your work upon someone when told not to and then make them pay for it.

So yes people, talk to this guy....take your vehicle to him for repair.....but if it turns out to be a bad situation then don't say you weren't warned.


United States of America
Don't believe this ripoff.... its false!!

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, June 24, 2010

I personally have worked with Mo Customs off of Production Ave. in Oceanside, CA and have absolutely no problems with them.  My mother also was in a car accident and he helped her out as well.  We both had the best of care from the owner himself as well as all his other employees.  They were very honest and up front with everything that needed to be done.  There was no conning of any kind from him.  The work he did on our cars was top of the line quality work with no hidden fees or storage fees of any kind. My mother is very meticulous on who works on her car as well as who me and my sister are to work with and she would trust no other autoshop except for MoCustoms to do our auto work.  And I can't believe that someone who was supposedly conned so bad would not get on the owner himself.  Sounds like a jealous boyfriend to me.  As my mother and I read these comments, we both would suggest to MoCustoms to sue this guy for slander.  It's hard to believe that such victitious lies could be wrote without verification and proof. And how in the world could he show up at someones work without having talked to this woman for more than 5 minutes?? Hmmm... something fishy going on there I would say. But anyways, MoCustoms quality work top notch professionalism is a company I would send any of my friends or family to.  The guys there know what they are doing and they dont "BS" around with it.  They want to help their customers out by giving them the top of line work in a professional manner and in the quickest timeframe because MoCustoms realizes that their customers are already being inconvenienced by an accident out of their control. He's fixed a total of 5 cars in our household alone and its always been straight forward to the point on the price. All of our cars have came out looking better than they were before any accidents.  And the professionalism has been none less than outstanding by the owner and his staff!! Bottom line, anyone reading this, go by and talk to the guy yourself.  The proof is in his actions and his work. I'm sure that you will agree with myself, my sister, and mother once you meet him.  Anybody can write good remarks or bad remarks on the company but the proof is in the pudding. Go by and talk to him yourselves and I can promise you, you will be satisfied with what you see and get in return.


United States of America
The lies don't stop

#6Author of original report

Wed, June 23, 2010

You continue to lie. You had her drive her car immediately to your shop, telling her not to drive her car anywhere else. The condition her car was in didn't allow her to just drive around. And then yes, she was given a ride to pick up her kids and then to her work so she could take a work vehicle home. So to say after she was given a ride you were suprised later that she took her vehicle to your shop? That makes no sense and is total garbage. Her vehicle was at your shop immediately after the accident because you said she could park it there - FREE, with NO OBLIGATIONS WHAT-SO-EVER. My girlfriend is no dummy, she has all your conversations recorded.

What do you have recorded? NOTHING. No legit paperwork. Nothing.

Also, it is illegal to start taking apart someone's vehicle before they give you the okay to do so and then try to charge them for it. That was you purposely trying to strongarm her into having the work done at your shop. The Bureau of Automotive Repair told you the same thing when they came to your shop to let you know you were committing fraud and that you needed to release her vehicle. The insurance agent said that they wanted to see it before it was taken apart but you started the work before they even got there and before she gave you permission. When people like you do that before the insurance people get there to look at the vehicle gives you plenty of opportunity to do more damage to the vehicle before they see it so you can suck more insurance money out of the insurance companies and no one would be the wiser.

You also told her that you had already went to the bank and tried to cash the insurance check after she told you to just wait a couple of hours so she could have her dad look over the estimate - the estimate that you tried to convince her not to even show her dad. But of course the bank wouldn't give you the money without her signature. With your high rediculous estimate u first gave the insurance company was for more than her car was worth, and when they were going to total out her car you changed it so it was right under what her car was worth, just so you could suck as much money out of the situation as possible.

Try running your business the right way and do things lawfully. Try to run a trustworthy business and maybe things will pick up for you, because the way you run business stinks of desperate behavior. Since this is the way you run your business, no wonder you are so desperate for money, and no wonder you have had multiple dealings with the Bureau of Automotive Repair.

We have already told many and will continue to let everyone we know to never take their vehicles to you for service. This ripoffreport is just one of many to let the good honest people of this area to stay away from you and your scandalous way of running a business. 

Mo Customs Autosports

United States of America
False Accusation

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, June 22, 2010

I was truly trying to be a good submeritan in assisting a very frieghtened lady in a car accident that had just happened. I tryed to calm her down and assist her in getting her vehicle off the street. I approached the Convenient Store (located on the corner where the accident occurred) owner and ask him if it was OK for her to leave the car in his parking lot overnight, so she could get in touch with her insurance agent and get it towed to the place for inspection and approval for repair. I asked one of my employees, that was with me at the time, if he would give her a ride to Vista to pick up her child in daycare and then take them home. He said he would. I told the lady that it would be safer if she did not drive her vehicle in that condition, and that I spoke to the owner of the convenient store and he said she could leave her car in his parking lot overnight, and as well that my employee would take her to get her child and then take them home. I then, and only then, I offered her my business card and told her if she needed any futher assistant to call me,  I have a custom autobody repair business just around the block from here. At that point I left and walked back to the shop.

About an hour after that, my empolyee came back to the shop, and I was surprised to see the lady drive up in her car. She ask me if she could leave the car in my shop overnight, because she did not feel it was safe to leave it at the convenient store lot.  I told her that it was ok for her to leave her car, but only overnight, so she could call her insurance and a tow truck to get her car. She then said that because we were so helpful, she would tell her insurance that she would like us to do the repairs on her car. I told her several time that she dosen't have to let us do the repairs, she could take her car to whoever she wanted to. I further explained to her that I am only helping her, on my own free will, and that she should not feel obligated to have us do the work.

The next morning she called and told me that she told her insurance company that her car was at my shop and that we would be doing the repairs. She told me that they said they would come to the shop to inspect the car and prepair an estimate. The insurance inspector showed up about an hour later and asked that we remove some parts to be able to provide a complete inspection/estimate. So we did. The Inspector said the cost of repair was so high that he would have to deem the car totalled. I once again was trying to help her out by working with the Inspector, saying that we could repair some of the parts he said needed to be replaced, so her car wouldn't be totalled. He then went to his car to make some phone calls. He returned and provided me with the agreed to repair order and a two party check to Her and Us.

During this same time, she called and ask if the Inspector had showed up. I told her he is at the shop and was going to deem her car totalled. However, to again help her out, the Inspector and I worked out an agreed to price of repair that would not require him to deem the car totalled and he issued us a two party check that she needed to sign so I can deposit the check and order parts for her car and get the repairs started. She told me that she couldn't leave work, but asked if I could come to her work so she could sign the check. She needed me to be there a few minutes before 12 O'clock because she needed to catch a bus to be at an other work site. So, I went to her work and had her sign my repair order authorizing us to repair her vehicle. She did and asked me for a copy of the insurance estimate and my repair order so she could fax it to her father for review. Again, because I trusted her, she said she would take the only copy I had and she would return it to me the next day.

The same day, not even five minutes after I left her work, she called and said she was sorry for any inconvenience she may be causing, but her father had a friend that owed him a favor and he would fix her car. She asked that I sign the check and turn it over to her. I told her I would call her back and immediately called her Insurance Company and the Bureau of Automotive Repair for their advise on this. They both said to stamp VOID on the check and that I was in the right to charge her two days storage fee and labor charge for removal of parts, before I should release her car to her. I then called her back and told her about what I desided to do after my conversation  with them. She said she didn't feel she owed me anything and that a tow truck would be there soon to pickup her vehicle and the parts I removed for the insurance inspector. I then called my lawyer and asked what I sould do and he said, because I let her have the only copy of the repair order she signed authorizing me to repair her car, that I should let her have the car, parts and VIODED check and work later with him to prepair legal action against her.

I truly felt sorry for this lady and tried my best to help her out and now, because of this report, her slander and defermation of character, she has caused me and my company irreputable damages. It makes me very leary about sticking my neck out to help someone in the future!!! As some people say, "NO Good Deed Goes Unpunished".



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